1923-06-19 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF T} CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 19th, 1923. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. with Council President Otis presiding. The roll wa called and. Councilmen Adams, Probst, Latham and Council-president ' were noted present. Absent: Councilman Tilden. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 5, 1923, were approved as read. Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 646. Transferring $382.90 From the General Fund to the Health Center Building Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of March, 1923. Ordered filed. Oath of Office of Oscar I. Wood, special police officer. 4v' Affidavit of Publication of Resolution Eo. 645 re. Resolution of Intention No. 65, N. S. Ordered filed. Affidavit of Publication of Resolution No. 643 re. Resolution of Intention No, 64, N. 5. Ordered filed. 6/ Affidavit 0± Publication of Notice to Bidders re concession at Lincoln Park. Ordered filed. Affidavit o± posting Notices of Improvement re. Resolution of Intention No. 64, U. S. Ordered filed. Affidavit of posting Notice of Public Work re. Resolution of Intention No. 65, N. 5, Ordered filed. 91 The following communications were received: From City Attorney Wm. J. Locke, and attached thereto Certificate of Election and Oath of Office of four directors of the East Bay Municipal Utility District. Ordered filed. 10 From San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, enclosing check covering expenses for Naval Base Election. Ordered filed. 11V From City Clerk W. E. Varcoe, requesting two weeks vacation commencing July 5th. Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham, and carried. 12V Communications were read from Geo. Hoffmann and Judge Z. R. Weinmann re. the abandoning of a certain alleyway between Fountain and. High Streets, Mr. Latham moved that the communications be referred to the city manager, city attorney, and city engineer to investigate the length of the alley and to report back at the next meeting of the council with a view of abandoning same. Seconded by Yr. Probst and carried. 13v A communication was presented to the council by Charles Connolly purported to be signed. by numerous property owners and residents, protesting the action of the Southern Pacific Company re. its right of way on that portion of EIncinal Avenue between High Street 1-,em y.afarraA .En +Ina ni-E-Tr Unrino-P-o 14 15 a V 7 18v June 19 1923. A Communication from Wm. R. Alberger, stating his inability to be present at thiscouncil meeting. Mr. Latham moved that Mr. Alberger be invited to attend the regular meeting of the council to be held on July 17, 1923, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. In the matter of the hearing of the dilapidated building at 1409 6th St., Building Inspector Maillot requested further action be postponed until the regalar meeting of the council to be held July 17, 1923. Yr. Probst so motioned, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. The clerk stated that in response to the advertisement"Notice to Bidders" re. concession at Lincoln Park, he was in 7J'eceipt of two bidds. Yr. Probst moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Thereupon the clerk opened and read the following bids: Carrie M. Palmer - 05.00 per month. J. G. Feutrier 0300.00 per year. Mr. Probst moved that the bids be referred to the city manager to report back at the next regular meeting of the council, seconded by Mr. Latham, and carried. A Bill entitled. For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating Dramatic and Musical Shows, Theatrical Performances, Entertainments, Carnivals, Circuses, Menageries and other Shows, including those at which drugs and medicines are dispensed, also providing a License Tax for all such shows," was read by the clerk and laid over under provision of the charter. City Manager Hickok reported regarding the condition of water service in the West End and stated that the Board of Directors of the iast Bay Municipal Utility District would approve any improvement made by the East Bay Water Company that would be acceptable to the officials of the City of Alameda. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 0379.33; against the Police Department amounting to $1315.19; against the Fire Department amounting to $267.77; against the Street Department amounting to 02067.69; against the Health Department amounting to 0103.27; against the Recreation Department amounting to 01907.56; against the Store Department amounting to 07.84; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to $110.19; against the Initiative Relief Fund amounting to $58.50; a • S nst the Health Center Building Fund amounting to 0982.90; a : z net the Public Use Charge Fund amounting to 04121.30 and against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $12470.22, having been approved and aadited by the proper offi cials,were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Steam Ldr'y Assin. Alameda Times-Star TT TT It TT TT VT It TT It IT TT TT Alameda Vulcanizing darks H. S. Crocker Co. IT III TT IT 11 IT .. •1 If GENSTAL DEPARTMENTS. Towel Service Advertising Printing street work notices Advertising Printing, warrants TT Ordinances Repair Tube Paper Towels Mimeo. Ink Dating stamp TriAnv 42.00 7.00 13.05 13.30 40.45 55.00 2.50 .45 10.78 2.45 .20 3.33 Geo. H. Fox S. T. Johnson Co. Kellogg Express Moise-Elinkner Co. Municipal Elec. Light Plant Pacific Gas & Elec. Go. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Purity Spring Water Co. San Francisco Desk Go. E. C. Soules Southern Pacific Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works U. S. Gardner Municipal Elec. Light Plant Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Pac if ic Tel . & Tel • Co. Union Oil Co. Weaver-Wells Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Acme Grocery Alameda Elect. Co. Alameda Welding Works Alameda Welding Works Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alameda Steam Ldry. Assin. George 'a. Hickman Municipal Elec, Light Plant 11 IT IT Pacific Gas &Elec. Co Standard Oil Co. W. T. Steinmetz estern Union Tel. Ty Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alameda Welding Works J. V. Baird. W. R. Calcutt W. R. Calcutt N. Clark & Sons E. C. Dick Dietrich-Post Co. A. T. Gay Oakland. Blue Print Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. btandard Oil Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times-Star Alameda Vulcanizing orka Braun-Knecht-Heiman Co. IT TT TT H. S. Crocker Co. The Cutter Laboratory DeLaval Pacific Co. Encinal Ice To. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Sword-Bilodeau Co. Beaeie Wright June 19 1923. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS (con'd.) Premium Bond, L. H. Ader Fuel Oil Drayage on Desk Rubber stamp Elec. Globes Gas-City Hall Telephone service Water Filing Cases & Index Cards Clerical 'Work Lease-Rental Telegram Total - Police Department Printing Repair Tubes Oil for Traffic Lines Labor & Attendance Gas - City Pound. Telephones Gasoline Automobile Clock Rental Telegram Total - Fire Department. Ivory Soap Batteries Rep. Gas Tank Repr. Radiator Casing & Tube. Linen Service Hydra-Pura Labor and attendance Rechg. Batteries Rechg. Batteries Gas Gasoline Revolving Fund Clock rental Total Street Department. Tube Repairs Repairs-horeland Truck Sharpening Tools Nails Nails Sewer Pipe Supplies & Re-nairs Supplies Repairs to Tools Blue Prints Tel. Service Gasoline Lumber Total - Health Department. Laundry. Printing Viilk Report Tube Repairs Pipettes Supplies Shears Vac. Virus Parts for Wizard Tester Ice Service' Water Alcohol Services Total - 25.00 7.84 .50 3.10 27.37 4.G5 12.75 .50 32.00 30.00 5.00 4.11 379.33 16.20 .90 1.55 73.40 .55 11.65 18.40 1190.00 1.25 1.34 1315.19 13.00 1.80 1.50 6.00 31.90 50,00 5.75 103.20 1.50 .50 22.79 24.00 4.33 1.50 267.77 a842.38 .90 2.50 4.75 .70 5.50 51.45 5.30 5.88 91.30 10.18 3.03 12.00 31.82 02067.69 5.24 14.71 .45 4.03 24.03 .35 1.20 .29 6.00 5.47 .50 34,00 7.00 103.27 June 19, 1923. Collins (Pc name Crane Go. E. P. Finigan Fred Medart Mfg. Co. Maxwell Hardware Co. L. Mazzini Pacific Gas & Elec. Go. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Riechel & Bredhoff Zellerback Paper Co. H. S. Crocker Co Noe,DUlatlt, Durine's Shoe Store East Bay Water Co. East Bay Water Co. Mrs. G. Earle Kelly Margaret Natt Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Pacific Gas & Elect. Co. Mrs. A. Rankin 'We tern-Dairy John J. O'Brien Baker-Hansen Mfg. Co. Bischoff's Surgical House J.E. O'Mara Co. East Bay Water Co. East Bay Water Co. Recreation Department, (con'd.) Casing & Tube Pipe for apparatus Repair to parts Apparatus for Frank. Pk. Locks Athletic Goods Gas Tel. service Curbs, Jackson Park Toilet Tissue Total Store Department. Mimeograph Paper Council Relief Fund. Pent. Shoes Water Water Rent Rent Tel. Service Gas Rent Milk Initiative Relief Fund. Labor Health Center Building Fund. Equipment Plumbing Contract Public Use Charge Fund. Ready to serve, May 11 11 June Electric Light Fund. Alameda Steam Ldry. Assn, Alameda Times-Star Associated. Oil Co. Board of Public Utilities The Bristol Company East Bay Water Co. Fobes Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Harbor Brand Paints & Preservatives Kellogg Express Co. Konigshofers Line Material Company Nany's Auto Metal Works A. E. Asborne Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Pacific Gas & Elec. Co. Pacific Metal Works Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pao. Tel. & Tel. Co. John A. Roeblings Sons Co. Chas. Y. Spaulding Logging Co. Westinghouse Elec. Co. E. K. Wood Lumber Co. Mr. Probst moved Towel Service Ledgers Gasoline identals Supplies Water Supplies Elec. Current Paint Drayage Cheesecloth Supplies Repairs Supplies Elec. Current Gas Supplies Replacing Poles Tel. Service Wire Cedar Poles Supplies Supplies Total - Total - Total - Total - - 113 9 58.50 1;3 34.36 159.27 2.04 640.00 9.45 75.36 6.35 2.70 914.75 42.63 1907.56 7.84 14.00 28.80 3.88 3.93 6.00 5.00 3.46 2.94 22.50 19.68 110.19 259.70 123.20 600.00 982.90 2060.65 2060.65 $ 4121.30 1.00 258.95 37.60 125.00 4.48 1.10 226.81 6294.72 53.90 2.52 1.00 9.31 14.50 3.60 3684.30 3.31 30.76 42.13 34.82 173.69 878.00 408.40 180.32 12470.22 that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call passed unanimously. There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular se .ion Tuesday evening, July 3, 1923, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted.