1923-07-03 Regular CC MinutesRGULAR EEETING OF THE COTJIICIL OF THF' CITY OF ALALEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 3, 1923. The meeting convened at 8:00 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent:Councilman Tilden, (1). Ur. Latham moved that in the absence of J. E. Varcoe, City Clerk, Liss H. 1?,. Dudgeon be appointed City Clerk pro tem, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 19, 1923 were a-oproved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1■7 "Resolution No. 647. Transferring 1,000 from the General Fund to the Council Relief Fund, and 500.00 from the General Fund to the Initiative Relief Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 2 Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 648. Transferring 5,000.00 from the General Fund to the Library Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was a- dopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: v "Resolution No. 649 Transferring ,018.48 from the 'Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 650. Transferring All Surplus Moneys to the General Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of April, 1923. Ordered filed. Petitions presented by the Police and Fire Departments for increase in salaries. Ordered Tiled. Bond of H. B. Henderson, House mover. Ordered filed. 8i Affidavit of Publication of Delinquent Tax List. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: 9■/ From J. R. Alberger, Vice-president and General Manager of the San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways, accepting invitation of the Council to be 4 present at the meeting of July 17, 1923. Ordered filed. 10'1 From W. C. Colson, re prevention of acuidents. Mr. Probst moved that the communication be referred to the City Manager, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried 12 13/ 17/ July 3, 1923. to withdraw his bid, seconded iy dr. Probst, and carried. Thereupon Mr. Latham intro- duced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 65 Resolution of Award. (Lincoln Park Concession.) Mr. ProbEit seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. From the Board of Education, submitting their budget for the fiscal year, 1923-1924. Er. Probst moved that it be referred to the Committee of the Whole seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. From Hon. 3. K. Taylor making application for a license authorizing the Air Service Organization Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, to use a protion of Government Island. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Attorney to report back at the next meting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building at 856-858 Oak beot, the Building Inspector reported there was still some debris on the lot. MX. Latham moved that further action by the Council be postponed until the regular meeting of the Council to be held. August 7, 1923, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 652. Resolution of Intention No. 67, N. S. For the Closing and. Abandoning of Certain Alleys." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 117 of the Municipal Code Relating to the Depositing of Broken Glass, Dirt, Rubbish, Etc. in the Streets, Manholes, Sewers, Etc." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. A Bill entitled. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Regulating Dramatic and. Musical Shows, Theatrical Performances, Entertainments, Carnivals, Circuses, Menageries and. Other Shows, Including Those at Which Drugs and. Medicines are Dispensed, Also Pro- viding a License Tax for All Such Shows." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. . Crabill. and. Rev. Harvey Miller addressed the Council retesting that the ordinance be not passed. Mr. Carl Strom spoke in favor of the Ordinance. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the Ordinance he adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call it was adopted and ,passed unanimously. 1811 The Clerk stated that the time for hearing protests on Resolution of In- tention No. 64, N. S. (Crossings at Bay Islancl. Avenue with Park Avenue and Refzent Street) has arrived and that no protests were no file. Thereupon Mr. July 3, 1923. Resolution No. 653. Resolution Ordering the gork." (Crossings at Bay Island. Ave . with Park Ave. and Regent St.) Mr. Probst seconded the motion and on roll call it was adopted and passed unani- mously. The Clerk stated that the time for hearing protests on Resolution of Intention No. 65, V. S. (Cloi,ing of Arbor Street) had arrived and that no protests were on file. Mr. Probst moved that the matter lay over to the next meeting of the Coumil, seconded by I. Latham and carried. 20t/ In the matter of the opening of Versailles Avenue, Mr. Latham moved that same lay over to the meeting of the Council to be held July 17th and that the Clerk be instructed to invite Mr. g. G. Cohen and his Attorney to be present at said meeting, seconded by rr. Prob st and carried. 21/ In the matter of the change of grade of jebster Street Mi. Latham moved that the same lay over to the first meeting of the Council in October, 1923, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. City Manager Hickok reported on the complaint made by residents of the east end of thIcinal Avenue, stating that the Southern Pacific Company owned a strip of land sixty feet wide tilrough the center of Encinal Avenue at that point and they therefore had the right to build a curb on the property enc1oe-- ing their tracks, and also, in reo:ard to the making of unnecessary noises at night, he had communicated with the Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Company, who had replied by letter that he would issue orders for those noises to be kept at an absolute minimum. City Manager Hickok stated that he was in receipt of a petition signed by the "Ru'lders of Alameda, requeSting that assistance be given the Building Inspector, to relieve the congestion in that department. He.also stated that the City En Theeris department needed additional help: Er. Latham moved - that the City Manager be, instructed to employ a man at a reasonable expense to assist the Building and Engineering Departments in order to relieve the congestion in those departments, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 845.O5; againet the Police Department amounting to 128.18; against the Fire Department amounting to 25.02; against the Street Department amounting to ;3693.87; against the Health Department amounting to 92.15; against the Recreation Department amounting to 3O3.91; against the Cogncil Relief Fund amounting to 133.00; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to '1315.62; against the Police Pension Fund amounting to 412.50; against the Fire Pension Fund amounting to $170.00; against the Industrial Rail- road Fund amounting to ?Ilp10.00; and against the Health Center Building Fund amounting to 2925.00 having been approved and audited by the proper official were listed by the Clerk as follows: 22/ GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Labor 30.25 Alameda Times Star Advertising 643.32 30 July 3, 1923. Hickok, C. E. 11 11 IT Lubbock, O. Yoise-Klinkner Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Otis, Frank chirrmacher Teague ,Q4 Bradley Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT TT Ohio Chemical & Majufacturing Co. Shell Company Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard. Oil Company Steinmetz, W. T. Labor Baston Tire ,Pc Supply Co. Bishop '3,3 Loupe 11 IT TT Clark ,E0 Sons TT TT IT IT TT TT Yoerber Fuel & Feed Co. Maxwell Hardware Co. Oakland. Building Material Co. Oakland Blue Print Co. Powell Bros . Inc. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. IT IT IT Spears-Wells Machinery Co. Standard. Oil Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Alameda Repair and. Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Bischoff's Surgical House Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Champion, Edwin Hodgkins, Mrs. Rebecca Lederle Antitoxin Laboratories Municipal Electric Light Plant Snow, William Wright, Bessie Alameda Repair ,Q4 Supply Co. Bishop 80 Loupe Bofinger, Sarah Lubbock, Irene Municipal Electric Light Plant O'Brien, J. J. Parks and. Recreation Thompson, James General Departments. (con.) Auto upkeep Incidental expenses Rent of P. O. Box Repair dater Overhauling Chevrolet Mayor's Allowance Door Check Premium on bond Total Police Department. Laundry Repairs Traffic lights Fill Oxygen tank Gasoline Total - Fire Department. Carboy Pump Recharging battery Gasoline Revolving fund. Total - Street Department. Tires Ford Truck Pedla Sewer Pipe Supplies Pipe Coal Lanterns Screenings Blueprints Rock Materials Rock and screenings Lubricator Gasoline Lumber Total - Health Department. Copper rack Laundry Splints Funnel Tran2portation Barley Jervices Serum Repairs to Chevrolet Caretaker Services in Laboratory Total Recreation Department. Sharpen and re-set saws Spark plugs Services TT Electric motor Services Subscription Services Total - Council Relief Fund. Alameda Social Service Board Money advanced for Convention Hales Carrie Services 25.00. • • 6.51 1.00 2.15 35.85 50.00 2.25 12.50 845.05 0 5.90 16.73 84.37 1.18 20.00 128,18 8.50 .50 8.00 8.02 0 25.02 01852.75 150.00 720.53 .60 96.93 14.41 51.45 124.50 8.50 175.00 11.59 66.00 268.70 104.20 12.06 9.60 27.05 03693.87 . 50 4.50 2.88 .40 35.00 1.75 4.75 . 98 29.45 5.00 6.94 92.15 9 2.40 2.40 22.40 22.00 139.61 58.50 3.00 54.00 303.91 6 ,d) 43.00 80.00 Alameda Times Star Associated. Oil Company Bridgman-Zingg Co. Citizens Bank Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. Fobes Supply Co. General Electric Co. Gill Glass Company Gilson Electrical Supply Co Great Western Power Co. K-P-F Electric Co. Line Ilaterial Co. Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Railroad Commission Inspection of lines Reese, T.W. Typewriter inspections Roeblings Sons Co. Are United Iron Works Supplies Utility Trailer Sales Co. Western Electric Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. &M.Co. Young Supply Co. R. S. Electric Light Fund. Supplies Gasoline Paint Rent Supplies Water Supplies 11 TT IT IT 1 IT TT Conrad, J. Hadley, J. Kamp, A. Rogers, J. Scroeder, L TI TT 11 IT 1? Total Police Pension Fund. Pension IT TT IT IT Total Fire Pension Fund. July 3, 1923. 28.35 47.20 100.20 40.00 20.91 9.70 366.39 1113.70 564.95 501.48 277.96 183.90 30.38 65.83 150.20 3.00 401.01 3.00 340.00 34.39 2.41 25.60 5.06 43 5 62 125.00 70.00 77.50 70.00 70.00 0 412.50 Beuck, Charles Pension 80.00 Millington, F. K. TT 90.00 Total --------- 0 170.00 Industrial R-ilroad Fund. Idunicipal Electric Light Plant Clerical :fork 40.00 Health Center Building Fund. 17,cIntosh Bros. 3rd payment on contract 2325.00 Strom Electrical Co. 1st payment on contract 600.00 Total 2925.00 Mr.Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact,the council adjourned to meet in regular session, Tuesday evening, July 17, 1923 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, / Ci y C erk pro tem.