1923-07-17 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR G OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVEUING, JULY 17, 1923. The meeting convened at 8:00 P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Tilden, (1). Mr. Latham moved that Miss H. B. Dudgeon be appoInted city clerk pro tem seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of July 3rd, 1923 were approved as read. The following were received: 1 Continuation certificate on the bond of J. J. Plwnmer, Collector for the Municipal Electric Light Plant. Ordered filed. 21i Affidavit of publication of"Volice of Right to Appeal rom Act of Street Superintendent in Removing deed , eto.T. Ordered filed. Affidavit of posting "Notice of Public dork" under Resolution of Intention No. 67, N. S. Ordered filea. Affidavit of Publication "Notice Inviting Sealed Proposals", under Resolutinn of Intention Bo. 65, V. S. (Bay Island Avenue crossings.) The following communications were received: From Auditor and Assessor, P. J. Croll, submitting asses,ment figures of the City of Alameda for the year 1923. Ordered filed. From dm. J. Locke, City Attorney, re reduction of trans-bay ferry rates. Mr. Latham moved that the matter lay over to the next regular meeting, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. From City Attorney, 7. J. Locke, re application for anding place on Government Island. Ordered filed.Capt.B.AXalmer, representing the 316th squadron of the Reserve Corps, addressed the Council stating the desires of the Plying Corps. After discussion, Er. Latham moved that an official application be requested of the organization desiring to use a portion of Government Island as a landing place, seconded by Er. Pro) t and carried. From Ben P. Lamborn, re opening of Lorton Street from Pacific Avenue to the Estuary. Ordered filed. From j. H. Cramer, regarding his reappointment as expert accountant for the City of Alameda for the term ending June 30, 1924. Mr. Latham moved that ix. I. H. Cramer be appointed expert account for the City for the term ending June 30, 1924, at a salary of ;65.00 per month, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 1(4 From the House-dives League of Alameda, petitioning the council to so extend the service of the Public Utilities Department as to incThde the public distribution of milk. Mrs. d. T.Cleverdop,president of the State Housewives' League addressed the council urging the Council to seriously consider a plan for municipal control and distribution of milk in Alameda. After discus ion, Er. Adams moved that the matter be taken under advisement,by the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. FA E 12 17 July 17, 1923. Yr. W.R.Alberger,General Mana7or of the San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways, in reply to questions put to him by Councilman F.'. J. Probst and. Er. H. F. Schlichting, representing the Alameda Improvement Club, stated that in- asmuch as the San Francisco-Oakland Terminal Railways was sold at auction today on the Court House steps in Oakland, and was in the process of re-organization, no definite promises could be made as to extension of car lines in the west end of Alameda, until the reorganization of the Company is completed. As to better- ment of service, Er. Alborger stated that should the Southern Pacific Company abandon its cross-town line, his Company would endeavor to take care of the increased service. Mx. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 654. Transferring Eel River Alater Rights to the East Bay Municipal Utility District." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Transfer of jater Rights from Clifton E. Hickok, as Trustee for the City of Alameda, of all his right, title and interest to those certain water rights on the middle fork and south fork of the Eel River, in Mendocino County, California, to the }last Bay Municipal Utility District was received and filed. 147 Mr. Latham introducea the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No 655. Employing Carl derner as Architect for the Health Center Building." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed. unanimously. 15V/ Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolutinn and moved its adoption: "Re olution No. 656. Orderin g the Closing of Arbor Street Between Buena Vista Avenue and its Northerly Termination." hr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 167 , In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building at 2324-2326 Lincoln Avenue, Mr. Probst moved that action be postponed to the second meeting of the Council in Aurmst, 1923, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried. 17/ In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building at 1429 6th Street, Mr. Probst moved that action be postponed to the next regular meeting of the Council, August 7th, 1923, seconded b:7 Mr. Adams and carried. 16/ In the matter of the opening of Versailles Avenue, Mr. Latham moved that the same lay over to the regular fleeting of the Council to be held. August 7,1923, seconded by Lr. Adams and carried. 19/ A representative of the Gospel Hall, 1001 Lincoln Avenue, requested permission to erect a gospel tenton the south side of Pacific Avenue, between Allow and \lalnut Streets. Mr. Latham moved that the request be ranted, seconded by Mr. Probst 34 July 17, 1923. 20 City Manager Hickok reported to the Council the necessity of immediate relief regarding the adequacy of water,both for household uses and fire protection, in the west end of Alameda and suggested several means for such relief. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer confer with the East Bay Water Company, with the view of obtaining such relief as soon as possible, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 21 Mr. Latham moved that the City Lanager be given a vacation of one week, beginning July 23, 1923, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 221 A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 117 of the Municipal Code Relating to the Depositing of Broken Gla Dirt, Rubbish, Etc., In the Streets, Man- holes, Sewers, etc." came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Latham moved that the passage of the ordinance be laid over until the next meeting of the Council, to be held. August 7th, 1923, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 02423.79; against the Police Department amountino. to 101.84; against the Fire Department amounting to 77.44; against the Street Department amounting to 04110.62; against the Health Department amounting to 0103.80; against the Recreation Department amounting to 213.68; against the store Department amounting to '10.41; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to 0152.13; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 010,192.73 and against the Health Center Building Fund amounting to 4300.00, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: GEITERAL FUND. General Departments. Labor Alameda City Helaht Center Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Bischoffts Surgical House Burroughs Adding Machine Co Coffin-Reddington Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Bast Pay Water Go. Hickok, C. E. Hittenberger, Emil J. Hodgkins, Mrs. Rebecca Inter-City Express, The Johnson Co., S. T. IT IT IT Dainicipal Electric Light Plant fl 1T Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pearson & Swanson Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Purity Spring Ylater Go. Recorder Printing and. Publishing Co. Smith, Charles Western Union Tel. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Revolving fund Repairs and key Hospital expense Laundry Prirting Advertising ordinance Supplies Adding machine Supplies Adding machine ;)aper Water Incidental expenses Supplies Janitor service Subscription Distillate City lighting Lamps Gas Toll service Coal and wood Flag Water Subscriptinn Plumbing repairs Telegram Toilet paper Total 24.00 17.00 .60 99.00 10.64 12.50 16.94 4.20 196.00 6.34 3.19 20.77 1.31 10.00 10.00 4.50 28.74 33.25 1845.17 5.10 4.05 12.79 5.25 11.40 .50 18.00 11.09 1.62 7.84 -0 2423.79 Juameaa Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing forks Calcutt, W. R. Faulkner, Geo. A. Pacific Gas Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Parsons Bakery Strom Electrical Co. Union, Oil Company Western Union Tel.Cb4. Calcutt, W. R. 1? to 1? East Bay Water Co. Kracke & Brunje Pacific Gas &Electric Co Seagrave Co. Standard Oil Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Yorks BairQ., J. V. Clark Sons, N. East Bay Water Co. Gay, A. T. Heafey, Moore & McNair 1/ 11 Lambert Trublpruf Tire Co. Oakland. Building Material Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Standard Oil Company 1? It United Petroleum Produ Waddell Lumber Co. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Champion, Edwin Crocker Co., H. S. DeLaval Dairy Supply Co. Encinal Ice Co. Ford, N. O. Guerra,.Dr. A. Lubben, J. G. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Sanders, Dr. R. U. Shirley Sheet hetal Shop Strom Electrical Co. Wright, Bessie Bofinger, Sarah H. Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co. Emmons, Gertrude Lubben, J. G. Lubbock, Irene Municipal Electric Light Plant O'Brien, J. J. Pacific Gas &Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Inc. Thompson, Jas. Waddell Lumber Co. Police Department, Printing Repairs Spray pump Parts for motorcycle Gas for city pound Telephones Bread for city pound Lamp Gasoline Telegram Total - Fire Department. Chair seats Faucet Water Carboy acid Gas Supplies Gas & Oil Clock rental Total Street Department. Advertising Tube repairs Repairs Sewer pipe Water Repairs to tools Road. Oil U u Tires Materials Services Uaterials Gasoline Oil Lumber Total - Health Department. Keys Laundry Barley Cards Rubber bulb and tube Ice Envelopes Services Alfalfa Hay Phone calls Water Emergency services Fumigating apparatus Installed use and light Services in laboratory Total - Recreation Department. Services Repairs Water Services Haz Services Repairs Services as gardener Gasoline Telephones Cement Services Lumber Total - July 17, 1923. 030 10 1.35 4.75 28,50 .83 12.76 2.00 .30 20.00 1.25 - - 0101.84 0 1.05. 1.65 20.97 6.44 22.08 1.95 21.80 1.50 - - $ 77.44 8.38 7.08 3.24 8 • 30 79.44 3.78 77.85 720.73 838.29 114.00 280.00 3.16 248.50 10.40 49.60 377.12 .75 0.62 .70 2.65 1.75 9.80 .62. 5.80 11.50 17.50 3.25 3.75 6.88 .50 27.50 5.00 1.25 5.35 $ 103.80 q 26.00 1.31 21.55 12.00 17.75 30.00 7.27 27.00 13.82 2.76 3.80 49.50 .92 $ 213.68 :JO July 17, 1923. Crocker Co., H. S. IT IT It IT Ball, J. A. Centrn1 Shuey Co. Dufauit, Noe7 at Bay Water Co. 1r It HesseI, J. P. Kelly, Mrs. G. Earle Losee, E. M. Natt, Mrs. M. Pacific Gas & Electric Go, 11 1? VT " Tel. & Tel. Co. Shaw, E. M. Sirola', 0. Western Dairy Co Alameda Times Star Associated Oil Company Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Crane Co. Fobes ZupDly GO. Great Western Power Co. Kellogg Express Go. Konigshofers Newcomb, Charles A. Pacifid Gals & Electric Co Wood LumbeE, Co. E. K. Store Department. Paper clips Supplies Total - Council Relief Fund. Mattress Milk Rent Water TT Hats Pent I? Gas IT Telephone service Rent Repairing shoes Milk Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. 0110. Subscriptian and letterheads Gasoline Maintenance of machine Supplies 1t Electric current Drayage Supplies Electric energy Supplies Total - - HEALTH CEETE2 BUILDING FUND. 3.06 7.35 10.41 4.00 43.86 14.00 2.32 1.06 2.50 6.00 25.00 5.00 4.69 2.02 1.91 25.00 6.45 8.32 0 152.13 11.40 18.40 3.32 67.84 100.90 7504.50 18.81 2.75 28.08 2262.00 174.73 010192.73 O'Mara Company, J. E. 3rd payment on contract 0 300,00 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, secon.ed by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being nofurther business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular scion Tuesday evening, August 7, 1923, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, A City Gity Clo-rk pro tem.