1923-08-07 Regular CC MinutesThe meeti REGULAR M7.7:,-E'TING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALAMEDA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 7TH, 1923 onvened at 8:00 P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst and President Otis, (4), were noted present. Absent: Councilman Tilden, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of July 17,1923 were approved as read. 1./ Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Do. 657. Transferring 450.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Adams introduced the following Resolution and moved it adoption: "Resolution No. 658. Transferring 1845.17 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed unanimously. 3.7 Ivi, Prob st introduced the foliowing Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 659. Declaring No Appeals from the Act of the street Superintendent in Removing 'deeds." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: 4•/ Affidavit of posting Notice inviting sealed proposals, re Resolution of Intention No. 64, N. S. Ordered filed. 5./ Manager's Estimate of budget for 1923-1924. Ordered filed. 6.7 Report of the Industrial Railroad for the year ending June 30,1923. Ordered filed. Reports of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the months of May and June, 1923. Ordered filed. Affidavit of publication of Notice of Public VIork, re Resolution of Intention No. 67, E. S. Ordered filed. Contract between the City of Alameda and Mrs. Carrie M. Palmer, re Lincoln Park Come ion. Ordered -iled. Contract between City of Alameda and Carl Vierner, as Architect for Health Center Building. Ordered filed. 8./ 110/ Grant of Easement from Emilie G. Cohen to the City of Alameda re Versailles Avenue opening. Ordered filed. 12.v Forty-fourth annual report the Board of Trustees of the Alameda Free Library. Ordered The following communications were received: 13.V From the Mayor, Auditor and City Manager, re count of money. Ordered filed. August 7, 1923. B. F. Lamborn, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 15. From The Commonwealth Club of California in relation to city planning conference. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Housewives League, accompanied by a petition, re milk distribution. Mr. Probst moved that the communication and petition be filed, and that the matt be referred to the meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded hy Mr. Adams and carried. 17.V From the Alameda Improvement Club re various matters. Mr. Latham moved that the matters be referred to the Committee of the Whole for consideration, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 18.v From the League of California Municipalities, containing the official call to the 25th Annual Convention. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager, City Engineer and City Clerk be appointed as delegates to attend the Convention. Yr. Probst seconded the motion,and on roll call carried unanimously. 191 Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor be appointed as an additional delegate to represent the Counr!il at the Convention with expenses paid. Yr. Probst seconded the motion and on roll call it was carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Adams, Probst and. Latham, (3). Excused from voting: President Otis, (1). Noes:None. Absent: Councilman Tilden, (1). 20.1/ In the matter of the delapidated building at 856-858 Oak Street, Building Inspector Maillot submitted his final report on same. Mr. Probst moved that further proceedings in the matter be dropped, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. In the matter of the delapidated buildings at 2324-2326 Lincoln Avenue, Building Inspector Maillot submitted his report, stating that the debris would be removed in a few days. The report was ordered filed. In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building at 1429 6th Street, Building Inspector Maillot submitted his final report, whereupon Mr. Probst moved that further proceedings be dropped, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 23d A Bill entitled 21.1/4/ 22. V "A Bill For Ordinance No. • Amending Section 117 of the Municipal Code relating to the Depositing of Broken,Glass, Dirt, Rubbish, etc on the streets, manholes, Sewers, etc." came up for passage. Mr. Probst moved that action on this ordinance lay over until the next meeting of the Council to be held. August 21st and that the City Mana-,er meanwhile investigate the depositing of brine on the streets by ice-cream wagons and report back at the next meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 24.1 In the matter of the opening of Versailles Avenue, Mr. Latham moved that inasmuch as a grant of easement was received from Emilie G. Cohen, rther proceedings under Resolution of Intention No. 65, New Series, were not necessary and that same be abandoned, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 25.V In the matter of the hearing under Resolution of Intention No. 67, N. S., re closing certain alleys, Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 2 August 7, 1923. "Resolution No. 660. Clsoing the Alleys in Blocks 81,82, etc." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. In the matter of the crossings at Bay Island Avenue with Park Avenue and Regent Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 64, N. S., the Clerk stated that he was in receipt of one bid for this improvement. Mr. Probst moved that the bid be opened, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bid as follows: From Hutchinson Company, accompanied by a bond in the sum of $500.00. Dollars Cents Per square foot of earth grading 3 Per linear foot of concrete curb 60 Per square foot of oil macadam pavement 14 Per square foot of concrete gutter 26 Per square foot of concrete sidewalk 16 Per linear foot of corrugated culvert 6x18 4 00 Per linear foot of corrugated culvert 7x30 4 70 Per square foot of concrete gutter bridges 18 The bid was referred to the City Manager and City Engineer, who recommend the acceptance of the same. Thereupon Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 661. Resolution of Award." Mr. 1.-,tham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 27./ Councilman Latham called attention of the City Manager to a high board feme at the southwest corner of Lincoln Avenue and Grand Street creating a dangerous condition at this corner. The City Mana-er was requested to take the matter up with the owner of the property and see of same could not be removed. 28.y/ The City Manager stated that an application had been made to him by Mr. L. E. Negley, to use the City Hall steps for public concrets to be given once a week. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 29.V/ The City Manager made a verbal report regarding the water supply for the west end, stating that conferences had been held with the East Bay Water Company officials and that immediate relief could only be obtained by the installation of a 20 inch main connecting Park Street and Webster Street, running along Pacific Avenue. This installation would cot approximately 52,000.00 and the City of Alameda would be reauired to pay, covering interest and, depreciation, an amount of approximately 85 per annum. Mr. Probst moved that the Mayor, City Manager and. City Attorney proceed to prepare the necessary contract with the East Bay Water Company, as per the City liana7er's verbal report, seconded by Mr. Latham and upon roll cal], carried unanimously Claims against the General Departments amounting 233827; against the Police Department amounting to 290.99; against the Fire Department amounting to 290.48; against the Street Department amounting to N718.57; against the Health Department amounting to 2.28.38; against the Recreation Department amounting to 664.38; against the Store Department amounting to 428.80; against the Council August 7, 1923. j:1299.07; against he Police Pension Fund amounting to r,;412.50; against the Fire Pension Fund amounting to 0170.00 and against the Health Center Fund amounting to $2175.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star 11 It it Alameda Vulcanizing Works Borle, C. A. 11 IV TV Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 11 IT 11 TV Carlisle &: Co„ A. City Market Cranston, A. R. Crocker Co., H. S. TT II It TV 11 It 11 Croll, F. J. East Bay Water Co. II IV 11 Hickok, C. E. Hickok, C.B. City Manager Lena, M. Municipal Electric Light Plant TV IT 11- 11 Oakland Blue Print Co. Otis, Frank Rbcorder Printing and Publishin Security Drug Go., Inc. Thorpe, Vernor E. Underwood Typewriter Co. Yallop, Mrs. Evelyn S. Emmons Tire & Battery Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 IT U It Vewcomb, Charles A. Shreve and Barber Co. Union Oil Co. of California Waddell Lumber Co. Acme Grocery Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Anderson Manufacturing. Co. East Bay Water Co. Garrott-Callahan Go. Kracke & Brunje Municipal Electric Light Plant Salisbury, A. C. Seagrave Co. Standard Oil Company Steinmetz, 3. T. West Coast 'Weling & Brazing Co. Labor Alameda delding Works Bishop A, Loupe It It IT It 11 11 California Wire Cloth Co. Clark & Sons, N. Dick, E. C. It It II' East Bay Water CO. F;ngineering hews Record. Heafey, oore McNair GEIBRAL FUND. General Departments. Towel service Advertising Tube repairs Carfare Services Maintenance TT Post binder Lard Services Paper and carbon Repair of dater Index tabs Auto upkeep Water TV Auto upkeep Money advanced for signs Refund of deposit Repairs to Vacuum cleaner City lighting Blue prints Mayor's Allowance Subscription Rat poison Repairs Rent of typewriter Services 55.00 7.00 43.32 73.32 .90 3.36 27.10 9.55 5.56 6.15 2.00 55.00 20.09 1.76 2.65 25.00 2.16 23.67 25.00 7.50 30.00 11.70 1722.07 44.16 50.00 3,00 10.00 4.25 7.00 60.00 Total 2338.27 Police Department Oil for motorcycle Repairs to motorcycle Labor and attendance Notebooks Cartridges Gasoline Lumber Total - 6.00 27 50.00 .30 194.43 20.00 7.99 290.99 Fire Department. Soap 4.75 Linen and towel service 50.00 Repairs 55.36 Water 21.73 Metal shine polish 11.90 Soda 15.00 Labor and attendance 79.12 Recharge batteries 7.33 Arrow hand cleanser 2.50 Chain links 4.00 Gasoline 16,00 Revolving fund 20.29 Welding 2.50 Total 290.48 Street Department. Welding Tabor'and pnrts Repairs Supplies Nail Sewer pipe Labor and parts Fan belt and repairs Water Subscription Road. Oil $ 2400.00 1.50 3.10 .55 3.70 22.30 8.23 43.57 2.00 27.35 5.00 870.51 August 7, 1923. Oakland Building Material Go. B. E.. Screenings 81, v 280.00 Powell Bros. Inc. Rock and screenings 349.65 It 11 u n m n 660.75 9 9 427.00 Rhodes-Jamieson 8c Co. Stove coal 37.44 9 9 n 9 Screenings 15.50 9 9 9 967.10 Sperbeck, George Carfare .45 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline 15.20 m 15.20 n fl n 23.38 Vosburgh, L. W. Supplies 51.20 Waddell Lumber Co. Lumber 50.19 Wilkens, J. H. Red Gauze .80 Total - ? 6718.57 Health Department. .!,. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Laundry Y 7.83 Alameda Times Star Printing milk report 14.16 Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co Pipettes 2.11 Calcutt, J. R. Dust brush .85 Carpenter, Dr. Tom Transportation 35.00 Cranston, A. R. Services 32.50 Creamery Package Mfg. Go.. Supplies .58 Crocker Co., H. S. Envelopes and repairs 5.78 Guy, Fred M. Co. Typewtiter pads 2.00 Hickok', C. E. Money advanced 8.00 Hodgkins, Rebecca Services 5.20 Snow, Bill 11 5.00 :fright, Bessie n in laboratory 9.37 Total -------- 128.38 Recreation Department. Cain, M. Shoes for horse 3.50 Carter Lotor Co. H. V. Lawn sweeper 42.75 Crane Co. Casing and )ipe 96.56 Crocker Co., H. Office supplies 3.53 Dorward Pump Go. Pump guides 40.25 East Bay Water Co. Water 25.59 Emmons, Gertrude Sub. Flay Director 18.00 O'Brien, J. J. Services as Gardener 13.50 Platt .?hoto Supply Co. Photos 4.16 Rempe Mfg. Co. Ink pad 1.50 Rhodes-Jamieson PI Co. Lime 14.00 Standard. Pence Co. Repairs to backstop 278.50 Standard Rubber Co. Hose 6.15 Thompson, Jas, Services 63.00 Waddel1 Lumber Co. Lumber 37.36 it 9. n 11 16.03 Total - Store Depart mer. t. Associated Oil Company Gasoline book Hickok, C. E. City Mana7er Money advanced for stamps Alameda Scavengers Alameda Social Service Board Oentl'al ;-11uey Creamery Crocker Co., H. S. Durein's Shoe Store 2.aet 19,v 7ater Co. 11 TV 11 11 TT Figoni, A. Rent Ford, N. O. Letterheads Hales, Carrie J. Services East Bay Water Co. water for M. A. Jordan Municipal Electric Light Plant Electricity 6 664.38 378.80 50.00 Total 42.80 CO-CIL RUIEF FUND. Garbage service Money advanced for rent Milk Office supplies noeo Water TT TT 11 11 Pacific Gas P6. Electric Co. 11 Gas " • TT IT TV Tr u TV ” ” IT u n Rankin, Dora Rent Sirola, O. Repairing shoes Spunn, Beulah E. Services Western Dairy Co. Milk Total 41) 1.00 5.00 60.49 4.06 14.15 16.55 3.38 2.87 30.00 4.50 80.00 2.32 2.67 2.61 2.30 4.69 2.21 22.50 2.50 10.00 22.96 296.76 August 7, 1923. Associated Oil Co. Bishop Loupe Board of Public Utilities Citizens Bank Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay 3ater Co. Pobes Supply Co. Fuller 8: Co., W. P. Gardner Elec. Mg-f. Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co Great 'Western Power Co. Marshall-Newell Supply C Mervy Elwell Co. Pacific Gas R: Electric Co. Pacific Tel. P4 Tel. Co. If IT IT IT IT Reese, T. W. Riechel Bredhoff Vosburgh, L. V. Waterhouse & Lester Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Heavy Hardware ec Iron Co. Westinghouse E. Sc M. Co. Conrad, John Hadley, J. Kamp, A. Rogers, J. 2ohroeder, Beuck, Chas. Millington, P. K. Mein o h Bros. ITT. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that when the Council adjourn, it does so in respect to the memory of our late President, Warren G. Harding, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned in respect to the memory of our late President, Warren G. Harding, to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, August 21st, 1923, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, 7JECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Gasoline Supplies Incidentals Rent Supplies and credit Water Supplies IT Rebuilding transformer Supplies IT IT TT Tolls and phones Replacing poles Supplies Materials and labor Supplies If TT IT IT Total POLICE PENIOE FUND Pension TT IT TV If Total - FIRE 7.ENSION FUED Pension IT Total - HEALTH CEETP. FUn 4th payment on contract 44.00 1.40 17.03 40.00 25.73 1.10 434.75 14.10 46.04 1.83 32.81 23.80 36.80 1.84 36.96 71.07 6.05 9.00 11.85 26.75 6.79 .97 408.40 1299.07 125.00 70.00 77.50 70.00 70.00 ' 412.50 80.00 90.00 170.00 2175.00 City Clerk.