1923-11-20 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR LITZTING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALMEDA, TUESDAY EVUING, NOVELMER 20TH, 1923. The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with Council—president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst Tilden and. President Otis, (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting November 6th, 1923 were approved as read.. There being no objections, President Otis dispensed with the regular order of business and proceeded with the further hearing for the proposed bus line for the west end of Alamed.a. A communication and application Oakland Terminal Railways was read and ordered filed. Judge 1. R. Jeinmann addressed the Council requesting that a motion be passed favoring bus line transportation in the west end. After discussion, Yr. Tilden moved that it be the sense of the Council that it is absolutely essential that transportation be furnished to supply the territory in question, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. After further discussion a bill entitled, "A BILL ORDINANCE NO. OM was introduced FOR HEW SER An Ordinance regulating the operation of motor bus or Busses upon the streets of the City of Alameda as an Extension to and of a Street Railroad in outlying Sections of said. City not Served by a Street Railroad and under the same Management, Responsibility and. Control as said. Street Railroad, Providing a License Fee therefor and. Providing a Penalty for the Violation hereof", and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Mr. Peter Holiing addressed the Council and requeLted that a copy of the Ordinance be forwarded to him for submission to a special committee representing various interests, for their perusal. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 692. Ordering Payments in re Versailles Avenue." Er. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 693. Resolution Adopting Plans and Specificatio (Re Widening Park Street.) Mr. Tilden seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Probst, Tilden and. President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Adams, (1). Absent: None. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 694. Resolution of Intention No. 68, New Series. (Re Widening of Park Street." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it wa adopted and passed by the following vote, to wit: Ayes: Councilmen Latham, Probst, Tilden and. President Otis, (4) Noes: Councilman Adams, (1). Absent: November 20th, 1923. 5,V Mr. Probst introduaed the following R solu ion and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 695. RESOLUTION OF AWARD." (Addition to City Hall Garage.) Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adop ted and passed unanimousl. The following were received: Oath of office of A. Andersen, as special pollee officer, Recreation Department. Ordered filed. Copy of contract between the City of Alameda and A. Wegner, re Lincoln Park'Clubhouse. Ordered filed. Certificate of Title re Franklin Park property. Ordered filed. Alameda County tax receipt re new firehouse lot. Ordered filed The following communications were received: From A. Gillies re union station. Ordered filed. From the City Planning Commission re reclassification of 421 Central Avenue, recom-ending that the petition be denied. Mr. Probst moved that the recommenda- tion and report of the City Planning Commission be adopted, seconded by Mr. Latham and Carried, From the Alameda City- Health Center Board, recommending' that the contract for furnishing linoleum faT the Health Center Building be awarded to the Bonded. Floors Company, Inc0 After discussion, Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 696, Resolution of Award. (Linoleum for Health Center Building)." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unaniteusly. 12.v A Bill entitled "A Bill Par ttt Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property. " (1321 High Street.) came ito for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr. Latham moved that the Ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 13.k/ Mr. August Freese addressed the council regarding the construction of a concrete swimming tank for children at Washington Park beach. Also, sewerage conditions at the Bay Shore Club at the foot of Ninth Street. This matter was referred to the City Manager. 14., Mr. Latham moved that the matter of the delivery of the Deea to the United. States Government covering a year's extension on the naval base site, be left in the hands of the Mayor to deliver as he may see fit, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 3507.64; against the Police Department amounting to 37.26; against the Fire Department amounting to November 20, 1923. to 327.93; against the Store Department amounting to 050.00; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to 0118.09; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 011,256.54; against the Public Use Fund amounting to 04130.02: nnd against the Health Center Fund amounting to 02,357.10 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: General Department Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. fl TT TT- Alameda Times Star Bell, Wt. Buben, Zdenka Cedar Sweep Go., The Gook, A. W. Crane Co. Crocker Go., H. S. IT IT IT TT East Bay Water Go. Platow & Son, P. If TT Grayson-Owen Go. Haws Drinking Faucet Co. Hockins, Wm. F. Hodgkins, Rebecca aognson Go., S. T. Kbchendarfer, Leo F. Langley Michaels Co. It IT IT- TT IT Rushton NcGonnell Municipal Electric Light Pacific Tel. & Tel. ao. TT TT I/ 11 Patrick Go. Polk:Husted. Directory Go. Purity Spring Water Co. Strom Electrical Co. Plant Laundry Towel service Letterheads Washing windows Supplies TT Painting and paperhanging Sink Dermax Supplies Water Prescription Rent Fountain and faucet Repairing to plumbing Services- Health Center Dist illate Labor and material Suppl ies IT Insurance premium Gity lighting Phone bill Stamps Directories Water Wiring in Gity Hall Adjusted buzzer Total - Police Department Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bass-Heuter Paint Co. Bishop & Loupe Emmons Tire & Battery Co Faulkner, Geo. A. Koerber, A. H. W. Municipal Electric Light Plant VT fl 11 Pac if ic C oast Shredded Wh9 at Go. Pacific Tel . & Tel . Go. Shell Company Wentworth Company Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. ttnicipal Electric Light Plant TV TT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. St an dar d Oil Company Standard Rubber Go. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Welding Works Baird, J. V. Baker-Hamilton Pacific Go. Bishop & Loupe Clark & Sons,,N. Printing Repairs Traffic white Auto Auto oil Motorcycle parts Fuel Batteries Labor and attendance Food for pound. Telephones Gasoline Filing cabinets Clock rental 31.50 5.40 7,00 22.30 40.70 8.00 2.50 432.40 41.10 .35 2.01 .80 3.00 2.25 75.00 31.58 72.35 10.00 21.61 582.41 4.90 2.97 2.80 1.15 20 9,82 10 10.39 4.25 20.00 .50 45.50 1.00 507,64 4,8.35 2.39 68.50 502.45 6.00 1.25 10.90 100.00 3.00 12.09 16.25 138,18 1.55 Total ---------4 937.26 Fire Department. Linen service Attendance and labor Recharging batteries Phone tolls Gasoline Rubber matting Clock rental Total Street Department. Laundry Letterheads Repairs TT Tools Batteries Sewer pipe 50.00 137.86 33.25 030 25.30 83.20 1.50 1.41 1792.75 3.40 22.30 4.50 14.75 45.55 4.82 59.68 Dietrich-Post Co. Dunham, Carrigan, Hayden Co. East Bay Water Co. Hamilton, Burnett Johnson, Fred. C. Joost Bros. La Plant, Alex IT Maxwell Hardware Co. Moorman, Z. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros, Southern Pacific Company Standard Oil Company Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Steam Laundry Alameda Times Star Bischoff's Surgical House Bowman Drug rSo. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Crocker Co., H. R. DeLaval Pacific Go. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Lackenbach, Fred I. Lederle, Antitoxin Laboratories Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Perrymanrs Grocery Purity Spring Water Co. Wright, Bessie Baker, Hamilton & Pacific Co. Bank of Alameda Bofinger, Sarah H. Cain, M. Galcutt, W. R. Carpenter, T. Carter Motor Co., H. V. Esquillot, Raoul Hickok, C. E. City Manager Mazzini, L. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Piatt Photo Supply Co. Security Drug Company Starr, C. G. Hickok, G.. E. City Manager November 20,1923, Street Department (Con't.) Blue print paper Hoes Water Money advanced Concrete posts Street brooms Sidewalk repairs Tools Money advanced Material and labor Services Gravel, cement, screenings Freight charges Gasoline Supplies Total - Health Department. Laundry Printivz milk report Repairs to needle holder Glass Jar Atropine sulphate Cylinder Coin envelopes Bulbs for sediment tester Money advanced for pigs Serum IT Repairs Rental and tolls Rolled oats Water Services Total - Recreation Department. Screw jack Escrow fees Services Horse shoe Sheet lead. Services Horse boot Services Money advanced Athletic goods, hardware Repairs to pump and mower Telephone Supplies First aid supplies Harness strap Total Store Department. Money advanced for stamps RELIE1F FUND. Alameda City Social Service Board_ Baugh, J. A. Crocker, Co., H. S. Dufault, Noe East Bay Water Co. Figoni, A. Kelly, Mrs. G. Earle Municipal Electric Light Plant Natt, Margaret Pacific Gas & Electric Co. IT TT Rossi, Isabella Sirola,, O. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Alameda Window Cleaning Ca. Associated Oil Company Board of Public Utilities Money advanced for rent 11 Gas Heater Supplies Rent Water Rent 1 Electric light Rent Gas It Rent Repairing shoes Total ELBCTRIC LIGHT FUND. Supplies Window cleaning and janitor service Gasoline Incidentals S-rrn-n1 ■, a 2..13 68.75 2.66 .45 250.00 85.95 33.75 20.00 100.25 .75 60.15 3.61 263,10 2.09 • 15.20 15.20 , 2871.81 5.13 13.89 .75 3.38 .35 .71 2.21 .96 10.00 1.50 4.41 4.34 11,44 2.00 ,50 5.44 67.01 3.24 10.00 27.00 7.00 .85 85,00 3.23 25.00 19.00 101.57 20.77 2.30 14.52 7.70 .75 327.93 50.00 , 50 .00 1.Z5 .62 14.00 1.06 30.00 6.00 2.73 5.00 .83 4.60 18.00: .50 118.09 28.65 5.50 29.25 151.46 3.30 November 20th, 1923. MCGowann & OlGonnor Pacific Gas & Electric Co Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Raeblings Clans Co., Sohn East Bay Water Co. Hamilton, Frederick A. McIntosh Bros. Vbsburgh, L. W Yr. Prob ELEGTRIG LIGHT FUND (Cont T) Labor and materials Electric energy Phones Freight chargea Total - PUBLIC USE FUND. Public use charge HEALTH CENTER 'FUND. Combination heater Acceptance payment Paint brushes and paint Total t moved that the claims as listed be paid seconded by Mr. 153.00 747.80 34.26 a2.so 256,54 0.02 996.00 358.00 3.10 2357.10 . Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, December 4th, 1923 at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted