1922-01-03 Regular CC Minutes7/ P.EGULR 1.7,.7:ETII‘C- OF THE CQ1JNCIL 07 THY, CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUEnAY TJ'WEETEG, JAHUARY 31D, 1922. The meeting convened at 8:20 P. E. with Council-Tre ident Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Probst, Tilden and President Otic, (4) were noted present. Ab ent: Councilman Latham, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of December 20th, 1921, were approved as rerid. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of December 23rd, 1921, were approved as read. irohst introduced the following Resolution and moved ite adoption: ,esolution ifo. 451. Transferring '2024.84 from the Electric Liht Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to topt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Tilden introduced the foli.owing Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Uo. 452. Authorizing Mayor to Execute 1t,-se with James Robertson." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it'was adopted and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Adams, TiIden and President Otis, (3). Foos; Councilman Probst, (1). Absent: Councilman Latham, (1). Councilman Probst explained his vote by stating that the issuing of this lease would close the north end of Grand Street for the proposed location of the incinerator at that point. Lr. Tilden introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Uo. 453. Authorizing the Mayor to Appoint a Committee of Citizens to Poster the jork of Alameda Post ilo. American Legion." :Er. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was f-dopted and passed unanimously. The following communications were received: From the City min Commission containing a number of recommendations changing the present zoning ordinance. L.P. Probst moved that the matter be re- ferred to the Committee of the :Thole, secondecl by Er. Tilden and carried, From Vie Treasurer and Tax Collector, Auditor and. Chairman of the City Council, fixing the rate of interest during the year ending December 71st,1922, at 2 3/4 ner cent for moneys deposited in banl-s. Ordered filed. An appliontion for a gr?tLitou., License to -eddle oranges was received from 1. C. Reid , 1040 Sania Clara Avenue. ?Ir. Adams moved thnt the application be denied, seconded by Er. Tilden and carried. In the matter of the protest of Suzf-je H. Jells, re closing Austin Avenue and other streets, :Lir. Probst ioved that the matter be postponed to the next 8/ January Src1, 1922, A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Seriec". Providing a Procedure for Establishi- Set-Back Lines." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. A number of Peo-ple from the west end, the north en-; of Grand Street and the south end of 1,oana Street were present in the council chamber and voicea their disapproval of placing the proposed incinerator at any of these points. Tilden stated that plans and specifications were not ready at thi s time and =yea that no action be taken antil on or after 7ebruary 7, 1022, tcmards locating the incinerator at any particular point, seconded by Er. Prob st and carried. 91/7 112. E T. Taylor addressed the council and requested that 1 te action in the passing of Resolution No. 443 be rescinded, stating his reasons therefor. Jr Tilden moved that the entire mntter be referred back to the City Attorney and that Lr. Taylor take the matter nn with him personally, seconded by Er. Probst and cnrried. Er. Probst moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up suitable resolutions for presentation to Officer A. Olsson, said resolution to contain the names of Ed P.ohun and .Matio Pini, who assisted Officer Olsson in the rescne of two persons from the Bay of San 7rancisco; this resolution to be submitted to the city council at its next meeting to be held Janniry 17th,1922, seconded by lir. Tilden and carried unanimously. LO Mr. Tilden moved that it be the sense of the council that it co-operate with the County Board of Supervisors in every way po ssible in seeking an indefinite postponement of the jar Department's order towards the immediate removal of both the jebster and Harrison Street bridges, seconded hy Er. Probst and carried. Er. TTickok stated that the Health Center desired the use of the Council Charher on Eonday evening, January 9th, for the pnrpose of holding a lecture. Er. Probst moved that the request be granted, secind d by Hr. Adams, and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 1.13296.05; against the Police Department amounting to 75.41; again t the 'ire Department amounting to 86.,90; against the Street Department amounting to 1724.27; agl7tinst the Health Department amonnting M9.09; ar,inst the Recreation Department amounting to 105.52; against the Relief Sand (Initiative) monnting to 204.00; against the Relief Fund amounting to 126.03; against the Paectric Light Fund amounting to ?1.687.16; against the Public Use Fund amounting to 14,359.03; against Sewer Construction Fund arnountirig to ::11155.42; against the Fire Pension Fund amounting to 40.00 and against the Police Pension Fund amounting to 1485.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: January 3rd, 1922. Labor Alameda Time Star IT TT Bancroft-Whitney Co. Burroughs Adding Machine 1L t Crocker Co., H. S. It Tr t Croll, F. J. Hickok, C.E. City Mang Johnson Co., S. T. IT TT IT TT GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Binding anscripts Advert sing Book Co. Adding machine Maintenance service Mimeograph supplies Letterheads Auto upkeep Lubbock, Oswald Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 Otis, Frank Rhodes-Jamieson Varcoe, V. E. ?awman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co.' Alameda Steam laundry Assn. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard Oil Co. Alameda Repair & Supply Go. Calcutt, W. R. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard Oil Labor Alameda 'Repair and Su1y Go Kopperud, A. H. Municipal Electric Light Plant Post Co., 7rederick Powell Bros. Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Southern Pacific Co. Times Stqr Alameda Repair & Supply Co Alameda Times Star Bischoff's Surgical House Carpenter; Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Flatow &: Son, P. Hickok, C. E. City Manager 1I 11 Tr- Koerber Fuel °- Feed 0o, Lang, William Moise-Klinhner Co. MOrTiS, Geo. T. Municipal Electric Light Nieblas, Vera Oakland Pioneer Soda Jater Parisian laundry Wadsworth, Mrs. B. Co. Cohen, Emilie A. Macdonald, H. F. Municipal Electric Light Plant Morcherchi, 2. T? IT lioney advanced for stamps Oil and repairing burner Rent of P. 0. Box. Electria cord. City lighting Mayor's Allawance Rock Carfare and Incidental Document envelopes Coinenvelopes Total - Police Department. Laundry Repairs to autos Gasoline Total Fire Departme nt Supplies Toilet tank Repairs Gasoline Total Street Department. Glass Road Oil Repairs Blue print parer Rock, sazeenings, eta. Gravel Freight Printing' Total Health Department. Key Books Repairing and replating knife Transportation Vaccine Virus Phosphorus paste Lysol Money advanced for subscription Money advanced for guinea pigs Alfalfa aid wheat Services Stamp and pad Supplies Heater Services Distilled water Laundry Services Total Recreation Department. Services Move bleachers Repairs Services 78.75 7.50 32.53 8.75 426.30 8.45 6.47 47.50 25.00 25.00 5.00 34.20 36.00 1.00 9.82 2426.50 50.00 45.00 6.03 11.90 2.35 296.05 6.00 45.26 24.1a 75.41 3.30 3.00 54.35 26.25 86.90 977.98 .60 168.43 20.66 2.13' 501.75 19.25 1.37 32.10 1724.27 .40 9.50 .85 35.00 .16 13.50 5.80 3.05 5400 4.50 5.00 1.10 1.05, 10.50 8.00 1.20 9.98 4.50 119.09 8.00 25.00 18.52 54.00- L RELIEF FUND fInitiative) Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced RELIEF FUND. Alameda City Social Service Board East Bay Water Ce. Hales, Carrie J. Paula Furniture Co. Sirela, O. Spuhn, Mrs. Beulah E. Woldls Money advanced for rent Water Clerical services Mattress Vending shoes Services 'Shoes Total ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Alameda Times Star Associated Oil Co. Berkman & Wagner Busse Sales Co., Prank A. Citizens Bank City of Alameda Crane CO. Crocker Co., H. S East Bay Water Co. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. General BlectricCo. Gilson, Rosse M. Gilson Electric Supply Co Johnson Gear Co. Pacific Metal Works Reese, John Reese, T. W. Reno, L. G. Roeblings Sons Co., Waddell Lumber Co. Weaver-Wells Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Westinhouse E. & M. Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co East Bay Water Go, Labor Engineering services California Pottery Co. Moore-Novle Foundry Go. Tibbits -Pacific Go. It* Beuck, Charles. Brown, G. Conrad, J. Hadley, J. Kamp, J. Rogers, J. Schroeder, Z. Mr. Probst and on roll call moved Subscription 011 Supplies Repairs Rent Advertising Supplies Aciclressograph plates Water Supplies Oil Supplies Painting Typewriter inspections Supplies Lumber Supplies Meters Supplies Total - PUBLIC USE FUND. Public Use charge SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. that the Sewer pipe Lining trap. valves Relaying portion of sewer Driving dolphins FIRE FENSION FUND. Pension POLICE TENSION FUND. Pension IV' claims as listed. carried unanimously. Total Total January 3rd,1922. t. 04.00 6.72 1.31 50.00 21.23 14.00 .75 10.00 22.05 26.03 8.27 92.82 12.50 61.05 40•0D 40.00 5.11 18.05 1.10 330.63 10.20 32.51 243.17 10.66 21..56 60.00 3.00 2.88 42.87 1.32 69.85 7.71 540.86 31.04 1687.16 14359.03 144.T 78.00 172.30 285.78 467.39 1155.42 240,00 247.50 375.00 210.00 232.50 210,00 210.00 0 1485.00 be paid, seconded by Mr. Adan There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, January 17th, 19220 at 8 eicleak. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.