1922-03-07 Regular CC Minutes2 REGULAR MEETING OP THE CCUN7IL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 7TH, 1922. The meeting convened at 8:15 P • M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and President Otis (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 21st,1922 were, approved as read. M. Probst'introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 'Resolution No. 465. Transferring 01,000.00 from the General Fund to the Council Relief Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 466. Transferring 42617.71 f:roi the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latharn seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its option: "Resolution No. 467. Transferring 4.2009.37 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and. Redemption Fund." Mr. Latham secohded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it as adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 468. Authorizing Destruction of 25,OOO North Sid.e Sewer Bonds." Mr. Prob st seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following com-mnications were received: From the Alameda State Housewives League, endorsing the plan for pro- gressive fire insurance as presented by J. Sorenson. Ordered filed. Mr. Sorenson was present and again addressed the council relative to his proposed scheme. 6v7 From Hoefler, Cook & Snyder, enclosing a petition from the Pacific Hog Company requesting a recision and cancellation of contract for the purchase of garbage. The communication and petition were ordered filed. Mr. L. M. Hoefler, representing the Pacific Hog Company,wae present and addressed the council regarding the same. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the meeting of the Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 8 91 12/ March 7th, 1922 The clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassify- ing of the property situated at 3216 Briggs Avenue, from a Single Family Dwelling District, Class I, to a Flat, etc., District, Class II; that notices had been posted in accordance with Ordinance No, 144, New Series, and amendments thereto, _fra0,-th,a-t—notiees- had .beefl -posted- in -accordance with -the- Ordinance and no protests had been received. Mrs. Charles Scott, the petitioner, was present. There being no objectors present in the council chamber, Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 469. Reclassifying Property Situated at 3216 Briggs Avenue to a Class II, Flat, etc., District." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 470. Changing and Re-classifying the Property Known as 1433 Morton Street from a Hospital District, Class VI, to a Residence District, Class 1." Yr. Latham seconded the motion to adop..6 the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that discussion on the proposed ordinance regulating plumbing and sewering in and about buildings and providing for the examination and licensing of Journeyman and Master Pluffhers, be postponed to a meeting of the committee of the whole to be held 3ednesday evening, March 15th, 1922, at 8 o'clock, P. M. and that Messrs. E. C. Maillot, Building Insector, A. R. Cranston and. A. Feldhammer be requested to be present at said meeting seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Tilden moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draw up the necessary ordinance prohibiting the sale of or explosion of fireworks in tIB City of Alameda, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. A Bill entitled "ABM For Ordinance No. New Series, Providing A Procedure For Establishing Set-:Back Lines.' came up for passage. Er. Latham moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. City Manager Hickok reported upon his investigation of gambling devices for children as submitted at a previous meeting of the council by members of the Parent-Teachers Association and the Alameda Federation of Mothers' ClUbs, Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be reforred back again to the city manager and that lie reouest the removal of such machines, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. In the matter of Versailles Avenue opening, Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager, City Engineer and. City Attorney confer with the owners of property involved in the street opening to obtain voluntary dedication of their land -For the sum (If nnn tn 71P to thg, nwInn-p,o 4-1,) March 7th, 1922. 14i The City Manager diScussed j1ans as to the laying out of the Proposed new park at San Jose Avenue and Morton Street, Lir. Tilden move that it be the sense of the Council that the park be laid out for the accommodation of small children, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 151 The City Manager reported that the Chevrolet car driven by the Building Inspector has outlived its usefulness and th-,,t another car should be purchased. idr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager with power to act, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 16V/ The City Manager reported that he was desirous of having a survey made covering relief and pension data for the city, along the line of that recently adopted by San Francisco. Mr. Tilden moved that the City Lanager be instructed to obtain this survey at a cot of approximately 0300.00, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 17/ Mr. Latham moved that the design submitted by Carl Werner, Architect, for the erection of a comfort station at Washington Park be accepted, seconded by Mr. Tilden and on roll call carried unanimously. 18/ Mr. Probst moved that the City Manager be instructed to draw up plans and specifications for the erection of a Comfort Station at Washington Park for submission to the next council meeting, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 03672.01; against the Police Department amounting to 0140.97; against the Fire Department amounting to 0190.13; against the Street Department amounting to 1217.96; against the Health Department amounting to 0149.29; against the Recreation Department amounting to 0517.27; against the Store Department amounting to 50.00; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 03036.36 and against the Relief Fund amounting to 0634.56 having been approved and audited by the proper official were lited by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alamedo. Times Star TT It It u GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Croli, F. J. Ford, N. O. Fox, Geo. H. Guy Co., Fred M. Hickok, C. F. Johnson Co., S. T. TV 11 11 11 Municipal Electric Light Plant Otis, Frank Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Purity Spring aater Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Security Abstract and. Title Co. United. States Fidelity 80 Guar.Co. Vignola, F. Vosburgh, F. W. Westphal, v. F. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Downey GlaSs & Paint CO. Guy ,31 Co., Fred. M. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Parsons, H, C. Standard Oil Co. It IV 24.00 Advertising 11.39 Assessment rolls 381.40 Printing 13.10 Justice Court Docket 39.50 Auto upkeep 25.00. Printing 6.00 Premium on bond ' 2.50 Inspection of typewriters 11.25 Auto upkeep 25.00 Oil 33.38 ” City lighting Mayor's allowance Gas Water Gravel Abstracts of title Bonds of city officials Repairing toilet Supplies Repairs to clock Total Police Department. Laundry Paint for traffic lines Inspection of typewriters Gas Bread for pound Gasoline •• 66.00 2700.55 50.00 10.59 1.00 77.50 100. 00 84.85 1.25 4.75 3.00 - 3672.01 2,20 62.50 6.75 .42 2.00 26.25 ikL March 7th, 1922. Fire Calcutt, W. R. Clark, R. P. Guy & Co., Fred M. Didustria3 Home for Adult Blind. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pearson & Swanson Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. TV It Standard Oil Co. It II Vosburgh, L. W. Department. Supplies Repairs to doors Typewriter inspection Brooms Wood Lamps Gas Screenings Goal u Gasoline Supnlies Total - Street Department. Labor Calcutt, W. R. California Pottery Co. Dick, E. G. Guy & Co., Fred M. Municipal Electric Light Plant Powell Bros. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Strom Electrical Go. Vosburgh, L. W. Bischoff's Surgical House Carpenter, Dr. T. Crescent Fruit Market Cutter Laboratory Encinal Ice Co. Guy & Co., Fred M. Hickok, C. 3. City Manager Fill, Alice E. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Laing, William Moise-Klinkner Co. Nieblas, Vera Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Parlsian Laundry Purity Spring Water Co. - LI IT Sanders, R. W. MD Schneider, Henry Swan & Finch Co. Wadsworth, Mrs. B. Blue crayons Sewer pipe Supplies Inspecting typewriter Lamps Gravel and cement Screenings Battery Supplies Total - Health Department. Head. Reflector Transportation Stale bread Vaccine virus Ice Typewriter inspection Money advanced for pigs Incidental expense Wheat and hay Services Dater Services Co. Water Laundry Water Alameda Repair and Supply Co California Bursery- Co. 1,L It II Cohen, Emlie A. Dick, E. G. Guy Co., Fred M. Downey Glass & Paint Go. Manuel, A. Maxwell Hardware Co. Morse & Go., G. C. pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Piatt Photo Supply Go. Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Go. f t in laboratory Services in First Ai Indexes Soap Services Total Recreation Department. Store File saw Trees Services Auto repairs Typewriter inspection Zone paint Lumber Locks Seed Phones Gas Supplies Hardware Lumber Department. Total - ion $ 1.00 17.95 2.25 14.00 12450 18.55. 24.96 6.50 29.50 29.50 10.50 19.67 3.25 4190.13 $ 913.87 .90 51.45 5.60 2.25 1.80 221.59 15.50 3.00 2.00 $1217.96 8.55. 35.00 2.00 5.00 4.17 4.50 12.00 1.08 10.40 5.00 1.88 20.10 2.40 9.76 .50 .50 20.00 .45 2.00 4.00 149.29 1.20 90.75 120.00 12.00 16.40 2.25 14.25 54.75 13.82 .40 2.30 4.68 2,50 20.90 161.07 517.27 Hiokok, 0 H. City Manager Money advanced for stamps 50.00 )0 March 7th, 1922. Associated Oil Co. Auto Electric Service Go. Burman, Franlz H.- Citizens Bank IT Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Fulier & GoT 7. P. General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical ,Supply Reese, T. M. Southern Pacific Co. Standard Underground Cable Co. State Comepsnation Insurance Fund Times Star Waddell Lumber Go. Weaver-Wells Co. Weinstock-nichols Co. Western Heavy Hardware Co. 1T rt. Alameda City Social Service Board TT rr u n R. Branner-, Paul East Bay Water Co. Giobattis Dairy Hales, Carrie J. Neville, F. R. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Perata, A. Spunn, Mrs. Buelah r. Tenney, H. 0. Mr. . ,Latham moved. that the ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Gasoline Supplies Rent Rent of Safe Deposit box Supplies Addressograph supplies Ant Paste Oil Supplies 11 Typewriter inspections Stubbing pole Supplies Premium on policy Material tag, Lumber Supplies Total - Rgi FUND. Labor on city streets Rents, etc. Money advanced for rent Rent Water hdlk furnished Clerical services Rent Gas Services and long distance Water Services Printing Total 68.25 6.16, 66.43 40.00 8.00 1.35 9.37 .50 6.10 29;70 531.85 3.00 18.98 84.08 221.39 1726.55 14.70 128.07 52.55 2.13 1.39 15,81 036.36 3a4.00 58.43 26.00 14.00 .80 5.82 66.00 42.50 2.39 6.87 1.25 10.00 6.50 634.56 claims as listed be pal seconded by Yr. Probst and on roll call caxried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, March 21st, 1922, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk;