1922-04-18 Regular CC Minutes3 7 8 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE cITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 18TH, 1922. The meeting convened at 8 P. M. with PreSident Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and President Otis, (5), were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting- of Lpril 4th were approved as read. The following were received: Affidavit of Publication of Notice to Bidders, re Comfort 'on, Washington Park. Ordered filed. Report of the hunicipal Electric Light Plant for the month of January, 1922. Ordered filed. Oath of Office of Blanche Wade, as policewomen, Recreation Department. Ordered filed. Continuation certificates on the bonds of Arthur D. Goldsworthy and Henry P. Sichman of the hunicipal Electric Light Plant. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From the League of California Lunicipalities, asking the Council to indorse by Resolution, H. R. Bill 10,212. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 477. Indorsing H. R. Bill 10212 (67th Congress, and Session). Entitled "A Bill to Supplement and Amend an Act entitled 'An Act to Amend the Laws Relating to the Judiciary' (Act of March 3, 1911, Chapter 231), and Known as the Judicial Code,and to Limit the Jurisdiction of District and Circuit Courts in Certain Cases"." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolutinn and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. From the Bank of Alameda, re moving of fountain in front of their building. hr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager, seconded by hr. Latham and carried. The clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the recl ssifi- cqtion of the property situated at 1162 Broadway, from a single Family Dwelling District, Class I to a Flat, etc., District, Class II; that notices had been posted in accordance with Ordinance No. 144, New Series and amendments thereto, and that no protests had been received. Mr. H. S. Andresen, representing hrs. Anna Ihrig, the petitioner, was present. There being no objectors present in the council chamber, Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 478. Reclassifying the Property Situated at 1162 Broadway, To a Class TI, Flat, etc. District." Mr. Tilden seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. hr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 479. Notifying Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Ltd., 0 April 18th, 1922. ed and passed unanimously. ht. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 480. Approving Yap of Lan& to be Known as "The Thompson Park Tract." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section. 320 of the Municipal Cede Regarding the-Storage of Petroleum Products or Hydro-C4rbon Liquids in quantities Above 5 Gallons and not to Exceed 550 Gallons." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. The clerk stated that the time had arrived for the opening of bids for the construction of a comfort station at Washington Park and that two bids had'been received. Mr. Probst moved that the bids be received and opened seconded by hr. Latham and carried. The Clerk thereupon opened the bids which were as follows: From Leo. F. Kochendorfer. 6.606666606.660006 6 3878.00 From the Western Construction Company......... 3650.00 Both bids were accompanied by a certified chebk in the amount of 300.00. After discussion, Mr. Latham moved that both bids be rejected and that the certified checks be returned, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried. 2 The city engineer rendered his report regarding the construction and repair of the Bay Famr Island road and submitted plans and estimated cost of two different types of construction. Mr. J. W. Paramore, representing E. B. 81 A. L. Stone addressed the Council and asked for further time to look into the matter. Thereupon Mr. Tilden moved that an invitation be sent to all resi- dents of Bay Farm Island inviting them to attend the next meeting of the Council to be held. May 2nd, for the purpose of ascertaining the character of road that they wish constructed and for general discussion of same, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 13V The City :manager reported that as a war time measure the American Railway Express Company had their office in Alameda changed to a sub-station and that Alameda does not at the present time appear in their list of regular stations. Mr. Latham moved that the City Manager communicate with the officials of the American Railway Express Company asking them to re-instate Alameda as one of their regular stations, seconded by hr. Adams and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to !,33154.87; against the Police Department amounting to $354.17; against the Fire Department amounting to 0223.86; against the Street Department amounting to 1444.67; against the Health Department amounting to '212.18; against the Recreation Department amo t- ing to 98.12; against the Store Department amounting to 124.25; against the Relief Illund amounting to 1.25; and against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 6775.71, having been approved and audited by the proper officials were April 18th, 1922. GENERAL FUND. General Departments Labor Alameda Steam :Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star American Law Book Co. American Surety Co. Bancroft-lhitney Co. Borle, C. A. Cook, A. W. Crocker, H. S. & Co. East Bay Water Co: Furey, Harry D. Heritage and Son, J. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Incidental expenses Inter-City Express Jenkins Co., C. H. Johnson Co., S. T. 11 It Tr IT Jost, B. Kelley, W. W. League of Cal. Municipalities Locke, lm. J. Martin, Mrs. J. A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Photo Service Bureau Purity Spring Water Co. Recorder Print. and Pub. Co. Reynolds, J. Schneider, Henry Short, W. J. Strom Electrical Co. Van Nuys & Petah, Drs. Western Union Tel. Co. Yawman Erbe Mfg. Co. TT IT IT TV IT IT TT IT TT IT Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Clark, R. P. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schwabacher & Frey Co. Smith, F. J. Standard Oil Co. Thrane, J. Western Union Tel. Go. Alameda Steam 'Laundry Assn'. Anderson Machine Works Calautt, U. R. East Bay Water Co. Furey, Harry D. Giffin, John F. Gutta Percha Rubber . & Mfg. Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Reese, John F. Sohst Auto Repair Co. Western Union Tel Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Clark & Sons, N. Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Towel service Printing Book Premium on bonds Subscription Money advanced for carfre Painting and tinting Mimeograph supplies Water Toilet tanks Papering and tinting Money advanced for janitor service Incidental expenses Subscription Carbon paper Oil IT Money advanced for carfare Pictures of Eel River project Dues Incidental expenses Barrels City Lighting Gas Rental and tolls Photos Water Subscription Services as Janitor Supplies Repairs to steam pipe Supplies and labor X-ray plates Telegram Supplies Repairs to files Cards Total Police Department. Prison Register ' Supplies andrepairs Alterations at City Pound. Labor and attendance Gas - City Pound. Rental and tolls Auto registration books Meals Gasoline Parts for motorcycle Clock rental Total - - - Fire Department. Linen and towel service Repairs Repairing boiler Water Supplies Repairs to auto and parts Washers and expansion rings Labor and attendance Gas Rental and tolls Painting bumper Repairing fender and painting Clock rental Total Street Department. Supplies for autos Sewer pipe Supplies water Rental and tolls Health Department. Total 28.00 8.00 11.53 7.50 170.00 10.00 4.20 25.00 14.95 15.50 32.00 45.00 31.50 3.46 4.50 2.70 22.50 59.63 3.84 48.03 40.00 2.00 25.00 2345.75 13.28 10.68 43.50 1.00 9.00 33.00 4.12 2.50 16.95 10.00 .60 37.00 3.65 9.00 ql 3154.87 70.35 4.05 18.15 50.00 3.12 12.80 50.00 104.80 26.25 13.40 1.25 354.17 50.00 10.78 2.00 17.43 15.00 24.75 7.13 50.00 23.57 .20 2.00 19.50 1.50 223.86 $ 1295.62. 81.02 51.45 3.78 7.12 5.68 2444.67 Eberly's finality naifty Pharrnacy h;ncinal Ice Co. Ford, N. 0, Hickok, C. E. City Manager Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland:Pioneer Soda Water Co. Pacific Tel. & Tol, Co. Piatt Photo 'Supply Co. Purity- Spring Water Co. Sanders, Dr. R. W. Spencer-Lens Go. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Architectural Record Cohen, F. A. Dick, L 0. Bast Bay Water Co. Gardner, U. S. . Mazzini, L. 16orse & Co., G. 0. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Go. Piatt Photo Supply Go. Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co. TT IT Crocker Co., H. S. April 18th, 1922. Ivory mirror Ice Printing Money advanced Repairs Water Rental and tolls Frame Water Services in First Aid Station Microscope Total - Recreation Department. Alameda Electric Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Times Star Associated Oil Co. Board of Public Utilities Burman, Frank H. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Gilson Electrical. Supply Co. Great Western Power Go. Kellogg Express Co. Line Material Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Ritchie, Mrs. L. E. Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Go. Tt TT Notice Supplies and repairs Subscription Services Auto repair Water Turpentine Quoits Seeds Gas Rental and tolls Photos Electrical repair., Lumber IT- Total - Store Department. Ink and pencils ELEOTRIC LIGHT FUND. Supplies Towel service Supplies Gasoline Incidentals for larch Supplies Maintenance of machine Supplies Electrical current Drayage Supplies Rental and tolls Premium on bonds Stationery and supplies Oil Lumber Supplies IT Total - 25 5.88 20.50 14,00 56.90 1.20 4.68 2.07 .50 15.00 77.50 - 212.18 4.16 2.82 3.00 24.00 8.43 5.19 6,10 2'.75 .25 5.72 2.50 5.57 3.75 1.58 22.30 98.12 24.25 4.14 1.00 1.50 19.95 15.06 3.00 6.50 347.15 6242.82 2.00 23.75 34.69 6.25 59.29 5.30 .50 1,21 1.60 - $ 6775.71 hr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by hr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet: in regular session Tuesday evening, May 2nd, 1922, at 8 o'clock P. M. Respectfully submitted,