1922-06-20 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALAMEDA, TUEODAY EVEEING, JUNE 20, 1922. The meeting convened at 8:10 p. m., with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and Pres- ident Otis, (5) were noted present. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 6, 1922, were approved as read. The following were received: 12,7 Report of Nm. Leslie, Consultant Actuary, re. Police and Fire Department Pension Wands. Ordered filed. 2, Contract with the mission Concrete Co. for construction of Comfort Station at Washington Park. Ordered filed. Report of the Milaicipal Electric Light Plant for month of biarch, 1922. Ordered filed. Affidavit of Publication, iiotice to bidders, re. tractor for zAreet De- partment. Ordered filed. Certificate of Title, Landsberger portion of Franklin Park property. Ordered filed. Copy of lease, John F. Buttrick and. City of Alameda, re. Pranklin Park property. Ordered filed. Certificate of Title re. ,iashington Park Addition. Ordered filed. Various papers concerning Washington Park Addition numbered from 1 to 22, inclusive. Ordered filed. The communication from the Federation of hiothers' Clubs in Alameda, read at the meeting of the City Council, June 6th, re. Curfew law, was, upon motion of Mx. Probst, seconded by Nr. Latham, referred to the City :Manager. 10v/ ivir. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 508. 7 I/ 8/ 9/ 117 Transferring 32$ from the Park Purchase Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call carried unan- imously. Mr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 509. Fixing sa ary of CUstodian of City Hall." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call carried unan- imously. The following communications were received: 12/ From m.J. Short, applying for the position of Janitor of the City Hall. Ordered filed. 13,/ From City Lianager Hickok,advising that subscriptions from various citizens toward the purchase and development of Franklin Park in the sum of 1775.00 had been deposited by him with the City Treasurer. Ordered filed. 14/ Prom City Attorney Locke, giving opinion as to the right of a petitioner to withdraw his name from a petition. Ordered filed. June 20, 1922. 15y/' From Klink Bean 80 Co., submitting a bid for the auditing of the books and records of the City of Alameda for the coming fiscal year. Ordered filed. 16/ From Earwick, -Mitchell & Co., submitting a bid for the auditing of the books and records of the City of Alameda for the coming fiscal year. Ordered filed. 17/ From halter H. Cramer, requesting renewal of his contract as General Auditor and Accountant for the City of Alameda. Ordered filed. 18/ kr. Probst moved that the City Clerk prepare specifications and advertise for bids returnable at the next regular meeting of the Council to be hela July 5, 1922, for a General Auditor and Accountant for the City of Alameda. The motion was seconded by Yr. Adams and carried unanimously. 19/ The Clerk stated he was in receipt of a petition purported to,be signed by members of the Alameda Vire Department, protesting further decrease in pay. Er. Probst moved that the petition be granted. The motion was seconded by Er. Latham. After a general discussion -Er. Tilden moved as a substitute for the motion of kr. Probst that the following resolution be adopted: "Resolution Bo. 510. 2ixing the salaries of the offieers and members of the Fire Department of the City of Alameda". Er. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call the same was carried by the following vote: AYRS: Councilmen Adams, Tilden and utis, NOES: Councilmen Probst and Latham, (2). 20/ Mr. Tilden introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 511. Fixing the salaries of the officers and members of the 2olice Department of the City of Alameda". Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Adams, Tilden and Otis (3). NOES: Councilmen Probst and Latham, (2). 217 Mr. Tilden introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution io. 512. Fixing Salaries of the Following Officers and Employees of the City of Alameda, to-wit: The Deputy Auditor, the Deputy Assessor, the Stenographer to the Auditor and Assessor, Build- ing inspector, Stenographer to the City Attorney, City Clerk, 13tenographer to the City Clerk, Janitor of the City Hall, City Manager, Stenographer to the City Manager, Stenographer to the City Council, Veterinary and Food. Inspector, Sanitary Inspector, Bacterioligist, Clerk of the Health Department, Health Visitor, Superintendent of the Recreation Department, Head Gardener of the Recreation Department, Head. Gardener of the Recreation Department, Gardeners of the Recreation Department, Street Superintendent and Ex-officio City Engineer, Clerk of the Street Department, Assistant City Engineer, Foreman of the Street Department, Deputy Treasurer and Tax Collector". kr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call carried by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Adams, Tilden and Otis, (3). NOES: Councilmen Probst Frobet and Latham, (2). 22v/ The Clerk stated he was in receipt of a petition for the rec1assfication of the property situated at 2001 Eagle Avenue from a Class I, Residence District, to June 20, T922. No. 144, N. S., and amendments thereto, and that no protests had been received by him. There being no objectors present in the Council Chamber, hr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 513. Reclassifying the property situated at 2001 Nagle Avenue to a Class II, Flat, etc., District." 12r. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call carried unani- mously. The Clerk stated he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of the property situated at 2055 Eagle Avenue from a Single )J'amily District, Class I, to Public Garage District, Class V. That notices had been posted in accordance with Or- dinance No. 144, E. S., and amendments thereto, and that a protest had been received signed by property owners within the district. ur. Jones, the petitioner, was present and stated his desires to the Council. The following people were present and spoke in protest: Yr. Neall, hr. Durks, kr. J. K. Horohan and Nirs. Barr.' After discussion Mr. Latham moved that the matter be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Council to be held July 5, 1922, to permit the councilmen to investigate. The mo- tion was seconded by ur. Probst and carried. 24V The Clerk stated that in response to the notice to bidders re. tractors for Street Department he was in receipt of three bids, whereupon hir. Probst moved that the bids be opened, seconded by hr. Latham, and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the following bids: From the Holt -1,1anufacturing Co.... ................. 5,395.00 Allowance for old Caterpillar . .. 06 66 00 •• 6606 0•0 1,000.00. ',1rom E. B. &, A. L. Stone Company, Second hand Best Tractor .. 066600606600006000060 5,000.00 Allowancefer old tractor .. 060,0606666606.6000000 1,000.00 1(1rom 0. L. Best Tractor Co.... .60 66•0•0.60406••••• Allowance for old tractor ...................... 5,700.00 1,200.00 The bids of the Holt Manufacturing Co. and C. L. Best Tractor Co. were accompanied by certified checks each in the amount of 1.,500.00. E. B. & A. L. Stone Co. was accom- panied by a bond in the sum of 0500.00. After discussion and upon the recommendation of the City hanager, lar. Latham moved that the bid of the Holt kanufacturing Co. be accepted and that the City Clerk return checks of the unsuccessful bidders. 11/41r. Tilden seconded the motion and upon roll call carried unanimously. 25v/ A Bill entitled, "A Bill 2.or Or No. N. S. Reclassifying portion of Lot on the South- east corner of oak Street and Santa Clara Avenue to a Class V District", came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. 14r. ,Probst moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by ur. Latham, and on roll call carried unanimously. 26 A Bill entitled, "A Bill For Ordinance 1,o. H. S. Reclassifying Froperty situated at 1724 santa Olara Avenue to a Class IV, Tinder- garten District", came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. ur. 2)robst moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by hr. Adams, and on roll call carried unanimously. 27/ The City JIngineer presented plans and speoifications for the boring of a well june 20, 1922. Tilden, and on roll call carried unanimously. 28 The City Engineer presented plans and specifications for the erection of a tankhouse and tank for ?ranklin Park. Mr. Probst moved that the plans and speci- fications be adopted and that the City Clerk advertise for bids for the erection of same, returnable July 5th, 1922. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham, and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Wm. Leslie, Consultant Actuary, was present in the Council Chamber and addressed the Council respecting his report on the condition of the Are and Police Department )0unds. 297 mr. Latham moved that the City Manager be granted thirty days extension of time in the preparation of the budget, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The City Manager stated that the County Board of Supervisors would not pur- chase three life boats for the use of the city, whereupon mr. Tilden moved that the matter be left in the hands of the City Manager with power to act, to the extent of 150.00. Mr. Latham seconded the motion and upon roll call carried by the follow- ing vote: 0/ (31: AYES: Councilmen Probst, Latham, Tilden and Utis, (4). ECM: Councilman Adams, (1). Mr. Probst moved that City Clerk Varcoe be appointed. Acting City Manager daring the absence of City. Manager qickok. The motion was seconded by hr. Latham and carried. hr. Tilden moved that the City Clerk be instructed to send a letter of condolence to the family of Joseph Byrne, deceased, on behalf of the Council, sec- onded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 3162.07; against the Police Department amounting to .319.45; against the Pire Department amounting to 220.77; against the Street Department amounting to :;1839.90; against the Health Department amounting to 0.94.86; against the y'ranklin Park Fund amounting to .5425.72 against the Recreation Department amounting to ,3638.11; against the .1tore Department amounting to .15.68; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to .,*279.49; against the ilectric Light Fund amounting to 5756.11; against the 1922 Personal Property Tax Nefund amounting to 34.85 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Repair & Sup. Co. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. American Snrety Co. of N. Y. Alameda Times Star IT IT IT IT Astiz, martin J. Bischoff's Surgical House Buben, 2denka, Sect'y Burroughs Adding Machine East Bay Water Co. N. 0. Ford Grayson-Owen Co. Carrie J. Hales C. E. Hickok Rebecca Hodgkins A. P. Hotaling & Co. S. T. Johnson Co. GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Reprs. to locks .85 Hospital care—Health Center 189.00 Towel Service 8.00 Laundry--Health Center 5.47 Premium on Bond 40.00 Advertising 22.91 Printing Booklets 679.50 Copies of Ordinance 211 L.S. 1.25 Ice Cream-Nutrition Class 1.50 Equipment-Health Center, 10.69 Revolving Fund expenditures 13.26 Ribbon 1.50 Water-Health Center ..80 Printing,Del.Tax Notices 37.50 Rent - Health Center 25.00 Clerical Services 25.00 Carfare and incidentals 2.77 Janitor ervices 10.00 Janitorial Supplies 8.35 Distillate 31.88 )2 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. TT fl IT H. Schneider Esther Seeley A. F. Snow from Elec. Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Times Star TI IT Alameda Vulc. Arks A. O. Gott Iincoln,Auto & Cycle Co. Municipal Elec. Light Plant If Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. H. C. Parsons Standard Oil Co. Jeaver-Wells Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Alameda Steam Ldry. Assn. Alameda Elec. Co. Alameda Tire & Vulc. Works Alameda Times Star W. R. Calcutt IT TT TT IT IT IT John F. Giffin L. Mazzini Municipal Electric Pac. Tel & Tel Co. Standard Oil Co. Western Union Tel Co. Weinstock Nichols Co. Light Labor Alameda Vulc. General Plant IT N. Clark & Sons E. C. Dick East Bay Water Co. Lambert Trubleproof Cd. Tire Pac. Tel & Tel 0o. San Fran.-Oakland Term- Ry's. L. W. Vosburgh Alameda Times Star TT TT TT Bischoff's Surgical House Bowman Drug Co. Eberly's Drug Store Encinal Ice Co. P. Flatow & Son C. E. Hickok C. H. Jenkins Co. Municipal Elec. Light Plar Vera Uieblas Oakland Pioneer Soda later Co. ditto Pao. Tel & Tel Co. Purity Spring Water Palace Market June 20, 1922. Departments (con.) Telephone - Health Center 1.00 Telephone & Tolls - City Hall 9.24 Stationery 5.45 Services, Assessor's office 37.50 Janitor Services, City Hall 51.00 Reprs. fixtures City Jail . 25.40 Lumber for Dump 44.28 Telegram 1.20 Total . . . . . $3162.07 :Police Department. Printing Targets Tire e\1 Tube reprs. Police Star & Reprs. to watch Reprs. to Motorcycle Upkeep Pol. Tel. & Tel. System Reprs. to Autos & El. Bulbs Telephone Bread for Pound. Gasoline Reprs. to Auto. Clock Rental Index Cards Total . . Fire Department. Linen & Towel service Elec. Supplies Casing and Tube 2rinting Fire Alarm Cards Repairs TT Ti Reprs. to Auto Stove Bolts and Wicks Repairs, etc. Upkeep Gamewell system Tel. tolls Gasoline Clock rental Jack Total Street Department. Tire & Tube reprs. 11 U Sewer Pipe Auto. parts water-Gutter & Sewer flushing Co. Tires Tel. & Tolls Asphaltum Bolts-Washers-etc. Labor Bank of Alameda A. Manuel Health Department. Printing Garbage Printing Plumb. Equipment Sal. Soda Oil Mirbane & Rat Paste Tee Drugs and Bandages Money adv. for Guinea Carbon Paper Bbl. Fuel Oil Services in Laboratory Distilled Water ditto Tel Ex. & Serv. Water Rabbits Total . 0 0 0 $ 28.00 12.20 1.80 10.85 6.15 50.00 31.33 13.12 4.00 26.25 6.40 1.25 2.10 93.45 $ 50.00 2.32 31.30 25.00 .55 .25 .15 1.50 .55 4.65 58.32 .20 21.00 1.50 23.48 422O.77 $1553.60 11.25 12.60 78.86 7.90 72.50 93.10. 3.64 4.20 2.25 $1839.90 ards 67.00 Drain. Blanks 47.75 1.64 1.75 16.83 5.78 20.68 11.00 2.00 2.25 9.10 1.20 1.20 4.88 .50 1.30 Franklin Park Fund. Total . . . . . 194.86 Services re Landsberger le Lumber se 400.12 25.00 .60 Alameda Repr. & Sup. Co. N. R. Calcutt Emilie A. Cohen Crane Co. Harry D. Furey Heafey, Moore &McNair' Joost Bros. J. G. Lubben A. Manuel L. Mazzini Pap. Tel & Tel Co. 4. A. Plummer Mfg. Co Powell Bros. E. P. Sutton Sign Go, Waddell Lumber Co. H. S. Crocker Co. Alameda City Social Serv. T1 IT V. 0. Ford Giobatis Dairy B. Perata Pap. Tel & Tel Co I? 11 11 TT June 20, 1922. Recreation Department. Saws, set & filed Bolts, drill & sleeve Services as sub-play-director Pipe fittings Reprs. to plumbing Resurfacing Tennis & hand-ball Courts at Lincoln Park Equipment Hay & Straw Lumber reprs. McKinley Park Equipment Telephone Canvas for reprs. Rock, Sand & Cement Signs score-board Wash. Park Lumber for reprs. Total . Store Department. Note books & Erasers Council Relief .d'und. Board It Yoneys advanced Moneys advanced for rent Printing Envelopes Edik Water Telephone & Tolls 11 TT Total . . . Electric Light Fund. Alameda Steam Lary. Assn. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulc. Works Associated Oil Co. Cal. State Auto. Assn. Great Western Power Co. Keaton Tire & Rubber Co. Kellogg Express Co. Pac. Tel. & Tel Co. TT TT TT TT Emil Schwartze Southern Pacific Co. Street Department, City of Ala. Western Heavy Hdw. & Iron Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. 1. A. Jeffery Towel. Service Supplies Supplies & Reprs. Gasoline Insurance Elec. Current Supplies Drayage Replacing Poles Telephone & Exchange. Repairs to clock Repairs to Pole line Pole line survey Supplies Supplies Total; . . . . 1922 Personal Property Tax Refund. Refund of P. P. Taxes * • 0 17? 2.90 .75 14.00 4.24 3.50 400.00 64.00 16,20 11.45 64.68 2.82 4.22 21.70 18.60 8.65 0 638.11, $ 15.68 10.80 236.50 14.00 7.32 .75 5.96 4.16 279.49 1.00 67.75 9.45 36.75 8.48 5466.09 4.67 2.35 92.37 35.19 3.50 11.60 15.00 .45 1.46 $5756.11 4.85 Latham moved that the claims as listed above be paid, seconded by Mr. Adams, and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further busine to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session ednesday evening, :July 5th, 1922, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,