1922-09-05 Regular CC Minutesb 2/ 6 7/ 81 REGULARMRETIEG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1922 The meeting convened. at 8 P. M. with Council-pre ident Otis presiding, The roll was called and. Councilmen Adams Probst Tilden and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Latham, (1) The minutes of the regular meeting of August 15th, 1922 were approved as read. The following were received: Bond of Zdenka Buben as Secretary of the Health Center Board. Ordered filed. Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the year ending June 30, 1922. Ordered filed. Oath of office of Lillian B. Hill, Policewoman. Ordered filed. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Re olution No. 541. Transferring 731.25 from' the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No 542. Transferring 165l.88 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of the property situated on the northwest corner of Grand Street and Central Avenue, from a Single Family Residence District, Class I, to a Flat, etc. District, Class II; that notices had been posted in accordance with Ordinance No. 144, N. S., and amend- ments thereto, that a petition of protest had been received, and also that numerous requests to withdraw names from the original petition had been received. Mr. N. Donovan, representing the petitioner,addressed the Council. Messrs. H. Stow R. A. Lauenstein, R. Anthony and. G. W. Scott addressed the Council in protest. After dis- cussion, Mr. Probst moved that the matter be submitted and taken under advisement, seconded b dr. Adams, and carried. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of 927 San Antonio Avenue, from a Single Family Residence District, Class I, to a Flat, etc. District,Class TI; that notices had been posted in accordance with Ordinance No. 144, N. S. and amendments thereto and that a petition of protest had been filed against the granting of the request. Mr. A. S. Craig, the petitioner,was present and explained to the Council his desires. Messrs. J. Eschen, E. H. Boyce D. M. Staricco and. P. Rasmussen addressed the Council in protest. After discussion, Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be submitted and taken under advisement, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of 1835 San Antonio Avenue, from a Single Family District, Class I to a Flat, etc. Th 10.• ii/ 12v September 5th, 1922. 144, N. S., and amendments thereto, and that no protests had been filed. Mrs. Morton L. Tower, the petitioner,wao present and explained her desires. There being no objectors present in the Council Chamber, Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 543. Reclassifying the Property Situated at 1835 San Antonio Avenue to a Class II, Flat Etc. District." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of the property situated at 1563 Pacific Avenue, from a Single Family Residence Distriat, Class I, to a Flat, Etc. District, Class II; that notices had been posted in accordance with Ordinance No. 144, N. S. and amendmeet thereto and that no protests had been received. Mrs. E. T. Sanford, the petitioner, was present and explained her desires. There being no objectors present in the Council Chamber, Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No 544. Reclassifying the Property Situated at 1563 Pacific Avenue to a Class II, Flat, etc., District." Mr.Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and'passed unanimously. The following communications were received: From the League of California Municipalities, containing the call to the 24th Annual Convention to be held at Palo Alto from September 19th to 23rd. Mr. Probst moved that the City Manager City Clerk, City Engineer, Health Officer and. Mrs. Beulah E. Spunn, Secretary of the Alameda Social Service Board, be appointed as delegates to attend this Convention, seconded by Mr. Tilden and on roll call carried unanimously. From Hon. K. Taylor, containing the sales receipt from the United States Shipping Board, covering the two police boats donated by him to the City of Alameda. Mr. Tilden moved that the same be accepted and that a vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. Taylor on behalf of the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mr. Tilden introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 'Resolution No. 545. Favoring the Construction of a Tube under The Estuary." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted d passed unanimously. 13 A Bill entitled ".A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Sections 9 and 13 of Ordinance No. 96, New Series, Entitled an Ordinance "Creating a Firemen's ',Relief and. Pension Fund" by Providing for Monthly Meetings of the Board of Trustees and. Monthly Payment of Pensions." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. LI September 5th, 1922. 14 v' A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 9 and 13 of Ordinance No. 97, N. S., entitled. An Ordinance "Creating a Police, Relief, Health and. Pension Fund", by Providing- for Monthly Meetings of the Board of Trustees and Monthly Payment of Pensions." was introduaed and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 2085.66; a:zinst the Police Department amounting to 0182.17; against the Fire Department amounting to $171.10; against the Street Department amounting to 3008.70; against the Health Department amounting to $153.45; a.xinst the Recreation Department amounting to $94.97; a nst the Council Relief Fund amounting to $262.60; against the Initiative Relief Fund amounting to •28.00; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $1391.32 and a at the Franklin Park Fund amounting- to 11265.76 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows; Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Tt VT fl Bancroft-Whitney Co. Berle, C. A. Crocker Co., H. S. Croll, F. J. Flatow & Son, P. Guy & Co., Fred. M. Hickok, C: E. Ilockins, At. F. Kollmann, M. McGuire & Co. Moise-Klinkner Co. It et Municipal Electric Light Plan IT Oakland. Blue Print Co. Otis, Frank Schaefer, Victor L. Waddell Lumber Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Elster, M. H. Guy & Co., Fred M. Kollmann, M. Maxwell Hardware Go. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard. Oil Company Thrane, J. United Petroleum Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Vekks Howe-Emereon Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Calcutt, W. R. It It Giffin, John F. Guy, Fred M. & Co, Morris, Geo. T. New York Lubricating Oil Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard Oil Company Wciddell Lumber Co. Weaver-Wells Co. GENERAL FUND. General Departments Towel service. Laundering curtains Books Incidental expenses Stamp pad and ink Auto upkeep Ant poison Cleaning and inspecting typewriters Auto upkeep Repairs to radiator Numerical telephone directory Barrels Rubber stamp City lighting Repairs to Chevrolet Block books Mayor's Allowance Ant poison Lumber Cups Total - Police Department. Index cards Cleaning typewriters Numerical Telephone directory Padlocks Repairs to police autos Gasoline Repaits to motorcycle Oil Lumber Anchor chain Total Fire Department. Linen service Supplies tr. Cotter pins InSpecting typewriter Hydro -pura Oil Repairs and recharging batteries Gasoline Lumber Gears $ 44.22 8.00 .60 17.50 3.52 .65 25.00 37.50 11.25 25.00 1.50 6.00 35.00 1.00 2.40 1685.74 48.61 38.30 50.00 37.50 4.46 1.91 $ 2085.66 13.50 6.75 6.00 8.60 33.67 25.00 25.00 8.65 39.37 6.33 9.30 182.17 50.00 3.00 .65 .30 2.25 6.00 38.90 22.66 10.50 20.00 3.89 12.95 Labor Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. Clark & Sons, V. Cook, Thoe, H. Guy & Co., Fred. M. Manuel, A. Oakland. Blue Print Co. Standard Oil Company Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. TV VT It It fl Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Cutter Laboratory Flatow & Son, P. Ford, N. O. Guy & Co., Fred M. Hickman, Geo. W. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Hodgkins, Mrs. Rebecca Toerber, Fuel & Feed Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Naval Base Press Nieblas, Vera Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co. It It I? tt Parisian Laundry Purity Spring Water Snow, Willi Wadsworth, Mrs. B. Wright, Miss Bessie Bofinger, S. Cohen, Miss Emilie A. Joust Bros. Mazzini, L. Piatt Photo Supply Co. Guy & Co., Fred. M. Alameda City Social Service Board it Th East Bay Water Co. H&les, Carrie J. Jones, Mrs, C. A. Municipal Electric Light Plant It It It It Norman, Frank Oakes, C. A. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. fl IT TT It It Palmer, Mrs. E. J. Scharer, Mrs. Spunn, Mrs. B. E. Stromberg, Mrs. J. September 5, 1922. Street Department Supplies Sewer pipe Repairs to Buick Truck Cleaning and inspecting typewriter Lumber Blue line prints Gasoline IT* Files Lumber Pointed stakes Lumber Total Health Department. Methyl red Transportation Vaccine virus Medicine droppers Printing Cleaning and inspecting tyepwriters Rolled oats Money advanced for guinea pigs Services in First Aid Station Alfalfa and wheat Repairs to Chevrolet Printing Services in laboratory Distilled water 11 11- Laundry Water Services in animal pens in First Aid Station 1 in laboratory Total - - Recreation Department. Services It Lawn Trimmer Soccer balls Prints Cleaning typewriter Total COUNCIL RELIEF FUND. Money advanced for rents It ft Water Salary- Rent Electricity TV- Rent Gas IV Rent. Salary Rent Total INITIATIVE RELIEF FUND. Alameda City Social Service Board Money advanced it TV TV It TI IT TV 2705.81 18.20 63.28 23.37 2.25 13.20 1.50 18.00 51.45 6.50 14.62 35.90 34.62 3008.70 .90 35.00 .80 .25 7.50 4.50 4.50 5.00 2.50 4.50 36.76 5.50 6.20 1.20 1.20 16.33 .50 4.00 2.00 14.40 153.45 4.00 8.00 11.15 66.75 2.82 2.25 94.97 36.00 15.00 1.56 3.12 4.14 81.00 15.72 1.05 1.26 11.00 25.00 2.35 4.90 15.00 13.00 10.00 22.50 262.60 $ 17.50 10.50 Total 28.00 30 September 5th, 1922 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Associated. Oil Company Citizens Bank Gamemell Fire Alarm Tel . Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Hanje8-aormann Co. Oakland Rim & Tire Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co, Phillips, S. J. Reese, T. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Weaver-Wells Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Heavy Hardware Co. Westinghouse E. &M Co. Bankhead & Lynch Morcherchi, Pete Waddell Luber Co. IT It ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Towel service Gasoline Rent Supplies Supplies Replacing pole Painting pipe line Typewriter inspections Supplies IT If IT Total - FRANKLIN PARK FUND. Boring well Services Lumber IT Total 1.00 21.00 40.00 78.66 542.36 25.50 1.18 16,11 160.00 6.00 49.00 9.35 20.43 7.53 413.20 391.32 36.50 45.00 75.62 8.64 $ 1265.76 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Tilden and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Tilden moved that the Council adjourn to meet as a Committee of the Whole, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried. :Upon arising from the Committee of the Whole Councilmen Probst, Tilden and. President Otis, (3) were noted present. Absent: Councilmen Adams and. Latham, (2). There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, September 19th, 1922 at 8 o'clock. Respectfuliy submitted,