1922-11-21 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21, 1922. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and. Councilmen Latham, Probst, Tilden and President Otis were noted present. Absent: Councilman Adams. The minutes of the regular meeting of November 8th were approved as read. The following were received: T receipts covering Baum and Landsberger property- Franklin Park. Ordered filed. 2v/ Affidavit of Posting of Notice of Set-back lines, re Thompson Avenue. Ordered filed. 3/ filed. Affidavit of Posting Notice of Public Work, re Shell Street. Ordered 4V Affidavit of Posting of Notice of Public Work, re opening of Versailles Avenue. Ordered filed. 5/ Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 570. ling the Assessment and. T;:es on Lots 11 and 12, Block 25, in "lands Adjacent to the Town of &mina Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed un imously The following communications were received: From Albert Leo of the Park-Street Club of Alameda, requesting per- mission to hold s*i-moiith1y athletic shows under the supervision of the Polies Department. Mr. Tilden moved that permission be granted and that the matter be referred to the City Manager with power to revoke at any time, seconded by Mr Probst •d carried. 7V From H. W. Glover, re action of Council upon re-.�istrioting the southwest corner of Clinton Avenue and Willow Street Ordered filed. 8/ From Andre Fourchy, re action of Council upon redistricting the southwest corner of Clinton Avenue and Willow Street. Ordered filed. 9/ In the matter of the hearing of the petition of Mr. Frank Andronico, for the reclassification of the northeast corner of Chestnut Street and. Lincoln Avenue, from a Residence District, Class I to a Retail Business District, Class III, action upon which was postponed from the last regular meeting of the Council the Clerk stated that he •4s in receipt of plans showing the desired improvement. Mr. Andronico, the petition was present in the Council Chamber, as ":s also Mr, who had previously protested a inst the granting of this petition. Mr. stated that he would withdraw all objections, thereupon a Bill entitled "'A, Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying property on the Northeast corner of Chestnut Street and Lincoln Avenue to a Class III, Retail Business District." intrnannAa Ana lnin AVAV nnanr n ymntrigleinn 1- h.+c' PF.. TA144nc9m mrwrsAall November 21st,1922. 10V The City Clerk acting under instructions of the Council as a result of the meeting of Nov. 8,1922, and after due notice had again been posted in the district effected, A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Reclassifying Property Situated on the Southwest Corner of Willow Streetand Clinton Avenue to a Class Vi, Hospital District." ntroduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. Messrs. Glov Gutsoh, Fourehy, Koover, r troop and others were present in the Council Chamber pro- testing a inst the Council adopting the Ordinance above referred to. A petition of protest s also submitted by Mr. Andre Fourchy and was signed by all persons present in the Council Chamber protesting. 11/ A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Repair of Side lks and for the Establishing of Liens for the Cost Thereof on the Property Benefited by such Repairs." ntroduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 12 A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. An:•Ordinanoe Providing a Relief and Pension Fund for members of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Alameda, also for the Administration of such Fund." came up for p sage. Mr. Probst moved that action on same be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council to be held December 5th, 1922, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 13i Mr. Latham moved that the least now held by James Robertson with the City of Alameda, be extended one year and that the Mayor be authorized to execute same on behalf of the City of Alameda, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 14 Mr. Tilden introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 571. Resolution Regarding T tion of University of California Property in the City of Alameda, not Used for Educational Purposes." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution d on roll call carried unanimously. Claims against the General Departments o ting to $3312.79; against the Police Department amounting to $294.23; against the Fire Department amounting to $639.77; against the Street Department amounting to 41999.39; against the Health Department amounting to $259.59; against the Recreation Department amounting to ?1456.49; against the Store Department amounting to $89.67; against the Council Relief Fund amounting to $95.77; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to $53066.44; against November 21st. 1922. and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Labor Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. 11 7f 7Q 11 Alameda Times Star n n tf The American Law Book Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Desk House, The Flato w & Son, P. Ford, N. 0. Hammond, S. J. Heritage & Son, John Hodgkins, Mrs. Rebecca Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Yap & Erbe Mfg. Co. Alameda Time Star Gardner, U. S. Guy & Co., Fred NI. Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 11 11 11 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard Oil Comp y Strom Electrical Co. Wayne Tank & Pipe Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Gutta Percha Rubber Mfg. Co. Independent Tire Company J es, Robert Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Kr ke & Brunje Manuel, A. Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 11' 1r n Owens, M. H. Pao i fic Tel. & Tel. Co. Phillips & Sector Pollard Co., Frank L. Reese, John F. Saum Grocery Security Drug Co. $t lard Oil Company Strom Electrical Co. Sutton Sign Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Baird, J. V. Dick, E. C. Duncker, J. East Bay Water Co. Gardner, U. S. Heafey, Moore & McNair 11 u 1► 1! Joost Bros. Mazzini, L. Moreland Motor Truck Go. Pacific Tel. & Tel Go. Powell Bros. . Rhodes- Jamieson & Co. 1R 11 t1 tr Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co. GEN L FUND. General Departments. Towel service Laundry - Health Center Copies of Ordinances Printing Book Di Card sections and guides Liquid soap Printing Clocks Painting Janitor services- Health Center City lighting Rental and tolls Water Repairs. L ber Filing case Total - - - - Police Department. Advertising Oil Royal Typewriter Labor and attendance Overhauling typewriter Rental and tolls Gasoline Batteries Cr handle Clock rental Total - - - Fire Department Linen service Supplies Tires Supplies Coal Supplies Shingles Recharging batteries, etc. Labor ' and attendance Install showers Tolls Oil Heater Painting Chief ls auto Soap Iodine Gasoline Dry cells Letter panels Lumber Clock rental Total - - - Street Department. Repairs Sharpening picks Supplies Curbing Water Turpentine Road oil 11 11 Street brooms Scoop Piston rings Rental and tolls Rock and screenings Materials Cement, screenings Batteries Lumber Total - - - $ 195.00 8.00 10.77 3.75 26.65 7.50 1.94 20.20 5.25 23.00 24.50 2.50 12.00 2063 «64 11.54 .50 5.80 797.00 93.25 - - -4 3312.79 3.42 2.70 55.00 117.93 61.74 14.78 23.75 11.25 1.58 2.08 294.23 50.00 1.71 124.20 16.00 20.70 17.99 3.15 25.23 132.29 121.00 .20 .75 29.25 60.00 19.25 1.75 8.50 1.00 4.00 1.30 1.50 639.77 079.50 2.03 2.50 5.10 313.20 5.49 9.20 118.17 104.90 67.70 11.50 3.15 2.60 75.75 102.00 91.45 2.70 2.45 - - - - - -$ 1999.39 0 November 21st., 1922. Braun- eaht- Heimann Co. Flatow & Son, P. Geary, L. P. Koerber Fuel & Feed Go. Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Petrium Sink Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Sheafe, Dr. E. V. Union Oil Company Wad orth, Mts. B. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Times Star Cohen, Emilie Crane Co. Dori =.rd Pump Co. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Manual, A. Municipal Electric Light Plant O'Brien, J. J. Pacfic Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. t� u Rhodes - Jamieson & Co. Starr ® C. C. Crocker Co., H. S. tt n tr n Jenkins Co., C. H. National Wood Renovating Co. Alameda Social Service Board Manuel, A. Oakes, 0, A. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co Alameda Scavenger Assn. Alameda Steam Laundry A Alameda Times Star Auto Electric Service Co. Board of Public Utilities Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Vosburgh, L. W. West End Trim Shop Health Department (Cont.) Laboratory supplies Bandages Installing sink Bale of hay Water Rental and tolls Petrium sink Water Services- Emergency Hospital Distillate Services Total - - -- Recreat ion Department. Filing sass Advertising Services Pipe and fittings P p Hay Shingles Repairs Services trRental Rock 1, Screenings Supplies Total - - 68.78 11.70 29.70 3.50 2.40 6.01 92.00 .50 2.50 7.50 1.50 59.59 1.90 6.67 12.00 124.43 859.50 13.00 65.80 12' .14 45.00 3.00 213.50 42.15 23.90 31.00 2.50 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - - 4 1456.49 Store Department. Pencil lengtheners Paper Paste and Carbon paper School brooms Total - COUNCIL RELIEF FUND. Money advanced Board for map Rent Gas Renal and tolls Total ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Removal of rbage Towel service Printing Supplies Incidentals Electricity Exchange service Supplies Repair side curtains Total HEALTH C ENT ER FUND. Planer, Edward T. T; Collector Taxes for 1922 -1923 FRANKLIN PARK FUND. Planer, Edward T. Tax Collector Taxes for 1922 -1923 PUBLIC USE FUND. Public Use charge for Aug. 1922 East Bay Water Co. Wr■ 0111. 1.47 41.79 12.60 33.81 89.67 64.00 2.65 25.00 1.93 2.19 95.77 3.00 1.00 14.70 .4.47 22.88 2979.24 36.57 2.38 2.20 066.44 81.28 222.25 2052.54 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, December 5th, 1922, at 8 o'clock. Respegtfully submitted,