1921-01-18 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18th, 1921 The meeting convened at 815 p. m. with Council-president Otis presidia The roll was called and. Councilmen Adams, Latham Probst, Tilden and. President Otis (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the previous meeting of January 4th were approved as read. The following were received: Oath of Office of Goldsboro A. Dunn as a police officer. Ordered filed. Oath of Office of George V. Gray as a special officer. Ordered filed. Affidavit of publication of Notice of Election of March Sth,1921. Ordered filed. Agreement waiving benefits in the police pension fund by Angelina Vaughn. Ordered filed. Grants of Easement for the new North Side Sewer from the following: Southern Pacific Company; N. Clark and Sons; Adelaide Bruzzone, et al; San Francisco,Oakland Terminal Railways; C. L. Taylor Company; Herbert A. Page and wife; Alaska Packers Association; H. S. Bridge and Carrie E. Bridge. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From the Southern Pacific Company regarding the condition of Central Avenue, etc., The matter was left in the hands of the city manager for further report to the council at a later date. From the City Planning Commission recommending that an ordinance be passed establishing set back lines. Mr. Probst moved that the communication be referred to the City Attorney with instructions to prepare such an ordinance, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. The application of L. G. Wagner for a gratuitous license to solicit orders and deliver food products was, upon motion of Mr. Latham seconded by Mr. Adams and carried, referred to the city manager. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassifica- tion of 1341 Broadway; that the petition had been duly checked and notices posted setting Tuesday evening, January 18th,1921 as the time for hearing any objections. Mr. L. G. Towsley, the petitioner, was present and explained his plans. Mrs. Lawrence Wilson objected to the proposed change. Explanations were made that the change pertained only to 1341 Broadway and not to the entire district. Mr. Latham thereupon introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 359 Changing Premises known as 1341 Broadway from a Class I to a Class II District." Mr. Probst oaded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 10 The matter of abating a public nuisance at 1111 Fountain Street came up for hearing. Building Inspector, E. C. Mailiot, reported that Mr. Arada the o owner, has completely removed same, whereupon Mr. Probst moved that all further 111-noppaincrQ ha ahclviann,4 QnrinInAfNA 1,-vr esNnel 2 13( 16 17/ 8 January 18th,1921. postponed to the regular meeting of February 15th, 1921; that meanwhile Mr. Jefferys, the owner, be instructed by the Building Inspector to hasten the completion of the alterations, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried. The matter of abating a public nuisance at 460 Central Avenue came up for hearing. Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be left in the hands of Mr. Adams to try to see the owner, or her agent, and come to some agreement for its re- moval of repair and to report back at the next meeting of the council to be held. Tuesday evening, February 1st 1921, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The protest of Suzzie H. Wells, re closing of Austin Avenue and other streets, came up for hearing. City Manager, Charles E. Hewes stated that since the last meeting of the council objections had been entered by L. Steccone, regarding the closing of said streets, in as much as it would necessitate the removal of his house to a different situation. Mr. Tilden moved that if necessary and the city manager recommended the same, it be the sense of the council to a9prove such removal and that the city of Alameda pay one-half the expense of said removal, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Probst moved that the matter of a further hearing be postponed to the regular meeting of the council to be held February 15th, 1921, seconded by Mr'. Latham and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Fixing the Rate of License Ta on Street Pairs or Carnivals." came up for passage, Mr. Tilden moved that the ordinance be ado9ted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. D. A. Eberly was present and addressed the council regarding the Boy Scout movament stating that it was the desire of those in charge to have the boy scouts take up some branch of work which would prove of benefit to the City of Alameda and suggetec1 their taking up the extermination of the Argentine Ant. ITr)on motion of Mr. Latham seconded by Mr. Probst, the matter was referred to the City Manager to report back at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held February 1 t,1921. City Manager Hewes stated that the Robertson lease of a portion of the Corporation Yard had expired and Mr. H. Robertson requested a renewal of same. Mr. Latham moved that the city manager be instructed to renew the lease at 6,00.00 per year payable in advance with the privilege of renewal at the end of the year, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried. The City Clerk stated that it would be necessary to employ extra help in preparing for the coming election to be held March 8th. Mr. Probst moved that the clerk be authorized to secure such help as may be necessary at a. rate of 03.50 day, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Tilden again called attention to the over-crowded condition of the trains connecting with the 5:15 boat from San Francisco and requested that immediate action be taken to correct this condition. Mr. Tilden moved that the January 18th,1921 197 /general discussion was participated in by all members of the council regard- ing the condition of the lot on the north side of Santa Clara Avenue, commencing at a point sixty-five feet west of Grand. Street, now standing on the books of the City Assessor in the name of Leah F. Mott. Lumber and other building material has been promiscuously unloaded upon the property and at the present time it is a detriment to the neighborhood and very unsightly. Mr. Tilden moved that the City Attorney be reauested to look into the matter and take steps toward having the lot cleaned up, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 20 A discussion was held regarding numerous arks within the city limits. The City Manager stated that one in particular, occupied by Mr. Seymour Arada, situated at the extreme end of Encinal Avenue, is one that should demand the attention of the Council. The City Engineer was requested to make a diagram of the situation.of this ark and upon motion of Mr. Tilden, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried, the City Attorney was requested to take such steps as is necessary to remove this ark. City Manager Hewes stated that he had attended a meeting of city officials of all sides of the Bay in SaiLFrancisco, called for the purpose of discussing the need and necessity of operating another fire boat upon the Bay. 'At this meeting it was requested that resolutions be prepared by.the different municipalities to be presented to Governor Stephens at Sacramento on Thursday morning, January 20th,1921. Thereupon Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its doption: "Resolution No. 360. Endorsing State Maintenance of Fire Boat." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham moved that the Mayor, he City Attorney and. City Manager represent the City of Alameda at that meeting, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried unanimously. 22 A Bill entitled 23 For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Providing for the Establishment of Set-Back Lines on Private Property, Prohibiting the Erection of Buildings or other Structures between said Lines and the Street, and Prescribing the Penalty for a Violation of said. Ordinance." as troduCed and laid over under a provision of the charter. A Bill entitled For "A Bill Ordinance No. New Series. Requiring Railroad Corporations to Construct and Maintain Shelter Stations at the regular Stopping Places of Their Trains and. Prescribing the Penalty for a Violation Thereof." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. Claims against the General Departments amounting to $2975.04; against the Police Department amounting to $241.04; against the Fire Department amounting to 0114.58; a- gainst the Street Department amounting to $1841.22; against the Health Department amounting to $91.08; against the Recreation Department amounting to $686.69; against the Store Fund amounting to $7.84; against the Relief Fund amounting to $95.61; against the Sewer Construction Fund amounting to 0632.50; and against the Electric Light Fund Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Bancroft-Whitney & Co. Cardinet, Ernest H. Cranston, A. R. Crocker Co., IL, S. Ty IT It fl If fl TT 1,1 TT Heves, Charles E. City Manager Inter-City Express Johnson Co., S. T. Molier's Studio Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 TV IT Murdock, Geo, H. Neville, F. R. Pacific as & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Ritchie, L.E. Schneider, Henry Sheehan, J. E. Times Star TV 11 71 TV Underwood Typewriter Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Dick, E.G. Hewes, Charles E. Assignee A. Crooks Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Go. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parson Bros. Smith, F. J. Strom Electrical Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Anderson Machine Works Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Gardner, U. S. Hauch, H. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Kellogg Express Co. Lubben, J. G. n 1? TT Munidipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Schneider, Henry Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Art Concrete Works Austin-Western Road. Machinery Co. Baird, J. V. California Pottery Co. Dick, E. C. Hamilton, Burnett Kellogg Express Co. Lena, N. Municipal Electric Light Plant v Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros. Construction Co. Post Co., Frederick Southern Pacific Co. Times Star Waddell Lumber Co. January 18th, 1921 General Departments. Towel service Books Cleaning curtains Services as Building Inspector Steel forms Mime ograph supplies P. O. Box Paper Incidentals Subscription Oil Map City lighting Lamp Repairs to Chevrolet Insurance premium 1t TT Gas Rental and tolls Water Insurance premium Pencil extensions Underwood Typewriter Advertising TT and printing IT Half-tone and retouching map Repairs Lumber Total - Police Department. Paste Repairs to fan belt Services as special patrolman Repairs to motor cycle and auto Gas Telephones Bread Meals for prisoners Batteries Telegrams Total - Fire Department. Linen service for Dec.19 Attach bell to Truck No. 1. Ant paste Shellac and varnish Hydro-pura Money advanced for auto slip-on Expressage Coal Recharge three batteries Gas Phone tolls Duck Record books Gasoline Dry cells and fuses Clock rental Total - Street Department. Concrete bench ends Supplies for gas roller Sharpening picks Sewer pipe Supplies Incidentals Express Sidewalk repairs Repairs to Moreland Truck Telephones and tolls Gravel and cement Blue print paper Express Printing books Lumber , 8.00 7.80. ' 3.50 55.00 3.90 7.20 .70 1.63 2.23 4.50 204.71 3.00 2361.93 2.65 34.50 25.00 25.00 • 12.61 10.36 .50 25.00 .45 60.00 15.00 26.75 10;00 10.00 2.12 51.00 2975.04 1.82 .80 49.67 105.20 .04 15.01 4.00 52.80 8.73 4.97 241.04 31.00 5.75 .25 7.70 6.00 2.50 .44 6.70 6.70 1.50 22.16 .30 13.67 3.48 32.50 2.43 1.50 144.58 $ 1459.48 65.62 7.59 5.00 71.97 6.45 3.75 .30 10.00 5.95 3.20 133.93 12.60 2.03 19.35 34.00 Total ----- $ 1841.22 Janwlry 16th, 1921. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bischoff's Surgical House Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Cranston, A. R. Elster, Marvin H. Encinal Ice 0o. Eberlyts Quality Pharmacy Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Nielsen, Ella Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Purity Springs Water Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Baker, C. C. Cohen, Emilie A. Dick, E. C. 0 TV n Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Spalding & Bros. A. G. Times Star Waddell Lumber Co. Crocker H. 5. Cardinet; E.H. Cloverdale Dairy Grenache, D. M. Highland Farm Dairy Koerber, A. H. W. Moise-Klinkner Co. Orr, Samuel Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Schneider, Henry Smith, Chas. Smith Bros. Varachi, Edwards) Western Dairy Co. Carlisle & CO., A. Thomson, John C. Alameda County Title Insurance Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Auto Electric Service Co. Baker-Joslyn Co. Board of Public Utilities Crocker Co., H. S. Dick, E.C. East Bay Water Co. Elster, M. H. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great Western Power Co. Konigshofer's Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Rose, E. F. Standard Underground. Cable Co. Times Star Waddell Lumber Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Heal th Dep art m ent . Tube, repairs and oil Hypo syringe Laboratory supplies Sub. Sanitary Inspector Printing Ice Bottles Wheat Money Advanced Rental and tolls Water Gas lighters Total - Recreation Department. Services - Tree Trimmer If Sub. Play Director Ford Automobile Globes Services as gardener Gas Phones Athletic goods Printing Lumber Total - - STORE FUND. Pins RELIEF FUND. Cleaning Milk Shoes repaired. Milk Fuel Stamp Services Rental Journal Plumbing Stamps Services Milk Total - - SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. Bonds Legal services on bond issue Total ELECTRIC LIGHT P1JND. Search of title Towel service Supplies Copper wire Incidentals Supplies Repairs Water Printing Supplies Electrical current Duck Supplies Gas Rental and tolls Battery Supplies Printing Supplies .90 1.26 34.02 32.50 6.60 4.02 .90 .30 86 5.17 .50 1.05 . 91.08 49.50 12.00 421.21 1.00 10.50 3.31 2.30 29.24 23.75 133,88 686.69 7.84 6.75 4.96 4.96 3.00 7.36 1.20 .35 10.50 8.25 1.92 3.30 1.20 25.00 16.86 95.61 457.50 175.00 632.50 20.20 1.00 5.40 597.16 20.64 48.56 22.10 .80 10.90 5.44 7361.63 1.00 6.19 3.84 32.36 19.00 995.65 17.35 5.44 29.28 Total -------- 0 9203.94 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in