1921-03-01 Regular CC Minutes4 REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF T} CITY OF Aikz—aiED.A., TUESDAY EVEITEIG MARCH 1ST, 1921. The meeting convened at 8:15 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham Probst, Tilden and President Otis were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of February 15th were approved as read. Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution, 7o. 366, Transferring p2, 532.42 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to ado-Pt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: Affidavit of publication of Reo1ution No. 362 12roviding Election Office rs and Polling Places for the General Municipal Election, to be held ],arch. Sth, 1921. Ordered filed. Report of the Liunicipal Electric Light Plant for the month of December, 1920. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From the Mayor, Treasurer and Auditor fixing rate of interest on public moneys deposited in lanks at aI per cent per annum. Ordered filed. From the Alameda Womansi Improvement Club, regarding stagnant water in the foundation of the old car barn on Webster Street. Upon motion of Er. Tilden seconded by Mr. Probst and carried the matter was referred to the City Manager with instructions to abate the nuisance. 61 From the Alameda City Land Company requesting permission to reproduce copyrighted maps of Alameda and Bay Farm Island. On motion of Mr. Latham secoxid ed by Mr. Probst and carried permission was granted. From Wm. J. Locke, City Attorney concerning appli e.tion of Barnes & Tibbitts Shipbuilding and Drydock Company for renewal of their lease for a further term of twenty- five years. Mr. Probst moved that the city Attorney be instructed to take the matter up with the Attorney for Barnes & Tibbitts and prepare a lease suitable to thern and the City of Alameda, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried by the following vote:- Ayes: Councilmen. Adams, Latham,Probst and President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Tilden, (1). Absent: None. Mr. Tilden explained his reason for voting no, stating that he did not believe the council should grant a further lease covering this period of time.. From Wm. J. Locke,City Attorney, regarding the nrotcst of George E. Plummer, inst certain assessments levied in pursuance of proceedings taken under Resolution Intention No, 49, N. S. Upon motion of Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Adams and carried, the report was ordered filed and the City Clerk instructed. to send. Mr. Fiunmer a cony of the opinion. From Alameda Post No. 9, American Iegion, endorsing suggestion regarding the naming of thoroughfares in honor of fallen soldiers. There being no objection this letter was referred to the City Planning Commission. From Lars A.. Federsen. reonestino- a 7rinewp1 of Tease of tidelanap, for n March 1st, 1921. City Attorney with instructions to prepare the necessary lease, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. by the following vote C ounc ilmen Adams, Latha,m Pr ob st and President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Tilden, (1). insen.t: None. 11/ From H. L. Hagan, Treasurer of 'Water Commission of the East Bay Cities, containing report of receipts and expenditures. Ordered filed. 12/ From the City Planning COMMiSSiOn recommending that the council take 2-ach steps as is necessary to create an apartment house district. Ordered filed. 137 The heariaa- on the matter of abating a public nuisance at 460 Central ilvenue was, upon motion of Mr, Latham, seconded by Itir. Probst and carried, postponed_ for two weeks, inasmuch as the Clerk advised the council that the building referred to had been disposed of and the removal of same was expected within that time. 4 The hearing on the ma ter of abating a public nuisance at 2421 Webb .Avenue came up. The Building Inspector reported that this building was now in the process of remodeling. Mr. Latham moved that further proceeclings rogard.:Lg this building be abandoned, c on ded by Mr. Probst and carried. 15 7 The. hearing on the matter of abating a public nuisance at 324 Lincoln Avenue was brouOrt up, Mr. Tilden moved that further hearing be postponed to the regular meetiag of the Council 5th, 1921, seconded. by J.Ir. Iathani and carried. 16/ A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Prohibiting the Leeping or Storing of New or Second-Hand Lumber or Building Material in a Resident Distr iCt came up for seassae;e. Mr. Probst moved that the ordinance be adopted., seconded. by Lir. Tilden and on roll call it was adopted and paseed hy the folloaing vote:- Ayes: Councilmen Adams, Latham,Probst, Tilden and President Otis, (5). Noes:None. .A.bsent:None. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. An Ordinance Regulating the 0,-)e ration of Aeroplanes, Hydroplanes, Balloons, and all Other Aircraft Over the City." came. up for .nassage. Mr. Tilden moved that the samelay over to the regular meeting of the Council March 15th, 1921, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. • 181- The Clerk stated he was in receipt of corrected plans and specifications for the North Side Sewer. Mr. Latham moved that they be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call were adopted unanimously. 1917 Judge L. R. We unman addressed the Council stating some time ago the council went on record as favoring the ay!:ontinL; o..7 an adult pYobct icn offff_c(a f oa: City af Alameda, that nothing had been done to date regarding this appointment and requested_ the Co-mac it to instruct the City Clerk to Arrite a letter to their local representatives in the State Legislature endorsing such an action and requesting an early appointment of such officer for this city. On motion of Mr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Tilden such was the order. Mr. Geo, H. Noble was present and addressed the council regarding the creation of an apartment house district. Mr. 11. Lishman of 1360 '3urbank Street, protestecl ar=minst'the council creating sneh a Clis.trint in hiR nni)7111-)nrbonfi_ UlInn mnf:inn nP 20 March 1st, 1921. / meeting. 211 Mr. C. H. Norton of the Southern Pacific Company,addressed the Council regarding the over-crowded condition of the 5:15 and 5:45 surburban trains. He stated that the Company was doing all they possibly could to remedy the condition and promised further efforts along these lines. Mr. Vollmar addressed the council regarding an assessrnent against a lot on the north side of Encinal Avenue, between Union and. Lafayette Street, by the Street Department for the cleaning of the same, and stated that he did not think he should be held responsible for the acts of other people in dumping garbage on the property. Mr. Volmar was notified that the first meeting of the Council in August, in the council chambers, was the time and place for the hearing of such protests. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 01622.80; against the Police Department amounting to $204.88; against the Fire Department amounting to 37963; against the Street Department amounting to e1584.51; against the Health Department amounting to 68.93; against the Recreation Department mounting to 3506.83; against the Store Fund amounting to 050.00; against the Relief Fund amounting to 3107.04; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 09453.33 and against Sewer Construction Fund Ye. 12 amounting to 050.31 having been approved and. audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows:- Ascher, Mre. Augusta Bancrof-Whitney Co. Buben, Zdenka Clark, R. P. Cron, F. J. Forrest, Anna Forrest, Esther Fox, Geo. H. 7rancis, Geo. C. Grayson-Owen Co. Hart, Florence Heritage & Son, J. Hewes, Charles E. Jacobs, Ida Langford, Alice Mazzini, Etta Municipal Electric Light Plant V? Osterman, Anna Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Rood, Luther W. Times Star General Departments. Services - re Election e, Subscription Money advanced - Curtain rods Carpenter work - Health Center Auto upkeep Services - re Election TV TY 1 t Premium on bond Repairs to auto Rent of 1512 Oak st. Services - re Election Painting Auto upkeep Services - re election Services " TV TV TV Lamps Repairs to auto Services - re Election Mayor's Allowance Gas Water Printing Advertising TV TV TV n Tr IT If If United States Fidelity & Guar. Co. Varcoe, Harriet TV W. E. Vosburgh, L. W. Watts, Edith Zellerbach Paper Co. TV Sample ballots and 1)recinct cards Printing - Auditor's office Printing - Tax bills, Premium on bonds Services - re Election Postage for sample ballots Paint Services - re Election Envelopes Police Department. Alameda Vulcanizing Works California State Automobile Assn. Crocker Co., H. S. Crocker Co., H. S. Liepsner & Co., H. S. Municipal Electric Light P Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Parsons Bros. Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Srnith,F. J. Yawman & Earbe Mfg. Co. 7P11rlInn4, -Pnnr,l, Total - Repairs to auto tires Speed signs Record binders Index cards Peddler's tags Nitrogen lanps Gas - City Pound. Bread for pound Motorcycle cover Meals for city prison index cards . Pe-nor -F. (Iv/ s 10.50 10,00 2.10 255.90 25.00 24.50 51.35 2.50 20.75 100.00 10.50 71.30 25.00 8.75 7.00 14.00 12,00 44.50 24.50 50.00 20.19 .50 3.00 103.72 20.83 139.95 262.20 110.05 37.50 10.50 114.19 11.90 14.00 4.12 - 0 1622.80 17.90 40,60 8.38 9.11 7.84 2.00 1.26 2.00 5.86 84.00 10.25 1F).F1R Calcutt , W. R. Comstock, Co. , The Lubben, J. G. Uedart Mfg. Co . , The Munic ipal Electric Light Plant Pacifi c Gas & Electric Co. Rood, Luther W. Standard Oil Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works TV TV TV Crocker Go., H.S. Daahl-Thorns Awning CO. Gay, A. T Kopperud Heafey Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. aver -Wells Go. Bernal, Gus Bi cchoff s Surgical House renter, Dr. T. Lanzone, Harriet Mol2e-Klinkner Co. National -:ood Renovating Go. Oa'-land .i:ioneer Soda Vater Co. TT TV TT TV TV ]-2ar1sian Laundry Purity L)pridg -,;ater Co. Times Star Wadsworth, Mrs. B. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Beaton, A.G. Alameda Renair & Sarre 17 Co. California Nursery -Go. California Nursery Co. Cohen, Emilie A. Gay, A. T. Lena, N. Mazzini L. Pac if ic Gas & Electric Co. TiOe s Star Fire Delp,rtment Re-rairs to faucet Soap Coal and sorrenings Lockers Battery Gas Print i ng Coal oil and gasoline Total - Street Department - Tube repairs Repairs and supplies Eve rsharp leads Canvass Repairs Road Oil Rock, gravel and cement 2 ist on rings Total - Healt h Department . Sharpening razor SuT1 ies Auto ulDkeep Services in laboratory Dater Disinfectant Water TT Laundry Water Pri.nt ing Services - cleaning hospital Total - Re creat ion Department. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Ackerman, Einnie Crocker Co., H.S. East Bay ater Co. Giancometti, Wiiliam J. Hales, Mrs. Carrie Hirth St. Coal and Feed Yard Kill i ngland, Thos. W. Konigshofer 's Municipal Electric Light Plant Assoc iated. Oil CO. Baker-Joslyn Co. Busse Sales Co , Frouk A. Citizens Bank Crane Go. Fyfe-Wilson Lumber Go. Gmewell Fire Alarm Tel, Co. General E1ectrc Co. 011 Money advanced for expressage Labor- sharpening saws Tree Trees Services - Su i1ay Director Iron and bolts Steps - Washington Nark Oil and wrenches Gas Pr lilting Total - Store Fund. Money advanced for stamps Relief Fund. Money advanced Office suTrol i es Water Rent Clerical work Fuel Rent Clothing L Rht Total - Electric Light Fund . Gasoline Copper wire Supplies Rent Pipe Poles Suopli es S77itchb oar d mwrch lst,1921. .85 5 .39 25.10 219 .05 57. 23 23 .76 9.75 38.70 379.83 1212.38 .75 25.85 .50 15.75 44 .80 121.58 156. 50 6 .40 0 1584.51 eolo 50.00 .50 4.14 35.00 3.60 2.50 2.94 .60 .60 3.05 .50 9.00 6.50 68 .93 1.50 .97 2.85 3.75 196.30 12.00 15.65 256.00 5.30 2.31 10.20 506 .83 2.90 3 43 • 5. 65 20.00 39.38 8 .75 15.00 10 .95 .96 107.04 72.63 91.95 148 .20 40 .00 4.95 035.00 300.36 732.26 March 1st, 1921. Gilson Electrical Su.op "TT Linde Air Products Co. Oakland SprinR. ';iorks Osborne, A. E. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Paige Motor Co. Phillips, S. J. Reese, T. W. State Compensation Insurance Fund street Department Times Star Waddell Lumber Co. TT TV TT Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. TV TV TV IT IT TT Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Willys Over1alv7.. Pacific Co. Cflrlisle & Co., A. M.r. Latham moved that Conduit Oxygen Supplies Auto repairs Gas Supplies Painting smoke stacks Inspection of typewriters Premium Office and field work Subscrl-rtion Lumber TV Steel Bronze Meters Repairs rTioto. Sewer Construction Fund Ho. 12. Bond scrap book the claims as listed be on roll call carried unanimously. regu There being. no further b-wsines .ar me g Tuesday evening, Dal 22.23 1.92 1.50 33.05 2.94 2.95 36.00 3.00 1726.55 98.46 2.40 38.69 31,00 7.92 2.64 3083.12 25.29 9453.33 50.31 seconded by Mr. .Erobst and o transact the council adjourned to meet in March 15th 1921, at 8 o'clock. 1,.0spectfully submitted, City Clerk.