1921-03-15 Regular CC Minutes1:EGUL!1'i LIE7TTK5. OF TILE COUKCIL OF THE CITY 0]? ILdiJEDd, TUESDAY EV=TG, MicP.CH 1 5TH, 10210 The me e t in [-7 c onve no d at 0:15 p m. with C oun i -pre si dent Otis D re s i di pc 0 The roll was called and Councilmen ICThmS, atham robst, Tilden and 2resident Otis, ) were noted present. The irubes of the moo ;inR: of MaT.ch lot were approved as read. The f -.lowing communications were received: From the League o Oalifornia Munici.palities reouesting the cumcil to go on record respecting Assembly 3i11Q .27,umber 250 and 231. Ordered filed. Mr. frobst introduced the followiaE: Resolution and moved its adoption: "?,esolution 10 . 367. Request in, ;Jame da s repr ese a t ives in the S tat e egislature to oppose the passage of Assembly Dills I:Turners 230 and 231." Y737 . Latham seconded the motj. OR to ado-ot the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and pased unalimously. 2 / Prom Senator Edwin Li. Otis recardinE; p sit ion of IY1;puty Probation officer. Ordered filed. 1 0-00ered From 1,ssemblyman Homer :a. Spence, rear ding Xi Tax Bill. From Assemblyman Homer 1 afence, regarS.ing position of Pepnty proliltion office-0. Ordered filed. Prom 20 Flatow and don, si)roetin - -I of an ordinance irqit4,1.0. the use ot fireworks to a certain number o ays in july. Latham move d 121a t, the comuication be filed and the City Clerk requested to ask: Tlatow to be 'ercent at tLe nent res:nlir meet Ing of Ube concil, seconded "ey LIr Trobst and carried, From ti.ie Sonther fe,cj..e? 0,xdbaay ste6 their c:nLer STreet crepeing w017 11 be 170 waired. ot th out delay. Order° (I filed 7 V Fr om the 3 o ut he rn acifl c d empalay, ad:7;*.e La th ;et ant o-f ap:nen clrLld be in ct al le d at 13-utena Vi et a, 17 C 3 , Everett Stre et and Ehennan Stree t at t1 c earlie t possible date Ordered ±1195. 8 From ::,1oLia5.a Poo t ITo 9, 10 r can Legion invit 1 7.: the council to Pe present r* their s cc ia 7 evanil c 1 at the invitf.st ion 'be accepted, seconded by Lir. 2rebot and carr 025 9 J Th- 0 m Pent or Edwin 0 00 s re ene ti no t he Coin 11 de e ire 0 eb to de Yam-eer 140 and 690. Mr. 511 don. moved that the neenell 00:.;020 the -123e.,737e of Senate :ma 10. 140 and th- OTerE be instrn.eted to eed letters t o elJr repre se.nt at ives ask in 7 1Pei 30 nse every endeavor to de fe at the bill, seconded by Hr . 2 ob et and carried . 10 / :10ore 110110g 0cnner, re 01 c:ning as a necThcr of the idoard. 0 fr Tnccotees of Ole 11 OIaoe do T?ree 01e11, lc L ibrary . Go do e d fil ed Fr o;n the lealerican ere 20 011 ree-neeti:n7 .flerniseion to depo it A;; 1Q2-1 ',Jar oh 15th, 21 „ Tilden rioved t hL rmj ss ion -5e grantod subject t o the conditions contained La rdin anc e 17. o . 91, 7,3077 erieS, se co nd. oy . Probst a nd carried 12/ From City En7iueer O . E. Tfickoh, re fees for ooeeting sewers. lir L-t;han move d t hat the re. c o:mmend.?..t1 on of t,h he ne or be ad or) e and t he City :,.-1,;to be in rue te d to draw .u1-.) an or inanc e rile ding Section 254 of the -pal Code acee *2 di np:17- , se con de d b-7 Tir io bst a 1 Ci Carr j.e n 13/ roI Ott 0 C 0111 S Ch on, r e f-,;arJ5.ins iren law. Ordered. fi led. 14/ ;*rem Hutchinson Comany, re clues tin'''; Permission to =,-rade, curb, gu,tter and macadamize Washin7ton Street b tween Vorsailles ,:.70:e and 3roadway. Er. Sandford repre senting Hutchinson Comany, as -or e s ent and explaj ned tli e ae 5i1. es of the 0 ow)any. Mr. Tilden ,TIoved that it be tho sense of t!,-ie Council u-oon. the recoailendation of the owners Cit7 liranacrer that this work should be done id if all the ro-!:)orty do not in. pr ivate contract Ff,"1.1[:TA e d by itChJT3Oi C Of:17) any , the council should. proceed 'an ae r P.° saint lon of intention, seconded by L7r. Probst and. carried. 15/ The matter of the he. arin on t? e removal o: e de 1 ap idat d iuiidir at 460 Ce ntr nue , vms up on mot ion of fr . Tilden , s000iaeci by . Latham nd ca:c'ied . continued to the re S.1.1.1r me et in7; o f the council to be he la Lp2,:ii 19t1I, 1921. 16 1 The 1:1 t e o: t} hear ing on a at e 6. 7)1111dt rc at 2236 .,::Yuen a -71 't a ;venue was , upon reouest of City :ttorney, 71. J. Locke, postoon I to the ney,t I'e71ar meeting -F the Couici1 , 5th, 1921 17/ Th o hear ing on the re class if I. cat i on of 1006 Pac c 21.7eirae V70-0 11-V on 11C't of Jr l Probst , seconded ty Lr . Latham and carr ie d. , laid over to the next regular mee t E,,,• of the C arm c il to be held Jpri1 5th, 1921, 18 The Olerk stated that he was in recei,-)t of a peti tion siiod. -ray a number o-r citizens request ing the removal of garb ae wagons and horsos from the south end. of Regent Street also, for the c le al] ing up of the old d gar bo,;-;e dump s on the b ea c he s situated. between Bay Island Avenue and the Bay. Mr. Lathan El. ved that the matt er 'be referred to the City Manager for investiation to re-port back to the council at the e iext re gu.lar me e t Lag, ri 1 5, 1021, seconded by T . Probst and e rr ie d 191 The ii-Lat ter o f the ear m3 of the -9 rot est of Suzz IL , re cl os ing of .11,713t in Ave ru.l. e and et c was Up OR rrotion of 1:1r L at ham s e c on de d by -1.1r ioot and ea rri e d , p ostp one d to the re1or meet o:i7 the c ounc il to be held Lri1 10't;h , 20 Lir . Probst introduce d the f 01 1 Resolut 0, oved its adopt ion: "Re sol-at ion TT: o 360. uthorizin.p,' th QjT Clerk to 21dverti se a Noti ce led rop osals or Bids for Cons true tinP• The 1Torth ;Ade Sewer." seconded the motion to ad ap t the Resolution' and on roll call it was Lathai adopte d and pass e d unanimous ly. 21/ Tir . Jacobs, reresenting the Durant Air 0 orp ora t ion, addressed the couioi1 relative to photographic maps of portions of Ala:neda County. "Er. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager to be reported upon at the next regular meeting of the council to be held iri1 5th., 1921, seconded by Mr. Tilden an el c arr 22 A Bill eutiti IDIrch 15th, 1921, carne ap for passate. Mr. Jacobs addressed. the council concerning same. 1:[r. Latham moved that the Matter lay over to te next regular mooting of the Council to be he1 April 5th, 1921, seconded. by Mr. Probst; and carried. The Clerk stated that the hour for canvassing the returns of the general municipal election held March 8th, 1921, had arrived, whereupon the council proceeded with such canvass which showed the result as follows: COUNCILMAN A B 0DE 1 43 48 75 71 47 C. G. Adam 2 2 _4_ 1 5 2 3 6 8 ()Tr 51 103 70 E. R. ITeiss 21 2 4 1 8 2 1 47 66 40 45 Frank Otis C. L. Tilden AUDITOR AND ASSESSOR F. J. Croll TREASURER AND TAX COLLECTOR OSwald Life b oak Scattering Votes cast 24/ 25/ 19 3 3 32 42 1 6 3 2 12 8 6 18 4 4 96 62 1.16 1 3 7 3 81 2 G 111 1 J K{ 1 it 35 _50 61 66 39 107 94 7 lor 8-- 4 111 73 52 L.M. 27 27 ITT 3 3 3 2 1 2 5 1 5 3 3 43 26 49 43 61 30 118 13 5 4 10 7 2 1 1 3 3 30 17 9 20 19 12 5 4 1 1 1 2 3 b 1' 1-- 3 1 4 8 28 50 ) 521 65"'321116J107 54 6' 6 6 6 7 13 12 7 41 5 91 2 2 6 0 1 -2 54 44 108 1 35 2 2 6 3 6 14 U 1Tota: 46 23 121 9 1 51 8 74 26 2j 2 41 A 7 10/: 10: 2 28 112 2 12 7 3 32 6 2 2 4 2 1 5 5 2 491115 33 40 7 5 5 4 3 8 9 11 9 12 76 1 57 103 55 60 1 84 73, 49 _ 1 98 73 1.12 86 62 10 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 r--, 140 102 138 122 86 135 75 76 107 99 66 133 124 119 95 86 142 Mr. Probst introduced the f011owing Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 2 2 2 2 2 83 24 7 119 67 43 ' 3 "Resolution No. 369. Declaring Result of the General Municipal Election Held March 8th, 1921." Mr. Latham seconcled the motion to adopt the Resolution ancl on roll call it was adopted_ and passed unanimous3zr. Mr. Probst moved that the method of procedure as to iling of petitions for reelassi of property within zoning districts as amended by Ordinance No. 186, N. 3. Be re-amended Mr. Latham and 92 68 121 42 2161 to conform with the requirements of Ordinance No. 149, H. S., seconded by c ar r le d. Claims against the General Dept.amounting to 5052,10; again et the Police Department ()Tinting to 379.36; against the Fire Department amounting to ;;;859.40; against the Street Departiient amount in g to 52055.70; again st the Health Department amounting to 0108.29; a ga ins t the Recreation Department amounting to ;302.14; against the Store Fund amounting to ;-943.74; against the Relief Fund amounting to 029.02; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 7405.53 having been approved. and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Election Officers Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Ansell & Jelte Brewer, H. S. Burdick Enamel Sign 000 Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. Pollrath, Geo. Ford., N. O. Ti ” Forrest, Anna GENERAL DPARTMENTS. Laundry service X-ray photos Rent of tables and chairs Enamel signs Buff gtii des Disability payment Form letters Manuscript covers Services re election 777.00 8.00 15.00 70.00 4.50 5.30 12.71 9,50 5.00 8.00 3.50 v. ic March l5th, 1921 Johnson Co., S. T. Kochenaarfer, Leo F. League of -Ialifornia Municipalities Moller's Studio Municipal Electric Light Plant IT Pacific Gas Sc Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Plummer Mfg. Co., W. A. Reardon, J. Schneiaer, Henry Times Star Co. TT 11 It It IP TT 11 1! Underwood Typewriter Co. Wagner, J. R. Wentworth Co., F. W. Western Union Tel. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Elster, Marvin H. Ford, N. O. Gardner, U. S. Mayo Marking Machine Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Municipal Electric Light Plant Tt Pacific as Ec Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parsons Bros. Smith, F. J. Southern Pacific Co. Strom Electrical Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Electric Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. American Atmos Corporation Comstock Co., The East Bay Water Co. Fire & Water Engineering 00. It Tr If Maxwell Hardware Co. Mazzini, L. Municipal El tt if ctric Light Plant 1 TT 11 11 IT 11 I 11• Pacific Gas & Electric Comnany. Pacific Tel. & Tell Co. Reese, J. F. Standard Oil Company Steinmetz, R. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizi Art Concrete Works Austin Western Road Machine ry Co. California Pottery Co. Dick, E. C. DuFrane Bros. East .Bay Water Co. Ford, Y. O. Garlock kacking Co. Hamilton, Burnett Hickok, C. E. Irvin & Jachens liopperud & Heafey Pacific Tel. 63 Tel. Co. Southern Pacific Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Weaver-"Iells Co. V! r ks Oil Carpenter work Annual dues Print 8 of Hetch Hetchy City lighting Placing bell on frame in tower Gas for city hall Rental and tolls Rental and erection of election ten Rent of polling place Index Election sets Official ballots Advertising Assessment rolls and blanks 8000 eories 17unicipal Quarter,* Overhauling Underwood Hauling election booths acid boxes Transfer cases and files Telegram Wrapping paper Toilet paper Total - Police DeDartrnent. Tire repairs and supplies Printing Printing Brushes for traffic lines Painting parking strips Labor and attendance Alarm s Repairs to police autos IT IT 11 Gas for city pound Telephone Bread Meals for prisoners Freight charges Lamps Telegrams and clock rental Total - Fire Department. Lamp Linen and towel service Breathing bag Chamois skins Water Advertising Subscription 1 bale waste Supplies Repairs to autos Repairing valve Labor and attendance Alarm system Weld coupling Gas Rental and tolls Painting Truck No. 1. Gasoline New window shades Copper rivets Clock rental for March,1921 Total - Street Department. Labor and repairs to tires Bench ends and wedge pine Bushing Sewer pipe Supplies IT Water Printing Packing Money advanced for expressage Carfare, etc. 11 Street signs Road Oil Rental and tolls Freight Machine bolts 1000 stakes Supplies 202.99 4.70 40.00 4.00 2520.79 33.22 19.24 11.11 82.50 5,00 .45 211.08 126.75 91.67 388.00 220.00 11.00 42.00 80.87 13.00 1.94 8.33 - 5052.10 7.25 9.35 48.25 1.50 87.17 50.00 29';g7 27.59 .21 13.70 2.00 96.00 .78 1.80 4.51 379.38 .45 50.00 7.93 24.00 17.67 34.00 4.00 20.75 .60 42.85 2.95 369.02 2.85 23.63 .13 179.00 52.00 19.15 6.92 1.50 659.40 1414.50 6.85 64.65 22.10 9.80 2.96 .30 21.47 33.50 14.38 1.29 3.34 348.30 81.66 4.03 2.02 .80 20.75 3.00 Bischoff's Surgical House TV TV TV IT TV TV Cutter Laboratory Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Encinal Ice Co. Haach's Hewes, Charles E. Ci Kochendarfer, Leo F. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Parisian Laundry Piatt Photo Supply C Purity Spring Water Schenider, Henry Strom Electrical Co. Vosburgh, L. W. ty Manager Co. o. Co. Cohen, Emilie A. East Bay Water Co. Hawaiian Fertilizer Co., Ltd, Manuel, A. Muni cioal Electric Licht Plant TV TV If IT TV TT 11 TT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. 8,. Tel. Co. Spalding Bros., A. G. Southern Pacific Co. TI TT It Associated 011 Co. Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. TV TV TV TV Muni c ip al Electric Light Elant Pacific Gas & Electric Go. Paci fie Tel & Tel. Co. Perata, B. Spunn Mrs. Beulah Baord of rublic Utilities East Bay Water Co. Puller Co., W. 2. Gilson Electrical Sup Great Western Power Co. Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Pacific Gas & Pacific Metal Works Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. March 15'1611,1921. Health Department. Supplie s Aluminum applicators Ether Vaccine Ammonia Ice Sal Soda Money advanced for guinea pigs Table and bleeding: trough Rental and tolls Lauhdry Mounting Wate r Journal Batteries Mop handle and bucket Total - Recreation Department. Services - Sub. Play Director Water Fertilizer Lumber Globes Repair motor Repairs to fence Gas Phones Books Freight It Total - STORE FUND. Gas books RELIEF PUITD. Folders Water TV Electric current Gas Rental and tolls Water ilirnished Money advanced Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. 8 11.24 1.00 1.76 5.09 .25 3.97 .50 5.00 63.47 6.31 3.81 1.0G .50 .89 2.75 .75 08.29 12.00 3.68 180.00 11.40 4.80 33.25 35.36 4.62 2.30 .36 .52 13.85 302,14 0 943.74 %) 4.42 6.50 3 08 1.12 .84 9.31 1.25 2.50 29.02 Money advanced for incidel 131.22 Water 6.30 Supplies. 5.55 238.66 TV Current aupolies Gas Solder Rental and toll s service Supplies Sand pap er Insulators, e tc Total - 6615.29 12.20 2.94 25.72 29.72 1.65 2.74 333.44 - 74-05 53 < Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further busi ness to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular meeting Tuesday evening, Aoril 5th, 1921, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted,