1921-04-05 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 5TH, 1921. The meeting convened at 8:15 p. m. with Council- president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham,Probst, Tilden and President Otis (5) were noted present. Absent: None. The minutes of the regular meeting of March 15th were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 370. Transferring $2,520.79 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 371. Transferring $5037.50 from the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopt- ed and passed unanimously. The following were received: Affidavit of Publication of Notice to Bidders for construction of North Side Sewer. Ordered filed. Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of January,1921. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: From Assemblyman Homer R. Spence, re Assembly Bills Nos. 230 and 231. Ordered filed. From Senator Edwin M. Otis, acknowledging receipt of Copy of resolution 367. Ordered filed. From the Down Town Property Owners' Association to Mr. A. P. Gillies, re unification of railroad terminals in East Bay cities. Mr. Latham moved that the communication be referred to the city manager, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. An application for a gratuitous license was received from Frank L. Morton 2111 Buena Vista Avenue to solicit, demonstrate and sell floor brooms. Mr. Latham moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried. An application for a gratuitous license was received from J. A. Smith, 687 61st Street, Oakland, to solicit and deliver salad oil, honey, etc. Mr. Tilden moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. An application for a gratuitous license was received from E. L. Lishman, 837 E. 20th Street, Oakland, for permission to sell auto,: piano and furniture polish. Mr. Latham moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Mayor Otis stated that he had called a conference with the Memorial, Committee, and Dr. George C. Thompson, Major Hickok, Messrs. Haslett and Meyers Of said committee being present, they were requested by the Mayor to meet and determine whether the report that was previously presented to the Council was still their findings in its April 5th, 1921. 11 ✓ The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a request for the reclassification of 1005 Central Avenue, from a Class I to a Class II District. An affidavit showing due posting of Notices of said request for reclassification was presented and ordered filed. There being no objectors present Mr. Tilden introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 372. Reclassifying Premises Situate 1005 Central Avenue From a Class I to a Class II District.n Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. .2 ✓ The matter of the petititon for the alteration of premises known as 1006 Pacific Avenue came up for hearing. Mr. Latham moved that the application be denied, seconded by Mr. Tilden and on .roll call carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Adams, Latham,:_ Tilden and President Otis, (4). Noes: Councilman Probst, (1). Absent: None. 13 ✓ In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building situated at 1812 Park Street, the Clerk read a letter received from Mr. Richard Barker, one of the owners, in which he requested a further delay. Mr. Latham moved that two weeks additional time be given the owners for the removal of the building and that the City Clerk notify Mr. Barker this would positively be the last postponement in the matter, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried unanimously. 14v In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building situated at 2236 Buena Vista Avenue, City Attorney Locke requested that further action be postponed until the next regular meeting of the Council, April 19th, 1921. Mr. Tilden so moved, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. The matter of the hearing on the delapidated building situate at 324 Lincoln Avenue came up. Building Inspector, E. C. Mailiot reported that this building had been removed. Thereupon Mr. Probst moved that further proceedings in the matter be abandoned, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. 16;✓ The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of several affidavits of serving of notice on ark owners in the City to appear before the council and show cause why said arks should not be condemned as a public nuisance. Also, that they were being used in violation of the provisions of Ordinance No. 155, N. S. and the laws of the State of California. City Attorney Locke stated that Attorney Van Hovenberg had communicat- ed with him, stating he represented a number of the ark owners and requested a con- tinuance for two weeks. The Council thereupon took up the several matters seriatum: A. Witschi, owner of ark situated at 715 Harrison Avenue, formerly 2715 Harrison Avenue, and first ark east of No. 2407 Harrison Avenue, which at the present time has no number. Mr. Witoehi not being present in the council chamber, Mr. Tilden moved that further action be postponed for two weeks, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Steve Kutwald, owner of the ark situated at 2505 Harrison Avenue. Mr. Kutwald not being present, Mr. Tilden moved that further action be postponed for two wee seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Mrs. E. J. N. Steinweg, owner of the ar1L situated at 2423 Harrison Avenue. Mrs. Steinweg was present and addressed the council stating that every effort had been April 5th, 1921. Tony Vargas, owner of the ark situated at 2421 Harrison Avenue. Mr. Vargas not being present in the council chamber, Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be postponed for two weeks, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. R. S. Riley, owner of the ark situated at 2415 Harrison Avenue. Mr. Riley not being present in the council chamber Mr. Tilden moved that further action be postponed for two weeks, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. F. Anderson, owner .of °the ark situated at 2405 Harrison Avenue. Mr. Anderson not heing present in the council chamber Mr. Latham moved that further action be postponed for two weeks, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 171 Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 373. Adopting Plana and Specifications for the Construction of a Baseball Back -Stop in Washington Park, and Direct- ing the City Clerk to Invite Sealed Bids or Proposals for Erecting the Same." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 18r City Engineer Hickok presented plans for concrete curbing on certain streets. MMr. Latham moved that the plans be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 19/ Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 374. Resolution of Intention No. 56, New Series." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 20 City Engineer Hickok presented plans for concrete sidewalks on various streets. . Latham moved that the plans be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 21 Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 375. Resolution of Intention No. 57, New Series. Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 22/ A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Section 254 of the Municipal Code, relative to Fees for Connecting Sewers." introduced and laid over under & provision of the charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Regulating the Changing and Reclassification of Residence, Business and Industrial Districts." introduced and laid over under a provision of the Charter. 24✓ The Memorial Committee stated they were reaeto render a further report at this time. Dr. George C. Thompson thereupon read the report of the committee emphasizing their former recommendations. Mr. Latham moved that the Board of Education be invited to meet with the members of the council and the Memorial Committee after the regular business session of the council on April 19th, 1921, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 25 In the matter of installing a sidewalk on the north side of Buena Vista Avenue, April 5th, 1921 Mr. Latham and carried. 26/ Mr. I. P. Flatow was present atthe councilts request and addressed them concerning his request regarding fireworks. Mr. Viele of the Southern Pacific Company was present and stated he would be glad to see an ordinance drafted limiting the use of fire works. After discussion, Mr. Tilden moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft an ordinance limiting the use of fireworks from the 1st day of July to the 5th day of July, inclusive, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 27/ Mr. Otis as a member of the council introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 376. Protesting against Consolidation. Mr. Tilden seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. L. M. King addressed the council regarding certain statements made in the newspapers pertaining to the Naval Base, stating that misstatements had been made by those favoring the naval base site at Vallejo, in that their channel was of sufficient depth to accommodate any ship that could come into San Francisco Harbor. He also stated that the principal channels coming into San Francisco had a depth of fifty-four feet at low water. W. King stated that considerable discussion was going on at the present time as to construction of a bascule bridge or tube across the Estuary and offered a Resolution to be presented to the Board of Supervisors if the Council saw fit to adopt it. Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Engineer to present their views at the next meeting of the council seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 28 Mr. Sandford, representing Hutchinson Company, was present and addressed the council regarding the grading, curbing and macadamizing of Washington Street, from Broadway to Pearl Street. Major M. J. White was present, as one of the property owners affected. Mr. Sandford stated that since the last meeting of the council there had been a re- vision in the price per foot originally qubted Major White, Mrs. Warford and Mrs. Torrey, property owners in the district affected and that a price of $3.40 per foot, instead of $3.90 :s originally quoted, was now made them. Mr. Sandford asked permission of the council to proceed with the work already signed up. City Manager Hewes stated that he would rather see the matter delayed until all property owners had signed. Mr. Tilden moved that it be the sense of the 'council that the work should be done and referred the matter to the city manager and city engineer to endeavor to come to some agreement with those who have not signed by private contract before the next meeting of the council to-be held. April 19th, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 29 Mr. Latham moved that the city clerk be instructed to place such fire insurance as is necessary to cover automobiles other than fire department equipment, owned by the City of Alameda, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried unanimously. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 2720.78; against the Police Department amounting to $275.70; against the Fire Department amounting to $176.84; against the Street Department amounting to $2800.56; against the Health Department amounting to $232.34; against the Recreation Department amounting to $161.32; against the Store Fund amounting to $118.19: against the Relief Fund amounting to $134.56: April 5th, 1921. against the Police Pension and Relief F mounting to $1485.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials, were listed by the Clerk as follows: Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Bancroft, Whitney Co. TV TV TV Burroughs Adding Machine Co. California Corrugated. Culvert Co. City Managers Association Crocker Co., H. S. Crocker Co., H. S. TV TV It tr Croll, F. J. East Bay Water Co. Follrath, George Hewes, Charles E. City Manager 1V TV TV Hieronymus, Dr. A. Locke, Wm. J. Lubbock, O. Mailiot, E. C. Municipal Electric TV TV It VT Light Plant Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric CO. Piatt Photo Supply Co. Purity Spring Water Co. Schneider, Henry TV TV Times Star It It U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Bremer, O. A. Faulkner, Geo. A. Ford, N. O. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric CO. General Departments. Premium on insurance policy Books Maintenance service Railroad Crossing signs Pamphlets Looseleaf sheets Paste Auto upkeep Water Disabilty payment Expenses - Trip to Sacramento Auto upkeep Surgical dressings Expenses Rent of P. O. Box Money advanced for hydrometer part City lighting for Feb. 1921 Removing cords in Election booths Repairs to Chevrolet car Mayor's allowance Gas Developing and printing water L. L. Covers Journal Advertising Printing Premium on bond Lumber American La France Fire Engine Co. Anderson Machine Works Calcutt, W. R. East Bay Water Co. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Johnson, A. W. V. Municipal Electric Light Plant n Pacific Gas & Electric co. Pollard. Co., Frank E. Standard. Oil CO. Times Stare°. Vosburgh, L. W. Labor California Pottery Co:, Crane Co. Ford, N. O. Gardner, U. S. Irvine & Jachens Kopperud, A. H. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Powell Bros. Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. TV TV Schaefer, Grace Smith Bros. Standard Oil Co. Times Star Weaver-Wells Co. Total Police Department. Handcuffs Repairs to motorcycle Printing Repairs to police auto Gas for city pound Total Fire Department Acid charges Adjust brake 1 tank ball Water Ant paste Recharge cylinder Repair battery New battery Gas 1 Ruud. Heater Gasoline Printing Paint Street Department. Total Sewer pipe Galv. Pipe Printing Paint Street signs Road. Oil Books Repairing auto Gravel and cement Rock TV Expressage Tracing cloth powder Gasoline Printing Valves Total $ 25.00 18.45 26.95 8.45 3.87 5.00 1.23 2.21 2.21 25.00 17.01 11.88 43.77 36.50 20.60 1.00 .35 2202.47 9.68 91.54 50.00 23.61 12.68 1.00 13.80 .89 10.78 18.90. 7.50 3.45 $ 2720.78 $ 204.00 6.50 14.50 50.49 .21 $ 275.70 $ 20.65 1.00 .65 16.41 .25 1.85 3.55 39.97 24.41 32.50 25.00, ' 9.10 1.50 $ 176.84 $ 1897.27 68.21 22.92 9,00 3.10 107.81 134.66 16.00 11.86 249.86 10.00 213.75 .57 .25 22.10 20.50 12.80 $ 2800.56 Bischoff's Surgical House tt TT fl Carpenter, Dr. T. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Encinal Ice Co. Flatow & Son n fl IT Ford, N. O. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Koerber, Fuel & Feed. Co. Lanzone, Harriet Nielsen, Ella Oakland. Pioneer Soda Water Co. Parisian Laundry Purity Spring Water Co Times Star Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Wadsworth, Mrs. B. Western Market Wilkens, J. H. East Bay Water Co. California Nursery Co. Cohen, Emilie A. Manuel, A. Morse & Co., C. C. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Spalding & Bros., A. G. Tasker, Thos. Crocker Co., H. S. IT W It Flatow & Son, Hewes, Charles E. City Manager It If IT Alameda City Social Campa, J. Consumer's Coal and " " Crocker Co., H. S. TT IT IT It East Bay Water Co. Ford, N. O. Goveria, F. Hales, Mrs. Carrie Killingland, T. W. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. n n Morcherchi, P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Spunn, Mrs. Buelah E. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Service Board. Ice Co. IT TT Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Associated Oil Co. Bussee Sales Co. Frank A. Citizens Bank Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co. General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Marshall-Newell. Supply Co. Oakland Galvanizing Works Osborne, A. E. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Sheibner & Hodson Standard Oil Co. State Compensation Insurance Co. April 5th, 1921. Health Department. Splints Aprons Rubber caps Auto upkeep Supplies Ice Tablets Gauze Printing Money advanced for rabbits Straw and alfalfa Services in laboratory Expressage Water Laundry Water Binding Supplies Services in hospital Oats and wheat Gauze Total Recreation Department. Water Trees Services Lumber Seeds Gas Athletic goods Repairs to pump Total STORE FUND. Supplies Thumb tacks Gauze Money advanced for stamps If l? Total F FUND. Money advanced for board. Labor in parks Fuel Office supplies L. L. Sheets Water Printing Labor in parks Services in office Rent Fuel Labor in parks. Gas:. Money advanced for board. Out cards Total ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Towel service Gas Tubes Rent Supplies Addressograph supplies Comutator and toiler Water Supplies Lamps Supplies Bushings Gas Copper wire Supplies Gas Premium $ 2.03 18.90 55.00 35.00 16.20 4.56 7.80 6.35 6.50 10.00 6.15 5.70 .79 .60 .60 5.76 .50 30.00 6.00 5.25 1.15 7.50 $232.34 $ 3.93 23.00 16,00. 19:50 13.60 8.40 44.39 32.50 $ 161.32 $ 3.04 2.45 12.70 50.00 50.00 $ 118.19 1.89 8.25 6.15 5.15 5.29 1.23 1.31 3,00 .75 50.00 15.00 12.30 5.15 12.00 .84 2.50 3.75 $ 134.56 1.00 133.56 37.99 40.00 1.23 34.10 1.30 6.81 7.66 664.15 3.40 4.44 .56 2.10 200.09 106.66 3.80 457.80 April 5th, 1921. Times Star Co. Printing $ 20.75 VOsburgh, L. W. Supplies 2.35 Weaver-Wells Co. " 4.00 Weinstock-Nichols Co. " 3.26 Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. " 5.03 ff If IV tir II 0, It 8.42 Willys Overland. Pacific Co. " 25.36 Young Supply Co. n 17.99 Total $1793.81 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND. Times Star Co. Advertising $ 9.55 INDUSTRIAL RAILWAY FUND. Southern Pacific Co. Repairing switch $ 44.00 United Iron Works Steel door 18.05 Brown, G. Conrad, J. Kemp, A. Hadley, J. Rogers, J. Schroeder, L. Motal $ 62.05 POLICE, RELIEF AND PENSION FUND. Pension TV It Total $ 247.50 375.00 232.50 210.00 210.00 210.00 $ 1485.00 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the counoil adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, April 19th, 1921, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully subMitted,