1921-09-06 Regular CC Minutes9- 0 4 1 REGULAR :MEETING OF THE court= OF TIfl CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVEPING, SEPTEMBER 6TH, 1921. The meeting convened at 8 o'clock P. Y. with Council-presidnnt Otis esiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and President Otis (5) were noted present. The minutes o±' the regular meeting' of August 16th, 1921, were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Po. 412. Fixing the Salary of Secretary of Board of Social vice." Ur. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it 'Alas adopted and passed unanimously. lir. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Po. 413. Rescinding Resolution Po. 410. "Transferring 125O.00 from the Sewer Construction Fund Po. 12, to the General Fund, Street Department." Ur. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition far the reclassification of 442 Pacific Avenue, from a Class I to a Class II District. Yr . Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Po. 414. Changing Premises known as 442 Pacific Avenue from a Olass 1 to a Class II District." ir. Tilden seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of the property situated on the west side of Benton Street, two hundred and fifteen north of Santa Clara Avenqe, frcrna Class I to a Class II District. 1,1r. Tilden intro- duced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "R solution Po . 415. Reclaseifying Property Situate on the Jest Side of Benton Street„ 215 feet Porth of Santa Clara Avenue, from a Cla to a Class II District." Yr. Latham second,. d the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and ed unanimously. 5 The Clerk stated that the was in receipt of a petition requesting the reclassi- fication of the property situated at the southeast corner of Garfield Avenue and High Street. Mr. Adams introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution 110. 416. Reclassifying Property Situate on the Southeast corner Garfield Avenue and High Street, from a Class 1 to a Clase IT District." r1r. :Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Septo7bor 6, 1921. In the matter of the hearing on the delapidated building situated at 541 Santa Clara Avenue, Hr. Latham moved that providing the front and back yards be cleaned of debris, further action concerning the building would be postponed to the regular meeting of the Council to be held December 6, 1921, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition signed by a number of residents in the east end, requesting the council to cause to be enacted, an ordinance prohibiting the use of scooter care or skates on the sidewalks of this city. Hr. Latham moved that the matter be referrec to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. In the matter of the hearing of the protest of Suzie T. Jells, against the closing of Austin Avenue, etc., Hr. J. H. L. Hynes was present, representing Pasquale Steccone, Guisseppe and Giovani Carpaneto, who were present in the Council Chamber. Lr. Hynes stated that his clients were willing to sign the application to abandon map, if given the assurance of the council that it would only open the treets when public necessity demanded. Pre ident Otis, on behalf of the Council, gave them such assurance and thereupon Mr. Latham moved that further action in the protest of Sum7,ie 7. jells, be postponed until the regular meeting of the Council to be held October 4th, 1921, seconded by Hr. Probst and carried. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition protesting against the dumping of garbage at the south end of Mound Street, Mr. M. E. Benson, was present and acted as spokesman for a number of persons in the Council Chamber, who had filed the petition. The City Manager explained the reason for the necessity of dumping garbage at this location and further stated that every safe-guard would be taken to make this dumping ground sanitary, as the r fuse is being covered with dirt as it is being dumped. He also called attention to the necessity of having this slough filled in, as considerable sewerage from San Leandro Pay accumulates therein. 1dr. Latham moved that the petition be referred to the City Hanag7er, seconded by Yr. Tilden and carried. The Clerk stated that in accordance with ITotices posted under Resolution of Intention ro. 61, N. S., (Versailles Avenue opening) , he was in receipt of a number of protests concerning same. Thereupon nr, Lathsrn introduced the following Resolution nd moved its adortion: "Resolution No. 417, Fixing Time for 'Tearing Objections." Yr. Probst seconded the motion to ado)lt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of two bids for the construction of a baseball back-stop at lashing Park, and that the time had arrived for the opening of same. Mr. Latham moved that the bids be opened, seconded by Mr. Probst end carried. Thereupon, the Clerk opened and read the bii as follows: From the Standard. Fence Company, accompanied by a certified check in the sum of 1300.00, offering to do the work for the net sum of 1490.00. From the Test Coast [ire and Iron jerks, accompanied by a certified 14'4 September 6, 1921. I introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 418. Resolution Awarding Contract for Basel) 11 Backstop at Washington Park, to the Standard Fence Company."' Yr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: Affidavit of posting notices by the Street Superintendent, under Resolution of Intention No. 61, Few. Series. Ordered. filed. Affidavit of Publication of Notice to Bidders re haseball backstop at Sashington Park. Ordered filed. Report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the year ending June 30, 1921. Ordered filed. Report of the Industrial Railroad for the year ending. June 30, 1921. 'Ordered filed. 161 ed filed. 17/ Copy of Informal Application to the Railroad Com, Report of the Lunicipal Electric Light Plant for the month of June, 1921. Order on re correcting of conditions at Park Street Station, north. Ordered filed. The following communications were received: .8/From :h. J. Locke, City ttorney, reporting , at steps were eing taken tp determine the ownership of Government Isla-d; that the necessary proceedings were ' bein taken to insure sufficient water pressure for adequate fire protection in the Sest End of the city and that an informal complaint has been filed with the Railroad Commission re correcting condition at Park Street Station, north. Ordered filed. 19Y/ From the Pacific Coast Association of Fire Chiefs'. Ordered filed. 201 From C. T. Hickok, City Manager, requesting a leave of absence from the State Howard Baxter, President of the Board of Public Utilities, until on or el-out the 1st of October, 1921. Yr. :Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Lr. Probst and carried.. 21 From City Lngineer, Burnett Hamilton advi.sing that the American Dredging 22 23/ Company had completed the contraot codaft-44,4411 on July 20, 1921, with the Moore Shipbuilding Company, delpoeitie dredged materials inside the existing levees on acts 45, and 42 and portions of the citzs ti elands. Ordered filed. From the Secretary-Treasurer California Associetion of Dairy end Milk Insecters. Ordered filed. From Hutchinson Company requesting thirty days extension of time to finite contract on Zalnut Street, under Resolution of Intention No. 59, N. S. MT. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded Thy Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 24 V Prom Hutchinson Company, requesting a thirty day extension of time to complete their contract on dashington Street, under Re elution of Intention No. 58, N. a. Mr. Latham moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll 11 carried unanimously. Septenter Gth,1921. 25 From the Alameda domansi Improvement Club, regarding the installation of sidewalks on the north side of Buena 7ista Avenue, between 3ebster Street and the Railroed tracks. City Manager Hickok stated that contracts were about to be signed for the instaLlation of the work. Mr. Probst moved that the City Clerk be instructed to advise the Improvement Clue, seconded b, :Latham and carried. From the league of California Denicipalities, containing official call to the Convention. Ordered filed. 27v From A. P. Giliies, ro $150,000,000 unified terminal consolidation. Ordered filed. 28/ Mr. Probst moved that the City Manager be granted a vacation from the 8th to the 19th of September, inclusive. Yr. Tatham seconCled. the motion and the same was carried. The Clerk stated t 29' --• he was in receipt of the Corrected Budget for the cal year, 1921-1922. Mr. Probst moved that same be adopted, seconded by Yr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously'. 30 ' Mr. Tatham introduced the following Resolution and roved i "Res lution Io. 419. E.uhect of Taxetion." Mr. Tilden seconded the motion to adoirt, the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 317 A Bill entitled doption: "A Bill For Ordinance ITo. Eow Series. Prohibiting Dos or Other Animals in Public Parks, and Providing the Penalties for Violating said Ordinance." came up for passage. Mr. Lathem moved that the matter lay over until the next regular meeting of the Council to be held September 20th, and that each councilman. be furnished with a copy of the proposed ordinance, seconded by Mr. Tilden and carried, 2V In the matter of the decision of the Trauetrial Accident Commission of the State of California, re Charles J.. Young, deceased, a copy of which was ordered filed, Mr. Latham moved that the city auditor and treasurer be instructed to pay the installments called for by the decision when duet seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll rgll carried unanimously. 33/ Mr. Probst moved that the President of the Council of the City of Alameda be instructed to sign a communication on behalf of the Council of the City of Alameda, re the building of a trestle connecting Bay Farm Island with this city, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried unanimously. Claims aga inst the General Departments amounting to 497.53; against the lice Department amounting to 78.93; against the Fire Department, amounting to 308.31; against the Street Department amounting to ,160.98; against the Health Department amounting to 167.22; against the Recreation Department amounting to 185.61; against the Store Department amounting to ;124.73; against the Electric' Tight Fund amounting to 4920.75; against the Relief Fund amounting to 65; ainst the Irduetrial Railway amounting to ;50.00 and against the Sewer Constructim Fund amounting to 34,312.57, having been approved and audited by the proeer official --)tember 1921. were listed by the Clerk Al,meda Times Star lt Tt Crocker Co., H. S. " It as follows: GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Croll, F. J. Department of Printing, State East Bay Water Co. It It Electric Blue Print Guy P4, Co., Fred Y. TT If It Tt IT It It- TT- It Tax bills Letterheads and envelopes Maps Memo fillers Stencil Auto upkeep of Cal. Book Water lt Co. Blue prints Typevxiter keys Cleaning and reIairing typewriters Typewriter inspection Lettering on doorway in City Hall Auto upkeep Incldental expenses Sharpening cutters Premium on insurance policy Signature stamp Lamps Recharge of battery Cleaner and polish Repairs to Chevrolet Allowance as Mayor Water Assistance as Janitor Supplies Lease for sewer pipe line Hem', Anna. Adm. of Iilelseri Est. Hickok, Clifton E. It Hobbs, J. L. Magill, A. M. Moise-Ylinkner Co. Municipal Electric Light Tt TI- It • rational Wood Renovatin Osborne, A. E. Otis, Frank Purity Spring Water Co. Reynolds, J. E. Schneider, Henry Southern Pacific Co. Alameda Times Star Crocker Co., H. S. IT IT W Guy & Co., Fred M. n. IT IT U tt- Yunicipal Electric Manager Plant Co. Light Plant It- Pacific Tel . F,7 Tel. Go. Sherwin-Williams Co. Alameda Repair ana. Supply Co. Alameda Welding Works East Bay Water Co. Guy Co., Fred. M. Hews, Anna, Adm. Nielsen Estate Municipal Electric Light Plant National Wood Renovating Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Standard Oil Co. Zellerback Paper Co. Labor Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bayne7Brown & Co. Carlisle & Co., A. Drake, J. B. Guy & Co., Fred Y. Hamilton, Burnett Kopprud P Heafey fl TT TT IT Municipal Electric Light Plant Post & Co., Frederick Rhodes-Jamieson& Co. W It It It It It Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, L, W. Waddell Lumber Co. Total - Police Department. Printing' Index cards Stub file Typewriter inspecti Eraser shields Labor and attendanc Cleaning' strainer o Rental Paint Total - - Fire Department. on e Alarm system n patrol wagon Install window sash and glass Repair Engine #4 Paciiator Water Typewriter inspection Lettering ?ire Chief's auto Recharing batteries Labor and attendance Alarm system Dusters Coal Gasoline Toilet paper Total, Street Department. Printing Repairing and supplies Cab on Moreland Truck Legal blanks Hauling rock Cleaning typewriter Incidentals Road Oil • W /t It II Installing clutch Blue print paper Rock and screenings • , ft It Gasoline Supplies Lumber Total 41. _ 160.00 31.25 12.60 .90 3.75 25.00 7.50 21.14 2.71 8.46 3.50 6.75 4.50 2.25 25.00 1.96 .75 a.00 3.25 8.00 .50 16.66 27.90 50.00 1.00 36.00 10.20 5.00 497,53 8.75 3.92 2.80 6.75 1.00 50.00 1.15 3.90 .66 78.93 4.85 4.00 16.66 2.25 5.00 1.50 66.54 39.20 132.75 26.25 9.31 308.31 2750.14 16.94 11.40 100.00 1.25 5.00 2.25 1.00 296.80 382.90 918.24 624.06 86.00 2.13 625.50 475.00 768.50 73.12. 12.40 8.35 7160.98 Alameda Times Star Bischoff's Surgical House Braun, E. R. Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co. Carpenter, Dr. T. Crum, Dr. Howard C. Cutter Laboratory Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Flatow & Son, Ford, N. O. Guy & Co., Fred. M. Nieblas, Vera Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Parisian Laundry Purity Spring:Water Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Wadsworth, Mfrs. B. September 6, 1921. Health Department. Printing Repairing needle holder Cleaning hospital illow Animal Board Transportaticn Services in Emergency Hospital Vaccine Drugs Drugs and needles Printing Typewriter inspection Services Co. Distilled water Laundry water Paint Services Alameda Times Star Cohen, Emilie A. East Bay Water Co. Guy 8.1 Co., Fred M. Haws Sanitary Drinking Faucet Co. Howell, WM. McLaughlin, Vera Morcherchi, P. Piatt Photo Supply Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Flatow & Son, P. Jenkins Co., C. H. United Petroleum Products Co. Associated Oil Co. Busse Sales Co., Frank A. Citizens Bank Clark, Herbert D. Cobbledick Co., Frank M. Crane Co. Elster, Marvin H. Fuller & Co., W. P. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Linde Air Products Co. Manrs Auto Metal WorRs Reese, T. W. Riechel & Bredhoff Ritchie, Mr s . L. E. II It- It Smith United Service Standard Underground Cable Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-Wells Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. it Zellerback Paper Co. Ackerman, Mrs. S. J. Alameda City Health Center Durein&s Shoe Store East Bay Water Co. Hales, Mrs. Carrie J. Halton & Didier 11 TT' Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Spunn, Mrs. Beulah E. Total - Recreation Department. Printing Services Water Repairs Services Money qdvanced Services Photo supplies Lime Store Department. Folders Gauze Ciao paste Oil 24.15 1.00 2.50 28.70 35.00 5.00 .80 2.62 5.54 31.00 4.50 11.20 1.20 7.71 .50 2.55 3.25 167.22 4.72 20.00 8.73 2.25 11.27 63.00 for professional services2.00 63.00 7.64 3.00 Total Total ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Gasoline Tires Rent Premium Auto supplies Supplies Printing Paint Supplies Oxygen Repairs Typewriter inspection Curbing Premium 11 Coil Copper wire Supplies Supplies 17 Paper Total - RELIEF FUND. Money advanced. Telephone Shoes Water for Mrs. Edwards - Clerical services Clothing Electricity Gas Money advanced Total IMO ald .ww. Mit wed ww. - t 185.61 7.79 28.75 9.45 78,74 124.73 46.20 2.56 40.00 3.00 8.94 1.05 12.50 79.20 319.77 2.20 3.00 6.00 60.00 2..500 2.50 7.20 4239.64 .87 71.30. 8.16, 1.27 7.95 2.94 4928.75, 1.75 2.36 8.50 1.56 50.00 8.50 5.25 1.33 .60 0 20,0 99,85 Septeffbcri! MuzAcipal Electric Light Plant Labor- Engineering services Barthold-Strecker Co. Tibbitt Pacific Company INDUSTRIAL RAILAY. Clerical services SEWER COESTRUCTION 7LTD. Rent of transit Amt. due on Contract Total - - 60. $ 50.00 312.50 10.00 33997.07 - 34319.57 Mr. Latham moved that the e1ims as listed be paid. seconded by Mr. Adams and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further husinee to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, September 2Oth, 1921, at 8 o'clock p. Y. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.