1921-10-04 Regular CC Minutes4 -REGULAR EEETING OF THE COUNCIL OP THE CITY OJ ' AI/UEDA , TUESDAY EV.MTT,TC, OCTOBER 4th, 1921 . The meeting convened at ?:15 p. m. with Council President Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst, Tilden and Pres- ident Otis were noted present.. The minutes of the regular meeting of September 20th, 1921, were aTTroved as read. The clerk stated he was in receipt of a -petition for the reclassification of the property situated at 1543 Everett Street from a Class T, Single Family Dist- rict, to a Class VI, Iospita1 District. That no objections had been filed with him and that the time had arrived for the hearing of same. There being no objectors present, the clerk was instructed to introduce a bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. , U. S. Reclassifying property situated at 1543 Evere to a Class VI, Hospital District." The. ordinance was laid over under provision of the charter. Mr. Tilden moved that it be the sense of the Council that the ordinance be passed. The motion was seoorllled by Yr. Latham and carried unanimously. The clerk stated he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of the property situated at 1415 Broadway from a Class 1 to a Class II District. That no objections had been filed with him and that the time arrived for the hearing of same. There being no objectors present, Er. Probst introduced the following resolu- tion and moved its adoption: . elution No. 425 Reclassifying property situated at 14 Broadway from a Class 1 to a Class II District". The ResolWi-n was s:)-Ided ]ratbam and or 1-ell c-17 adoptc,d aranime-isly. The clerk stated he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassification of the property situated at 2000 Clinton Avenue from a Clase I to a Class TT District. That objections hacl been filed by Salome Clintworth, Elmer E. Johnson and lanna C. Lewis, also that a statement hacl been filed by H. A. 7ddins, the petitioner. Yr. Adams moved that the petition be denied, seconded by Ex. Tilden, and on roll call carried by five ayes. 4v/ In the matter of the hearing the protest of 2,u_ezie H. 7e11s re. closing of Austin Avenue, etc., Mr. Latham moved that the matter be postponed to the regular meeting of the council to be held November 1, 1921, Yr. Probst seconded the motion and on roll call carried unanimously. 1,r-r. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution ro. 426. Transferring ,6750.00 from the Electric Light Fund to the interest end Redemption 7und". Er. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call carried by five ,yes. Ex. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 497. carried by five ayes. The clerk stated he was in receipt of a duly executed contract of the Standard Fence Comwany. Ordered filed. i/ 10/ 12 The following communications were received: 'Prom the General Conference of 7orkers, containing resolution adopted by that body proteoting decrease in pay of fire and_ policemen. Ordered filed. From the Elim Home, by Mrs. T. Crouch, Mgr., requesting permitsion to erect a tent for the pnrrose of holding Gospel meeting Lr. Tilden moved that the reoaest be referred to the city manager to report back, seoondecl b- Lr. Latham and carried. From Alameda Post Fo. 9, merican Legion, thanking he Council or flowers sent to the funeral of their late comrade, /alter Theus. From the Alameda ?jomens Improvement Club re. condition of siewa1ks in the burned aistrict on Park Street. Ur. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the city manager, seconded by Probst and carried. A number of persons were oresent in the Council Chamber protesting against the use of the south end of IJoim5. Street for gar e disposal purposes. The city manager again made a statement o the conditions surrounding the disposal o gar- bage. Thereupon Ur. Tilden moved that the complaints be submitted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Latham and the same prevailed unanimously. Claims asix,clt Ihe General Departments amounting to 1.048.96; , al st the Police Department mounting to 130.10; against the Fire Department, amounting to 73.24; a7ainst the Street Department amounting to '22187.70; a ,:nst the Heslth De- , partment amounting to 381.34; ,74 the Recreation Department amounting to 229.17; against the Relief Fund amounting to 93.42; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to :346 5; against the Sewer Construction Fund amounting to ,403.92; a7ainst the Store Department amounting to 229.17; against the Police Pension Fund amounting to ,ot 1,485.00 and against the Fire Pension Fund amounting to !.160.00, having been ap- proved. and audited by the proper officials, were listed by the clerk as follows: Crocker, H. 5. Co. Cron, J. Hickok, Clifton E. Hickok, Clifton E,, Hickok, C. E. Hickok, C. E., City I:gr. Malloye, F. Co. Mun. Elec. Light Plant Otis, Prank Purity Spring Water Schneider, Penry City TT TT IT IT TT TT Lubbock, Oswald Yager Sheet Metal Works Fora, '2. O. Manuel, A. . Puna Elec. Light Plant Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical Co. United Petroleum Co. GEEERAL General Departments. Mimeograph supplies Auto Upkeep Auto Upkeep Mgr. Money adv,,liced Expenses to Convention Rabbits Block Books City lighting (mo. en 3.. July) Allowance as mayor ater Mimeograph paper Rubber stamp Pencils TT Rent of P. O. box Covers for garbage cans Total - Police Department. Printing Lumber fol- shooting range Labor & attendance (Angust) Gasoline Batteries Oil for autos Total - .35 25.00 25.00 5.90 189.89 5.00 37.50 1427.75 50.00 1.00 2.94 1.18 .98 •49 1.00 75.00 '2„; 1848.96 8.50 8.60 50.00 21.00 4.50 37.50 130.10 Anderson Machine Wo-oks Calcutt, R. Gutta Percha (c2 Rubber Hickok, C. E.. Morris, Geo. T. Mun. Elec. Light Plant Voxburgh, I. j. Labor KoDpernd & Heafey Oakland Spring Works Powell Brothers Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Times-Star Carpenter, Dr. T. Crum, Dr. Howard. C. Flatow, P. & Son Hill, Alice E. Oakland Auto grecking Co. Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co. TT TT Tf If TT Purity Spring Water Co. Sanders, Dr. R. W. Zellerbach Paper Co. Calcutt, d. R. 7, 7? Cohen, Emilie A. Crock.er, H. S. Co. Howell, di:111.am Hanuel, A. Morcherchi, P. LIorse, C. C. & Co. Pac, Tel. & Tel. Co. Voxburgh, L. I. 7ellorbach PaPer Co. Ala. City Social Service TT If If East By Water Co. Hales, Carrie J. Yonigshofer's Mun. Elec. Light Plant Pac. Gas .P; Elec. Co. Spunn, Beulah E. M. If Fire Department. Bolts' Gal. pipe extension Tubing Cash advanced for dues in Coast Fire Chief Assn, Soap Labor and attendance (August Supplies pac . Total.,,., OD 4.0011 0 0 •0 Street Department. road Oil Repair to Moreland Rock, screenings, gravel Gravel & Rock Gasoline Supplies Total Health Department. Printing Transportation Prof. services J. 0 C. G]bson- Dru;s Incident-ls Chevrolet coil Dit. dater TT 17 Spring ,7a1 er Prof. services ,Art Aid Envelopes Total - Recreation Department. Hardware Putty & bolts Services Supplies Services lumber ervices Seed Phone Rope Bal. due on invoice Relief Fund. Electric Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Vulc. jerks Alameda Times-Star Anthony, lar1 C. Associated Oil Co. Auto Elec. Serv. Co. 13usse, Frank A., Sales Co. Citimens Bank Crane Co. Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay dater Co. TT TT TT lf Eberly's 0.ual'Ay Pharmacy Electric Consumers Assn, Elster, M. H. Fuller, J. P. & Co. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. Gilson Elec. Sul)ply Co. Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg. Co. Board of Public Utilities Linde Air ±z'oduo-ts Co. Total -. Repairing shoes Rent Water Clerical Clothing Electricity Gas Salary services Light Fund. Towel service (August) Tube repairs Bills, etc. Shop supplies Gasoline Auto supp Rent Supplies Stencil plates, etc. :iater consumed dater Aug. 26 to Sept. Ac Id. Lssessr:ent covering rate Jiring notices Paint Repairing clock, etc. Supldies TT Miscellaneous expenses Oxygen .25 .75 .75 5.00 14.00 50.39 2.10 73.24 1467.25 351.30 4.00 303.15 9.00 46.20 6.00 -4 2187.70 he ar I n 19.50 35.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 4.00 1.20 1.20 .50 11.2.50 1.44 -) 81.34 9.15 5.50 10.00 2.16 58.50 70.06 58.50 9.50 .20 4.60 1.00 229.17 3.20 13.50 1.56 50.00 14.69 1.05 1.42 8.00 .42 1.00 7.20 201.50 4.00 140.49 6.64 90.41 40.00 3.00 53.00 2D.47 6.55 1.25 750.00 26.60 7,05 16.74 440.36 13.72 128.38 4.40 4( 1 b Fac. Tel & Tel. Co. TT TT TT Tr Powell Bros. Reese, J. F. TT IT TT Riechel & Bredhoff Smith United. Service Standard. Oil Co. Starr, C. C. Union Iron Norks Vosburgh , L. jaddell _Lumber Co. :leaver-,!olls Co. Areinstock-Hichols Co. Viestingbouse Elec. E3 Mfg. Co. Jestern Elec. Co. Yiestern Heavy Hdwe. & Iron Co destern Steel Pkg. Co. Engineering Services Tibbitts Pacific Company Hickok, C. City Mgr. Brown, Geo, H. Hadley, J. E. Conrad, John Rogers, J. Schroeder, L. Ham p, A. Beuck, Charles lir • on roll call Electric Light Fund (con.) Phones cost of moving Cement, etc. Painting autos T. 'J. inspections Electrolier posts Supplies Zerolene Auto repairs Supplies replac. ” TV Auto supplies Supplies Meters, etc. & credits Poles Supplies Drums Total - Sewer Construction Fund. poles 34.56 102.69 1.60 160.00 3.00 88.50 15.32 17.25 5.00 12.50 5.95 71.30 84.35 111.06 601.14 118.20 48.85 14.55 3462.35 266.50 Per statement as of Oct. 3, 29137.42 Total - 29403.92 Store Department. Money advanced for stamps 25.00 Police Pension Fund Pension TV 1• TT It TT Total - Fire Pension Fund.. Pension for Aug. & Sept. ;ham moved that the claims as listed carried unanimously. 247.50 210.00 375.00 210.00 210.00 232.50 1485.00 160.00 be paid, seconded by Yr. Probst There being no further business to transact, the Council adjourned to meet in reular session, Tuesd-y evening, October 18, 1921, at 8 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, ity