1921-12-21 Regular CC Minutes17 2 ■/' REGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF AIAMED; TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20TH, 1921. The: meeting convened at 8:10 P. M. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was' called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probzt Tilden and_ President Otis, were noted present. The minutes of the regular meeting of December 6th, 1921 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned re1ar meeting of December 13th, 1921 were approved as read. Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 444. Transferring 1,000.00 from the General Fund to the Relief Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following- was received: Copy- of contract between the Board of Public Utilities and the United States Steel Products Co. Ordered filed. The following communication was received: From Col. Herbert Deakyne, United. States Engineers Office, re closing hour for the Estuary bridges. Mr. Tilden moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager with the request that he ask Col. Deakyne to allow the bridges to remain closed as at the present time, seconded by hr. Latham and carried. The City Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition purported to be signed by merchants and businessmen of Alameda favoring the building of a service station proposed by Messrs. Bradley and Emmons, on the south side of Central Avenue, 110 feet west of Park Street. The petition was ordered filed. Mr. H. Y. Bradley, who filed the original petition requesting the change was present and addressed the council. Mr. E. K. Taylor and. Mrs.Iouise T. Smith spoke in opposi- tion. After a general discussion Mr. Atlarns introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 445. Reclassifying the Property Situate on the South Side of Central Avenue, One Hundred and Ten Feet West of Park Street, from a Class III District to a Class V, District." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it v adopted and passed unanimously. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition for the reclassifying of the property situated at 1724 Santa Clara Avenue, from a Single Family Dwelling District, Class I,to a Kindegarten District, Class TV; that notices had been posted in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance No. 149, N. S., and amendments thereto; and that a petition purported to be signed y property owners residing in the immediate neighborhood protesting against the reclassification of said urolirtv 7 9 December 20th, 1921 . the Council in protest, thereupon Mx. Latham moved that the petition be denied, seconded by Mx. Adams and on roll call carried unanimously. The Clerk stated that since the last meeting of the Council he had re- ceived the plans covering the proposed construction of apartments at the norik- east darner of Benton Street and Encinal Avenue, reclassifying said property from Class I to Class II. Mr. Probst thereuppn introduced the following Reso- lution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 446. Reclassifying the Property Situate at the Northeast Corner of Benton Street and. Encinal Avenue, from a Class I to a Class II District." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. In the matter of the hearing of the protest of Suzzie H. Wells, re closing Austin Avenue and other streets, Mr. Probst moved that the matter be further postponed to the regular meeting of the council to be held January 3rd, 1922, seconded by EX. Latham and carried. hr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 447. Authorizing Mayor to Sign Agreement in Re Versailles Avenue." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Yr. Latham introduaed the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 448. Approving Plat of the Fernside Tract." Er. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. President Otis introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 449. IN MEMORY OF THE HONORABLE J. ARTHUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS. WHEREAS, J. ARTHUR ELSTON, served both his State and Nation with rare fidelity over long periods of time and particularly during the time of the world war; and. WHEREAS, as the representative from this congressional district he worked loyally and energetically to have the proposed Naval Base, so essential to the protection of the Pacific Coast, located in the City of Alameda as recommended by the United. States Naval authorities; RESOLVED, that in his untimely death the United. States of America has lost a valuable citizen, justly- esteem- ed by all who knew him, and that we now express our deep sorrow for his demise and extend our sincere sympathy to his bereaved family; RESOLVED that when this Council adjourns it do so out of respect to his memory; RESOLVED, that this resolution be;spreadupon the minutes and a copy be sent to the family. Er. Tilden seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was /1 December 20th, 1921, seconded by Er. Probst and carried. Thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bids. as follows: From Houghtaling Dougan, 48,679.00 Cost per ton for incineration, not to exceed 65 cents. Alternate proposal, 000.00. The bid was accompanied by a bond in the amount of ,000.00. From Nye Odorless Crematory Company. Double Unit No. 11, building in =aces, for 50,210.00. Double Unit No. 11, building in io. 10 furnace, for048,000.00. For concrete stack as specified, add to either 18500.0O. Cost per ton for incinerating, 01.00 to Q1.25. The bid was accompanied by a bond in the amount of 000.00. From Emil Hogberg, 180 Jessie St. San Francisco. Proposition No. 1, 091,771.00. Cost per ton for incinerating, 35 cents. Proposition No. 2, 500.00, Proposition No, 3, 074,171.00. The bid was accompanied by a bond in the amount of ,771.00. From Z. O. Field, San Jose. Bid No. 1. 048,750.00. Bid No. 2, 65,000.00. Bid No. 3, 53,750.00. Bid No. 4, 71,667.00. Rid Ho. 5, ;:,59,750.00. Bid No. 6, 667.00. -Bid No. 7, ,500.00. Bid No. 8, 79333.00. Cost per ton for incinerating: Plants A and Al 42 cents. Plants B and Bl 38 cents. The bid was accompanied by a bona in the amount of ,000.00. Hr. Probst maTed that the bids be referred to the City Manager and City Enginew, seconded by Mr. Latham and carriea. The Clerk stated that he was in receipt of a petition purported to be signed by upward of three hundred residents of the West End of Alameda, protesting against the erection of the incinerator in the western portion of Alameda and that a number of west end residents were present in the Council Chamber to voice their objections. Thereupon Mr. Peter Hollin gs, Mr. J. Searles, IJr. Jasper D. Mills, Council= E. J. Probst, Messts. Rohan, Hubner, Gray, Bowles, and Martin, address- ed the council. Mr. S5arles stated that he was likewise speaking for 11'. Fulton and Er. Lieber. The petitions were ordered filed and protests taken under advise- ment. IJr. Tilden moved that when the council adjourn it adjourn to meet in regular adjourned session, Friday evening, December 23rd, 1921, at 8 o'clock P. Y. seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. President Otis requested a meeting of the Committee of the lhole at 7 o'clock, Friday evening, December 23rd, 1921. I.C. E. K. Taylor addressed the Council asking to rescind their action in the passing Resolution no. 443, permitting the reclassification of the December 20th, 1921. property on the northeast corner of 7e1b Avenue and Park Street, from a Class I Business District to a Class V, Oil bup-)ly Station District, stating his reasons therefor. Mr. Tilden movecl that the en lire matter be referred to the City Attorney, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 2906.67; against the Police Department amounting to 300.63: against the Pire Department amounting to 5645.95; against the Street Department amounting to n1412.39; again et the Health Department amounting to :,100.53; against the Recreation Department amounting to 244.21; against the Store Department amounting to 439.74: against the Relief fPund (Initiative) amountin,, 10 354.00; against the Relief Puri amonnti. to '.1308.28; against the Electric Light Fund amounting, to ?:i8194.32; against the Industrial Railroad Fun d amounting to 30.00 and against Sewer Construction Fund Jo. 12, amounting to '1,;2277.84 having leen approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Electric Co. Alameda Repair 8; Supply Co. Alameda Sanatorium Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, IT IT Alameda Times Star It IT IT 11, II IT TT TT IT Alameda VulcaniF,ing Works Buben, Zdenka East Bay Water Co. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy TT TT Flatow 8; Son, P. Fox, Geo, H. Grayson-Owen 8; Co. Hales, Mrs. Carrie Hodgkins, Mrs. Rebecca Jackson Furniture Co. Johnson Co., S. T. IT it IT 11 Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 TT Pacific as (P..: Electric Co. 11 IT IT Pacific Tel. ,c!; Tel. Co. 11 TT IT 11 Purity Spring Water Co. Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, I. W. 11 11 Walton, B. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bremer, O. A. Faulkner, O. A. Municipal Electric, Light Plant IT Tt 1? IT Pacific Gas Pc Electric Co. Pacific Tel. &3 Tel. Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Standard oil Co. Thrane, J. Western Union Tel, General Departments. Electric Heater 11.25 Keys and repair to lock .85 Room and attendanc - Health Center 99.00 Towel service 6.00 Laundry 3.20 Advertising 13.46 Lunicipal quarterly 218.50 Advertising 138.62 Envelopes 7.10 Tubes 12.94 Money advanced for incidentals 8.80 Water .80 Ointment 1.04 Drugs an p-lies 2.80 11.04 14.50 25.00 25.00 10.00 7.50 25.50 34.80 12.00 2084.84 13.28 .73 10.91 1.00 .50 16.68 4.80 5.15 71.75 5.31 Drugs Premium on bonds Rent of 1512 Oak St. Services Janitor services Rug Puel 11. Lamps City lighting Gas IT Rental and tolls Water Shingle oil and coal oil Rope Supplies Services in Tax Collector's office Telegrams Total .2906.67 Police Department. Printing Tire, tubes an repairs Cartridges Repairs to motorcycle Lamps and repairs to autos Labor and attendance alarm system Gas for city pound Telephones Coal Gasoline Inner Tube Clock rental Total - 15.00 31.05 156.40 .75 47.83 77.45 .42 13.37 8.40 26.25. 2.65 1.25 80.82 Alameda Electric CO. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Alameda Welding Works Calcutt, U. R. Manuel, A. IT Municipal Electric Light Plant TT 11 IT New York Lubricating Oil Co. Pacific Gas g3 Electric Co. Pacific Tel, & Tel. Co. Rickerson, Al Seagrave Company Skelly, Sam Western Union Tel. Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Jork.s Austin-Western Road Machinery Co. California Pottery Co. East Bay Water Co. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Irvine ' Jachens Maxwell Hardware Co. Eazzini, L. hunicipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. &3 Tel. Co. Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bowman Drug Co. Calcutt, J. R. Crocker Co., H. S. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Elster, E. H. Encinal Ice Co. Havery, S. T. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Koerbor Fuel & Feed Co. Eanuel, A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parity Spring Water Co. TT TT- TT Sanders, R. W. ED Alameda Vulcanizing Works Baird, J. V. Cohen, Emilie A. Crane, F. J. Dick, E. C. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Maxwell Hardware Co. Morcherchi, P. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. ec Tel. Co. Parker Patern Works Co. Powell Bros. Construction Co Sirola, O. Southern Pacific Co. Strom Electrical Co. Waddell Lumber Co. Associated. Oil Co. Hickok, C. E. City Manager Zellerbach Paper Co. Alameda City Sonisl Rn571,-(1 December 20th,19 Fire Department. Batteries Linen service Repairs to autos Supplies Lumber IT Lamps and recharging batteries Fire Alarm boxes and attendance Oil Gas Phone toll Straps Payment on fire apparatus Supplies Clock rental Total - Street Department. Supplies and repairs Supplies for gas roller Sewer pipe Water Subscription Street signs Steel Pipe fittings Lamps Telephones and tolis Coal Lumber Total Health Department. Tubes and tire repair Adhesive plaster Ash can and faucet White twine Oil of Eirbare Printing Ice Electric pad Money advanced for Wheat hay Lumber Repairs to centrifuge Mater Rental and tolls Water :pigs Services in Emergency hospital Total - Recreation Department, Tires Repair tools Services Repairs Auto repair Subscription Corrugated iron Services Gas Telephone Sweeper Rock - Repairs to footballs Freight Supplies Lumber Total Store Department. Scrip books Money advanced for stamps Blotters Total - RELIEF FUND (Initiative). LPTInr n11 e1;4-Tr C,4.-Ann+n ery .90 50.00 5.50 .88 32.25 8.40 13.50 675.06 35.08 19.03 • 1.25 5000.00 2.50 1.50 5845.95 1275.00 8.88 52.95 44.10 7.20 2.05 1.80 4.76 .30 .80 3.46 8.40 2.69 - 1412.39 - 3,80 19.20 5.25 .44 5.60 5.60 4.56 12.50 5.00 3.25 4.30 4.02 1.20 4.81 .50 .50 20.00 00 .53 34.70 13.50 14.00 1.50 1.80 2.05 58.42 56.25 8.94 2.30 35.21 5.70 3.00 .80 2.55 3.49 382.60 50.00 7.14 dr, 9.74 4Y..-17=A flex 30 December 20th, 1921* Alameda City Social Service Board. TT TT IT Consumer's Coal and. Ice Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Last Bay 3ater Co. Halton Didier Konigshofer's Lubben, J. G. liazzini, I. Municipal Electric Light Plant TT IT /T Pacific Gas Electric Co. Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. Perata, B. Rhodes-Jamieson (% Co. Rosenthal & Co, 'joldrs Alameda Steam Laundry Assn, Associated. Oil Co. Board of Public Utilities Calcutt, 'J. R. Fyfe-'1ilson Lumber Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great :Vestern Power Co. Kellogg Express Co. Many's Auto Metal :forks Pacific Ga & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Union Blind and. Ladder Co. Vosburgh, L. q. Waddell Lumber Co. Jeaver-:iells Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Labor Engineering services California Pottery Co. East Bay Water Co. Hamilton, Burnett Tibbitts-Pacific Co. Relief Fund. Board and care - Mrs. Casazza Money advanced for rent, etc. Coal and wood_ Supplies Water Clothing It Fuel Stove, utensils, etc. Lamps Electricity Gas Service and Long distance Water Coal and kindling Clothing Shoes Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUDID. Towel service Gasoline Incidentals for 14ov. 1921 Supplies Poles Supplies Electric current Drayage Auto repairs Gas Phones Repairing ladder Supplies Lumber Supplies IT Total - ITIDUSTRIAI RAILROAD Clerical work SEVER COYSTRUCTION FUND. SeWer pipe Water Incidentals On contract Total - 29.00 68.75 12.80 5.20 .44 5.25 62.10 8.06 6.40 55.10 1.05 1.75 2.70 3.38 1.25 5.75 5.90 o3.40 08.28 1.00 21 25.52 22.55 600.00 611.96 6329.19 .50 22.00 1.98 35.21 2.20 2.00 2.48 .75 5.14 4.32 30.00 90.00 92.25 45.28 39.26 5.79 2005.26 -4 2277.84 Mr. Latham moved that the claims as listed be paicl, seconded by L. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned in respect to the memory of the late Honorable J. Arthur Elston, to meet in regular adjourned session Friday evening, December 3rd, 1921, at 8 o'clock P. Y. Respectfully submitted,