1920-01-06 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR M2ETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 6TH, 1920. The meeting convened at 8:08 p. m. with Council-pre ident Otis presiding* The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, lathain, Probst and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of December 16th, 1919 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular mooting of December 'rd, 1919 were approved as read. The minutes of the a djourned regular meeting of December 30th, 1919 were approved as read. 1. v Yr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption; "REsolution No. 261. Transferring 34012.24 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following were received: // Deed from Laura L. Livingston, et al, for the widening of Crist Street at the corner of Regent Street. Ordered filed. 5. v' Deed for the property in the vicinity of Webster Street and Eagle Avenue, for use of the Board of P blic Utilities, as a sub-station. Ordered filed. The report of the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of November, 1919 Ordered filed. The Auditor s balance sheet for the month of December.1919. Ordered filed. 4. V The Auditor's receipt for the refund of 1,106.66 on the State Compensn- tion Insurance policy for the year 1916. Ordered filed. 5. v In accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 155, New Series, a public hearing' was held on the matter of the arks lying along the northeasterly shore of Alameda, between Encinal Avenue and High Street. Affidavits sworn to hy E. C. Maillot Building Inspector, that he had delivered written notices to the following named persons, directing them to appear before the city council at the Oity Hall, Tuesday evening, January 6th, 1920, to show cause why their structures should not be condemned aa public nuisances, were presented and ordered filed. Mrs. Arada was present and in response to the question why her ark should not be removed from its position at the end of Encinal Avenue, stated that it had set there for nineteen years and had been placed there at the suggestion of the Railroad Company. Mrs. Arada also represented the owner of the ark occupied by Otto Ruf and gave substantially the same excuse. P. Bagley was not present but a communication was received from his attorney, R. B. Tappan, asking that time be given him in which to make certain alterations in the building and to in every way conform to the state and city laws. J. Buns, on his own behalf, stated that he proposes to erect a residence the front of his property within one year. Q January 6th, 1920 adopted by the council regulating ark and ciairne. that the occupents of his arks were thoroughly satisfied. One of the building was used as a shop to build boats. W. Munfrey, on his own behalf, stated that he proposed to build a suitable home in the spriAg. 6. / Mr. Latham moved that all cases be taken under advisement, seconded by L. Probst and carried. The following communications were received: 7. From the American Legion inviting the members of the council to attend the flag presentation exercises of Alameda Post No. 9, to be held in Native on Hall, Tuesday evening, January 1 th, 1920. Hr. Latham moved that the in- vitation be accepted, seconded by LIr. Probst and carried. 8. V From J. H. Morton, requesting a gratuitous license to sell broom holders made by himself. As the same bore the endorsement of the Chief of Police and city manager, Mr. Probst moved that the request be granted seconded by Hr. Adams and rried. / A Bill entitled. "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series. An Ordinance Calling and Providing for and Giving Notice of a Special Election to be held in the i y of Alameda, State of California, on Saturday, the 31st day of January, 1920, for the Purpose of Sub- mitting to the Electors of said City, a Proposition to Grant Certain Tide and Submerged Lands forever to the United States of America for Naval Base Purposes Including Yards, Docks, Repair Shops and all other Public \'1or1 Connected with the Naval Establishment of the United States." came up for passage. Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 10. / Mr. Probst moved that further discussion on the closing of Harrison Avenue be postponed until February 3rd 1920, at 8 o'clock, seconcled. by Mr. Latham and carried. 11. / Mr. Probst moved that the pay of the election officers to serve in the special municipal election January 3lst, 1920, be fixed. at 06.00, seconded by Mr. Adams and on roll call carried unanimously. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 04010.02; against the Police Fund amounting to 058.28; against the Fire Fund amounting to 01121.24; against the Street fund amounting to 02454.85; against the Health Fund amounting to 0118.91; against the Recreation Fund amounting to 0254.75; against the Store Fund amounting to 0240.00; against the Relief Fund amounting to 85.35; againat the Electric Light Fund amounting to 02629.54; against the Industrial Railroad. Fund amounting to 04000; against the Police, Relief and Pension Fund amounting to 01072.50 and against the Park Purchase Fund amounting to y the proper officials Bancroft CR011, F East :Bay Fischer, Ford, N. WHItney Co. . J. Vater Co. Q. F. 0. TT It IT 11 IT It Hewes, Chas. E., IT TT 150.00 having been approved and audited were listed by the Clerk as follows: City ligr. lt GENERAL FUND Deering Code Auto upkeep Water Sash cord Printing IT It Expense 0 7.50 25.00 22.75 3,30 3.80 124.75 19.40 2.50 Lubbo ck, Oswald Maxwell -ardware Co. Mazzini, L. McLaughlin, Vera Morton, J. W. Oakland Blue Print Co. Otis, Frank Han. El ec . Lip_iit Plant Pac. Gas & Elec. Co. Phoenix Desk & Cimir Co. Platt Photo Supply Co. Purity Spring '.ater Co. Reynolds, James Siem, C. TT If Times Star Co. 11 TV TT If 11 IT IT TV 11 Wentworth & Co., F. W. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Bay Station Bakery Hicks, Grant Pac. Coast Shredded Wheat Co. Schlueter, A. & Co. Times Star American-LaFrance Fire Eng. Co. Camper & Baugh East Bay ;,ater Co. Fischer, C. F. Gutta-Percha & Rubber Mfg. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. TT It IT If TT Maxwell Hardware Co. Mazzini, L. Moreland Motor Truck Co. Mun..Elec. Light Plait Hun, Elec. Light Plant lac. G-as& Elec. Co. Siem, C., Alameda Repair Co. Standard Cil Co. vening Times-Star Vosburgh, L. W. Labor Austin-estern Road Loh. Co. Barber, Edgar H. .Co. Downey Glass & Paint Co. Fischer, C. F. Hickok, 0. .P. Hutchinson Co. TV IT KopPerud, A. H. Lietz, A., The Co. Oakland. Art Pottery Post Co., Frederick Evening Time Star Unic Gil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Alameda Repair & Supp Carpenter, T. Cutter Laboratory TV IT Cutter Laboratory Ford, O. IT IT IT Godfrey, Matilda lac. Coast Rattan Co. Parisian Laundry Times Star Rent of P. C. box Cuspidor mats Pipe, etc. Services Carfares Blue prints Allowance as Mayor City lighting end. Nov. SO '19, Gas Chairs Camera Water Services Reairs IT Printing Advertising Auto reports Advertising Cards Total - FOLICE FUND. Laundry service 2 baskets bread. Auto upkeep Poultry waste Flashlight batteries 1000 Letter Heads Total FIRE FUND. 2 dox. Acid s. Retread tire Water 1 bath tub p Fire hose Supplies Coal & Sore Pails Supplies 1 Fan Belt Recharge Batt, Recharge Batt. Gas Glass Gasoline Letter Heads Ruby Lantern globe Total - STREET FUND. Supplies Pens Paint Ax Incidentals Rock, screening TV TV Road Oil Sec. paper Pipe and Bends X section paper Letter Heads Distillate Tools HEALTH FUND. -:Ley Transportation Vaccine Loeffle rs Medua Vaccine Cards TT Cleaning Basket Laundry Letter Hea January 6, 1920 - 1.00 15.60 2.00 24.00 1.02 2.40 50.00 2,357.67 17.83 400.60 29.67 .50 24.00 14.75 1.85 45.50 24.44 19.00 32.48 25.00 2.00 1.50 35.00 2.65 8.40 8.65 8.28 6.46 15.00 13.39 .25 990.00 18.00 28.55 8.75 .45 .89 .50 .50 18.10 1.10 10.25 8.65 .40 .24 1549.00 3.20 1.65 24.50 2.94 342 105.20 552.00 75.00 .53 104.16 0.75 8.65 13.50 10.35 2,454.85 .35 35.00 8.25 3.24 1.60 7.50 21.50 13.65 12.50 5.32 8.65 ) 9 11 ./1),u January 6, i ,)20 Ala. Repair & Supply 0 . Arbes, J. Cohen, Emile Comstock Co., The East Bay ':.ater Co. Gay, A. T. Harra, T. Mapelli, N. Mazzini, L. Orr, Samuel P. G. & E. Co. Spaulding, A. G. & Bros. Times-Star Co. Valiance pursery Vosburgh, L. 1. 1:.adell Lumber Co. Associated Oil Co. ahas. E. Hewes, City Mgr. Orr, Samuel Santa Clara Hotel Symon Bros. Varachi, Edward° Western Dairy Co. RECREAtION FUND. Saws filed Services Services Brooms Water Renairs &' tools Plants, etc. Services Supplies Services Gas Athletic good Letter Heads Bulbs R. J. .Bit Lumber STORE FUND. EEL 11 T o') u,_ Gas. script books Stamps ND. Labor Lodging Uood Labor "Milk Total Tota ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Bd. of 1.'ublic Utilities Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Cal, State Auto Assn. Citizaas Bank Comm. Acetylene Supply Co. Crane Co. East Bay I,ater Co. Gen. Electric Co. Gilson, Rosse M. Electrical Supply Co. Keilog Express CO. Pace Tel. & Tel. Co. L. G. Reno Co. Roeblings, John A. Sons Co. Standard Oil Co. United Petroleum Products 00, Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-Wells Co. fl 11 It 7 0 IIIS 1 o ck -N lo ho is Co. Vestern Heavy Hdwe & Iron Co. Westinghouse Elec. & Lfg. Co. Accountir clerical work Geo. H. Brown Conrad, John Hadley, J. E. Kamp, A. Rogers, J. Schroeder, L. 'Jun. Elec. Light Plant Incidentals Ribbon & Cleaned type Dues Rent Supplies Water Supplies Supplies 11 Drayage Gas Phones Supplies Copper Wire Gas Supplies ” Auto Supplies Supplies Total RAILROAD FUND, Hun. Elec. Light 2 ant POL & PENSION FUND. Police Pension IT It IT fl IT PARK PURCHASE FUND. 11 TT It TT Total - Interest on bonds ,.!!4 . til) 1.00 56.00 14.00 1.60 2.92 25.50 5.50 48.00 1.85 21.00 3.40 14.85 8.65 16.50 .50 25.20 .48 254.75 190.00 50.00 240.00 21.00 2.00 6.00 25.00 31.35 86.35 21.23 1.00 9.00 40.00 106.76 .35 4.95 455.00 22.54 654.40 4.07 1.60 23.07 3.29 205.99 69.39 45.99 2.70 47.65 650.00 9.48 9.08 242.00 2329 54 qP 40.00 157.50 262.50 187.50 165.00 150.00 150.00 1072.50 150.00 Jana ry 6t h, 1920 Mr. Latham may ed that the claims as 1 iste d. be paid , seconded by Mr • Pr obs on roll call carried unanimously The re be irg no fur the r business to transact t he Council ad journed to meet in regular se ss ion Tuesday e ven ing, Jonuczy 20th, 1920, at 8 or clock p m. Re se c tfully subm it to d, City Oler k.