1920-01-20 Regular CC Minutes41. REGULAR JUETIEG OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA , TUESDAY EV.:IT ING , JANUARY 20TH, 1920 The meeting convened at 0:04 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Noy, Probst and President Otis, were noted present0 minutes of the previous meeting were read. and approved . V The Clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on January 6, 1920, petition n signed by more than twenty-five per Cent of the property owners with in a radiu,(.3 of six hundred feet of the lot sitate at 892 UNion Street, requesting that said lot be re-districted. from a Class I to a Class II District. A certificate showing due posting of not ices as r e quir ed by Ordinance No, 149, New Series, was pre sented and ordered filed. the time set in the notice provided. for a hearing on this evening, Council-pr es id en t Otis asked if the re were any present who object- ed. to the proposed c ha ng; e . Mr. A. J. Coogan, raoresenting George N. Ethmons ,was present and stated that his client opposed the conversion of this Drorerty into nets. Messrs. C. D. Irvin, the person who proposes to purchase the property, and D. N. Irvin, spoke in favor of the change. Hr. Latham moved, that the council adjourn to me et in adjourned regular session Friday evening, January 23rd, 1020, at 7:30 p. m. for the purpose of considering this matter; that al 1 action thereon be referred. to that me eting, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried.. In accordance with Ordinance No, 155, New Series, a public he aring was held on the matter of the arks lying along the Estuary between HiCn Street bridge and the Park Street bridge, Adfidavits sworn to by E. C. Mai ilot , Building inane c to r that he bad. delivered written not ices to the foil owing name el persons and unknown owners, directing the m to appear before the city council at the city hall, Tuesday even ing, January 20th, 1020, to show cause why the ir struc tures should not be con- demned as nublic nuisances, were p re s en te d and ordered file d. Mr. J. :3. llornby, 2407 Harrison Avenue , was -ores t. and spoke on his own behalf . Ho stated that he was a veteran of the Civil Mar, that his only income was ensi on that he received. from the goveriment Lir. 1'. 0. Olsen, 2425 Harrison Avenue, was present and spoke on his own behalf. Mr. Olsen offered no reasonable excuse for the condition. No one neared for iii e ARk "Hykr)" nor f or the ark a t 2427 Harrison Avenue, Mrs . N. Clark., 2617 Harrison Avenue was not rew:cesonted. H. Luck was represented by R. S. Riley, who contended that the council had. no jur isdicti 0 13. in the case. S. J. Lundberg was pre sent and protested against any action on the part of the council, Mr. I. Larsen e- of 2411 Harri son Avenue, S t at e d. that he will coat orris to t he reeui re In en t s Latham move d that all the cases be taken under a, dv er:ient, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. Messrs,. J. L. Bargones and N. D. Howe and other citizens r esid.ing in t he vicinity of Fernside Boulevard add.: .e c; t7-(- nucil on the ark question and urged 5. at Neptune Bea ch for t he season of 1020 0 7.e rred -;(,) the c ity ger , 6, From F. J. Croll, roou sting an increase in salary -the deputy audit or Ja_nua ry O tli , 1920, where a ]ui1d.irg con'? ormed to the sanitary and health re go, lat ons , the same erns e allowed to s tan d. , Tile ±o 11 owi Ian-, ramuni ons we re . rec eiv e_ i ' en. , re o 111, s-t;ing rmiS si 011 to operate a long r an g e F1' Ora .A.. shooting' ga Lthara moved that the salary be in cr eased to ::;;175.00, s eco d. by Mr . _Noy and carriecl by the fell vo t e : ire s: Oline i 1en .dams , Latham, Noy and -Probst , (4 ) IToes C ounc 1 -Tp re s dent Otis, ( 1 ). Absent :None . From the S ou t he rn. Pao if c C on-many , reiesting pe wa is si on to fill in by dredged material the land lying 1) tween the te1s to Street Bridge 0.11d the associated 0:11 Companz.ris plant in the vioiilty of the '.:est Alamed car shops . Mr. Probst moved that the request be rante , seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call c arr ie cl. unanimously Lir. it in in tr du ce d the o1:Lc'iing o s °Int 1011 and. move a do pt ion "1-Zesoli7tion 70. 262 . Re so 1. ut i on Or hr tag, t .he ienoa1 of Certain ja11.0 tux s Situated at t he Eastern te rminati on of Encino,' venue." Hr. 'Pro bs t seconded the motion to adopt the '1.:e so lati on and on roll call it was a dopte and passecl unanimoasly0 Mr. Latham introduced th 0 fo 110;7'1J:1p; ie solut ion and moved s a cIoDt1 on: "Re so lu t ion To 262. Establi suing P re eine t s oil ing Places and Naming 11e ctioi Of fi ce rs :[or Special Election, January 211920»' " Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the Ilesolution on.d on roll c al 1 it was adopted ancl assed unsnimoaely. 10 . Latham introduced the foll0V7i 1-1,7 TR.e solut ion and moved it s a do pt i on:: "Re solut ion No 264. s olu t ion ;3ubmitting an Ordinonce to the People of the City of Alameda for Leasing C e rtE.,„ in Tide and Sub - me rge a. Lands to the taaska Packers' S OC iat " lir. Pr ob t sec onded the motion to adopt the Re soluti on and on roll call it was o te d and -i)a s se d_ unanimously. 11. City Manager Hewes :51,-thinitte cl his report for the ye or 1912-1919, which was o rdere a filed andllr. Lath am moved that he proc e :Up:11r es on the cost of print ing the serne, seconded. by Mr. Probst and carried, 12. Hr. Latham moved that the matt er tideland leases to Barnes Tiljhitts, L. A. Pedersen and Eoiph Shipbuilding C omp any 1e taken up at the net me et i ng of the Council, seconded by Mr. Prob st and c arrie d 12. i/ Mr. Probst moved that fifty cents per oil heater and two to a pre c Mot be allowed at the special election to be held_ January 31st 1920, s cc onde d by 111'. Latham an d carried -unanimously. 14. Mr. Otis stated that he hacl been requested. by General J. J. Borree to appoint a committee on th e organization of a new Nati onal Guard Company in this it y s, and that he has appointed. Major C. E. Hickok . Smiley and Rushton McConaeLi, M. be co '!if r me , seoonde b:\;•T TTj Noy and ar C 1 al Tfl- 2pqi y1c. t fh C1P rcv1 T;11 -n rl rr/ )1 +1 n .7: 17 RP• + 11 , 1D -1 January 20th, 1920. the d am au nt ± ng to 2105. 26; gait Health Pund am ou nt inb to 54.16; against the Recreation Fund amounting to `,;;5184 .75 ; against the Relief Fund amounting to 20.50; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 7996.32; and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting t o )384.00 , having b e en approved an audit e d by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: GZJ, ERAL FUND. Alameda Scavenger Company Al am e da Stean Laundry Co. Fit es Ink Manufacturing C o. Johnson Company, S. T. 11 11 11 11 IT TT Martell Tire Co. McLaughlin, Vera tunic i pal Electric Light P la nt Pacific Tel. 8; Tel. Co. Recorder Printing & Publishing Co. Reynold. s, Jain es S ch ne ider , Henry Scully, T. Strom Electrical C ompan.y U. S. Pic1e1±ty & Guaranty Co . TT 11 T? TT 11 Tr Western Union Tel, Co. 1;iuiiic±pal Electric Light lant Paei±ic Tel . & Tel, Go. Batt Photo Supply Co. Schneider, Henry Sm1th, F. J. Strom Electrical. Co Times Star IT IT Vacle11 /1121111) Or Co. We stern Union Tel . Co. Alameda Stec, m Laundry Assn, Auto Electric Service Ea,s t Bay Wat er C ompany Gober, Paul Gut t a Per cha & Rubber Mfg. Co. Liu iC i pa 1 Ele ctric Light Plant Schneider, i Henry Staniorcl Ojl C ompany 1? 1? IT Strom Electrical Go, Western Union Tel • Co. Zeller bac h Pap er Compa Labor Cochran & Celli Dick, E. C. TT 11 IT y Dietzgen Co., Eugene Hewes, Charles E. City Mgr . Lietz Co., The A. Martell Tire Go, Mor el and Lio tO Truck . 11 IT If IT L[os swo 0 Cl. Garage 0 TB2.-len , V. B. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Pow ell Bros. Cons true t i on Go, Qua rt erna s te r ' r. Retail St or e Schneider, Henry Strom Ele ctri cal Co. Time s Star Co. Union Oil C ompany Garbage rernoved. Towel service C a rbo n pap er Oil TT It Tire and tub e er via es City light ing for Dec. 1919 Rental and tolis $ubscr ip t joll Servic es as Janitor Dater T int ing c ounc i 1 c ha nb er Electrical fixtures and supplies Pranin TT Tel POLICE 1' UND. Repairs t o Dodge car Telephone service Photo supplie s Supp Li es als for 1risc1ers Repadt swit ch Print ing 17 Lunth er Telegram and clock rental Total FIKB FUND. Linen 5 ervice 2 Hydrometers Hydrant rental for Oct. Nov. Repair s to Roof , Station- 1. Sup e s Supplies Supplie s Gasoline IT Supplie s Clock rental 2 cases toilet paper Total - STRJiBT FUND. T ir e Speedometer Fan bel t Pap er , tape Sub scripti on to magazine 131 a e print Supplie s Repairs TT Repairing Buiclr trucn Signs Telephone Cement and gravel Supplie s Pens, etc. Battery Printing Dis tillate pap er toll service HEALTH FUND. TO c, 6 3.00 8.00 1.50 50 .3 2 20300 29 .38 23.25. 34 .50 2599 .46 10.. 29 6.00 36,00 .49 174.00 349.25 17 .50 10.00 2,67 13 3'75.52 46. 0 5 8.69 3.51 3.64 60 .6 0 1.50 23.00 15.50 2 .04 21.01 166.54 31 .00 2.215 E3 Dec. 1002.00 41.5 5 1.65 40 .2 2 3,15 10.25 20.50. .90 1.50 14.01 168.98 ;',1369 .95 22.00 17.60 •65 5.29 3000 3.24 8.21 114.16 199 .73 32,00 1.50 2.60 158.21 138.84 2.56 2.70 9.50 13.50 - '11. 2105 .2 6 ry 20 th , 1920, ci na 1 Ice Co, Godfrey, Matilda Oakland Pion° er Soda Via r Co. Pa cif ic Tel . (c.‘J Tel. Co. Schaefer, Vic tor L. If IT IT Schneider , Henry Time s Star Arbes, J. Ba,1 tini , B. Cohen, Emilie Dick, E. 0. IJIaDelli, 11. iunicia1 Electric Ligiit P lan t Orr, Samuel Paci_fic Tel, & Tel. Co. Binder F. Kellogg Express Co. Orr, Samuel 1,7e st ern Dairy Co Alameda Steam Laundry Assn.. Al t o Elecfrio Servic e 00. Baird, J. V. Dick, E. C. Gamewell Fir e Alarm & Tel . 00. Great ',':estern Power Co. iconigsh of e rs Marte 11 Tire Co, Oak land Waite r Fro nt C ompany Standard Oil Co. Time s Star Company Waddell Lumber C o Veaver-',7ells Company VJeins tock-Ticho1s Company TT TV Catton, Thos. R. Ice Clean ing ',[t e r et1 E.uld tolls Adhe sive tape Red_ Z. Goize k ins, oil 1 Bo ok To RE CREAT I ON FUND. Servic es It TV Repairs Servi ce s Repairs Servic e s Rent al Total 1-ZEL IEF FUND. To oth brush es Expressage Labor Milk Tot al - ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Towel service Supplies Supplie s TV TV Electric cur rent Supp lie s TV Real Estate Gasoline P r int ing Suppli es TT It TT Total MUNICIPAL DIET. OVEMENT F UND NO. 11. C ont rac t 3 .73 3.50 .50 1.50 9.60 17. 28 .35 7.40 54.16 46.00 48.00 12.00 4.8 5 48 .00 5.60 18.00 2. 30 184.75 ,75 1.00 18 000 .75 20.50 1.00 5.66 1.00 1.83 23. 45 5325.30 2 .00 319 .72 2000 .00 17.43 37.03 37.50 100 29 213.29 7996..32 384..00- Mr. Prob st moved that the claims as listed b e raid, seconaeci by Lir. Adams and on roll call carried -unanimously. The re be ing no fur the r 1J usi ne se t o trans ac t the counc 1 1 adj our ne d. to me et in adjourned r egular meeting Friday evening, January 23rd, 1920, at 7:30 o clock . Re sue c tfull y subm it te d, City Clerk.