1920-01-23 Regular CC MinutesJ 5'
FRI DAY ET.17. TUG , JANUARY 23RD , 1920.
The me e ting convened. at 7:
D. m. with Council sident Otis presiding'.
The roll Vla-S Cane d and_ C °Traci lmen Adams, Latham, 1Toy, , rob st and President
Otis, (5) were noted. Present.
1. The matter of the re -classific ati on of the property at 892 Union Street
came up for fur the r h ear inc. . Mssrs. J. C 00g- G. J. Emmons and John Parker
spoke against the proposed change. liessrs C. D. Irvin and D. VI. Irvin spoke in
favor of the ch ange Mr. Latham move d. that the matter be ?OSpOflCd until the next
regular meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried
unan imousl y
A claim ag2, st the Gene 1'. 1 Fund in the sum of 104.18 having been approved
and audit ed by the proper official was listed by the Clerk as follows :
Genoral Fund.
Los shard , R. E. Postage for sample ba 11 ot
1:r. Probst rnovecl that the claim as 1 is t e d. be paid , se conde d by Mr. Adams and on
roll call carrie d unanjmous
There being no further business to transact the council ad journed to meet
in re gular session Tuesday evening, February 5rci 1920, at 8 o cl ock
Res') e ct fully submitted.,
City Clerk.