1920-02-03 Regular CC MinutesC, II:I-JAR 1:LEE IG OF ra.7.12Z, C 0 LTE CI L OF ra'. HE CI r:,../11:- OF LJ , TUESDAY EVaIT _IT , To.E372,.lial 5r, 1920. The meeting convened at 8:1O p m with C min c re si dent Ot s p residing The roll was called. and Coundllmeii !1ns , 1.1 t 11 ara , Noy, Probst a nil re s en. t Ot is, ( 5) , were note el pre sent. Abse nt: 'Zone The -minutes of the reg1r meet in7 of January 2Dth, 1020 we re approv ea as re The minute s of the ajournecl £e,uiar meeting of January 25-rd, 1920 were approved as 'read. . :1? ob t introduced the f ol 1 owing Toso Intl on and moved. its adopt on : "Iles caution 7o. 265. Trail sfe rr g :7,1J957 .13 -rr om the I1ectric Jight Pluad to th e General Fund.. " Lathan so c o (1 the mo ti on to adopt the re sol uti on and ()al,. r 011 call it was a do Pt d and passed un an ousl y fo 11 owing were re c eive d The Auditor s balance sheet for the oith of Jan-U.1.2,1'y, , 1020 • Ordered, file do The r e t of the M1111 !pal rio Light P 1-an t t I:J)nth o f Dec embe r , 1919 0orea file do 2. *?The :L1CL±tOrs reot for QO0 c overing the rental of Gcverrueit Is1an d fr cm July 1 1919 to July 1, 192D0 Orde red file 5. The stateme nt of the Pac jf. Tel. & C oiy, c eve ri ng o ss ro c e i-ot s in k Ord i nane e iTo 50, ievi er :Le 3 for t he ye ar 19190 0r 10 red -Ill ed. 21) e ./I:ffi davit of pub 1 ic o.,ti on of the i7,-otic e o± ($-n ec a 1 Election held. J?l1)T S1 t , 1920 Orcierea filed0 5 . The Aff (la v it of publ ic at ion of Re so1..u.t. ion 1; o. 26/1. Ordered. file. d C oarmund cat ions : 6. From Barnes & Tibb it t s of:ering to pay the c of e d 12,500 in yearly oayme nt s of :500000 in a dvanc e , fa r the ti del and s front ins 1;]o r pr o-pe rty Ir • Lathan' mo ved that the c ounc 1 me et as a co mmit t e e of the to1e in the Pire Chief '13 office ?ijiescLr ovoning, Feb ruc,,,ry 10th, 19J at 8 OTClOCt, -for the purr se of cCnlsiiering the r o-o os it ion !''; i1nitte, se co nde d by Mr. . r ob f-A" and. carr led . From t he ffousewjves. League pet i ti onir47 the council to t ak. e stevs to rrevent ary increase in the as rates. Refe rre d. to the city attorney a nd city faanager. 80 7 ro Col. E. E. Viinslow, relating to the c losing of Harrison Avenue fron t he War DeTa ar t me nt at VJashingtca relatiiig to the r e clues t of J. 2 au al lag Edwards C omp any f or wharf right s along Harr :L son Avenue City anagor Hewes r epo t ed. that 0o1 . ow was c1esirous 0-P holding a public hearing on this In atter and ha 6. f ixed FebrUary 18 th, at 10 otcloOk. a. a. as the time. Mr. Probst moved. that the Council c hamh er no fixed as the p1aco for t hi s hearing, seconded by Lr . Latham and c a..rri 9 . V Mre Latham move el that all matters off e ct ing the c los ing of ri.ar ri s On 11venue be pos tponed to the regular meeting of the Council March 2nd, 1920, seconded by Lir . Pro bs t and carried, 10. The fur t he r h earl. ng on the re—classi&ication of the .or operty at 392 Union Street came before the council. lir. A. J. Coogan, presented 2—petition signe d. by several pr op e rty oers, protestng the PoPoe c hang° . Er. 0. J. Doughty spoke againot ebruL 11 1;5r "Resolution ro. 266. Clam sing Prernises known as 092 Union Street from a Class to a Class II District." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adept the resolution and on roll call it was adopted. and passed by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Adams, Foy and Er obst (3), Noes: Councilman Latham and President Otis, (2). Absent : None. / The Clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on January 23rd, 1920, a 'petit ion signed by more than twenty-five per cent of the property owners within a radius of six hundred feet of Lot 6, .Bloch B, Alameda Station Homestead Tract, consenting to the re-classification of said property from a Class III to a Class V District, A certificate showing die posting of notices as required by Ordinance iTo. 1(19, iTew Series, was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the notice providing for a hearing on this evening, Council-president Otis asked if -there were any persons present :111() objected to the proposed change. None appeared. Mr. W. D. Anderson the owner of the property, briefly stated the reason for the change. LIr. Probst introduced a Bill entitled A. Dill For Ordinance ro. Reclassifying the Front One 6, Bloch B, Alameda Station a Class II District to a Few Series, Hundred Feet of Lot Homestead Tract, from Class V District." which was laid over under a provision of the charter, 12, Hr, E. K. or, addressed the council relative to the pruning of trees in the city. Mr. Latham moved that the members of the council, together with Mr. Taylor, Superintendent of Park Benton and City Manager Hewes, inspect the work Sunday morning February Oth, at 10 o'clock, seconded by La. Adams and carried. 13. L. Taylo o offered the funds of tho Red Cross for the hiring of nurses during the impending in±'iuenza epidernic. 11, trick H. Scullin resenting the National Indu addressed the counci the council's support. for consideration. Mr. Probst called attention *al Peace Association, briefly outlined the work of the association and asked tter was referred to the next meeting of the council the inadequate pressure of water and suggested that a salt water system with cisterns be established on Park Street and Webster Street . City Manager Hewes advised the installa-tion of larger fresh water mains instead. of the salt water system. No action however was taken. Hr. Latham moved that the city manager procure prices and terms of payment fOr the purchase of two fire engines to replace the antiquated apparatus in the fire derartment, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 17, / Mr. j2robst moved that the clerk communicate with the East Bay Water Company and order the repair of the broken main across the Estuary at Park Street at once, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. Mr. Percy C. Black, representing Capt. L. A. Pedersen, addressed the council relative to the leasing of tidelands in front of the Captain's proi;erty. Referred' to the City Manager. 19. 4/' Mr. Hewes brought up the matter of the Horth Side Sewer and urged that some action be taken at °nee. The matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole mecting, Tuesday evening, February 10th, 1920 Engineers ' s rey)ort on came file d, Manager. A Bill entitled. "A Bill February 3r8, 1920. For Ordinance No. New Series. Amending Ordinance No, 97, Hew eries, Creating a Iolice , Relief Health and Pension "Puna, by adding a new Section thereto, to be known as Sect Lon 16. was introduced introuceI ancl. laid over under a provision of the charter. 21. The Clerk stated that the hour for canvassing the returns of the special municipal election he1 January 31st, 1920 had arrived, whereupon the council proceeded with such canvass, which showed the vot e as fol lows ; 23 PRECINCT EAV.AL BASE ALASKA l'ACKERS VOTES CAST 1111110 1110T NAVAL BASE ALASKA PAC= VO2ES CAST A. B 0 D 11 F G H I J K J li YES 175 154 209 175 175 258 139 202 256 209 226 193 173 NO 19 2 10 7 7 5 3 3 3 11 5 3 6 YES 168 150 200 184 165 253 136 196 253 218 217 192 170 110 6 8 17 0 11 10 7 5 6 2 14 6 9 163 219 185 183 263 147 216 261 225 231 201. 179 P Q 11 S T U 93 185 159 222 153 180 210 133 NO 2 6 6 6 7 3 8 . 2 YES 178 182 158 217 147 171 217 133 110 15 8 7 10 13 9 2 2 198 194 165 229 162 183 219 139 TOTALS 3979- 124 3925 167 4157 Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Ho. 267, Resolution Declaring the Result of the .Special Election Held in the City of Alameda, on Saturday, January 31st, 1920, on the '12estion of Granting 5340 Acres, Approximately, of Tide and Submerged Lands, to the United '-'ttes for Eavul Base Purp os es . Mr. I'robst seconded the laotion and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. LLc, Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its. adoption: 'Resolution Yo. 268. Declaring the Result of the Special Election held in the City of Alameda, on Saturday, January 31st, 1920 on the P. rop os ition of the !lotion of an Ordinance Leasing 36.43 Acres, Approxinntely, of Tide and Sub- merged hands , to the Alaska Packers Ass oc iat ion." LI.T. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the re olution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 24. r' i. Howes called attention to the tidelands lying north and northwest e the Southern 2aci.7ic car barns at Alameda Point, now occupied by the Southern -lacifio Compa ny, and stated that he desired to have the Southern :Pacific Cour)any lease them or else vacate. Mr. 'Latham moved that the council fix the price for the leasing of thi lan d ( com-ori ing 5.66 acres inside the bulkhead line and 4.03 acres between t he bulkhead and pier head 1 ines ) at :1500 .00 per acre v.: er ye ar , beg ir! nin,7; with t he first of Janua Ty, 1920 , sec onde d 1r. bst and c arri ed. 2 4 February 3rd, 1920. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 1954.62; against the Police Department amounting to 237.5E3; against the Fire Department amounting to 045.61; against the Street Department amourring to 2765.39; against the Health Department amounting to 0_29.91; against the Recreation Department amounting to 071.41; against the Relief Fund amounting to 41.00; against the Store Fund mount- ing to 190.00; an againet the Electric Light Fund amounting to .599.64 having been approved and audited by the proper fficial were listed by the Clerk as follows: Alameda Land Com7any Ascher, Aucusta Baird, Ina M. Banta, Chas. F. Bosshard, R. E. Clart, Herbert D. Croll, F. J. Dodd, F. N. East Bay Water 00. Elster, Marvin H. Fischer, C. F. Fites Ink Mfg. Co. Forrest, Anna Forrest, Esther E. Fox, Geo. E. Goggin, G. E. & Co. Goggin, W. W. Haege, Ruth M. Hally & COmpany Hanley, J. S. Hart, Mrs. Emily Hewes, Charles E. Hewes, Charles E. TV IT IT IT IT Jacobs, Johnson, Elmer E. Johnson Co., S. T. It IT TT TV Judd, Thos, N. Locke, True McConnell, Rushton McLaughlin, Vera Mehrtens, H. G. Nielsen, Henry G. Tr IT IT Osternann, Anna Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Go. Plummer, Elliott E. Pollard & Son Raridlett, E. A. Reynolds, James Shaw, E. M. Times Star IT TV TV TV IT Waddell Lumber Co, Wentworth Co., F. W. Yawrnan & Erbe Mfg. Co. ianag er Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Elster, Marvin H. Ford, r. O. Hicks, Grant Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. :dunicipal Electric Light Plant TV TV TT TV Nielsen, Henry G. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Rose, E. F. Times Star Co. GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Premium Services (election) Insurance premium TV 11 Money advanced Insurance premium Auto.upkeep Insurance premium Water Printing Repairs Carbon paper Services (Election) Services (Election) Insurance premium TV IT IT TT Services (Election) Insurance premium I? TV Services (Election) Auto upkeep Subscription Stamps Incidentals Services (Election) Insurance premium Oil Tt Insurance premium IT TV TV TV Services Insurance premium Sign painting Lettering auto Services (Election) MayorTs Allowance Gas In premium TT TV TV IT Services as janitor Insurance premium Election supplies, etc. IT Advertising If Lumber Office furniture Office furniture Total - DEPARTMENT Laundry Pr luting TT Auto upkeep Coal Labor and attendance - tel. system Repairs Re lettering Gas Repairs to motor cycle Printing sign 11.00 16.50 11.00 11.00 11;00 25.00 11.00 16.93 5.05 3.75 4.50 16.50 24.36 11.00 11.00 11.00 16.50 11.00 11.00 16.50 25.00 3.05 2.09 6.05 13.50 11.00 27.50 20.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 25.50 11,00 10.00 3.00 16.50 50.00 30.38 11.00 11.00 11.00 18.00 11.00 364.00 190.15 46.94 112.72' 23.96 229.35 380.25 954.62 2.80 2.55 28.00 35.00 3.45 73.45 18.11 2.00 .10 35.70 36.40 Fire Department Alameda Repairs and Sup Central Alameda Garage East Bay Water Co. Elster, Marvin H. Firestone Tire Ec Rubber Co. Fischer, C. F. Koerber Puel e,; Feed Co. 11 tt It TT IT Municipal Electric Light Plant 11 TT fr It Pacific Gas &: Electric Co. Standard Oil Co, lt Labor Austin Wester)]. Road Machinery Co. Barber Co. Edgar H. East Day T;:ater Co., Fischer, C. F. Hickok, C. E. Lena, M. Lietz Co., The A. Municipal Electric Light Plant If T TT Nielsen, Henry G. Post Company, Frederick Powell Bros. Construction Co. , 1T Tf TT TV Union Oil Comoa ny of California Araguas, Mrs. Justine. Butterfield, Miss Ruth Cataract Refining Co. Carpenter, Dr, T. Cutter Laboratory Eberly's Pharmacy Elster, Marvin H. Ford, N. O. Hauch's Nielsen, Henry G. Parisian Laundry Schaefer, Victor L. Times Star Co. Wentworth Co., F. W. Wilkens, J. H. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Alameda Repair and Supply Arbes, J. Baltini, B. Cohen, E-ailie East Bay 7:ator Co. Everwear Manufacturing Co. Kochendorfer, Leo F. Mapelli, N. Nielsen, Henry G. Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Spalding &‘ Sons, A. G. Waddell Lumber Company Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edward() Associated Oil Co. 110 1' Suppl ios -Qefill presto lite tank Water Printing Repair rear wheel and new tire Supplies Coal Labor and attendance for elarm system Recharge battery, etc. Gas Gasoline Total - t re et Department TV Water Chalk Incidentals Curbing Blue print paper Repairs TV Lettering auto Blue print paper Cement, gravel, etc. TT TT IT Gasoline and cUstiliate Total - Health Department. Services TV Soap Transportation Vaccine TT Supplies Printing IT Sal Soda Painting Laundry Plaster Printing Guides Cotton ba Guides tal - Recreation Department Co. Window lights Tree trimming It Services as sub playdirector Water Sweeper and. supplies Repairs Tree trimmer_ Labor lettering auto Gas Basket 1)alls Lumber RELIEF PUITD. Labor TV STORE FUND. Script books EL7XTRIC LIGHT FUND. Total Total - y 3rd 1920, .90 3.70 87.95 .20 14.05 6.65 50.00 2.55 23.60 10.25 5.00 345.61 ° 1552.75 20.05 2.00 6.01 2 .5 2.40 995.00 3.31 12.45 1.15 3.00 2.62 64.39 67.01 33.00 - 2765 39 5i) 2.00 3.14 2.09 35,00 5.50 10.00 4.10 1.11 21.50 .98 3.00 6.73 16.50 9.30 1.08 3.13 2.75 9.91 7.00 52.00 48,00 10.00 3.92 12.87 125.00 52,00 3,30 21.00 3.20 24.25 9.17 1.41 21.00 30,00 51.00 190.00 February 3rd, 1920. ;`.;;' Cal if orn ia State Automobile Assoc iation Premium 9.27 Citizens Bank Rent 40,00 Crocker Company, H. S. Stencils 23.92 East Bay Water Co. 1Tat e r .80 Tr It It TT IT 825.5500 Ford, N. 0. Printing Gilson Electrical Supply Co, Supp 1 ie s 1315.27 Gilson, Rose M. tr 64.00 Imp 1:1g. Co. Paint 4.90 Kellogg Ex-ore ss Co. Expressage 1.71 Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Supplies 45.70 Pacific as & Electric Co, Gas .60 Reno Go,, L. G. Supplies .35 Roeblings Sons Go., John A. Wire 24.51 Schneider, Henry Suppl I es 30.42. Siem, 0 . Supplies and repairs 5.50 Standard. Oil Co. Gasoline 75.97 Street Department Surveying 46.30 Times Star Co. Proof books 78.00 Weaver-Wells Co. Supplies 25.00 Weinstock-Nichols Co. IT 38.77 It IT IT IT 7.32 Western Heavy Hardware 8.: Iron Co. IT 5.37 Westinghouse E. & M. Go. IT 22.63 TT 618.26 it 6.12 0 TV It 17 11 Zell erbach Paper Co. Total 2599 84 • Hr. Lat1am moved_ that the claims as 1 isted be pal d, seconded by Mr. Adams and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesciay evening, February 16th, 1920, at 8 0 clock p • m. Respectfully submitted, Cit- Clerk.