1920-02-17 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17TH, 1920. The meeting convened at 8:15 p. m. with Vice-president Probst presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen A Lat and. Probst were present Absent: Councilman Noy and President Otis, (2). The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. I. 1 The Clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on Janu 00th, 1920 a petition signed by more than 25% of the property owners within a radius of 600 feet of 1420 Grand. Street, consenting to the re-classification of said property from a Class 1 to a Class II District. A. Certificate showing duo post ing of notices as required by Ordinance No, 149, New Series, was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Vice-president Probst asked if there were any persons present who object ed to the proposed change. None appeared. Mr. S. J. Sterner, the owner of the property, explained the u tter to the Council. Mr. Latham introduced th following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 269. Changing Premises known as 1420 Grand. Street a Class I to a Class II District." Mr. Adams seconded the motion, to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was ado ted and passed unanimously. 2. The Clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on February 6th, 1920, a petition signed by more than twenty-five per cent of the property owners within a radius of 600 feet of 1114 Chestnut Street, consenting to the re-class/ fication of said property from a Class I to a Class III District. A certificate showing due posting of notices as required by Ordinance No.149, New Series, was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Vice-president Probst asked if there were any persons present who object d to the proposed change. None appeared. Mr. Frank Straughen, representing the owner, explained the matter to the Council. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. Reclassifying the property stu.ate at 1114 Chestnut Street From a Class 1 to a Class III District." was introduced and laid over under a provision, of the charter. , The following communications were received: From the Acting Mayor, Auditor and. City Manager, ti hat they had counted the money in the treasury on the 9th of February, 1920. Ordered filed. 4. / From the Southern Pacific Company refusing to either vacate or pay rental on the land containing 9,69 acres, lying north and northwest of the Southern Pacific c shops in this city, by virtue of a franchise granted to them under Ordinance No. 414, Referred to the city manager and city attorney. 5. From the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce felicitating the mayor and council on the result of the n I base election. Ordered filed. The City Clerk was instructed to extend the thanks of the members of the council to the Chamber of Commerce. February 17th, 1920. 7. From the E. B. & A. L. Stone Company, petitioning the council for the formation of a reclamation district on certain lands owned by themselves and others, lying on Bay Farm Island. Referred to the city manager and city attorney. A delegation from the American Legion was present and asked for permission to conduct a series of boxing bouts at Neptune Beach. Mr. Lat moved that, the council grant permission for the holding of an exhibition on one night onl y, that night to be fixed by the American Legion and that a gratuitous license for this evening be given, seconded by Mr. Adams and on roll call carried. 9. 1/` Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 'Resolution No. 270. Resolution Of Intention No. 51, New Series." Mr. A s seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously, 10. /1 Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "REsolntion No, 271. Fixing and. Establishing the Salary of the Stenographer in the office of the City Attorney." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously, 11. / Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption) "Resolution No. 272, Declaring Certain "Arks" or "House-boats" to be Public Nuisances, Ordering their Removal and the Abatement of said. Buis ces." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it adopted and passed unanimously. 12. Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 273. Authorizing the Mayor to Enter Into a Contract for the Acquisition of Two Fire Engines." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The matter was referred to the City Manager with power to act. 13. Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption; "Resolution No. 274. Providing for "Public Comfort Stations". Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adapted and passed una nimausly. A Bill entitled 111 "A Bill For Ordinance No. ' New Series. Amenaing"Ol'ainanoe No, 97777w Series, Creating a Police, Relief, Health, and. Pension Fund", by Adding a New Section Theroto to be Known as Section 16." came up for passage. Mt. Latham moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by Mr. Adams and on roll call adopted and passed unanimously. 14. V/ A. Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. Reclassifying the Front One Hundred Feet of Lot 6, Block B, Alameda Station Homestead Tract, from a Class III District to a Class V District." February 17th, 1920 A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No New Series. An Ordinance Authorizing the 14 asing of Certain Tide and. Submerged Lands to rnes & Tibbitts Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter, Mr. Latham introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No, 275 WHEREAS it has pleased Almighty God to call BRAINARD C. BROWN from the activities of this life unto eternal rest, and WHF St the deceased was a man whose time and high abilities were always at the command of his fellow citizens in the cause of civic righteousness and the betterment of the community in which he lived, and V&RE&S,, by his untiring energy and devotion to high principles the deceased contributed in a large measure in the preparation and adoption of the present charter of our city, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the Gity of Alameda, that in the death of BRAINARD 0. BROWN said city has lost a faithful and devoted citizen, a noble patriot, and a true and loyal American in every sense of the word. Resolved that these resolutions be inscribed upon the minutes of the Council and a copy sent to the family of the deceased, and that when this Council adjourn this day, it adjourn out of respect to th memory INARD C. BROWN Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll caJJ.it was adopted and passed unanimously by a rising vote of the Council. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 01696,19; against the Police Department amounting to 181.64; against the Fire Department amounting to $1406.49; against the Street Department amounting to 01529,83; against the Health Department amounting to (98.99; against the Recreation Department amounting to 0335.92; against the Store Fund amounting to ,;,;14.66; against the Relief Fund amounting to 080.00; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 05307.13; and against Municipal Improvement Fund No. 11 amounting to 02212.45 having approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as.follows: GENERLL FUND General DEpartme Election Officers Alameda Steal Laundry Assn. Brewer, H. S. Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 97 Chapin, J. B. Crocker Co., H. S. Dreio, Herman Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Fischer, C. P. Ford, N. O. T? Freeman Supply Go. Gay, A. T. -r1 Towel service Rent of election supplies Adding machine maintenance Tt Rent of polling place Photo album Labor Prescriptions Padlock Print in Tt Brushes Repairs 759.50 8,00 63,00 6.50 5,20 5.00 5,88 6.00 1.00 .75 9.75 54.00 1.47 .25 4-‘f3 February 17th 1920. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. League of Cal. Municipalities McGowan, Joseph A. Osborne, A. E. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Purity Springs Water Co. Scully, A-. T. Shaw, E. M. Taylor, W. G. Times Star TV 9 Vignolo, F. IP Wentworth & Co., F. W. Western Union Tel, Co. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Gott, A. O. Harrison & Co., H. O. Jacoby, W. O. Chief of Police Pacific Coast Shredded Wheat Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Strom Electrical Co. Times Star Co. Western Union Tel. Co Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. East Bay :later 00. Gutta Percha, Rubber Mfg. Co. Hauch s Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Standard On Co. Stoixmietz W. T. Strom Electrical Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co, Western. Union Tel, Co. Labor Austin-Western Road. Machinery Co. Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co. Dietzgen Co., Eugene Holt Manufacturing Co. Kopperud, A. H. Moller's Studio Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros, ConstructionCo, Southern Pacific Co, Standard Oil Co. Strom Electrical CO Times Star Co, Union Oil Coo of California V7 If 9 17 Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-e ls Co. Bischoff's Surgical Hous Braun-Knecht-Heimann Co, Crocker Co., H. S. Cutter Laboratory Encinal Ice Co. Fenton & Son. Ford, N. O. tT , 9 Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Parisian Lauhdry Purity Springs Water Co. Times Star Co. Wentworth Go., F. W. 4 Coal and kindling Dues Repairs Re.eairs to auto Rental and tolls Water Painting and papering Rent of polling place Insurance premium Advertising Briefs Repairs Costumers Telegrams Desk Toilet p Total - Polic- Department Re7oairs to star Repairs to Dodge car Contingent fund Supplies Telephones Battery Advertising Telegrams and clock rental Fire Department 7.00 40.00 6,00 18.85 9,35 .50 167.50 5.00 11.00 19.31 43.50 6.00 51.70 14.40 3.45 129.25 8.33 01696.19 0 .70 16.15 140.00 2.65 10.12 2.70 6.00 3.32 TOtal --------- 0 181,64 Linen service Water- hydrant rental Fire hose Soap Money advanced Coal Phone toll • Gasoline Money advanced Supplies apark plugs Clock rental Street Department 0 31.00 334.00 972.00 8.00 16,00 6.85 .10 25.63 2.64 6.30 2.47 1.50 Total - - 1406049 Freight Supplies Water Paper Parts for street roller Oil Photos Pipe Rental and tolls Cement and gravel Freight Cement and asphalt and credit Batteries Advertising Distillate Emory cloth Repairs Total - - Health Department Supplies Cards Vaccine Ice Milk testers Printing Water Rental and tolls Laundry Water Printing Cards * * * 14 91,75 .34 .45 15.15 .84 16.10 83.34 13.65 15.40 2.86 92.12 2.60 1.81 1.80 63,32 13.50 12.50 .30 2,00 1529.83 4.60 2.91 2,35 5.50 4002 15,00 15.00 34,00 .50 1.30 2.57 1,00 9.16 1,08 Arbes, J. Baltini, B. California Nursery Co. Cohen, Emilie Dick, E. C. Gay, A. T. Orr, Sa 1 Pacific Tel. ex; Tel. Co. Platt Phot)Supply Co. Southern Pacific Comp &y Vignolo, F. Weinstock-Nichols 00. Orr, S uel Var chi, Edward° Wes ern Dairy Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Gilson Electrical Supply Co Great Western Power Co. Linde Air Products Co. Pacific Tel* & Tel. Co. Rhodes-J ieson & 00. St dard Oil Co. Times Star Co. We instock- Nichols Co. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E & 11. Co. Catton, Thos, R. Thornally, W. G. Labor Trees Services Auto repairs Repairs Labor Phone Printing and films Freight Repairs Total STORE F ID. Spark plugs FUND. Labor Total - - LLEOTRIC LIGHT FUND. Supplies Electrical current Oxygen Rental and tolls Cool Gasoline Supplies Ts 11 Total - MULTIGIPAL IIIPROVEMENT FUND N O. 11. Second payment on contract Payment on contract February 17th 1920. fro 0 44.00 38.00 197.65 6.00 4,90 12.50 18,00 2.30 2.69 4.38 2.50 18,00 30000 32.00 80.00 17.80 47E:2! 3.85 19,27 3.50 19,48 63,40 1.92 2.46 560,37 0 550713 216.70 1995.75 Total - - 2212.45 Mr. Probst moved and the claims as listed be paid, seconded by mr. Adams and on roll call carried. unanimously. 16. Oity Manager Hewes brought up the matter of the North Side Sewer and urged that some action be taken on the same. Mr. Lat moved that the council meet as a Committee of the Whole, Friday evening February 27th, 1920, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of considering the sewer question, as well as the leasing of the city,s tidelands to the Rolph Navigation and Coal Company and to Capt. L. A. Pedersen, seconded by Mr. ADams and carried. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned out of respect to the memory of the late Brainard. C. Brown, to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, March 2nd, 1920, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk. 2 4