1920-03-16 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETING OF TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OP ALAMEDA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16TH, 1920. The meeting convened at 8:15 p. m. with council counci1preidet Otis presiaing The roll was called and. Councilmen Adams, Latham Probst and President Otis (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The minutes of the previous regular meeting were approved as read. MY* Latham introduced the following resolution and moted its adoption: "Re elution No. 276. Transerring 2065.62 from the Electric Light Fund o the Interest and Redemption Fund." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimous 2. 7 Mr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No, 279. Transferring 02584.89 from the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The follow were received: V/ The tra nscript of the public hearing on the question of the abandonment of Harrison Avenue held in the council chamber Wednesday, February 18th, 1920. Ordered filed. 4. The lease between the city of Alameda and the Seagrave Company for two fire engines. Ordered filed. // The lease to James Robertson for a portion of the Corporation Yard, for the year 192. Ordered filed. The Auditor's Balance Sheet for the month of February, 1920. Ordered. filed. Communications: 6. /7 From Mayor Frank Otis, announcing the appointment of Henry Gemmer as a member of the Board of Free Library Trustees to fill the vacancy created by the death of Brainard. C. Brown, Ordered filed. Mr. Gemmer was present and took the required oath of office. / From the city clerk stating that a petition for the establishment of a two - platoon system in the fire department of the city of Alameda had been filed in his office March 5th, 1920; that he had checked the names thereon and had found but eight hundred and sixty-four qualified signers, a number insufficient to call and election. Mrs. Emma M. Burke, Messrs. H. Haueh and H. Rosenthal addressed the council and urged the establishment of the system. M. Lat moved that the council meet as a couittoe of the whole Tuesday evening, March 30th, 1920, to consider the matter, and also, that the council meet in adjourned regular session at 8:30 o'clock on the same evening, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. v7 Mr. Harrison S. Robinson, representing the Rolph Navigation and Coal Company, was presented relative to the leasing of tidelands to the Rolph Company. No definite action was talmn. March 16th, 1920, intention No. 49, New Series. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be taken up at the regular meeting Tuesday evening, April 6th, 1920, at 8 o'clock p. m, and Mr. Soto be so informed, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 10. /' From the Board of Supervisors, of Alameda County, requesting that Fruitvale Avenue bridge be discontinued and abandoned. Mr. Probst moved that notice be sent to the Board of Supervisors Ied Congressman Elston, stating that the members of the council objected to such abandonment of the bridge, seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. v' From the cities of Berkeley and Richmond, requesting the City of Alameda to join with them in creation of a public utility district. Mr. Probst moved that no action be taken until the Water Commission,which had been appointed for a studv of the matter, filed its report, seconded by Mr. Adams and carrie 12. v/ From Mrs. B. C. Bro and family, acknowledging receipt of the resolutions adopted in memory of the late Brainard C. Brown. Ordered filed. 13. From Mrs. Ida M. Krusi, offering a Seth Thomas tower clock for the city hall tower and from Mayor Otis to Mrs. Krusi tentatively accepting the gift. Ordered filed. Mr, Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. Lath s "Resolution No. 280. Accepting the gift of a clock for the City Hall Tower, donated by Mrs. Ida M. Krusi." econded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the city manager with full power to act, seconded by Mr. Lathan and carried. 14. From the city of Oakland submitting a copy of an ordinance introduced prohibiting the sale and transfer of all fire arms. Ordered filed. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No New Series, An Ordinance regulating the sale or pistols, revolvers and fire arms in the City of Alameda, and providing Penalties for the Violatinn thereof." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. 15. 77 From E. Evelth Winslow, Col. Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, stating that requests had been made by shipping interests to withdraw the regulations requiring the Webster Street and Harrison Street Bridges to be closed during certain hours during the morning and evening. A request was made that if y objections existed to this, notice of the saee, be given. Mr. Probst moved that the city manager object to any change in the present regulation seconded by Mr. Latham and carried. 16. V/ Mr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved it adoption: "Resolution No. 281. Accept1 the Gift of a rest station and drinking fountain in Jackson Park, from Mrs. rIN.12- fl March 16th, 1920. Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed una nimously. 17. // City Manager Hewes stated that he had received a figure of 2050„00 for the cityls portion of the bath house at Washington Park addition. Mr Lath moved that the city manager sell the same for that price, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimsouly. 18. City Manager Hewes stated also that it was necessary to construct a wire fence at Washington Park and requested that bids be called for the same. U. Probst moved that the city ma uger advertise for bids for the fence seconded ny Mr Latham a nd au roll call carried unanimously. 19. 1/ Mx. Hewes stated that it was necessary to purchase a chassis to replace the existing patrol wagon chassis. Mr. Probst moved that the city manager be given full power to act seconded by M. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. ____ Series. An Ordinance regulating the BTT of license tax to be Paid by Amusement Parks, and repealing all Ordinance or parts of Ordinances.in Conflict Therewith." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. 20. / Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No, 282, Establishing the Official Curb Grade of Crist Street in the City of Alameda, from the Westerly line of Broadway to tbe Easterly line of Regent Street." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr, 2obst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 283. Ordering Plans and Specifications for the improvement of Grist Street, between Regent Street and Broadway." City Engineer C. E. Hickok:presented pia ns and specifications for said work, whereupon Mr. Probet introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: 22. "Resolution No. 284. Adopting Plans and Specifications for the Improvement of Crist Street, between Regent Street and Broadway." Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 23. / Mr. Adams introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 285. Resolution No. 52, New Series, for the Improvement of Cri t Street,between Regent Street and Broadway." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimousl Claims against the General Departments amounting to ',2624.61; against the Police Department amounting to 0217.47; against the Fire Department amounting to 0523.21; against the Street Department amouhting to 190.21; against the Recreation Department amounting to 0237.30; against the Store Fund amoirnting to march 16th, 1920. ing to 1345.00 having 'been approved and aadited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: American Law Book Co. Bissell, Cora East Bay Water Go. Forrest, A. 11 E Fox, Geo, H. Haege, Ruth M. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Johnson Co., S. T. Mott, Ernest J. Municipal Electric Li ht'Plant 1! It Oakland Blue Print Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Go. Paeific Tel. & Tel. Go, Purity Springs Water Co. Schneider's Steinmetz, R. Times Star Western Union Tel, Co. Ala meda Steam Laundry Assn, Hake, Moffett & Towne Godfrey, Matilda Koerber, Fuel & Feed Co. Lincoln Aute and Cycle Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant It IP LT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacifie Tel. & Tel. Co, Smith, F. J. Strom Electrical 00* United Petroleum Produci;.s Co. Westphal, O. F. Western Union Tel. ao. Baird, J. V. Comstock Company East Bay Water Co. Gardner, U. S. Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. m Municipal Electric Light Plant TT It Pacific Gas & Electric Go. Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Schneider, Henry Sherwin-Williams Paint Go. Standard Oil 000 TT IL Strom Electrical Co. Western Union Tel. Co Labor Aragus, ;es. Justine Bischoff urgical House Central City Chemical Co. Eberly's Quality Pharmacy Encinal Ice Go, Ford, V. O. Hauchs Jones, T. KOerber Fuel & Feed Go. Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. GENERAL FUND General Departments Law books Services Water Services Bond Premium Services incidental expenses Oil Transcript City lighti Attaching a Zone map Gas Rental and tolls Water Supplies d bill removinc, 0 Repairing curtain Index cards Telegrams Total Police Depart is laundry Paper towe Matron services Coal Repairs to motor cycle Labor and attendance Repairs Gas Telephone rental and tolls Meal. Supplies Oil Engraving star Telegrams and clock re r S Total - Fire Department Sueplies Dusters Water .and hydrant renta Oil Coal and screenings LT Labor and attendance Supplies and repairs Gas Phone tolls Repairs Paint Pearl oil Gasoline Battery Clock rental Total - Street Department Health Department Cleaning Needles Fumigators Gloves Ice Printing Oats Labor Hay and wheat Water Rental and tolls 6 42.00 15.24 15.91 21,60 21.48 5.00 12.24 8.55 23.13 19,90 2362.24 17.34 2.10 8.50 11.30 .50 2.27 .30 .50 12.60 2624.61 4,69 12.25 2.00 4.00 5.90 50.00 23,21 .20 11.69 57.00 6.30 34.56 2.30 3.37 217.47 .75 35.28 349.16 .69 21,70 8.00 50.00 6.09 18.80 .40 1.05 2.24 4.60 20.50 2.70 1.25 523.21 ' 1243.19 2.30 .45 94.67 .58 3.38 11000 1,00 5.00 3,10 .50 2.9a March 16th, 1920 Purity Springs Water Co Schaefer, Victor L. Schneider, Henry Time Star Co, Americ Railway Express Arbes„ Jos. Dick, ,E. C. East Bay Water Co. Hill Nursery Co., The D. Fear, P, Orr, S uel Pacific Gas & Elec Pacific Tel. & Tel Go. Waddell L ber Co. Western Union Tel. c Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Oakland Stationery & Toy Co. United. Petrole Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Wilkens, J. H. Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co Varachi, Ed.:rdo Western Dairy 00. Western Union Tel. Wyber's Grocery Alameda Soave ger Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Lssooiation East Bay Water Co. Dick, E. C. Ford, N. O. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Gilson, Rossee M. Greet Western Po.0r Co Kellogg Express Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Beholder, Henry Standard Oil Co. Times Star 71 United Petroleum Products Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Catton, T. R. Thorna1lv W. G. Water Supplies Printing Total Recreation Departznent Express Services Supplies Water Trees Services Labor Gas Rental Lumber 7 Tel Total Store F d. Paper Supplies Oil Spark plugs Cheese cloth Total Labor Gas Labor in parks Milk Telegr: s Groceries ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Garbage removed T u el service Water Supplies Printing Supplies 7' Electrical c Drayage Gas Rental d tolls Stationery and supplies Gasoline Advertising Subscription Cylinder oil Supplies tt Meters Supplies eve, 110* 4100 40* 40 Oft 410* +MX Total Total MUNICIPAL to ROVEM:6:T FUND NO. Payment on contract Total 41.0 111■10 ft* .50 34.80 10.45 19.50 190.21 7.12 4200 .50 4.69 50.60 4,00 14.25 3,00 2,30 11.15 95.89 1.80 237.50 36.69 7.20 69.84 28.69 18.00 160.42 14.25 9.50 25.00 26.70 2.48 5.00 82.93 3.00 1,00 5.50 4.45 39.50 776,94 43 12 4605.24 3.10 .40 22.19 20.61 37.58 14.40 5.20 103.72 1.20' 1.27 305.85 5.73 $ 6000.00 220.00 1125.00 1345,00 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid'» second.ed by Mr. Lath: and on roll call carried unanimously. There being no further business to trans et the council adjourned to meet in adjourned session Tuesday evening, March 30th, 1920, at 8:30 o'clock. Respectfully sUbmitted, ADJOURNED REGULAR METING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF ALAI, D TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 30TH, 1920. The meeting convened at 8:30 p. m. with Council-president Otis presiding The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst and President Otis, (4)wee note a present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The following coranunications were received: From Congressman 3. A. Elston, in the form of a telegram, lative to the closing of Harrison Avenue. The matter ins referred to the next regular meeting of the council From the California Process Oomp:. y requestlng a gratuitous license to sell devices for the extermination of ants. Mr, Probst moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll oall carried unanimously& 2. v/ An Affid.avit showing due publication of "Notice Inviting bids for the Construction of a fence at Washington Park" was received and ordered filed. The Clerk stated that in response to said notice he was in receipt of one bid. Mr. Latham moved that the bid be received and opened, whereupon the Clerk opened and read the bid as follows: Froth the Standard Fence Company offering to furnish all materials and erect the fence complete, for the S17111 of 1405.00. Mr. Latham moved that the contract be awarded to the Standard Fence Company, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. An Affidavit showing due publication of :Notice to Merchants inviting sealed proposal -for public Comfort Stations, was received and ordered filed. The clerk stated that no bids had been received, whereupon Mr. Probst moved that the matter be referred to the city planning commission, seconded. by 0 Latham ;oath ed Mr, Probst introduced. the following- resolution and moved its adoption: Res °lilt ion Io „ 286 Changing the Title of the Janitor of the City Hall to that of City Hall Custodian and fixing the Salary. Mr. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the resolution on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 5. 7 Frobat introduced the following resolution and move d its adopt ion: "Resolution No 287. Fixing the Salary of the Stenographer in the Street Departruent.” Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 288. Declaring that public neceaity demands the Construction of a Combination Storm an Sanitary' SelAk" Lr .obst seoonded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously&