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1920-04-06 Regular CC Minutes
1. .2.EGULL2 I. O TH COUNCIL OF r2H—, CITY OF AIA:JEDA, TnSDAY EVEN NG =IL 6T11, 1920,, The meeting convened at 6:25 ru with counci1—president presidinF:e The roll Was called and Opnncilmen 1,0ams, Lathanl, Joy 12_01,:flF;t I'reaident Otis, , were notea lyvesent :lsent: 7one, The minutes of the rermicx nee of lkyrch Y!th WerP aff()roved as rea(1, The minutes of the adjellyned regula:c iff,11.15 of Htrch 30th were approved as read. / Yr. Probst in.froduced the following resolution and aloved .Lt adoption: 'I&OL1JTION NO® 289. Transferring 03,093.75 From the Electric :ight Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund," Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted anc3. passed unanimou 2, / Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 290, Transferring 02,382.24 :great the Electric Light Fund to the General Fund." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution anI on roll cali it was adopted and passed unanimously. / Mr. Probst introduced the followlag resolution arni move. its adoption: "Resolution No. 291, Fixing the Salaries of the Officers and Members of the Police Department of the City of Alaneda." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolvtion and on roll call it was adopted and pa esed by he following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Adams, Lathm, Noy and Probst, (4). Noes: Council—president Otis (1) 4. / The matter of the closing of Harrison Avenue came up for consideration. As the closing of the Avenue would deprive the propoerty owned by j. Gold tone of egress and ingress, the qu estion was asked what arrungeaients lad been made for an easement to permit him to reach the public street. Messrs. H. M. Hammon and H. B, Blanding stated that they were at a meeting at the Alameda National. Bank where J. E. Ha . on behalf of the bank, guaranteed Er. Goldstone an easement across their property to Blanding Avenue. Mr. J. E. Hall subsequently Confirmed their statements. Nr. Probst therefor introduced the following Resolution ,,rni moved. its adoption: "Resolution No, 292. Resolution Closing Harrison Avenue from the Eastern Line of Park Street to the Western Line of Pearl Street." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and, on roll call it was adopted and passed. unanimously. Mr. Noy asked to be excused and left the council chamber. The matter of the hearing on the protest of Emilie G. Cohen and. Gustav U. enat against the improvement on Central Avenile, under Resolution of Intention No. 49, New Series, came up. R. M. Y. Soto, representing the prote tants was present. After some discussion the matter Was referred to the next regular meeting of the council. April 6th, 1920. a radius of six hundred feet of the property situate at 1042 Central Avenue consenting to the reclassification of said property from a Class I to a Class II District. A certificate showing due posting of notices as required by Ordinance No. 149, New Series was presented and ordered filed. As the time set in the notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Council-president Otis asked if there were any persons present who objected to the proposed change. None appeared. Mr. C. T. Brewer to briefly explained the matter/the council. Mr, Probst thereupon introduced the following resolution and, moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 293. g Premises known as 1042 Central Avenue, from a Class I to a Class II District Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed ,unanimously. 7. The clerk stated that there had been filed in his office on March 29th, 1920, a petition signed by owners of more than twenty-five per cent of property within a radius of six hundred feet of the property situate at 722 Haight Avenue consent- ing to the reclassification of eaid property from a Class I to a Class II District. A certificate showing due posting of notices as required by Ordinance No. 149, New Series, was 10 esented and ordered filed. As the time set in the notice provided for a hearing on this evening, Council-president Otis asked if there were any persons present who objected to the Proposed change. None appeared. Mrs. Zona Beardsley briefly explained the matter to the Council. Mr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 294. ng Premises known as 722 Haight Avenue, om a Class I to a Class II District." Mr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously The following communications were received; From the city planning commission, stating that the comnission had adopted a motion suggesting that the council proceed with the closing of the streets in the west end and the re-opening of them according to plans prepared by the city engineer. The matter was referred to the city attorney to prepare the necessary papers. From the Moose Hall Association, requesting a gratuitous license to conduct a carnival on private property. The matter was referred to the next meeting of the council for definite information as to where the carnival will be held. 10. / From the Brick' yers' Union, calling attention to alleged faulty construction of tile houses at the corner of Pearl Street and San Jose Avenue. Referred to the city manager. 11. Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Re olutionUo. 295. Resolution Ordering the Work. (Under Resolution of Intention No. 51, . S.) " Mr. Probst seoonded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously, 12. A Bill entitled T?fl ri4 1 2b April 6th, 1920, came up for passage. Mr. Probst moved that the ordinance be adopted, seoonded by Er. Adams and on roll call carried unanimously. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. Licensing Amusement Parks, for ''Ee Purpose of Revenue and Regulation, and Fixing the Rate of License Tax Thereon, in the City of Alameda." came up for passage . The matter was laid over to the next regular meeting of the council. A Bill entitled 'A Bill For Ordinance No New Series, An Ordinance Regulating the Sale and Transfer of Pistols Revolvers and Firearms in the City of Alameda and Pro- viding Eenalties for the Violation Thereof." carne n9 for passage. Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance be adopted: seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously 14. . Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No _ New Series. An Ordinance Ordering, Calling and Providing for and Giving Notice of a Special Election to be held in the City of Alameda, State of California, on Tuesday, May 4, 1920 for the Purpose of Submitting to the Qualified Voters of said City a Proposition to Incur a Bonded Debt by said City for the acquisition and Construction of a Combination Storm, Drain and Sanitary Sewer in and for said City, said Election to be Consolidated with the Primary Election to be Held in said City on said Day." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. 15. Mr. Latham moved that the comeensation of election officers for the election on May 4th, 1920, be 01,00 per officer and that 0,00 additional be allowed the officer who brings in the election returns and ballot boxe s to the city clerk's office, seconded by Ur. Adams and on roll call carried© A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No. _ New Series. An Ordinance Providing for the Re-organization of the Fire Department of the City of Alameda, and specifying the officers and members thereof." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordlna nee No. New Series. An Ordinance imposing a License Tax on Automobile Parking Stations and Fixing the Amount Thereof." was introduced and laid over under a provision of the charter. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 0957 ; against the Police Department amounting to 0462.66; against the Fire Department ,mounting to 0482.37; against the Street Department amounting to 02194.85; against the Health Department amounting to 0228.77; againat the Recreation Department amounting to 0404.28; against the Store Fund amounting to 019.81; against the Relief Fund amounting to. 086.35; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to :;2435.59 and against the Police Pension Puna amounting to 01151.25 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the Clerk as follows: April 6th, 1920. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. American Law Book Co. Bancroft-Whitney Company Capwell's Glintsman, E. N. Croll, Y. J. Curtain Store. The East Bay Water Co. Ford, N. O. Fox, Geo. H. Hewes, Charles E. 17 TT " City lifanager ” IT “ 11 Tr Hubbard, F. I. Inter-city Express The Johnson, S. T. Co. IP 11 17 71 FT It 11 Martell Tire Co. Osborne, A. E. Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Parisian Laundry Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. Siam, C. Sperry Co., L. E. Times Star 11 FIR 17 77 11 74 Vignolo, F. Vosburgh, L. W. If Wentworth & Co., F. W. Western Union Tel. Co. Whitehead, E. Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co. Zellerbach Paper Co. Alameda Steam Launctcy Assn. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bullard, E. D. Downey Glass & Paint Co. Gay, A. T. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hicks, Grant Lincoln Auto & Cycle Co. Niagara Falls Metal Works Nielsen, & eon, H. P. Radium Specialties Mfg, Co. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Auto-Electric Service Co. C2acutt, W. R. East Bay Water Co. TT TT TT 17 Fischer, C. F. Koerber, Fuel & Feed Co. Manuel, A. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. VoDUrh. La W. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Baird, J. V. Calcutt, W. R. California Pottery Co. Comstock Co., The Crocker Co., H. S. Dick, E. C. GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Towel service Installment Supplies Curtains Carfare expense Auto upkeep Net Water Binding Bond premiums Auto upkeep Expense Money advanced Floor Oil Subscription Oil If Tire Repairs Mayor's allowance Gas Laundry Paint Key Fastener Printing and advertising Court docket Advertising and printing Briefs 7?epairs Drawer knobs Brush Costumers and cell. guides Store tel. Gas and oil Map sections Paper towels and cabinet Total - Police Department. Laundry service Tires, repairs and supplies Face pads for lungmotor Zone paint for traffic lines Reeairs to stretcher and door Skid chains for auto Auto upkeep Repairs to motor cycle License tags Repairs and speedometer Soap Total - - Fire Department. File and set saw Linen service for February Supplies Water for March Hydrant Rental 1 nipple Coal Lumber for Fire Station No. 4. Supplies and recharge batterie Gas for March Supplies Total - Street Department Repairs Supplies Sewer pipe Brooms 7-eleer Repairs 0 5 1 a 25.00 5.05 21.23 4.50 167.50 25.00 50.14 15.00 4.50 4.50 20.15 23.40 19.83 19,80 42.65 50.00 12.34 1.60 15.02 .25 22.50 48.06 35.20 44.35 129.50 56.00 .50 1.00 16,66 2.14 25.29 8.00 14.70 957.60 .40 ' 174.22 3.75 122.50 9.70 10.60 35.00 14.47 37.73 50.00 4.29 462.66 .35 31.00 .59 .20 15.65 334.00 .15 14.85 35.27 29.22 19.79 1.30 - 062.37 1512 014 2.25 2.50 12.96 24.73 49.98 5.82 1.22 Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co. Gardner, U. S. Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Kopperud, A. H. fr 17 Moreland Motor Truck Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Post Co., Frederick Powell Bros. Construction Co. Ransome-Randall Go, Rhodes-Jamieson Co. Schneider's Henry Sherwin-Williams Co. Spear-Wells Machinery 0o. Symon Bros. Times Star 11 Unlon Oil Co 71 77 77 Union Oil Co eaver Wells Co. Weinstock-Nichols Co. Wiley ± Sons, john Young, A. L Alameda Vulcani2ing Works Alameda Steam laundry As 71 77 17 Aragus, Hrs. Justine Bischoff 's Surgical House Braun-Knecht-Holm:Inn Co. Ft It 77 17 77 17 77 Butterfield, Iii Calcutt, W. R, Carpontwr, Dr. T. Cutter laboratory Eberly 's ^i.bzrmacy 1? 77 Ellefson, LilTian. J. Ford, I O. Hewes, Charles E. City :,..danager Oakland Stationery & To 00, Schieute)7 & Co., A. Times Star Alameaa Repair 0 SuDJy Co. _Alameda Vulcf,zni7,ing orks Arbes, j, California Nursery Co Cohen, Emilis Dick, E. C. East Bay Water Co Levenson CompanY Norme.n, W. Y. Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas 0 Electric 0o. Spaulding & Bros., A. G. Spiro's Vo sburgh, L. ilkens, J. H. 7,ellerbach Paper Co. Comstock Co., The Dietzgen, Go, 'Augene Flewes, Charles E. Ci-, 1:Tanager Hickman, Geo. W. Konigshofer's 01-0 1,pril 6th, 1920© Suppiies Water Paint Portfolio Road oil Oil Starter Repairs Telephone Blue print paper Cement Sand Screenings Patches Paint Grader Lumber irihting Cross section paper Distillate Starter ran belt Plugs Hand book akes Total Health Department ube repairs Laundry Cleaning lalives sharpened. and plated. Laboratory supplies Tubing Miscrope Eechahical stae, Services in la3 orator7 Oil can A'uto 'upkeep bysel Crutch tir Soap Laboratory eNnense Cutting and padding blanl:s Copy of water araDlrsis Blotter pad Tray -Printing and binding 2otal Recreation Department. Saws Tiled Tube reoaiars Services Trees Services Repairs auto 7iater Paper and contihers habo-0 Services Gas Athlotic goons Tennis net Sup.plies Canvas PaPel' VW, STORE FUND. :namel cleaner Pencils and ink Total. - -. REILLT FUND. Rent for Murphy family Groceries Supplies 2,80 13.41 1,25 14,00 175.36 97.48 12,80 3,05 4,23 2.61 22,38 5,00 17.64 1.25 14.26 66,00 17,50 9.50 38.00 14.50 14.50 16.50 3.00 .75 '1.62 2.50 rT 1) 0 2194.83 2. 4.04 2.40 5.20 .60 15.04 .90 107.10 22,50 6,52 .40 c: n 0iT "6,Yb 0)0 3,44 1.50 j,28 1.40 1.13 14.89 228.77 1,Y5 .50 00,00 19.34 4 o44 18,00 38.90 01.83 50,75 21.00 30 61,45 11,00 4.12 10.50 404 28 ° c 5.70 J.4,11 3-9.81 10.00 10.00 3.00 April 6th, 1920, Alameda Vulcanizing Worlm Board of l'ublic Utilities Citir3ens Bank Cole, Phillip S. Commercial Acetylene Supply Co. Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Go. Eberly 's Yharme,cy Elster, M. H. Times Star Ford, N. 0. Fyfe-Wilson Lumber Co. Gilson Electric Supply Co. Hutchinson Company Marshall-Newell Supply Co. Reno Co., 1, G. Ritchie, Mrs, Smith United Service Standard 011 Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Weaver-Wells Co. Veinstocii..-richols Co. TT 47 Western Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Westinghouse E. & M. Go. 17 ti 17 TT ST Brown, G. Conrad, J. Hadley, J. Kamp, AO Rogers, J. Schroeder, L. ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Mr. Probst moved that the claims as call carried unanimously. No protests in the matter of the improvement of Crist Street came before the council on this evening, opportunity for such having been set forth in Resolution of Intention No, 52, Now Series. The matter was continue to the next meeting of the council. 16. City Attorney Locke reported on the matter of uniform rates along Lincoln Avenue on the Southern Pacific lines, between the west end and High Street. He stated that, under the Act of Congress returning,the railroads to private ownership nothing could be done in the matter for six months. There being no further business to transact the council adjourned to meetiin regular session Tuesday evening, April 20th, 1920. . Respectfully submitted, Supplies Incidentals Rent Supplies Recharging cylinder Supnlies Water Supplies Printing Advertising Bills Supplies TT Barth Fill Supplies Premium Supplies Gasoline, etc. Supplies fl V? t? VP T ot a POLICE ZETSIOE FUND. Police pension TT vr T: Tr IT Tot 19.92 66.32 40,00 25.17 4.21 24.78 5.50 1,25 2590- 14.02 30.00 899.65 452.13 260.00 18.87 3.78 6.25 5.95 69 .85 4.10 5.22 5.23 4.53 19.75 422.75 ••••...• 2435.59 0 236.25 262.50 187.50 165.00 150,00 150.00 1151.25 be paid, seconded by Hr. Adams and on roll City Clerk,