1920-04-20 Regular CC Minutesc-, U!'::GI3L.2111. LEIN:ENC. OP T1E1 COI IL OF THE CITY OP ALINE. Tue sday evenin pril 20th 1920. The meeting convened at 8:25 p. m. with Counci pr sident Otis presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham Probst and (4) were noted. present. Absent: Councilman Noy, (1). The minutes of the previous eet1ng were approved_ as reaL The foll.a-,../ing communications were received: Prom the Moose Hall Association, requesting a hold. a carnival on May 2nd to May 9th, 1920 was present: and Street, between available. The President Otis grs:buitous license to both dates inclusive. Hr, T. C. Stoddard stated that the Association, planned to hold the carnival on Park Weeb Avenue and Lincoln Avenue, but that this site may not be matter was referred to the c ity manager with the privilege of changing both the dates and the place at which it is proposed to hold. the carnival as may be desired, Frank E. Russell, Cormander of Barrett Ct,Tump, Spanish Wax' Veteraris, asked f or the moral support of the council for the entertainment of the voi;erans for the Convention to Further From Ordered f iled. be d une ay, May 5th, 1920, e hel in Oakle ,i .e communieat ions : the Southern Pacific Company, relative to the trans-bay service. From Col, E. Eveleth '.7.Lnslow, relative to the proposed removal of tho iruitvaie Avenue Bridge. He suggests that the High Street Bridge bo either re- moved or entirely rebuilt. Mr. Adam moved that a protest be sent against the removal of said bridge to Col„ ',7inslow„ and that a copy of the letter be sent to th e Board of Siiervisors9 seeonCled. by Mr , L a th f.7).m and carried From Mrs© John. Correa.„ requesting a gratuitous license to peddle vegetables. As the same bore the endorsement of the Chief of Police and the ity Manager, Probst moved that the reuest be granted, seconded by Tor. Latham and on roll call carried. unanimoual :7 From Frances A. Fields, Crystal P. Vi1ki and May I.CE.,.,leutt 'protesting against the rronosal of the owner of 2145 Clinton Avenue, to construct bungalows at the rear of his property© City At,',:)Jmey Locke advised the members of the council that no action coUld be takenunless the structures conflicted with the State Hous- ing Act. From F. J. Oroll, ng a increase in the salary of 0 Borle, from 100.00 to 125.00 per month. Ex. Latham moved that the increase be granted, seconded by Mr. Probst 6 / Fr OM Mr. Probst moved Mr. ..tevtham -old on roll call carried, unanimously. 21. Bosshard resigning as city clerk of the city of Alaffeda . that the resignation be accepted, seconded by mr. Latham and carried, introduced_ the fallowing resolution "Resolution IT°. 296, and moved its adoption: Appointing Wm. :L Varcoe„ City Clerk of the City of Almeda." Mr. Probst seconded the motion to adopt the resolution and on roll call it was - ril 20th, 192D. session, Tuesday evening, April 27th 920, at 6 o'clodTp. Probst and carried. 6. The matter of the 1)otet of Emilie G. Cohen arid Gustav H. V:endt, against ResolutIon of Intention No., 49 N. S. was referred to the next regular meeting of the council. 9. Mr. Latham moved that E. Howard Baxter, be granted a thirty day leave of absence, rIDginning April 13th, 1920, with permission to loaSe the State,seconded by Mr. Probst an. carried, 10, In the matter of the clock strikinc in the cite ball, Hr. Latham moved that the clock be so constructed_ that the hours of 12 o'c'.1,ock noon and 9 o'clock D. m be the only hours 2-truck seconded by Hr, Adaro.:*2 and calried, by rnr The natter of the reqllest of the firemn fo-i an increase Jr salry-, was referred to the committee of the whole meeting after the. aa;iournea regular meet jar: Yil,c2daY ov0:0.1n, April 27th, 1920. 11, Yr, Ilatham moved. that the Grand f)-1-/rect plan of the Ijorth Side Sewer improvement be adoTAca, This -olan provide Tor the outlet for the now north side sewer to be at the north eid. of Grand -3troot, The motion was seconded b-J Mr. 1=robst and on 1°011 call carried unanimousi 12. v/ IL Bill entitled. eeerIc up J.(.): t Thal Ordinance "1;f0. Nh\T . 3oriesa An Orclince Ordering, (:)-.).11.in and -.i?roviding for and Givin lotice of a SpeCial :0.ectinn to be held in the City of Als?,, State of California, an Tuosda7, LIhy 4, 1920, fo70 tho ..1:u7epose of Submittir to Quali-ao0. VoteTs of City a _Proposition. to Tnour a Bonded Debt b7 9F;ia city for the Ascuisi- tion and Constri7etion of a Gombihation 0torn Drairt, and. Sanitary- ?)ewer in. fn.d. Far Said Ci17, Election to T)e C1 ni!;7(.71 wit)1 . tho ection to be held in. 2f'"(7.. City. and was read by the 0)ark. hassae,/, t,fr, Latin meved that the o7.°2 inte be f:Jlortted,, seconde0. by Ur, '1,robet an en roll e.!7111 can:ried efrlaimoneTy.,, Bill entitled. Ordina:noo New Sories„ Lioom,thi,3 ,ZITATI,000nt isoar, for the l'21:1,7rP020 ef ROVOnUe and ",,,:Zemition, e:a,1 JfixinE; the 2ato of License Ta::: Therem, in the Oity of Alamoa," came up for passae, and was read b:y the Clerk. Mr. :Latham M070a that the orainance be adur)tod., seconded Ux, _1c,!e and on roll Bill entitled. Por _1 carried unanJmovsly. !L Bill Oraivance 1:" hew Series. An Ordinance Imposing a 1410 ense Tax on Automobile Parking :itations and ?iNinu, the Amount thereaf„" wan referred„ to the next regular nieol, iii2 of tho council. 13. LEr. 31,thaIll introduced the Tollovrin 7,00lut1011 and moved its adoption: 1.]esolil.tio°1 To, 29Y. 7eointion Re Appreciation in .a.GR. 'E, Bosshard:0" tir, l'robst seconded the, motien to adopt the resolution nnd on roll call it was A Bill entitl,e, was ref e rrc April 20th, 1920 For Grdinanc e To Jew Series . .1n Ordinanc E Providirz for ETe Re - organi5a t ion the Fir e Departme Et of t, he City of Alame da Specifying the Officr, and, Hembers thereof ." to the ne C ommitt e e of the 7/hole meet in,„ I Bill entitled "I', 3111 Pox. 05-dina no e No. Hew Series Authori zinr; an. Inc' ea so Over the Dollar Limit in the 7ate of Tamt ion f or the Fiscal Year of 19i2-1921" was introduced on d L. 6, over under a pr ov is i on of t he c harter G al. s nE; t the. C.'re Ile De -oar tm eat s al1110 1U11;1 rig Poi ice Department mounti ng to 289...66 ; against the Fire Department against the amount ing to 626.67; against the 21reet Department amounting to 02219.94; against the Health Department amount ing to 47.3J ; against the Re cr eat ion Department amount ing to 247.06; iri t the Store Fund amounting to '):20.22; a m ins t the 1--ze 1 ief Fund amount ing to /14 038 ; and again st the Ele ct vi c Light Fun 4 amounting to 1e1. by 5625.56 having been approved mid audited, by the orope r officials were the Clerk as follows; Alame du :Turn i tux e 00 . Atnerican R111)17 Or Mfg C i‘ amed a Steam L ,r_.4;nn dry As 511, Allison, George E. Brann, F. R. Brewer, H. S. Cur w in, Melba Ehrenho rg Luc 11 e Ford , O. Hewes, Charles E C ity Manage r IV Tr TV IT Johnson Co, „ T. YT TV L11:01.10Ck , 0 ,t loise-r.linkrier 00, Hunici pal Elect ri c 71 Light Paci fi c Te10 & Tel. CO SC 1111 e i(10r, Henry Ste inmet z , Strom Ele ct ric al 00. Times Star 000 TT 11 fl TT TV Vaiker, Cli ff ord. Zell orbach Paper Co . A la,me d a Vulcaniz in ',7orks Eberly ts Filar ma cy Gobe 1 , Konrad Muni. c ipal Ele ctric L TT IT if Pao 1 fie Tel. & Tel. Co, Scbnei de r, Henry Strom Electrical Co, Wes tern Union Tel, C 0. Plant TT P an t TT Alamo d?,. Ste am Lain dry L.ssn, AlEune d.a, Vulc an 1 zi ng Works 19 D Go no,I.3.1 Ds a tnient F3 0 Renevat ing care t Fire hose Towel se ry lc e Sery ices Cleaning carpet Supp 1 ies Services 1? Print ing Inci dental s Money advanced Oil Rent of I? . 0 31 gm-,, Lamps City lighting Rental an1 tolls Supplies Repair s to e usthi on Suppl ies Assessment ro lis and blanks Advertising and printing Servic es Paper press Total - - Police Department. Repairs and supplies Eedicine for prisoner Repairs to auto curtain Recharging battery Lab or and supo 1 ies Reiirs to auto Telphones St at ionery an d suppl ies Batteries and bulbs Clock rental Total - Fir e Department. Linen service, !larch Tithes and :repairs 32.50 205.60 3.00 3.75* 5.60 17,95 1,50 1.50 17,50 6.01 2.55 17.55 52.96 1,00 20,95 106.51 2253.03 13.45 3 )73 1.50 5.60 521.75 28.18 47.38 4.50 2,3.52 04.29 11.53 .25 10,20 .150 235.8C) 14,37 8011 1.37 6030 1.25_ 289,68 31,00 163.57 April 20th, 1920, Crane Co. Gardner, U. S. Hauch, H. Municipal Electric Light; Plani. Tr VT Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Seagrave Co., The Standard ell Co. Strom Electrical Co. Western Union Tel, Co. Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works Badger Sheet Metal Works Calcutt, W. Ro California Pottery Co. Dolan Bros. Co. Gay, A. T. Dolan Wrecking Co. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Oakland Building Material Co. Oakland Tribune Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Powell Bros, Construction Co. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Union Oil Co. Wiley & Sons, John Alameda Steam Laundry .T3ischoff's Surgical House Bullard, E. D. Crittenden, Dr, Charles F. Cutter ialorat ery Eberlys Quality Pharmacy Ellefson, Lillian Jordan Encinal Ice Co. Oakland Pioneer Soda Water Co. Oakland Stationery & Toy Co. Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Parisian Laandry Purity Springs Water Co. Schneider's Times Star Co. Wilkens, J. H. Cohen, Emilie Gay, A. T. Maxwell Hardware Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Newsom, H, H. Orr, Samuel Pacific Tel & Tel Co Sherwin-Willians Co. Sirola, O. Spal & Bros., A. G. Ford, N. O. Schneiler, Henry ihor1ys Quality Pharmacy Orr, Samuel Varachi, Edwardo Hose bibb Oil aad turpentine upplie s Labor and supplies Recharge battery Repairs and supplies Phone toll Ladders Gasoline Lamp Clock rental Total - Street Department, Supplies Push cart pans Supplies Sewer pipe Lumber File saws Lumber Book Dust Printing Toll service and rental Gravel and cement Supplies Distillate Water Bacteriology Total - Health Department Laundry Supplies Supplies for lungmotor Services - emergencies Vaccine Gloves Money advanced Ice Water les Rental and olls Laundry Water Rubber stamp Printing milk report Pins Total Recreation Department. Services Supplies and. repairs Supplies Pump repair Tree surgerF Labor Phone Paint Repairs Tennis nets Total - STORE UND. Receipt books Ink mL �P FUTTD. Soap Labor Total - Total - 6 1,37 2,60 6.64 204.39 .50 128.17 .10 60,00 28.13 .85 1.25 -0 628.57 378.69 106.48 9.00 2.20 74.97 96,00 .80 29.40 4.00 55.00 3.15 3.00 115.10 323.40 16.50 2.25 - 2219.94 2,53 2,26 9,00 5.00 .50 4.78 3.92 0 50 1.40 1.84 .96 .50 .25 9.30 1.10 47.39 18.00 16.25 3.80 35,45 99,00 16.50 2.30 3.33 2.25 50,18 247.06 18,75 1,47 20.22 .38 16.50 27.50 44.38 ELECTRIC LIGiT FUND. Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel. Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Great 'Western Power Co. Ink Ribbon Mfg, 00. Kellogg s Express Co. Many 's Auto Metal Work Oaklmad Spring Works Pacific Gas & Electric Co. " Tel and Tel Co. Standard Oil Co. Mr. Probst moved that the claims as on roll call carried unaniften517. There being no farthe-,' :o urn ed. r eg 1 D, r meet ing Tu Towel service Supplies Fr Electric current Supplies and inspection Drayage Supplies 1Y Gas Toll service Gasoline tea be -0•71-id April 20th, 1920. Total - 1,00 339.19 376.55 481546 13.00 .38 34.20 3,60 1,50 2043 . 20,25 I 5625.56 , seconded by Mr. Latham and business to transacv the council adjourned to meet in say evening, April 27th, 1920, at 8 o'clock, RespectPully sulmitte Cit;