1920-05-05 Regular CC Minutes:M2222:7Z ]2-27T-1708 T22 02122= Cef T20 Cl2I7 82 2881= 7.2=82C82 8fq=11'8, hfaf 5TH, 1920„ Tlce iu c et 8:10 e, N, 21t210018noil-erac1aent ot :he i.282,) coalca ana Coocceilmen Memo, :Cathom, frobot 888 Jr2c111f0,c1t (4) wore noted. -oresent. Aboont; acp,'Jx03nInall rc,7, The 2012cotes of tOe 2ocon meetjece of Afril 20th, 1020, were, cfmrcere,a aq The m1autco )f the .2aj( ) olvne7econa2 fLeota of Croccil 27th 1020 we're approv- ea as roc,d, Tlce follow-312o were 2ccejecea: V 17 rac oath c„28 °Mac of 0, 81. V8rece„ a Cite Clerk. Cracrea filed* *.8,ceoto of the iffiMIL 21ect:ric L2201 flo:et 2o2 the montho o: Poixrc.ory and. March, 1920, Ordered Tiled, v3 / Mr. Latham introduced the :oJ ]. o'v jyc P.00lution. and moved its adoption: "7,3clution !Jo, 2980 Trarin :,;2 ,253,.03 from the 7,1e3tric Light Fund, to the General Fi'Lnd." Hr. :?robst seconded the motion to adopt tho 7,:eso1utior and on. roll call it was adopted. and passed unnimousl. Ur, Latham moved_ that the council adjourai to meet in adjourned SesSiOn -,Ionday evening, May 10th, 1920, for the rurrose of canvassing the votes or the recent bond election, seconded by Lrobst and.. carried.. Messrs. H. Hauch and H. IPosenthal wore present end addressed the council regarding the contemplated firemen's increase. 7,T.r. Latham moved that this matter be taken up further at the reEular adjourned meeting Lo be hold 1;s)naay even, May 10th 1020, econded by Lir. :Probst ana carried. lerintendent of Schools, C. J. Du Four, and Georc;e 11 iams, a member of the Board of Education, addressed the council regardArg the proposed iucroase alcries to the teaches, ir Latham moved that this matter be reforrea to the adjourned regular meotim of tao council to be held May 10th, 1920, seconded by by Mr. Probst and carried. 4/ A. T. Spence, an behalf o± the management of Neptune Beach, was present and protested against tbo p ,,,sage of Ordinance No. 173, No7 Series, relative to licensing amusement arhe. Councilman Latham moved that the matter be refeyred tc the city manager and that it be taken up at the adjourned regular meeting. of the council to be held :jay 10th, 1920t, seconded by Mr 2robet an carried. /t The o:iao stated that there had been. Tiled in his office on April lqvn o. net signed b/ more than twenty-five ror cent of the property owners within a radius of six hundred feet of Iote 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in Block p of the Shepardson. Tract, e1; the northeast corner of Buena Vista .ve,".a).e and Vicbster Street, conseuting to the reclation of saia property from a Class 1 to a Class V district. A corti±ioate shoving due Doe of notices as required by Ordinance No 149, U. S. was presented and ordered filed, AB the time Set in lay 5th, 1920. appeaxed. Tiler e up on Mr . r ob st intro duce d a Bil Bill For Ordinance No Nev Ser le se Reclas ifying the property situate at the northeast corner of -7e1ster Street and Buena Vista ilvenne, from a Class I to a Class V. District," which was lajd over under a pl'ovision of the charter. ,/ An AffidaVit showing due publication of 1-'etition of E. B. A. L. Stone for the formation of a IZeclqm tion District in the City of Alam.oda, was Presented and ordered filed. Mr. A. W. raraMO rc; , Attorney for the Company was present a.,.-1.(1 reouest- ed that the council p o stp one action to the next regular meeting o f the Cot-moil to be held. Tuesday evening, May 18th, 19M. Mr. Probst moved that the requested be grant° d seconCed • by Mr. Latham an d. carried. V/ The matter of the protest of Emilie G. Cohen and istav H. '::endt, against certain work under Resolution of Intention No0 49, F, S was laid over to the next regular me e tin g, o f the council, Lta-- 181;h. 1920, on motion of Mr, Latham seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. The 'roll o',,7ing communications were rece ived: From H. L. Hagan, City Attorney of Oakland regarding n:Lame do,' s portion of the expense in the matter of the East Bay ',.:ater Company Rate case. Ordered filed. Prom B. Pucci, requesting a gratnitous license to 13. frai vegetaties In as much as this request had receivei the approval of the city manager and chief of police, Mr. Probst moved that the same be granted, seconded by Mr. Latham ma on roll call carried unanimously. 41,/ From the Associated Oil Company, signed by L. D. Jurs, Chief Engineer, together with plans, requesting permission to erect a new distributing station on the Estuary at the foot of Webster Street° Mr. Latham moved that the permit be granted. under the 'usual restrict i0M prescribed by the building and zone ordinances, 9.11 d under the supervis ion of the City 1,7Lanal::,or, seconded. by 1,,,Lr P',):'ol)st and carried, Mr. Latham moved. that a vote of thanks be tendered to the Alameda Chamber of Oommerce,the Alameda Kimes Star and the :press for their aseletanes in conducting to a succe,., -11 conclusion our recent bond election for the North Side Sewer seconded by Mr. rrobst and carried unanimously° 1\6 V Er. Latham introduced. the ±o1iowin g Resolution and. moved it adopt ion: "Resolution No, 299 Resolution fo Appreciation to the Honorable James D. Phelan." Z:,,dams secondod the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. 1a, Mr. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "I'lLe elution No. 300. Resolution of Intention. No. 53, New Series." Mr. ,idarns seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimous-1:i, /14 1 fir . Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolut ion No . 30 Rescinding proceedings heretofore taken. ( Crist treet Mr. Latham sec ended the met ion to a don t the Re oluG on and on. roll call it was adopted and passed. Unanimously. V1r. Probst int r od.nce d the following Resolution and moved its i on: "T,!esolut ion No. 302, Resolution of Intention To 54 New Series." Mr . Adams seconded the motion to adopt the Resolution and on roll call :it was adoptett and passed unanimous:1y Mr . Latham moved that the Ord inane e imp os ing a license tax on ant om ob e parking st at ions be with drawn, second ed by Mr. l3rohs t and carried. Claims agains t the General Departments amounting to $971..55; against the Police Department amounting to 74 .15 ; against the Fire Department amounting to 17 .55. against the Street Department amounting to 1830.56; against the Health Department amounting to 08.69; against the Recreation Department amount- ing to $376.09; against the Store n Ind amounting to 648.28; against the Relief Fund amounting to 81.60; and against the Electric Light Fund anounting to 0Z954.48 having been approved and audited by the prop er officials were listed by the el erk as follows : Allis on George Croll, if. Forrest, Miss A. Forrest, Miss E. Haege , Miss Ruth Hagan H. L. City Attorney Hart, Mrs. Emily Hewes , Charles E. 71* IP Tr Tt 77 7? J a c eh s, Miss I da Johnson, S. T. TT 17 IP Eochendorfer Le 0. Mazz ini L Munic ipal Eiectric Oakland Blue pr int Oti s, Frank Se hoe de', Henry Scully, T. A. Times Star It el te et Vignola, Fran:17. Walton, B. 17 GENERAL FUND. Genera]. Departments . Manager 17 17 L ht Co . Plant Alatne (la Repair 8: Supply 0o ., Hicks, Grant Lincoln Auto and cycle 0o, Moise-Klinkner Co. Muni cipal Ele °trio Light Plant 1? 1? It Oakland Pioneer Soda Water 000 Lab 0 • Automobile upkeep Services, re bond. 77 T' TP TT EP 7? Alameda's portion Services, re bond Auto upkeep ,Money advanced Inc i d en talc Money adtr.nced 71 et Services, re b ond. Oil Repair s Lab o r nad. mate ri al Snapplies Extension cords Zone map Mayor s All oi,vanc e Sup pl e s Paperhanging and varnishing Binding Pr int ing Advertising and election sup-2211e s Repair s and material Services in Treasurer's offi ce election 17 IT expense election election ot al Poi ice Department. Bru she s Auto upkeep Repair s and material Stenc lis Repairs Vlater Total - X.* 1O0 25.00 10.86 10.86 10.98 33.61k-- 7.86 25.00 5.00 2. 35 32 _ .36 1,30 1.00 4,74 15 .60 16.20 6.00 6.00 075 29.31 5.04 50.00 .98 48. 71 5.00 51.00 545..79 19.75 17.50 971.55 .80 35.00 6 .90 10.0() 16.65 3.30 Fi0 .. 74.15 2 -7 4 ./ q 5th, 1920. Ifire and Water Engincerin, Inc. Municipal Electric Light Plant Standard Oil Co, Steinmets, Walter T. Tabor Da Frane Bros. Cobol, Konrad Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Hickok, C. E, Municipal Electric Light Plant Oakland Blue rrint Co. Post Company, 'Trederick Powell Bros, Construction Co. Tayler 2,7. Spotswood Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Ueaver-Wells Co. AraE;us, Mrs. Justine Bischoff's surgica] House Butterfield , Ruth Carpenter, T. Carpenter, T. Hewes, Ch-rles E. City Manager Osborne, A. E. Jarisi i,fl L:.tundry Schneider, Henry Tr I! Vosburgh, I. W. Cohen, Emilie Japanese BaMboo Rake Co. Morse Co., C. C. 12 11' Tr 11 Municipal Electric Li Plant Newsom H. H. Orr, Samuel Tasker, Thomas Vosburgh, L. W, Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Ingrim-Rutledge Co. Ackerman, Mrs. S. Hewes, Charles E. City Ma Orr, Samuel' Varachi, Edtcirdo Western Dairy Co. Citizens Bank Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. Eberly's rharmacy Elster, Marvin H. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Ink Ribbon Mfg. Co. Keaton Tire & Jabber Co. Kellec;g Express Co. Linde Air Products Co. Line-a-Time Mfg. Co. Marsliall-Newell Supply Co. Herty- Elwell Co. Pacific Tel & Tel. Co. Rooblin9;s Sons, Co ., J. Ioive Department. Subscription and recharge of battery Gasolin.e Cahs advanced Total Street Department. Auto repairs Repairs Money advanced. A.o). stamps Incidentals Overhaulin Studebaker Sujplies Blue print paper Gravel and cement Steel Saw blades Suppides and repairs otal Health Department. Services Services Incidental expenses Auto upkeep Stamps Auto repairs Laundry Supplies Dust pen Total Recreation. Department. Services Rakes Seeds and Fee is Repairs Tree surp:ery Services Repairing pump Supplies STORE FUND. Starnes Stub files Total - Total - TCELIZP FtDID Money advanced fl Services Total ELECTRIC LIGHT 7 71,TD. Rent Plates and frames Water Supplies rrintinp; Supplies Expressage 07-vgpn. Supplies TT 113 Fur. and Driving piles Broken. pole Wire 3.00 1.65 11.25 1 65 17. 1493.31 156.75 ^ 50 1.00 1.65 24.85 4.89 5.19 70.66 61.13 1,00 3.65 1630.56 3.90 8.10 5.60 2.50 35.00 8.00 9.25 0.63 1.03 .96 .50 78.69 14.00 6.50 22.80 -7.90 9.95 229.00 19.50 60.00 6.44 '&09 7.70 40,56 48.28 1.60 10.00 19.50 32.50 18.00 E3160 40.00 11 2.89 5.50 4.93 6.60 177.09 2,50 14.50 1. 1,92 14.21 15.04 3085.00 12.65 51.51 White Compmy Weinstock-Nichols Co Wilays-Overland Pacific Co. 31,1)9lies 19 r T,tal- 3D7 5th, 1920, N7x. 2robst moved that the claims a li cted be -paid, 2e,aonded 1.17r T,athpm and on roll call carried unaniinou,slyo There being no further business to transact the council adjom.ned to meet in adjourned rop,ular session Monday evening, May 10th, 1920, at 7:00 o'cloch Res') eetfii1y submi tt ea. GIty-ole:vko