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1920-05-10 Regular CC Minutes
ADJOURNED REGULAR IISETING OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONDAY EVENING, MAY 10TH, 1920 The meeting convened at 7:35 p. m. with Council Vic President Probst presiding, The 11 was called and Councilmen Adams. 'Latham and 1:robst (3) were noted Present. Absent: Councilman Noy and President Otis (2)0 The Clerk stat d that the hour for canvassing the returns of the special municipal election held May 4th, 1920, had arrived .:hereupon the council proceeded with such canvass, which 0o wod the vote as follows: PRECINCT 1 1 2 3 1 4 5 7 YES 71 75 125 132 106 137 94 NO 34 29 44 58 , 49 69 64 VOTES CAST 105 104 169 , 190 Hio,, 1 205 158 _ 1 nECINCTS YES NO 15 16 18 19 20 8 9 10 114 55 171 44 20 57 r 5 228 23 i 24 107 107 110 86 124 154 140 43 34 52 44 145 53 104 59 27 04 'E2 CAST L153 120 176 198 190 180 58 27 110 12 ! 13 51 , 127 15 50 66 177 14, 77 199,. 169 120 93 45 49 23 49 , 60 150 106 192 169 H153 P!20 IITCT1 29 30 31 32 33 YES '1 110 74 173 112 93 00 , r! 4152 57 57 40 3342 30 - VOT7,10 CAST 151. *14.:.•2 2!,30 169 3.35 12 z; ' r2;4 V 115 138 17 30 _32 168 59 54 52 206 40 ; 105 92 19 140 21. YES 466 NO 1804 ,y; VOTES CAST 6473 Mr. Latham intoduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 303. Resolution Declaring the Result of the Special Election held in the City of Alameda, on Tuesday, May 4th, 1920, for the Purpose of Submitting a Zreposition to Incur a Bonded Debt by said City for the Acquisition and. Construction of a Combinption Storm, Da :n and Sanitary Sewer in and for said City." 1.1r. Adams seconded the motion to adopt the 2esolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unan.irously© Adams introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution TO, 304. A Resolution proviain for the Issuance and Re- demption of the Donas of the City of Alame0a, Stto of California, to the 2mount of One Hundred and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, for the Ae- ouisition and Construction of a Combination Storm, Drain and Sanitary Sewer in and ±or said City, in Accordance with and as Authorized at a Srocial Election. held in said. City on the Fourth Day of 1Jay, 1920." La:thma seconded the motion to adopt the 7..;.esolution and on roll call it was adopted ard rassed uraRimolAs17, Tv. mnITp,i9 thnt r rnii ri I1 rii tn mnp.t in. adourned, reular 39 106 MT lOth, 1920, session Tuesday evening, LIay llth, 1920, at 8 o'clockv sec,)nded by Mr. Adams ana carried. There being no farther business to transact the Council adjourned to meet Tuesday evening Iay lith, 1920, at 8 o'clock. Respectfully EJbmitted, City 0:.er3 .