1920-08-03 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEET= OF Tll OoUIeIL OF r_21-E CITY OP AL1)A, TU7,SIJAY AUGU6T 31iD, 1920. The meeting convened at 8:30 with Council-president Otis presiding. The roll was called and Ceuncilmen Probst, Latham, Tilden and President Otis, (4) were noted present. Absent: Councilman Adam (1). The minutes of the regular meeting of July 20th were read and approved. Mr. T:robst introduced the following :1esolution and moved its adoption: "IMC:L=PY no 319. Transferring ;-',3,451.13 from the 'Electric Light, Fund to the General Fund." nr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the P,esolution and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimolisi- The following was eeceived: The report of the IlUnicieal Electric Tight Plant for the mollth of June, . Ordered filed, The following communications were received: From 1;:cecHugh Garretson, Certified eublic Accountants requesting per- mission to bid upon city work. Ir. Latham moved that the city clerk be instructed to advise them that the city has a contract for one year with H. Cramer, second- ed by 1J.r. 2ro1st and carried. Frorn John Perker advising that there were no street lights on Palmera Court. Mr. Ia hoin moved that the matter be referred to the City Manager, 3ecoied by Mr. Probst and carried. From the State Compensatien Insurance Fund requesting renewal of policy of the Dity o± Alameda for the year 1920-21. 1,1r. Tilden moved that the matter be referred to the Co!Rmittee of the .hole for discussien, secoeded by i. Latham and carried From the 3an Francieco-Oakland Terai,nal Railways, containing a propoeed ordinance to be -eassed by the city of Alalecla prohibiting conversation by persons with opertors of street crs. After discussion, Lir. Latham moved that a clauee 1)0 inserted to ma]:e motormen eually liable witA passengers and if this were acceptable to the San Francioco -Oakland Terminal Lailways,the ordinance to be referred bach to the city coicncil for their further considereetion seconded by Llr . l'robst and carried. The l'ffidavit of publication of ITotice of P.17;ht to A:cpeal From ,Ict of Str-,et Superintendent for liemoving :eeds, Etc . was received and ordered The city clerk stated that no protests had been received concerning the rie,:ht to aepeal from act of Street Spca' for removing weeds, etc. hoarin7 on the retiton of E. B. L. Stene for the forination of a .2.ecla:atien District vms, upon motion of Pr 1?robst, seconded by )L-. Latham and cerried, postponed to Seveteber 7th, 1920 at 8 o'clock p m. The hearing; on the 9rotest of Suzzie H. ';:ells against the closing of Austin Avenne and other streets, under I:esolution of intention Yo. 93, Y. S., was upon motin of Mr, Latham, seconded. by ir Probst and carried, continued to September 7th, 1':)20, at 8 o'clock p. m. r , 10 V The matter of to objections of Emilie c. Cohen and Gustav H. Wendt to the as t made under Resolution of Intention No. 49, Y. 6., was, upon motion of Wr. Latham, seconded by Mr. Irobst and carried continued to October 5th, 1920 at 8 o'clock p. m. 1:x. Probst introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution Yo. 320. Second. Resolution Ordering the Work. (Orist Street)." Wr. Latham seconded the motion to adoPt the Resolution and mn roll call it was adopted and pased unanimously. 12/ The city clerk stated that he was in receipt of the list of election officials aepointed by the Oonty Board of Supervisors and requested the council to aeprove same to serve at the special municipal election to be held August 251st 1920. Mr. Latham moved that the appointments be confirmed, seconded by jr . 2 obst anti on roll call carried unanimously. 13t/ Mr. Probst moved that the compensation. of election officers be fixed at 2.00 each, allowing Ca.00 extra to the official returning the ballot box and returns to the city hall, seconded by Mr. Tilden and on roll call carried unanimously. 14/ The city clerk requested permission to employ such extra help as will be necessary for the mailing of sample ballots. Mr. Probst moved that the city clerk be given this authority and that he be authorized to pay 4.33 per day for each. -Person so employed, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 15 / A Bill entitled "A Bill For Ordinance No, New Series. DeClaring all old Houses or other Structures which are DilapidElted beyond Repair to be Public Nuisances and Providing for the Abatement of such Nuisances." was laid over to the next meetiLg of the council. 161/ MT. Latham advised the council that the south end of 3ay Street wqs extremely dangerous on account of the slope of the street and upon motion requested that a susn not to exceed 150.00 be appropriated for the improving of same, seconded by Hr. Probst and on roll call carried unanimously. 17 v City Manager Hewes stated that representatives of the Alameda Scavengers Associatinn appeared before him requesting permission to raise the price of collection of garbage ten cents more per month, to some customers at their discretion. Mr. Latham moved that the rnatter be referred to the city manager and city attorney and that an ordinance be prepared covering this increase, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. 187 City Manager Hewes stated that the laborers in the street department were considerably underpaid. Mr. Tilden moved that the pay of street laborer be raised to 4.50 per day, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 19/ City Manager Hewes stated also that the laborers in the Recreation De- partment were under paid and considerable difficulty was experienced in obtaining help. Mr. Tilden moved that the pay of the laborers be increased to 0.50 per day, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. 20 Dity Manager Hewes requested a two weeks vacation beginning Wednesday, August 4th. Mr. Latham moved that the requeoted be granted, seconded by Er. irobst 211F;ust 3rd, 1920. Claims against the General Departments amounting to 528.26; against the Police Department amounting to 0139.56; against the Fire Department amounting to 0286.45; aga±nst the Street Department amounting to 02218.53; against the Health Department amounting to 083.04; against the Recreation Department amountin to 315.60; against the Store Fund amounting to 87.43; against the Relief Fund amounting to 0125.85; against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 991.17; against the School General Fund amounting to 0287.62 and against Municipal Improve- ment Pund No. 11 amounting to 01944.93 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were listed by the clerk as follows: Alameda Municipal Journal Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works American Law Book Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Croll, F. J. Hewes, Charles E. " City Manager 11 11 Tt TT Inter-City Express JTohnson Co., S. T. Otis, Frank Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Sperry Co., L. E. Times Star fl Ip Vignolo, F. Waddell Lumber Co. Maillot, GENERAL FUND. General Departments. Publishing and distributing Repairs Supplies Book Shipping tags Auto upkeep Hicks, Grant Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Ramsey-Oppenheim Co. Schendier, Henry Smith, F. J. Times Star Alameda Vulcanizing Works Encinal Garage Moreland Motor Truck Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Labor Auto Electric Service Co. HAmilton, Burnett Municipal Electric Light Plant Spears Wells Machinery Co. Standard Oil Co. Times Star Co. Aragus, Mrs. J. Butterfield, Lass Ruth CarPenter Dr. T. Cunningham Grocerteria Cutter Laboratory Eberly's Qaulity Pharmacy It TT It Ford, N. 0. It tp Incidental expenses Yt Subscription Oil Mayor's Allowance Gas Wire Advertising Envelopes Plumbing Lumber Money adva. need Total Police Department. Auto upkeep Lamps Gas Auto index Supplies Meals Envelopes Total - - Fire Department. Supplies Pan Belt Radiator Repairs to Generator Gas Gasoline Supplies Street Department. Radiator hose Supplies Recharging magneto Welding Gasoline Envelopes Health Department. Labor Services Auto upkeep Oats Vaccine PIastine Supplies Printing Total - Total - Oft 75.00 26.85 57.26 7.50 .30 25.00 25.00 100.00 4.10 4.50 11.25 50.00 1.70 2.60 38.60 35.50 18.00 39.25 25.00 obb-- ($ 528.26 p 35.00 14.00 .10 20.00 1.96 40.00 28.50 139.56 9 123. 18. 16.90 28.13, 3.25 286.45 02181.50 1.45 .30 .90 6.:25 10.13 18.00 02218.53 0 2.65 6.50 35.00 .65 1.20 .85 1.91 11.50 .An Cohen, Emile East Bay Water Co. Greene, F. M. Haws Drinking Faucet Co. Orr, Samuel Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Schneider, Henry Times Star Co. United Petroleum Products Co. Debo, Miss Koerber Fuel & Feed Co. Lewis Grocery Co. Orr, Samuel Thomas, Walter Western Dairy Co. Recreation Department. Services Water Services Faucet Lflbor Gas Supplies Envelopes ST ORE FUND. 0 REL IEF FUND. Nursing Coal Merchandise Labor fl Milk Total - Total - ELECTRIC LIGHT PTJND. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Associ-.trsC Oil Co. Baker-Joslyn Co. Beard, of Public Utilities Citizens Bank East Bay Water Co. Eberly's Pharmacy Ford, N. O. General Electric Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. Granfield-Baston Tire & Supply Co. Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Palmer & Petersen Reichel & Bradhoff Roeblings Sons Co., John A. Times Star Vosburgh, L. W. Waddell Lumber Co. Minstock-Nichols Co. White Co., The Zellerbach Paper Co. Thornall Supplies Gas script books Wire Incidentals Rent Water Acid Rills Supplies Gas Progress payment Cement work Wire Record books Supplies Paper Total - - 5011001 GENER&L FUND. . G. Contract MUN IC IPAL IMPR OVELTENT FUN D NO. 11. Catton, T. R. Thornally, W. G. Contract 11 Total - Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by Mr. Latham and on roll call carried unanimously. August 3rd, 1920. There being no further busine 111 • 00 5.37 67.50 5.04 21.00 4.20 .49 18.00 60 5 , • 0 87.43 0 78.00 1;00 5.00 21.00 10.50 10.35 0125.85 0 284.25 95.00 1812.04 19.80 40,00 5.50 1.25. 52.50 756.86 440.07 89.62 1.30 8970.75 18.00 190.54 78.10 .75 11.22 2.35 115.00 6.27 el29 91.1? 287.62 6 678,30 9 1266.63 1944.93 s to transact the council adjourned to meet in regular session Tuesday evening, August 17th, 1920 at 8 o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk.