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1920-09-07 Regular CC Minutes
REGULAR v'..Ef ET IT,TG OJP ia-7, CO UNC IL OP TIE CI rilY OF iLL A.1,Ir Di , T UE DAY TTIITG, SEPTEITT.i.Sil 7 T11 19 20 The meeting convened at E;10 p. m. with Coluiell-president Otis presidi The roll was called and Councilmen Adams, Latham, Probst and President Otis (4) were noted present. Absent Councilman Tilden, (1) The minutes of the regular meeting of August 17th were approved as ',ad. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of Auffust 24th were atyproved as read. For filimr: Affidavit of pullication of 1:Totice of Award of Contract, re Crist Street, Affidavit of publication of _Notice to Voters. Affidavit of ot o otice of Award of Contract, re Crist Street. There being o. number wE persons in the lobby of the COURCii chamber and there being no objection, President Otis suspended the regular order of business. 4 v President Otis stated that the council was ready to hear from those persons interested in the opening of Page Street Messrs* C. H. Linderman, V. C. Allsted, J. A. Raite, M. Braadt and Ers. P f Morehouse spoke in opposition. The matter was then explained thoroughly by i eichard who owns the twenty foot strip land in question. Mr. /right, represent in the owners of the “arina Court Apartments, spoke in favor of the opening o:1 the street. After a general discussion Er. Probst moved that the matter bo referred. to the City Planning Commission to be reported upon to the council when a definite recommendation cculd be made, seconded by Lr. Latham and carried. Presiden t Otis stated the council vas now in readiness to discuss the passage of the ordiance permitting the Alameda Scavengers' Association to increase their garbage collection rates, Ers. Eay Larkin .larston and la's. Stroupe protested against the passage of the ordinance. 'Tr. Cereghino addresse the council on behalf of the 8cavengerS' Association, calling the attention of the council to the increased cost of materials necessary to conduct their business. .After a 3'077, Howes sua-ested thaL e iatter of the passi-iz of the ordinance be laid over and that the council give him the authority to make a survey of the city perta ining to present collection rates Ter excess sarbage anq until a thorough invostiation could be ma de of the books of the Alameda Jco;vei:ers Association,. Lir Lathan/ moverJ that the suggestion of the city manger he accepted seconded ioy ; ;[a'© Pro and carried. 71 The hearin g OA ithc etitiou of . B. & tone. Company for the foImation of a Reclamation District, was upon motion of Mr. Latham seconded by hr 2robst and c arr ied ostponee! to the next re,Tular meetin of the coucil, september 21st, 1920, at 8 o'clock, The hearing on the protest of elosin,T Austin Avenue etc*, was upon motion of Mr. Latham seoondecl by Er. Probst and carried, postponed to the next regular uieet:ing f the council, September 21st, 1920,.at 13 o'clock p. m, Moos proprietor of the Alameda -3aths was present and addressed the council regarding the license he is now payil;E. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the nit17 Ttl gT1 .0* p n c> -f-c. .r1 1 1 , Z-d ti pteefeer '1'461, 1900 A Bill enti, "A Bill For Ordinance No. New Series.: Authorizing an Increase of not to Exceed TlyInety cents Over the Dollar Limit in the Rate of Taxation for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1921, to pay for the So-called "Stand By" charge recently imposed on the City by the Railroad Commission in favor of the East Bay 7-ater Compa ny." came up for passage. Mr. Latham moved that the ordinance be adopted, seconded by I:t'© Probst and on roll call adopted and passed unanimously. 0 A petition was filed with the city clerk by a number of resident, property oxeers and taxpayers of the city of Alameda, asking the council to remove the old dwelling-house structure located and known as Yo:.. 2236 3uena Vista AVehile. Actioi.i by the council 'upon this petition was delayed until the meeting to be held October 5th, 1920, as Ordinance No. 181, New Series passed by the council under date of August 24th was not as yet in force and effect. Yr. Probst introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Resolution No. 325 . Transferring 087.50 From the Electric Light Fund to the Interest and Redemption Fund Lr. Latham seconded the motion to adopt the resolution. and on roll call it was adopted and passed unanimously. The following communications were received: From R. B. Tappan, regarding the erection of a. bronzememorial tablet in honor of citizens of Aleaneda who lost their lives during the late war. Mr. Latham moved that the matter be referred to the ar 1:!emorial Committee, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried. From the City of Berkeley, inviting the Mayor and such other city officials as he may designate to attend the hearing in the matter of the harbor survey to be held by Col. E. Eveleth ':;:insloa, in the council chamber of the Berkeley City Hall, at a later date. Mr. Probst moved that the invitation be accepted, and its receipt acknowledged by the city clerk, secondecl by mr. Latham and carried. 121 4 From the United States Shipping Board, pertaining to the Liberty Yard taxes, Mr. Latham moved that ,12Y.55 representing the penalties as per the letter, be returned to the Shipping Board, seconded by Mr. Probst and on roll call carried una nimously. 5l From the Alameda Branch of the Rousevive's Leagae, endorsing the action of the council in opposing the raise in ferry rates, between Alameda and. an Franci co. Ordered filed. 16 From the United States EnFineer's office, requesting that they be issued a permit to deposit dredged materials south, of the Alameda Mole, in connection with dredging work in OaRlana Estuary. Mr. Latham moved that the pemit be granted, providing this work be done (Turing the period of October 1, 1920 and March let, 1921 and that the government take all necessary precaution to protect the beaches from slickens and mud, seconded by Hr. Probst and carried,' 17 The Clark stated that he was possession of a. copy of the decision of the Railroad COMMiSEliOn Crr t1i tit P nf (1 'nvn 1T rIO 1-,1“7.1 18 the San Prone isco-Oakland Term bay service. Ordered filed. President Otis asked to be excused and Vice-president Probst assumed the chair. The city clerk stated that the time had arrived for the cal!vassinP: of the retur of the Special }Janie/pal Election held Auotst 51st, 1920, whereupon the council proceed d ed with such canvass which showed the vote aa follows: ,1-1.ber 7th, 1E0. s and the Southern Pacific Company for trans Proposition roposition Proposition Precinct ITo© 1 No 2 No© 3 Yes No Yes No Yes No No. 1 No© 2 No 3 No. 4 Noo 5 No, 6 No, '7 No© 8 No. 9 No. 10 ITo 11 No® 32 No 13 To. 14 No, 15 No. 16 No. 17 No0 16 No,, 19 Roo No. No. No,, No. No. No. N o 7o. No No. No0 N o No. No. IT 7o. No. ro. Ito© No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 63 28 62 40 109 36 108 55 71 1 73 106 64 97 56 95 53 38 17 146 65 r (.7 00 38 33 29 93 39 98 67 73 49 38 34 76 73 99 69 97 63 92 62 115 50 77 37 95 38 80 52 112 51 96 50 40 1 00 57 ! 71 40 71 68 31 157 50 32 ! 103 r 64 , 33 53 u 48 1 34 52 59 11 35 '---58 ----68! 11 36 81 GO ! 37 50 42 ' 38 55 54 1 60 39 78 I 97 d 76 40 62 52 62 No. 41 3TT 55 40 No. 42 30 37 38 63 67 100 108 83 105 95 96 30 174 58 42 63 70 38 81 77 101 80 91 61— 04: 98 93 75 35 62 64 75 111 90 62 48 62 82 55 20/ Totals ! 77 26 32 40 57 63 59 57 46 24 46 31 24 43 81 48 33 67 81 62 66 66 50 27 40 67 67 87 80 75 42 60 63 55 32 49 94 48 26 88 2199 42 48 80 72 67 81 92 69 23 114 48 5 0 77 55 37 75 88 92 68 104 60 57 64 96 74 39 44 53 60 121 83 63 38 62 82 47 58 88 72 53 36 2805 36 42 49 76 62 61 53 , 58 1 24 81 38 29 1 34 69 55 27 58 68 58 63 41 42 49 60 51 51 72 33 43 68 58 70 42 56 60 40 29 Proposition Propos itio No. 4 No. 5 Yes No Yes 1 No. 40 72 32 31 25 1 2110 j1152 19 55 28 57 62 67 48 95 35, 89 51 95 58 89 15 106 12 37 85 110 35 55 22 34 41 79 43 109 36 75 19 44 61 88 41 105 56 90 49 88 70 79 32 60 39 38 81 60 90 58 72 22 89 33 44 20 74 24 96 77 94 50 103 24 66 26 75 35 87 51 69 25 59 26 74 40 119 27 74 18 61 39 p.7-7 01 ul 19 55 28 57 62 70 46, 96 361 84 52 ! 89 57 91 11 103 12 37 87 106 36 ' 51 20 d 37 41 80 46 108 42 1 70 22 ! 41 50 87 44 104 57 87 44 88 67 1 81 31 1 60 40 1 65 41 1 79 641 86 55 74 17 95 34 43 22 75 25 95 7-9 " 55 24 21 39 50 25 22 38 32 11 15 95 63 76 81 70 55 73 118 '73 64 43 ropositio No. 6 Yes No 36 51 82 80 72 86 89 74 40 38 43 66 56 55 54 49 25 128 59 47 31 35 23 66 58 63 1 83 54 1 51 241 33 71 1 61 92 63 76 66 54 74 86 61 56 39 59 43 71 50 77 70 78 49 43 72 40 39 35 61 49 74 1067 78 74 74 45 43 25 73 47 71 67 56 38 1 35 41 1 54 53 1 105 40 1 GA 28 50 30 U 29 3241 [1619 3203 iT0 Mr. Latham introduced. the followins resolution and.. moved its adoption: "Resolution No© 326. Declaring Result of ;73pecial Election heldAugust 3 Er. Adams seconded the motion to adot the resolution and on roll call it was c.dopted and. as;e3 by the followiaE; vote: Lyes: COnnoi1men AdaIll Latham and Vicepresident Probst, Votes! Cast 93 103 714.9 153 170' 169d 148. 55' 230 941 143 1 0 1721 136! 761 168 156: 158J 138 1 139 1 1701 1481 127 89 116 104 1 116 128 149 1 1g1-- 110 5696' (3). Noes: None. Absent: Co-oncilman Tilden awl President Otis, ) City 2in[':ineor,C. E. Hickok, reported on the proposed Bay Pam i21and 1:oadway0 Latham stated that it m-_12 the -orovince of the u; .1]. to take any action as tho mattr was still LI the 1 Inds of t'im Plannin Commision alad their report or recommendtio:As haa not as yet been received. IL° also c;1:71.ted that he was chairman of tie committee aD1)ointo(i 1T the City Zlanilin'f-: Conaision of this ;atter a;1(71 at the ext e the l'aan,:tn conimission they wonid make it an order of business ancl report to the, 3f.,-y- council thei recommend.ations. Claims ap;ainc, the ;.7renera 1 DopnxtIonts amountin -. 4113.68; aairist the Dertment amountin to - a:[;alilst the Derto.nt waowiti to ::)1 ....!•;t: 9 Septewer• 71;h., 1920. : Electric Light Fund anounting '-e:3901.51 having been approved proper officials were 11 ted Alameda- Municipal Journal Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Alameda Vulcanizing Works Bennett, Mrs, S. K. Berle, C. A. Crocker, Co.,- H. S. Ci'oil, F. J. IT It tt East Bay Water Ford, N. O Forrest, Anna Forrest, sthe Guy, Fred M. iart, la's. E. auschild, Mrs kewes, Charles Cc r . Frieda E. City It It It It TV by the Clerk as follows: GEYERAI vUND. General Departments. Delivery of Journal Repairs Delivering electier, 0 Services - Election Incidental expenses Supplies Auto upkeep Money advanced Convention Water Printing Services-Election Repairs to le,;eewriter Services - Election Manager TV Hewes, Charles E. Holmes, Mrs. Ida J. Johnson Co., S. T. Little, Thos. Moise-Klinkner Co. Municipal Electric ligl'it Plant Otis, Frank ROgers, Mrs. Clara Shelton, Mrs. L. Times Star IT fl TV TV' It TT Tr Tr U. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Western Union Ti. Co. Wilkens J. H. Alameda Furniture Co. Al=eda Steam Laundry Assn. Bay Station Bakery Hicks, Grant Joost Bros. Lincoln Auto & Cye 1 e Co. Municipal Electric Light Plant Tr It TV Nielsen & Son, H. 2. Western Union Tel. Co. Alameda Repair & Supply Co. Cunningham's Orocerteria East Bay Water Co. tif 9 rt TV TT 111 TV TV' It TV Hewes, Charles E. City Manager Johnson, A. W. V. Municipal Electric Light Plant If TV TT Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Vosburgh, L. W. Western Union Tel. Co Labor Alameda Vulcanizing Works California Pottery Co. Crocker Co., H. S. Dick, E. C. DuFrane Bros. Hickok, C. E. Holt LIiiffacturiing Co Joenst Bros. les TIT It Money advanced- Mun. Journal TV TV' Exleress TV 11 Postage Auto upkeep Services - Election Oil Repairing plastering. Rubber stamp Repairs to Chevrolet car Mayor's Allowance Services - Election TV TT audited by the Advertieing TT Official Ballots Advertising Notice of Election Election supplies and advertising Book Bond premium Telegrams Cheese cloth Total Police Department. Repairs to equipment Laundry Bread for pound Auto upkeep Cartridges Repairs to, motorcycle Repairs to autos Labor and attendance Repairs to auto fan belt Clock rental Total - Fire Department. Glass soap Water TV Money advanced Recharge cylifader Labor and attendance Repairs Gas Supplies Clock rental et Department. lies Sewer pipe Blanks Supplies Repairs to Moreland Money advanced Supplies Hoes Total - pa.t. OPIr 1.616 25.00 7.50 20,00 16.65 2.16 1.23 25,00 25.43 43.75 22.50 23.31 15.40 16.65 9.99 50.00 1.38 2.36 25.00 4.99 11,90 6.00 1.05 6.80 50.00 6.66 4.99 39.96 39.58 131.65 56.25 334.70 46.00 5.00 1.03' 10.50 1113.68 50 .46 2.50 35.00 212.80 36.95 3.62 50.00 .85 1.25 344.93 4,4 93 1.50 8.30 19.45 18.94 351.42 20,98 2.20 1.50 52.50 16,05 15.70 .50 1.50 510.54 2245.25 2.65 42.48 6.86 31.67 12.37 3.01 M.96 AP_RA Oakland Examiner Post CO., Frederick Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Tr Standard Oil Co. IT It 11 IT It Tr TIT TT TV TV TV Times Star Vosburgh, L. Y. Alameda. Vulcanizing Works Aragus, Mrs. Justine Bischoff's Surgical House Brauh-Knecht-Heimann C0 6 1! TV 11 ITr 11 TT TV TT TT TV 1Z TV Butterfield, Ruth Carpenter, T. Cranston, A. R, Crittenden, Dr. Charl Crocker, Co., H. S. Cutter Laboratory Eberly's quality Pharmacy IT TV . 11 Encinal Ice Co. Nielsen, Ella Oakland Pioneer Soda 'Water Osborne, A. E. Parisian Laundry TV TV Purity Springs Water Schueider's Southern Pacific Co. Stowe, Dr© O. P. Westphal O. F. Advertising Supplies Rock slid screenings Gasoline TT TV TV If Printing Supplies Total - Health Department. Supplies Services Supplies Laboratory TT IT TT Services Auto -upkeep Repairs Effergency Services Office supplies Vaccine Hypo needle Supplies Ice Money advanced Co. Water Auto repairs Iauhdry ” Co. Water Supolies Freieht charges ServLces Clock Calcutt, W. R. Cohen, Emilie Dancker, J. ,..east Bay Water Co. Greene, F. M. Joost Bros. Maxwell Hardware 00. Municipal Electric Light P Orr Samuel Hewes, Charle Hauch's Orr, Samuel Western Dairy Co. Manage Municipal Journal 1I If TV Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Anderson, H. V. & F. E. Associated 011 Co. Auto Electric SOrViC0 CO. Baird, J. V. Bussee Sales Co. Frank A. Citizens Bank Co. Clark, Herbert D. Crocker Co., H. S. East Bay Water Co. Gamewell Fire Alarm & Tel. Co. Gilson Electrical Supply Co. 11 19 IT TV Kellogg Express Co. Many's Auto Meta 1 Works Pacific Tel. & Tel Co. Total Recreation Department. Supplies Services Repairs Water Services Bolts Netting Placing pole Services STORE FUND. Stamps RELIEF FUND. Supplies Sorvjces Milk September 7th, 1920. IIROP 4.1 04110 IOW Total - Total - MU7ICIPA1 ELECTRIC LI�IT FUND. Advertising Towel service Damage to Studebaker car Script books Supplies Repars Supplies Rent Premium Supplies Water Repairs Supplies 11 Drayage Repairs Rental an d tolls 6.30 4.49 191.00 495.50 10.40 55.25 32.50 13.00 15.60 12.75 9.04 3873.23 1.00 4.50 99.96 11.53 5,53 7.85 2,00 3.40 35,00 2.00 2.50 1.47 2.40 4.17 3000 050 1,15 2.28 3.12 .50 2.45 1.32 2.50 3.94 8.17 1.90 12.00 48.60 5.74 54,00 1010 17,90 21.00 179.56 50.00 4.18 21.00 9.92 35.10 18.00 8.00 1.00 3.40 95,00 .25 &A). 40.00 3.00 42,89 10.56 13.98 118.40 234.00 .43 5.00 22.22 A =•--1 Se (-:.M110): 7th, 1V2O. Waddell Lumber Co. Weaver -Wells Co. Weotern.Heavy Hardware & Iron Co. Supplies fl Total - 43.66 7,60 3.81 Mr. Probst moved that the claims as listed be paid, seconded by mr. Adams ana on roll call carried unanimously. Mr. Otis returned to the council chamber and assumed the chair. Mr. Latham introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: "Re elution No 327. • II MEMORY OF GO:ERGO-2 H. MASTICK. WHEREAS GEORGE H. MASTICK, able lawyer, sound adviser, faithful ofYicial and th6rough American, has crossed the great divide which must be passed by all mortals, and WHEREAS, his long, continuous and gratuitous service to the the City of Alameda extending throughoUt a perioa of over forty- one year as a member of the Alaneda Free Library Beard, daring the la u twenty-three of ,ehich he was the president of that body, con- stitutes a remarkable record of unselfish devotion to the interests of the community of which he was a part, and WHEMIAS, he was largely instrumental in securing from the late Andrew Carnegie the funds which made possible the construction of the present free library building, and '11EREA3 , in sub stantial ways he evinced his -,ong interest in our public schools soiiools and in the civic affairs of our municipality, NOW THEREFORE we, the Council of the city. of Alameda, recognize the fact that by the death of L. I;?IoK, our City has sustained the lose of an upright and v ,luable citizen and we now record on our minutes our deep sorrow for his demise and our appreciation of his sterlin worth, not only as a public officer but as an American citize we extend our sincere sympathy to his family in their bereavent, AND BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council in now adjourning do so in respect to his memory. i're'ost secwided the motion to :,,do-ot the ::esolution and on roll call it was adopted ana passed unanimously by a ri i vote of the council. There being no further business to. transact the council adjourned in respect to thc memory of the late George H. Maotick, to meet j.J. recu1a-4' ;,esf3ian Tuesday aTiening O;ji 21st, 1920. Respectfully subelitted,