1910-01-04 Regular CC MinutesnEGUIAR 1,1EETIITG OF -HE COUNCIL 07 THE CITY OF IIJATTD/I,JA:TUARY 4th 1910. The meeting convened, with Tiayor 7'.E.Hoy,tresiding. The Roll wa, called and Councilmen 7:alher,l'a-umb,Crosby,Ells and Bullock, were noted present and Councilmen christensen,Fanmond,Fisher and -Probst,(4),aLsent. The minutes of the meeting of December 21st 1909,were read and ordered approved. Councilman Hammond arrived and was noted nresent. laims against the General Fund amounting to 464.82:against the Police Fund amount- ing to 43.90;against the Street Fund amounting to 069.61:against the Electric Light Fund amounting to '1.0,482.12;aainst the Library Fund amounting to 091.55:against the Park and Playground Fund amounting to 9.41 and against the Police Pension Fund amount- ing to 270.00 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows GENERAL FU1TD. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 2.75 TT Advertising 6.60 6.20 77.92 Transcript for Dec .1900 3.00 Oil for Heater 20.00 Evening Tines-Star.The Printing 15.00 Hauge,Olaf Renovating City Hall 30.50 IubT)ock,Oswald Pent Letter-box .75 LT_cGowan,Jos A. renovating Fenovating City Hall 165.00 Oakland Gas It.c7: Heat Co Gas 9.00 Pacific Tel C.; Tel Co., Switches (9,-:c 9.15 Simpson,N.V/. Court Fee advanced. 6.00 Tschich,J. 'Locksmith work 20.20 U.S.Fidelity & Guaranty Co Premium on Burglary Insurance 186.75 Ward,P.P. Extra Janitor 7:ork 3.00 Expressage 1.00 Total c; 564.62 Bechtle, Otto Boegle,F. California Oil & Burner Co. Renovating City hall Conrad, John POLICE FUND Incidental ex-oenses 43.90 STREET FT= Hosmer, Sidewalk 7.50 Imperial Machine She Plummer & Son.,Geo R. Serralunga,S. Sunset Lumber Co. IT IT Labor 1.50 Lumber 3.70 Labor 100.00 Lumber 125.17 Ti ELECTRIC LIGHT FUND. Total 131.94 c.,; 369.81 Alcv eda Tail:- Argus Printing 4.00 5.00 Associated Oil Co Oil 316.88 TT TT IT TT TI II TT IT TI IT TT TT It TT It IT It TT 323.67 315.13 264.06 627.29 Forward- - :1656.43 -LJ.IW.=,, Associated Oil Co Oil 319.63 TT TT TT It TT 17 ?I it 11 TT VT TT TV ?V TV TT Bahr, Otto Beehtle,Otto Board of Electricity Vi IT IT TT TV •T TV Horse-shoeing Elect .Fixtures Incidental expenses Crocker .,H.S. Supplies VT Vt TV Dunham, Carrigan & Hayden Co., TT TT TT '1 TT 4f Insulators Clamps Hardware Fischer Plumbing & Hdwe.Co.,C.F. Gorham Fuhier Co. Packint, Truck Jenkins 1,:achine Wor1:s,17.1d. Repairs Joost Kellogg Express Co Koerber,A.11j7. I'larshall-INewell Supply 1,7 VT VT Pacific :ietal Forks Pacific States Electric TT It IT TV TT T1 TT !I TT T V IT TT If VT TV TI TT TT TV TT VT IT IT VT VT VT TT ft IT IT If TV IT TT It TI T1 11 TT If TT if TT TT TI T1 TI Oil Drayage Horse-shoeing Feed Horse-shoeing Supplies poles Supplies Forward 320.14 324.13 316.86 313.85 .62 319.78 312.06 313.37 6.25 18.00 36.75 4.42 1.60 6.22 6.40 4.71 .35 3.03 50.00 30.25 3.00 3.00 5.00 29.30 5.50 5.00 9.81 7.50 15.60 4.02 26.23 51.04 49.47 23.76 9.68 4.10 140.10 156.23 49.41 113.00 206.48 1.41 13.94 275.30 15.78 16.32 412.00 29.71 Pacific States Electric Co. Supplies It It It Pacific Tel & Tel Co Rentals Paynes Bolt Works Supplies VI IT IT Peoples Water Co Plummer & Son,Geo B. Powell Bros Construction Co Put zman & Hoffman Co Rhodes-Jamieson & Co Rickerson, Al Roeblings & Sons Co.,J.A. IT If II II IT II it It II IT IT II IT IT TT If TT It II Tschich, J. Westinghouse E.& M.Co. I IT II TT If II If IT IT IT IT Whittier, Coburn Alameda Public Library 11 11 It Alameda Daily Argus Cunningham,Curtis & Welch Fielding, G. Koerber,A.H.W. Library Bureau, I Lubben Bros. Machen,R.J. McNutt,Kahn & Co. Peoples Water Co. Strom,Carl E. Tripp Co.,John B. Volberg,C.C. Alameda Hdwe Co. It Water Lumber Teaming Repairs Feed pplies &c Copper Wire IT IT IT IT IT IT IT 11 It II 4.66 41.88 10.90 52.39 16.08 1.00 130.15 15.00 6.50 27.30 8.00 91.05 45.65 181.00 81.45 148.75 225. TV IT 245.20 u IT 117.50 Sharpening Saws .50 Meters 238.75 Supplies 160.60 Meters 236.75 Supplies 422.00 Meters 259.40 34.74 Transformers 242.48 u 174.00 Meters 238.55 Transformers 427.90 Paints and Oils 4.50 Total- 410462.12 LIBRARY FUND. Petty Expenses Eastern Claims Printing Books Newspapers Fuel lies Fuel Books Binding Water Elec.Work &c Books Rent Total- ARK AND PLAYGROUND FUND. 11.88 34.45 6.75 7.87 6.00 13.00 9.00 25.00 45.00 75.55 1.25 26.20 104.60 25.00 c;391.5-g Expense 6.90 Foster & Son,U.E. uorrurauu lur iluu iluu ..iew.,..,J. Holly wood,Reuben Labor and Material 258.50 Eeydecker,Otto Vdring Motor 14.50 Total- T749.41 POLICE PENSION FUND. Lawrnce,J, Pension $135.00 Welch,D. “ 135.00 Total ,;270.00 Mr.Bullock moved that the claims be paid as read,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). A communication was received from Congressman J.R.Enowland acknowledging receipt communication sent by direction of the Council December 7th 1909,urning effort to se- cure government aid for the irprovenent of the rivers of the state. Ordered filed. A communication was received from J.H.Young,General Superintendent of the South- ern Pacific Company stating that the matter of the request to remove the alarm bell maintained by said company at the railroad crossing and Everett Street had been refer- red to their Superintendent at the Oakland Pier. Ordered filed. Mr.Yrumb reported that the said bell had been removed. A communication was received from the Geo E.Dow Pumping Engine Works stating; that Mr.Dow was absent from the City and was thus unable to attend the Council Committee meeting on the evening of December 30th 1909. Ordered filed. V The Clerk presented an affidavit of the Alameda Daily Argus showing due publication of Notice of Application for and sale of Railroad Franchise and advertisment for Bids therefor. Ordered filed. The Clerk rerorted that only one bid had been received and that from the Southern Pacific Company. Mr.Bullock moved that the bid be receiv- and opened,seconded by ::x.Hammond and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened and read the bid which was for 1.00.00 said amount accompaning the bid. r.1Iamrnond moved that the bid be accerted,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Talker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,:lls and Bullock,(6). Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). Thereupon Mr.Hammond introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Granting to the Southern Pacific Company, a Railroad Corporation,and to its Successors and Assigns,the Right,Privilege and Fran- chise for the period ending on the 26th day of July,1949,to Construct,Maintain and Op- erate a Single or Double-Track Railroad,of Standard Gauge,together with all necessary Switches,Crossi s,Sidings,o le-tracks,Connections,Poles,Wires and other Necessary Ap- pliances,Appendages and Adjuncts,said Railroad to be operated by Electricity or such other Improved Method of Operation as may be Authorized by law,except Steam Locomotives, Over,Across,Along and Upon Certain Streets,Avenues and Private Ways in the City of Al- ameda,County of Alameda,State of California,",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Two petitions to move houses were presented one from A.Figoni to move one from 1410 Eighth Street to the south side of Centennial Avenue about 175 feet east of 9th Street and one from P9Piazza to move one from 819 Central Avenue to the south side of Centennial Avenue about 125 feet east of 9th Streettaccompanyino: the same was a bond in the sum of 200.00 as required by the ordinance by J..Turner the house-mover and the necessary consent of adjoining property owners. D-.Hammond moved that the same be referred to the Street Superintendent and the Street Committee with power,seconded by lir.Talker and carried. A petition was received from residents of Bay Farm Island requesting that arc moved that the Clerk he directed to notify the Department of Electricity to install such lights, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. A petition was received, signed by some two hundred residents,requesting that the Municipal Electric Light Plant he removed to the neighborhood of the north end of Grand Street. Mr.1:rumb moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. A communication was received from the Park and Playground Commission requesting authority to make expenditures for certain improvements &c,in the parks and playgrounds which would cost about %1730.00. :r.Bullock moved that the request be granted,second- ed by Mr.Eils and carried by the followin vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krumb,Hammond, Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). ;11-.-7,11s moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for the annual ad- vertising and printing for the various departments of the City,the Trinting to be in ac- cordance with schedule adopted by the Council,December 21st 1908,bids to be presented on February 1st 1910,seconded by .1.r.‘":alker and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Talker,Krumb,llammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock,(6). Noe :None. Absent: Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). :r.Hammond moved that the application of ::oses S.Benrimo,for a gratuitous license to peddle cigars presented at the meeting of December 21st 1909,be granted when the said applicant presented credentials showing that he had complied with the federal laws gov- erning the sale of such articles,seconded by :r.Crosby and carried. A communication was received from the Board of Electricity stating that it was in receipt of some twenty-five petitions for street arc lights to be installed in different parts of the City but that there were no funds available for such purpose,that the cost of such installation would be in the neighborhood of '4500.00. 1:.r.Yrumb moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee,seconded by :Tr.11ammond and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Imposing a License Tax for Revenue and Regulation upon Bill Boards,Fences and Other Structures Used for Advertising,Accord- ing to Business Transacted",introd.uced by Mr.Crosby on December 7th 1909,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. iir.Crosby moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Bul- lock and passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krumb,Hammond, Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,( ). A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the Official Curb Grade of the 7ortherly End of High Street",introduced by ::x.Krumb on December 21st 1909,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. T.r.Krumb moved its adoption,seconded by Hammond and passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krumb, Hammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6). Hoes :None. Absent :Councilmen Christensen, Fisher and Probst,(3). :7.r.Bullock introduced A.Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Callitg and Providing for a Special Election to be held in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda, State of California,on the 19th day of February,1910,to submit to the qualified voters of said City certain Propositions for incurring a Bonded Indebtedness in the Sums and for the Purposes Specified as Follows:",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A report was received from the Street Committee stating that Smith Bros had put in the lowest bid towit,241.19,for constructing curb &c. ,in front of the City Hall and that they would do the said work. r:Tr.Yrumb moved that the report be approved, seconded by T'Ir. Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen ealzer,Y,runo,hammona,..;rosey, Ells and Bullock,(6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Trobst, ( Contractor Eli Schumacher presentea a request for six months further time on his contract to improve Dayton Avenue is called for by 7esolntion of Intention No.729. Ordered filed and thereupon Yir.Krumb offered the followinc, Resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas request has been made and good cause therefore appearing, Resolved that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and direct- ed to grant six months extention of time on contract for the performance of Street Work to Eli Schumacher on his contract to grsc1e,cirh,macadamize and otherwise improve Dayton Avenue under Eesolution of Intention No.729'provided that in no event shall any liabil- ity accrue by reason thereof against said city or officials. 1:1r.liammond seconded the 'Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krumb, Hammond, rosby,Ells and Bullock,(6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Christensen, Fisher and Irobst,(3). The Street Superintendent presented a report that the work of grading,curbin,:17, macadamizing and otherwise improving Lincoln Avenue from the western line of Broadway to the eastern line of Everett Street had been faithfully completed by Hutchinson Com- pany by private contract,under his direction and to his satisfaction. Ordered filed. Er.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make plans,specifi- cations and quantity estimates for the followin street work to be done in said city, namely : That Peach Street from the southern line of :::adison Street to the northern line of Washington Street and including the crossings of Jefferson Street and Adams tt Street with Peach Street be improved as follows That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the offi- cial grade ;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section ai- mension,be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the crossing between said limits;that cement grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street,between said limits, contiguous to said curbing and to said curved corners;that two gutter bridges each five feet in width and of pine lumber,be constructed in each of the four corners of the cross- ings of Peach Street with Adams Street and Jefferson Street ;that two cast iron culverts imbedded in concrete,be constrUcted in each of said last mentioned crossings along the line of Peach Street, one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each of said crossings;that the roadway of said street between said limits and includ- ing said crossings,but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by alitters,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness,as per Resolu- tion of Intention No4743,Adopted by this Councii3October 19,1909. And that the Clerk be instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution. r.Ells seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen V:alker, Irumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and. Bullock, (6) . lioes:Trone. Absent: Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). The City Engineer presented rlans,specifications and quantity estimates and there- upon Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Eesolved,That the.Plans,Epecifications and quantity estimates furnished by the City Engineer of the City of Alameda,to this Council,for the following Street work to be done in said. City,namely: That Peach Street from the southern line of Y.adison Street to the northern line of .gliWA141.2?InStreet and including the crossings of Jefferson Street That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official grade;that concrete carbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the cross- ing between said linits;that cement grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street,between said limits,contigu- ous to said curbing and to said curved corners;that two gutter bridges,each five feet in width and of pine lumber be constructed in each of the four corners of the crossings of each Street with Adams Street and Jefferson 't eet;that two cast iron culverts,imbedded in concrete,be constructed in each of said last mentioned crossings along the line of Peach treet,one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each of said crossings;that the roadway of said street between said limits and including said cross- ings,but excepting that portion of said roadway accupied by gutters,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness,linder Resolution of Intention No. 743,adopted by the Council of said City,October 19,1909,be and the same are hereby adopt- ed and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same. hir.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Walker,Yrumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). Idr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Vhereasit appears to the satisfaction of this Council,that Resolution of Intention No.743 for the work of grading,curbing,guttering,macadamizing and otherwise improving Peach Street between Madison and Washington Streets in the City of Alameda,adopted by this Council,October 19,1909,has been posted and published according to law,and that no legal objections to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said City. Resolved,That the public interest d convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City, according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: That Peach Street from the southern line of Madison Street to the northern line of Viashington Street and including the crossings of Jefferson Street and. Adams Street with Peach Street be improv- ed as follows: That the entire width of said street between s id limits be graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the crossing between said limits;that cement grouted rock gutters,tEree feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street,between said limits,contiguous to said curbing and to said curved corners;that two gutter bridges,each five feet in width and of Pine lumber,be constructed in each of the four corners of the crossings of Peach Street with Adams Street and Jefferson Streot;that two cast iron culver s,imbedded in con- crete,be constructed in each of said last mentioned crossings along the line of Peach Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each of said crossings;that the roadway of said street between said limits and including said cross- ings,but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by gutters,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness. The City Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspic- uously for five days near the chamber door of the said. Council,notice of said work with specifications inviting sealed proposals or olus i ur uiii iit yvvlx, yluv.Luut.73. lish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and ref- erring to the specifications posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the newspaper hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said no- tices shall require a certified check or a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall name Tues- day,the 18th day of January,1910,as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 8 o'clock,P.I:..the said proposals or bids shall be received. Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Walker, rumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6), Noes:None Absent: Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). Mr. rumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,that the City Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans,Specifi- cations and Quantity estimates for the following Street work to be done in said City, namely: That Madison Street between the eastern line of Mound Street and the eastern line of Peach Street,excepting that portion of Madison Street lying between the west- ern line of Court treet and the eastern line of High Street be improved as follows: That the entire width of said rortion of said street between said limits be grad- ed to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross- section dimension,be constructed on the curb line of said portion of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings of said portionof said street;that cement xratk grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said portion of said street contiguous to said curbing and to said curv- ed corners;that two gutter bridges,each five feet in width and of pine lumbertbe cons- tructed in each of the four corners of the crossings of said portion of said street;k that two cast iron culverts imbedded in concrete be constructed at each of the cross- ings of Post Street and Peach Street with Madison Street across said Madison Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of each of said crossings;that the roadway of said portion of said street and including said crossing but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by gutters be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thickness,as per Resolution of intention No.744,Adopted by this Coun- cil,Uovember 16th 1909. And the Clerk be instructed to notify the City 7ngineer of the adoption of this Resolution. Mr.Hammond seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst,(3). The City Engineer presented plans,specifications and quantity estimates and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved,That the Plans,Specifications 4nd quantity estimates furnished by the y Engineer of the City of Alameda,to this Council,for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely: That Madison Street between the eastern line of Mound Street and the eastern line of Peach Street,excepting that portion of Madison Street lying between the western line of Court Street and the eastern line of High Street,be improved as follows: That the entire width of said portion of said street between said limits be grad- ed to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross-section dimension ,be constructed on the curb line of said portion of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings of said portion of said street;that cement grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said portion of said street contiguous to said curbing and to J.Lyco J-t=c:u 1.11 nu 01 flfle lumper, be constructo I in each of the four corners of the crossings of said portion of said street; t two cast ron culverts imbedded in concrete he constructed at each of the crossings of Post Street and Peach Street with Ijadison Street across said Madison Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of each of said crossings;that the roadway of said portion of said street and including said crossing but excepting that portion of said road- way occupied by gutters be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock,eight inches in thickness,under Resolution of Intention Ho.744,adopted by the Council of said City,Novem- ber 16th 1909,be and the same are hereby adopted. and approved. And the Clerk is direct- ed to file the same. Mr.Crosby seconded. the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Walker,:Erumb,Eannond,Crosby,Ells and Bullock,(6). Noes :None, Absent: Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and robst,(3). Mr.Krunb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas,It appears to the satisfaction of this Councii,that esolution of Intention No.744 for the work of curbing,guttering,grading„acadamizing and otherwise improving Madison Street between 1.7,ound and Peach Streets in the City of Alameda,adopted by this Board November 16th 1909,has been posted and published according to law,and that no lega oWection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said city. Resolved,' .t the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said City according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: That Madison Street between the eastern line of Mound Street and the eastern line of Peach Street,exceptin• that portion of Madison Street lying between the western line of Court Street and the eas- tern line o± High Street,be improved as follows: That the entire width. of said portion of said street between said limits be graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by Fourteen inches in cross- section dimension,be constructed on the curb line of said portion of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings of said portion of said street ;that cement grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said rortion of said street contiguous to said curbing and to said curved corners; that two gutter hridges,each five feet in width and df pine lumber,be constructed in each of the four corners of the crossings of said portion of said street ;that two cast iron culverts imbedded in concrete,he constructed at each of the crossings of Post Street and Peach Street with Madison Street across said Madison Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of each of said crossings;that the roadway of said portion of said street and including said crossingg but excepting that rortion of said roadway occupied by gutters be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock The Clerk of this City is hereby directed in the Alameda Paily Argus,a daily newspaper which is hereby designated for that purpose. for five days near the chamber door of the eight inches in thickness. to publish this resolution for two days )1ished and circulated in this city,and He is also directed to post conspicuously id Council,notice of said work with specifi- cations inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered ,and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file,aleo for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,the newspa- per hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a cert- ified check or a bond,oither as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten percent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall, name Tuesday the 18th day of January, 1V10,as the day hereby designated on which ur to the hour of 8 o'clocK .1.the said pro- posals or bids shall be received. iar.waiKer seconaea ine ret;uluulun untt I. vitt:3 tLuupueu ufic vvuw.. Ayes :Councilmen Talker,run1;,llammond,Crosby,711s and Bullock, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Christensen,Fisher and Probst, (3). The Clerk brought to the attention of the Council the desire of the Elks Club Building adjoining the City Hall on the west to place a 1500 gallon fuel oil tank under ground on the east side of the said building and that there was no ordinance governing such tanks. Mr.Hammond moved that the matter he referred to the Fire,Tater and Police Committee with power,seconded by /..Crosby and carried. ilr.Krunb moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney be directed to prepare a Resolution of Intention to lay a sidewalk on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Talnut and Oak Street in front of property owned by F.V_McCann,seconded by Y .11anmond and carried. I„T .7rumb moved that the City Engineer be directed to prepare specification for the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of 8th Street south of Central Avenue,and fronting Vashington Par ,seconded by Mr.Hammord and carried. :,!r.1:rumb moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Oak- land Traction Company requesting them to have a representative vested with power to confer with the Council at their next Committee session to discus the matter of the recommendations of the public Utilities Committee regarding improvements to their sys- tem in the City of Alameda,seconded by Er.Ells and carried. Yir.Crosby moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Southern Pacific Company recommending that the said Company take action to construct a road on the Alameda :dole so as to allow vehicles to reach the said mole and he trans- ported to and. from San Francisco,seconded by Idr.Ells and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,January, 18th 1910,at 7.30 City Clerk. 7/