1910-01-18 Regular CC MinutesTUESDAY,JANUO.Y 16th 1910. The Meeting convened with Mayor Vi.TT.Noy,Dresiding. The Poll was called and Councilmen Christencen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,and Bullock,(5) were noted present and Councilmen Orosby,Ells,Fisher and Probst, (4) absent. The minutes of the meeting of January 4th 1910,were read and ordered approved. Councilmen Ells and Probst arrived and Were noted present. Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved: That the sum of One Hundred Dollars is hereby transferred from the Gener- al Fund to the Fire Pund and the Auditor and Treasurer are hereby directed to effect such transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the follow- ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen:Cialker,I:rumb,liammond,Ells,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and Fisher, ( ). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 7,048.66;aainst the Police Fund amounting to 151.94:against the Fire Fund amounting to 929.85;against the Street Fund amounting to :888.67 and against Municipal Improvement Fund 110.8, (Fire) amounting to 4.56 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows Alameda Daily Argus TT ft IT It GENERAL FUN]) Advertising Printing Advertising Alameda Steam Laundry Towel Dechtle,Otto Portable Lamps BurP..ner & Martin Hardware California Oil & Burner Co Oil for heater Gott,A.O. Clock 74endrickson,W.J. Meat for Pound Xillam Elect Co.,F.U. Repairs to Motor Supplies for janitor ayrisch.Len Block Books Nelson, Ii. F. ':;ashins-,' Windows Oakland Society P.C.A. Fines TI T II It ific Coast Lumber Mill Co Lumber TI IT TI TI IT Pacific Lubricating Oil (Sc Paint Co Floor Oil Peoples Water Company Water for City TT TT II Powell, Chas. Scheithe, C. F. Schneider, Henry It IT IT It TT It IT ft Shreve 8: Barber Co., IT IT TI Pound Labor Meat for City Pound Supplies for Janitor Stamps for Building Inspector Supplies for Eayor Supplies for City Clerk Supplies for City Treasurer Stationery Supplies for City Treasurer 15.75 Forward 445.83 6.50 5.00 26.10 8.00 6.75 10.50 10.00 4.50 7.10 1.00 1.00 175.00 11.75 5.00 20.00 70.30 165.45 3.50 3.15 2.82 10.00 2.46 5.00 .50 1.35 4.75 19.00 13.60 Broit. foward 645.83 Toye, A. C. Renovating 392.50 Tschich, J. Locksmith work 3.50 Vosburgh, J. B. Supplies 7.05 Total - ,';'? 1048.88 POLICE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing ,t' 9.50 If Tt It II 1.00 Gotto, D. Hauling 1.00 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co., Gas ,40 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Telephones & Switches 4.70 Schneider, Henry Postage Stamps 2.50 Stationery 15.20 It TI Schulte, W. F. Plumbing Services 2.50 Shreve & Barber Co., :evolver Cartridges 74.69 Unna, Herman Meals 12.25 Von Ah, Th. Ambulance Hire 3.00 Vosburgh, J. B. Lye .20 Welch, J. Hauling 3.00 Westphal, O, F. Repairing Clock 2.00 Total 131.94 FIRE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 4.00 TT 11 Advertising 17.00 Alameda Steam Laundry Laundry 15.80 Bahr, Otto Horseshoeing 2.50 Board of Police & Fire Commission Freight & Stamps 5.91 Clark, R. P. Repairs 21.30 Coustier & Sons Repairs 4.50 Furey, F. P. Repairs 9.85 Gorham Engineering Company Repairs 7.00 Hay & Baird, Horseshoeing 5.00 Rigby, Wm. Supplies 3.75 Joergensen, P. Horseshoeing 17.50 King, A. R. Horseshoeing 5.00 Lane, Thomas Services Rendered 14.50 Lomax, R. D. Horseshoeing 15.00 LeVick, W. E. Supplies 44.00 Metzgar, C. L. Repairs .75 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Gas 36.72 Penn Oil Co. Supplies 1.75 Peoples V Vater Company Water 279.60 RePso & Co., G. Hauling 7.70 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co., Fuel 47.50 Schneider, Henry Supplies 2.50 Scott, Magner & Miller Feed 329.60 Strom, C. V. Repairs 1.50 Sutherlands Pharmacy Medicine 4.75 Forward - 905.02 Vosburgh, J. . Tfestall, Chas. Supplies Coal Oil Total - BroTt. Forward 905.02 17.87 7.00 929.65 STREET FUND. Alameda Daily Arius Printing " 3.75 Betten, H. I. Hardware 1.00 Britt, W. Teaming 83.15 Burgner & Martin Hardware 6.55 Empire Foundry Co., Inc. Supplies 8.40 Enos, M. Laying Gutter 13.15 Hay & Baird Blacksmithing 10.75 Henshaw Buckley & Co, Supplies for Roller 20.00 Joergensen, P. Blacksmithing 11.50 Peoples Water Company Water 34.00 Peters, L. T. Teaming 176.00 Plummer Elect. Co., Supplies 1.80 Rhodes-Oanieson Co., Material 198.00 !? TT tT lt 196.00 TT TT VT TT 27.10 Supplies 5.80 Laying Gutter 8.75 Lumber 49.27 Teaming 15.00 Vosburgh, J. B. Hardware 11.90 Total - - - - - .888.87 MUNICIPAL IMPROVaiENT FUND NO. 8 (FIRE) F. P. Labor & Materialo 4.56 l'.1r.Bullock moved that the claims as read he paid, seconded by 1::r.Eammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,liammond,Ells,Probst, Schneider, Henry Stevey, A. Sunset Lumber Company rston, C. E. and Bullock, Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and Fisher, (2) A report was received from the Auditor showing the amounts of money on hand and credited to the various funds on December 31st 1909. Ordered filed. Reports were received from the ::,unicipal Electric Light Plant for the months of Aw:ust,,:.eptember and October, 1909. Ordered filed. A semi-annual report for the six months ending December 31st 1909,was received from the Chief of the Fire Department ,regarding the Department over which he had charge. Or- dered filed. A semi-annual report for the six months ending December 31st 1909,was received from the Chief of the Police Department,regarding the Deoarti-ent over which he had charge. Or- dered filed. The Clerk presented a receipt for 100.00 signed by the City Treasurer,for the price submitted by the Southern Pacific Company, for a franchise for an Electric Railroad running to the High Street Bridge. Ordered filed. An invitation was received from the Alameda Chamber of Commerce to sttend a meeting of the said Chamber on Thursday evening,January 20th 1910. Yx.Hammond moved, that the same be accepted and that the Clerk give notice of such acceptance,seconded by Lir.Bul- lock and carried. A communication was received from Alexander :,:ackie,secretary of the Alameda Improve- ment seel:ing more lniornatlon n8 uu Lee idc Companies making excess charges for distributing packages in certain districts of the city. ::r.Hannond moved, that the matter he referred to the Public Utilities Con- mittee,seconded by L:r.Krumb and carried. :ir.Bullock offered, the following resolution and moved its adoption: 17HEI-:F2,by the provisions of Ordinance I.To.198 of the City of Alameda granti franchise for electric railroad on an Jose Avenue,it is laid down that transfers shall he furnished without charge to and from all lines and branches of said street railway owned and operated in the City of Alameda by the grantee named therein,and I71-11-=:-:, it is further proTlided in said ordinance that the Board of Trustees or its successor shall have the power to impose such further terms,restrictions and lim- itations as to the use of streets and the construction and node of operating said railway as may by it deemed proper for the public safety or welfare,and WEE:EAS,the system of transfers now in vogue on said stre railway is unne ay rigid, and works a hardship and injustice upon a considerable part of the trav- eling public, F,1201,VE: That it is the sense of the Council of the City of Alameda that the public welfare requires a modification of the node of operating said railway to the end that transfers may be used to and from said railroad at t.Tinth Street,east and west on Santa Clara,Avenue,and to and from said railroad at Park Street,east and west on Santa Clara Avenue ;and that it is the intention of the said Council to effect such modification and that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Oakland Trac- tion Company. ;:ir.Thlker seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the followina: vote. Ayes :Councilnen Christensen,l;alker,1:rumb,Eammond,711s, robst and Bullock, (7). Noes:Eone. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and :77isher,(') A communication was received from the '41,k and raction Company sayng that the matter of the rec)mmendations for imnrovements to their system in Alameda,had been referred to their 17,xecutive ComMittee- *' Ordered filed and thereupon :r.Eannond of- fered the following resolution and moved its adoption: iiii=A2,by the provisions of Ordinance TTo.190 of the City of Alameda granting franchise for electric railroad on Ban Jose Avenue,it is provided that the Board of Trustees or its successor shall have the power to impose such further rms,restrict- ions ad limitations as to the use of streets and the construction and mode of oner- ating said railway as may he by it deemed proper for the public safety or welfare,and WHEF.E.".S.the manner of operation of said electric railroad over that portion thereof east of Park Street is fraught with inconvenience and discomfort to the trav- eling public by reason of the fact that said part of said railroad is narrow gauge and worn out and the cars used thereon are also inadequate for the service,and WHEFEAS,that portion of said electric road on San Jose Avenue west of and on Park Street is inadequate for the service,in that the same is single track and the Iv switches thereon arenot located so as to permit of the handling of traffic in both di- rections with disratch,and WHEHRAS,the need of electric railroad service west of I7ebster Street has become apparent and great, RE2OLVED: That it is the sense of the Council of the City of Alameda that the public welfare requires a modification of the mode of operation and mode of co true- tion of said railroad to the end that the portion of said railway east of Park Street be constructed to the standard a.auge;that the portion thereof on Park Street south of ■.■ at convenient points on said railroad west of Park Street;and that the Santa Clara Ave- nue Tine be extended west of Viebster Street;and that it is the intention of the said , Council to cause such modification to he made in so far as it may lie in the power of said Council so to do;and that a copy of this resolution he transmitted to the Oakland Traction Company. Hr.:RIO-lock seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the followi vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Vialker,Krunb,liammond,Ells,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and Fisher, (2) A corrnnunication was received from R.B.Tappan complaining of the actions of certain dogs. Ordered filed. A petion was received from Gresens & Verner Co.,requesting permission to reconstruct a glass house at their florists store located at'1251 Park Street. 1:r.Krumh moved that the matter he referred to the Fire,Water and Police Committee in conunction with the Building Inspector,with power,seconded by and carried. Automobile Specifications coverinp; aVolice Patrol and Ambulance was received from the Police and Fire Commission with the request that the Council advertise for bids on sane. nr. Bullock moved that the same be adopted and that the natter be referred to the Fire,V:ater and Police Committee,with power to advertise for bids,seconded by :ir.Krumb and carried. C.H.Callahan presented a petition for a gratuitous license to peddle from house to house a wall duster and cleaner,manufactured by hirself. 1:.r.Hammond moved that the sane he referred to the License Committee,seconded by IJr.Ells and carried. A petition signed by some twenty-five residents of the neighborhood of Alameda Ave- nue and Grand Street Was presented requesting that a street arc light he installed at the said corner. :1r.Krumb moved that the same be referred to the Department with a recom- mendation to have such a light so installed, seconded by 7r.Bullock and cai'ried. 1Jr.Eammond moved that the e k he directed to request the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company to install a telephone in the office of the Building Inspector,second- ed by :1r.Probst and carried. A communication was received from the Fire,Water and Police Committee and the Po- lice and Fire Commission to Whom had been referred the bids for Fire hose,reconmnding each gf that contracts he awarded for 300 feet of hose to A the lollowing bidders: Bowers Rubber Co., Cutta Percha (F.: Rubber o.,- Phoenix Rubber Co., Eureka Fire Hose ';:ifg,Co.- orham Rubber Co. - Victor Brand -Underwriters Brand -Chariot Brand -Trunret Jacket Brand -Fearless Brand all at a cost of Eighty (80) cents per foot. ::r.Christenser moved that the recommendation be adopted and that contracts be so awarded and that the Clerk be directed to return the certified checks which accompanied unsuccessful bids, seconded by Yir.Krumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Coun- cilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,lianmond,E1. ,Probs and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and Fisher,(2). A petition was received from John Yinurner to move a frame building from 809 Cen- tral Avenue to the North side of Taylor Avenue about 150 feet west of Eighth :Street. :1-.Walker moved that it he granted,seconded by lir.rumb and carried. The Clerk Presented affidavits showing due publication and posting of Notice of Street Work Inviting Proposals Therefor,under Resolution of Intention No. .3 and report- ed that only one bid had been received. Er—Probst moved that the bid be received and opened seconded by Mr.Ells and carried and thereupon the clerk opened the bid which was from Hutchinson Company,and accompaniednby‘a bond in the sun of 500.00,and read as fol- lows: For Filling 55 cents per Cubic Yard For Macadamizing 7 3/4 cents per Square Foot For Gutters,broken rock grouted 12 cents per Square Foot For Curbing,with concrete 38 1/2 cents per Linear Foot For Gutter Bridges Each For Culverts,7" 240 X 18" Cast Iron per Linear Foot The City Engineer reported that the sane was a reasonable bid and thereupon Ir.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 7,FSLVF,D,That the Council of the City of Alaneda,having in open session on the 18th day of January,1910,opened,examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and bids for the following street work in said city, to wit: That Peach Street from the southern line of Madison Street to the northern line of Washington Street and including the crossings of Jefferson Street and Adams Street with -Peach Street be improved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the offi- cial grade;that concrete curhing,eight inches by fourteen inches in cross section din- ension,be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings between said lirnits;that cement grouted rock gutters,three feet in width and of the flat pattern,be constructed along the roadway of said street,between said lim- its,contiguous to said curbing and to said curved corners;that two gutter bridges,each flve feet in width and of pine luniber,be constructed in each of the four corners of the crossings of Peach Street with Adams Street and Jefferson Street ;that two cast iron cuiverts,inbedded in concrete,be constructed in each of said last mentioned crossings along the line of Peach Street,one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each of said cro sings;that the roadway of said street between said limits and including said crossings,but excepting that portion of said roadway occupied by gutters,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness,here- b,y rejects all of said bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for said work to Hutchinson Company, it being the lowest responsible bidder therefor,at the prices specified in its bid therefor on file to wit: For Filling 55 cents per Cubic Yard For Macadamizing 7 3/4 cents per Square Foot For Gutters,hroken rock 12 cents per Square Foot For Curbing,with concrete- - - - 38 1/2 cents per Linear Foot For Gutter Bridges 3.20 Each For Culverts 2.2O per Linear Foot The City Clerk is hereby directed to post Notice of this award conspicuously for five days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said notice for two daks in the Alameda Daily Argus,newspaper. Er.Crosby arrived during the reading of the resolution and was noted present. 1",:r.Walker seconded the 7esolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Talker,Krumb,Kannond,Crosby,Ells,i'robst and Bullock, (8). Noes: None, Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1) The Clerk presented affidavits showing due publication and posting of Notices of Street ork inviting Proposals therefor for the improvement of Madison Street under Fes- elution of intention No.744,and reported that two bids had been received. Tr.ilannond moved that the same be received and opened,seconded by Mr.1.:rumb and crried and there- upon the sane were opened and read as follows: From Hutchinson Conpany,acconpanied by P bond in the sun of Five Hundred Dollars, For Excavating For Filling For LIacadanizing- 12 cents per Cubic Yard. 12 cents per Cubic Yard - 5-1 cents per Square Foot For Curiing,wit h concrete- - For (x utter Bridges- - - - For Culverts,east iron- - From E.ana A.Schumacher,accompanied by a For Excavating- For Tr.acadanizint„ For Gutters - - - - For Straight Curbing- For Curved Curbing For Gutter Bridges For Culverts- - - - - - 39 cents per Linear Foot 3.20 Each - 2.20 per Linear Foot certified check in the sum of 400.00 10 cents per Cubic Yard 7 cents per Square Foot 11 cents per Square Foot - 35 cents per Linear Foot 35 cents per Curve 4.00 Each 2.50 per Linear Foot The City Engineer reported that the hid of Hutchinson Company was the lowest and there- upon 7,:11-.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: 7.ESOIVE1),That the Council of the City of Alameda,having in open session on the 1Sth day of January,1910,opened,examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and bide for the following street York in said city,to wit: That 1:adison Street between the east ern line of :7,ound Street and the eastern line of Peach Street,excepting that portion of Yadison Street lying between the western line of Court Street and the eastern line of High Street, he improved as follows That the entire width of said portion of solid street between said limits be graded to the ade;that concrete cu-rb*ng,eight inches by ffourteen in ches in cross section dimension,be constructed on the curl-) line of said portion of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings of said portion of said street ;that cement grouted rock gutters, three feet in width and of the flat pattern be constructed along the roadway of said portion of said street contiguous to said curhinE; and to said curved corners; that two gutter bridges each five feet width and of pine lumber be constructed in each of, the four corners of the crossings of said portion of said street ;that two cast iron culverts imbedded in concrete be constructed at each of the crossings of Post Street and Peach Street with said i:ladison Street,acrose said :Tadison Street,one on the eastern and ore on the western side of each of said crossings;that the roadway of said portion of said street and including said crossings but excepting that portion of said roadway oc- cupied by gutters be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock, eight inches in thick- ness,hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for said wok to Hutchinson Company, it being the lowest responsible bidder therefor, at the prices specified in its bid therefor on file to wit For Excavating- - " Filling - - - " Macadamizing- - - - Gutters,Broken Eock - Curbing, with concrete Gutter Bridges- - - Culverts,east iron- If TV IT - 12 - - 12 - - - 11 - 39 - -3.20 Each cents IT VI per Cubic Yard VT TT IT -e Foot Foot Linear Foot per Linear Foot The City Clerk is hereby directed to post Notice of this Award conspicuously for five days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said notice for two days e Alameda Daily Argue,newspaper. .Yalker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,v/alker,7rumb,Hanrond,Crosby,=s,Probst and Bullock, (6). Hoes: None. Absent:Councilmen F. _ r,(1). The Street Superintendent presented a report certifying that the work of grading, curbing,macadanizing and otherwise improving Encinal Avenue from the eastern line of Street to the eastern line of Sherman Street,done by Powell Brothers under pri- vate contract had been faithfully finished and completed under his direction and to his satisfaction and in accordance with the plans and specifications and contract there- Gtf-r. 4-11,G for. DIr.Krumb moved that the same beAf ed,seconded by Mr.v;alker and carried. A petition was received from Powell Bros Construction Co.,requesting permission to Psrade,curb,macadamize and otherwise improve clement Avenue rrom the westerly line Broadway to the easterly line of Park Street,under private contract. Accompanying the petition was a copy of contract with the various property owners. Er.Hammond moved that the same he referred to the Street Committee,seconded by Yx.Krumb and carried. Iiir.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved: That no purchases of supplies or property for the use of the City of Alameda or any of its departments or commissions shall be authorized or approved by the Council unless the person making such purchase or incurring any indebtedness therefor shall have the power by ordinance or the Charter of said City to make such purchase or incur such indebtedness,or shall have been duly authorized in accordance with law so to do. r.Bullock seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Walke ,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells Probst and Bullock, (8). Noes: Tone. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1) I:r.Krum'a offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved: That it is the sense of the Council of the City of Alameda that no per- son other than citizens of the United States be employed in any of the various depart- ments of the City of Alameda and that a copy of this resolution be furnished to heads of all departments. Tdr.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. AYes: Councilmen Ch i tensen,Walker,Krumb,liammond,erosby,Ells,Probst and Bullock, (u). Noes: None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1) A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Calling and Providing for a Spec- ial Election to be held in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of California,on the 19th day of February,1910,to submit to the ,'Llalified Voters of said City certain Propositions for Incurring a Bonded Indebtedness in the Sums and for the Purposes spec- ified as follows",introduced January 4th 1910,by Councilman Bullock came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. During the reading of the Ordinance Councilman talker was excused from further attendance at the meeting. Hr.Probst moved that the Ordinance be adopted,seconded by :;_r.Hammond and it was Passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes:Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby, Ells,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Fisher, (2) Er.Bullock moved that in compliance with the said ordinance just passed that the Clerk be authorized to prepare and send out sample ballots and to hire all necessary help to perform the said work,seconded by Idr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,hammond, Crosby,Ells, Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes None. Absent :Councilmen Walker and Fisher, (2). A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Granting to the Southern Pacific Company,a Railroad Corporation,and to its Successors and Assigns,the Right,Privilege and Franchise for the Period ending on the 26th day of July,1949,to Construct,Laintain and Operate a single or double-track Railroad,of Standard Gauge,together with all Nec- essary Switches,Crossings,Sidings, 'de-tracks,Connections,Poles,Wire and other Necess- ary Appliances,Appendages and Adjuncts,said Railroad to be operated by Electricity or such Other Improved ljethod of Operation as may he Authorized by Law,except Steen Locomo- tives,Over,Across,Along and Upon certainStreets,Avenues and Private Ways in t he City of Alameda,County'of Alameda, tate of California",introduced January 4th 1910 by Councilman Hammond came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. IJr.Probst moved its adoption, seconded by lir.Krumb and passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes: -7 cmilu U b' :Xi One Absent:Councilmen walker and Fisher. .Krumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing the Grade of a Part of Taylor Avenue between Page Street and Eighth Street",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. :::r..Krumb reported that Mr .M ann the owner of the property on the north side of Lincoln Avenue between Oak and Walnut Streets would lay a cement sidewalk in front of the said Property. I:r.Bullock reported in the matter of the request of the Department of Electri- city for 4500.00 to be able to comply with requests to install street arc lights in various parts of the City,that there was no funds for such purpose and moved that the Clerk be directed to notify the said Department to that effect. So ordered. Er.Krumb reported in the matter of the installation of a 1500 gallon fuel oil tank for the Elks Club Building,that they did not at present intend to install such a tank. :1r.Xrumb moved that the request of the Police and Fire Commission for an addition- al fireman to be stationed at the Court Street Fire house be denied as there was no funds pay for same,seconaed by ::Ir.Eammond and carried. :r.Kutchel addressed the Council,complaining of the whistle at the Municipal Elec- tric Tight Plant which gave an alarm when a fire was rung in. Er.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Fire,Water and Police Committee with power,seconded by Hr. 1Krunb and carried. There being 'no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next Degular meeting,Tuesday,February 1st 1910,at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk. 7""