1910-02-01 Regular CC MinutesALL=A,FETJ'RUAR'Y 1st 1910. The meeting convened with Favor y,presidinc. The Roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Yruh,Ells,Fisher,Prohst and Bu1 lock,(7) present and CouncilIlen jammond and Crosy,(2) absent. The Einutes of the neetinc of ;Tanuary let} 1010,were read and ordered approved. Clairs against the General Fund snountinc to '979.60;acainst the olice Fund anount- .inc . o5 ogainat the Street Fund amounting to 125.44;acainst the Library Fund smol:IntIng to :1.326.43:as-ainst the 7lectric Licht Fund nountine to and a:::sinst the Par-ft and Playground Fund amountinp: to 880.15 having heen arproved and audited h the rrerer officials were rend hy the Clerk as follows: GEN=AL FU JD. Alameda Daily ArP:us Printing 4.00 Advertisin 446.35 Printing 4.75 7echtle,Otto Bell 3.50 Bender-oss Co Law Books 10.00 California OIT Fc Burner Co Oil for Beater 22.50 7ordes,T.:7. Election Expense 36.00 Crescent Supply House :h'APflies T1 Ti Ti h lce,Olaf Hunt,F.C. Iwata,, .T. Fest Disinfecting Co. relson,.7.- Cain and as Licht S Heat Peorl q Bazaar Co 7erata, Peterson,C.h. Fecorder Printing Pub.7o.,The Schneider,enry Stocker 5 holland Abstract Co. Sunset junior Co. Conrad, John Bruns,j.h. Goldstone, John Sutton, Canes E. Traube,H. 7nited Tncineering Iiorks Aetna Insurance Co Aricultural Insurance Co. Alameda Daily Arcns Repairs City Hall Election Exrense Interpreter's Fee Lieu City hall Cleaning Steno 744-7 Gas Supplies Eemovin Election Expense Subscrirtion Election 1-17.-rense Election Exrense ;:fulprlies Citlr Clerk Ti Treasurer TT all Exsminstion of Street Tirles Lumber Total FUT') incidental .77,xpenses STREET PUFF Supplies Fuel Oil Labor Os irs Total PUTS) 7,7reMiRM ,::uhscription Sc . Amount forward- r7,- o.00 21.75 33.00 5.00 17.50 4.50 10.30 1.65 1.00 06.00 t.7 5.00 50 .00 C.95 3.50 100.00 140.55 979.60 2e.05 5.74 70.50 3.00 75.20 125.A7 13.00 - 1.75 J0.00 alaneua _auhtle Llirary Pett Expense 50.31 Eastern Claims 20 .41 _Atlas Assurance Co. Prenium 16.70 CunninOlan,Curtis B I,Ielc7ci Books 151.70 Fieldin. Daily 2Tewsarers C.CC Firemen's Fund Insurance Co Premium 16.70 Hartford. Fire Insurance Co. „ 16.70 London Assurance Co. YT 15.00 D,chen,P.J. Books 180.82 Lianchester Atlas Is Co, 2remium 13.00 ljaz2jni,I. Pluming Be 17.65 ::oran,Henr ... " . Books 12.00 Horthern Assurance Co.,Ttd Prenluil 16.70 Pacific 0oast Book Lovers L.Brary Books 250.00 Po .1,--)les Water do. Hater .20 .Lueen insurance 7;3. Premium 16,70 T:hodes-jamieson (S: Zlo. Fuel 45.00 Can Francisco Hews Co. Periodicals 316.50 3chnoider,Henry .-Aationer7:: Le 16.40 C;loane,71.& J. Cupplies 21.70 Bent 25.00 7neeTer Puhlishinr 00 Books Alaneda Argus TT Associated Oil Co. TT 'T •y, T1 TT '4 TT TT TY TT yr Board of -.11ectrici, 7-?7-117';Yr2 1-1-177 1r171-1 Printing Advert-Isin Fuel Oil ft Breiht charges Fnel Oil Incidental Expenses 73111.ner C. Thrtin ass Otto 7ahr Horse -shoeing Cali.forrArt 71 's .3-1-cop17: Co Crane Co e r 6uppi ins If 00.00 1326.7177 6.25 Qrs • 21.05 7.41 `.."" • r-7,P Crocer 7'o.77.2. TT .1:':; :cane PAean Bump C, llorairs 1.80 1-x- Ien Belting Co 71-t-Tlia2 2.05 Fischer 7711r11,.,"', Kfte.(7o.,7,.F. :iaterial ,'. :Lair-or 37.,:,e ,4 LT St TT 1::epairs (2- ',also 9.55 Gamewell Fire Alarm Tel 7o. "Pox 7e-,7s 9.60 •',,,11,- '-1,-,"1-4,-- :-1, c)17, or Q.ar.Lool,_ :c,,„-1.1.0- ,0 El..y.lieE3 -..„.) Corlian 7-11 neri--:, Co. 7o1airs r,r, 1..) . t Ha7.1.o.nitlf* Feilogu Tmgrose TB 'Alteria7 B Thor XrreSSai n ::n1 n Eloctridal Co. TI If Cup'l IT Co it Ohmen V:orks Pacific -'oast Lunber & 111 Co Pacific States Electric Co. it 11 If 11 if It 11 II Paynes Bolt 7orks Peoples Water Co Rhodes-Janieson t Co. Rickorson,A1 Roehlings Sons Co.,J.A. Ti if If Bucker-Puller Desk Co. Schnoider,Henry If Ti Von Ah,Th Vosburnh,J.B. 1,7 „,oinghouse L. L.Co. nite Cross Drug Co. Whittior-Coburn Co. Young Supply Co.,R.S. Burgner t Eartin Charman,E.U. Eachett,7rank H. Kellogg Express Co Kilian Elect .Co. Pacific Coast Lunl)er t Mill Co Park & Playground Commission Peoples Pater Co.- 71ummer & Son,Geo B. Rosmarin,Geo- Rucker-Fuller Des:7 Co Schneider,H. Sloane,.t J. Suprlies Hose-foein Feed Supplies TI Repairs iumber Electric Supplies If if Lamp s Supplies 71 II Water Feed Sundries Supplies Copper Dire &c Office Furniture Stationer7 Lc If Horse Hire Supplies Electrical apparatus Irons Drugs Supplies Engine Oil Repairs Total PARK ASP PIAYGROU7D FUSD Hardware Assisting City Engr Plumbing Expressage Electric Fixtures Mill 7ork Petty Expenses Dater Lill V:orlr reel ffice Furniture Stationery Rug '1? Amount forwrC- - 2.5 5.0D 7.25 .16 5.00 45.60 30.35 35.01 118.24 37.70 8.28 11.29 1.00 20.65 5.50 42.75 242.60 114.25 4.00 11.70 4.00 14.60 24.00 201.20 16.14 179.27 351.01 172.00 27.15 .30 20.65 13.26 1.50 4197.25 1.20 2.00 5.50 3.25 7.65 56.20 93.00 4.62 16.05 444.10 132.05 2.75 55.00 805. a.ternonse Price uonpany Tileing - 76.80 Total 880.15 ::r.2?-allock moved that the claims as read be paid,seconded hy Lr.c hristensen and car- ried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilren Christensenfalker,_7runb,Ells,Fisher,7robst, and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Hammond and Crosby, (2). A report was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant for the month of Lee- emhe 0 qq. Praered fl le (,1 v t-74--,4i /90 An affidavit showing due publication of Ordinance 7o.558 calling a special mnnici- ral bond election,was presented. Ordered filed. Ijr.:'7rumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: P.7:SOT1i7,77),That it be the sense of the Council that the route of the proposed South Side Sewer he so arranged as to obtain an outlet into the present North Side Sewer. 1:x.:Probst seconded the resolution an it was gassed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Ualher,:Zrunb,F11 ,Fisher,Prohst and Bnlloch,(7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Hammond and Crosby, (2). A communication was received from 'C-ynn L.:eridith,Electric Light Commissioner re- questing a leave of aheense for sixty days. Yir.Probst moved that it he granted, second- ed. by .7P,ulloc':: and carried. The following firms presented bonds in compliance with the awards of contract for fire hose as allowed at the meeting of January 18,110. he Thtta 'l'erchn RulYeer Co.; Dowers Fuh or 7orks;7,ureka Fire Hose ::ianufacturin Companyend the Phoenix -lubl)er Co. 1,:r.T:rumh moved that the be filed and the Clerk he authorized to order the hose, seconded 1'7 :,Jr.7alker and carried. An affidavit was presented showir- due rublication of Notice to publishers of revs- raTers renueetirw bids for doing the City's annual pu'lic advertising. Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in reply to said advertisment he had received two bids. I oak moved that the same be received and opened,seconded 1y r.Hlls and carried and there- upon the Clerk o]ened aid read the Bids as follows: Argus Publibhing Company: For the first insertion of an advertiserent,per square of 240 ems,nonpareil meas- urnent, -five (5) cents. For each subsequent insertion,er square (5) three cents. The Times-Star For the first insertion of an advertisement 15 cents per square of Two hundred. and Forty (240) ens,nonpareil measnrement. For each of the subsequent insertions of an. adventisement,5 cents per square of Two hundred. and Forty (240) ens,nonrareil measurement. Accompanying both bias were honds in the sums of :500.00. ::r.Fisher moved that the hid of the Argus Fuhlishing Company being the lowest that it he awarded the contract,seconded bi i:r.?rohst and carried by the following vote. A7:es: Councilmen Christensen,alker,runl,Flls,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Ahsent:Councilmen Hammond and rosb,(2). An affidavit was presented showing; due puhlication of Notice to Printers requesting bids for doing all of the City' r Printing as shown on schedule for the Year 1910-1911. ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in reply to said advertisment he had received two bids. ':r.Probst moved that the bids he received and opened,seconded by I:r.alker and carried,and thereupon the clerk opened bids from the Argus PublishinE Company and from The 7ve TimesItar. :r.'::alker moved that the 1-Ads be referred to the Printing Com- mittee,seconded hy ::r.Fisher and carried. An application was received, from Chas..9eane for a gratuitous license to peddle T)roons V41,.V 1 S...1-.1 , Applications were received from ".E.Callhan and Albert 7:ellnitz to peddle notions. r .Ells moved that they le granted, seconded ly ':r .Probst and carried. A report was received from the Public Utilities Committee and the Street Committee regarding the improvement of the street car service as maintained by the Oakland Tract- ion Company. Accompany the report was a communication from the said Oakland Traction Compnr7 agreeing to make certain improvements. 1:r.Prolst moved that the report he filed,seconded by L_r.Krumh and carried. commenication was received from Councilmen Bullock to which was a communication from the Oakland Traction Company in which it agreed to issue transfers east and west on Santa Clara Avenue both at Park Street and at ITinth Street. Ordered filed. :r.73.ulleck moved that the Cloy be directed to address a communication, to the said Traction Conran:, acceptinE: the proposed imrrovements,seconded by ::r.alker and car- ried. A communication Was received from the City engineer r 'r,d the Street Superintendent requesting that there he a reliable block hook made for use in their office,the cost not to exceed ':)2.50.00. :::r.Christensen moved that the ratter be referred to the Fi- nance Committee,seconded ly :.r.7runb and carried. A communication was received from the Park .F Playground Commission requesting that it be granted authority to expend the sum of 4:430.00 in fitting up the 7:orans Lodge in Lincoln Park and also authority to employ a woman to take charge of the said loke. Or- dered filed,and thereupon a communication was presented by Councilman bullock stating that the cost of the above improvement had been provided for in the budget and recommend- ed that consent be granted,but as regards the emyloyment of a matron for the loge be laid over for the present. I:r.Christensen moved that the recommendations be adopted, Seconded by : .Fisher and carried. A communication was received from the Police Fire Commission requentins, that in the future all matters pertaining to the police or Fire Departments he referred first to the Commission. ::r.Krumb moved that the conliunication be received and placed on file,seconded by :T.Yalher and carried. A report was received from the Street Superinterdent,certif—inr; that the work of r4rading,curl)ing,macadanizing Gould Court also the work of constructing a sewer in said street had been finished and completed by Hutchinson Company,tnder private contract,to his satisfaction and under his direction. :Ir.',Trumb moved that the rerort he accepted and filed,seconded by Y.r.Walker and carried. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of ITotice of Filing of Commis- sioners appointed to open and establish a certain street leading off of 7,ebster Street near its norther: end as provided for under 2esolution of Intention "T0.731. Ordered filed. Pill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance 70. Establishing the Grade of a Part of Taylor Avenue between Page Street and :ighth Street",introduced January 16th 1910, by Councilman :runb,cane ur for passage and was read by the Clerk. :;:r.Krumb moved its adoptioneseconded by :A-.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Conn- Noes:1Tone. oilmen Christensen,alker,7rumb,711 ,7isher,Pro'est and 7'u_lloc,(7). Alisent:Councilmen Hammond and Crosby. (2). TTr.7alker,as Chairman of the Committee on Fire,Yater aid 'lice Committee report- ed that the petition of Gresen2 and Werner to re-construct a glass house at their flo- rist store or Park Street,had been granted. :r.i4.umb moved that the petition of Powell 'Pros to improve Clement Avenue from ue weuterJ4) line 01 s,.ruaawa. uu uHe easLera.y tic ()I suree-u as presentea at Tne meeting of January 10th 1910,be granted., seconded. 1)7 Lr.Christensen and carried. Councilman Hammond arrived and was noted present. 1,]r.hammond reported that the matter of the petitioned for removal of the Electric Tiht rlart from its rresent location to the foot of Grand Street was being held in ahe.v- ance until Commissioner :erediith of the Electric Light Commission returned. :,ir.Krumb moved that the City Engineer and City Attorney be directed to prepare and submit a Fesolution of Intention to improve the northerly end of High Street, seconded by :.:_r.V:alker and carried. :.1..Eammond moved that the matter of the claim of the Dow Steam Pumping Company to the northerly end of Oak Street be again taken up by the Street Committee and the City Attorney, seconded by Er.Kriunl. and carried. Er .Erum'n broult up the matter of the improvement of Harrison Avenue between the Fruitvale Avenue and the 'Pare: Street Prid.es and moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee,seconded by ::r.7:alker and carried. ir.Probst brought up the matter of a complaint which had been made to him regard- ing the refusal of the Oakland Ccae Iiht i Heat o. ,to install a main in Santa lara Ave- nue west of Fourth Street and moved that the matter be referred to the 'Public Utilities Conmitteegand the City Attorney,seconded by and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,Fehruary 15th 1010, t City Clerk.