1910-03-01 Regular CC MinutesATAIJRDA,TU7DA.Y,EARCII 1st 1910. The meotini convened V!ltrL ouncil Iresiaent presidinp:. The 7.o11 was called and Councilmen Chris1 ensen,71alker,Krumb,Eammond,:lls and Bul- loclf,(6),were noted present and Councilmen Crosby,Fisher and Probol,(3),asent. The minutes of the neetin of February 15th 1910 were read Hr .Erumb moved X that they be corrected by adding thereto the following:- "There being no obj ections filed to the report of Commissioners,under Resolution of Intention i7,o.731,r.2;:rumb mov- ed. that further action in such matter be posroned until the mectinn of D,arch 1st 1(:!10, seconded by liir.Christensen and carried", and that as so corrected they be approved,second- ed by Hr .Ohristensen c,nd carried. Er.hullock offered the following resolution: 71hereas,the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (2500.) was transferred from the General Fund to the Street Fund on the 16th day of Uovenber 1909,tennorarily,to meet demands upon said fund accruing 'oefore the apportionment of tames thereto, Resolved: That the sum of Two Thousand Five hundred Dollars (250C.) he and the sire is herel'y transferred from the Street Fund to the General Fund to ,adjust such pre- vious transfer and th:e Auditor and Treasurer are directed to effect this trarsfer uror their respective boos, idr.Christensen moved itsadortion,seconded by 1:r.Hannond and carriod 707 the -Follow- ing vote. Ayes:Courcilner Chr1stensen,V;a11:er,Yrunb,Lammond,Ells and Goes:1-Tone Absent:Oouncilner Cros-Ly,Fisher and rrobs (3) Claims against the General Fund amounting to 840.10;against the Police Fund amounting to 18.85;against the Street Fund amounting to %:283.94;against the Electric Light Fund al:.ountirg to •0440.131 and against the Library Fund amourtirw to :628.67 been approved and audited b the proper officials were read hy the Clerk as follows: GEllEFAL 211111). Abt,CLas Election Officer Ader,L,ll, Services in Assessor's office Election Officer Arada, S. ,assg of J.1:..7.3yrne Election Expense Alameda Daily Argus Boo:172 for Auditor Arada,Robert ?? rt rT :7 Tianta,John H. -Earateau,A.A. 'Pattles,'Ciard 'lehrens,Vin. Loec-Je,F. Porle,C.A. Dradford,j..1?. Bradley,O.A. Erockwoldt,August California Oil (F.; Burner Co. TT Clark,H.D. Supplies for Auditor Hinting Election Officer 5111-iscrirtion Election Officer IT TT TI TT Oil for Heater Oil for Heater Election Officer 4.00 42.50 4.00 146.00 144.00 S.00 35.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 32.50 5.00 19.50 4.00 c;onen,ur. Cordes,L.J. Cottrell,E.J. Dahl & Co.,T. Davis, H Decker,17... Decker, Decker. 0.T. "T TT TT IT 7f ,assg A.F.Lcidenanan IT W.h.McLenanan E.:, Thompson Delins Dexter, 73.D. Donovan, Peter Dunleavy,L. TRInning,E.2'3. Ellis, 2.1. Fisclier Ii iHiri & Edwe.Co.,C.F. Fleming, George Fronn, Ang J . Thos H. Giersch, Otto • Goafrey, Dennis TI IT TI 1 assg J.ConcannoTi Crra:'son,Owens Co Hardin,J.7. Loec:.,Jacol, Kaufran,:..A. :ellogg,7.u. Kober,E.A. Larkin, John arshal1,7.F. Otis,,Eawin H. Perata,A. Yerrine,T. Ieterson,J.h. Powell, Clias Rogers,:.J. Rue,E.D. " Rent Polling Place Election Officer It Rent of Tent for polling place Election officer TI TT If IT IT If Election Expense Election Officer /I IT Rent Foiling Place Election Officer Election Officer :Ant Polling Place Re pairs Election Officer TI TI TT If Lent Polling Place Election Officer . Rent lolling Place Election Officer Rent Polling Place Election Officer TI 17 TT If IT If TI IT 11 IT TT TI IT Removing Garl)age Election Officer Services in Assessoy's office :lection Officer IT 17 1/ TT 17 6.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.0C 4.00 4.0C 4.00 12.50 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 4.00 42.50 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 I, L LL U LV.L. '. ‘,/ Vor Schne ider s .E. Sealy, Fred Shaw , . E . Sommer, Therese St ei nme t z , TB .F. St romb e r , JF ut her la n , r aub e , P. Underwood Typewriter Co f ord,H.E. rs on , 1, -1. Wong,Chas 5. Rent Eollirv.: Place Election Officer Rent Polling Place TT TI IT Election Officer IT r IT If Suplies Election Officer Lerchndise POLICE FLTUD Conrad, John Incidentals STREET FUTJD Alameda Daily Arus Printing Barber Asphalt Paving Co. Repairs Dechtle,Otto Supplies Hutchinson Co Street Work Ilunmer P Son,Geo E. Lumber Scott P Farley Rock United Engineering 1:orLs Repairs estern heavP hdwe P Iron Co Su-f,plies If Total Total 'r( 6.00 4.00 6.00 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.75 4.00 4.00 5.85 840.10 18.85 74.75 115.06 1.50 12.00 24.10 30.00 L5.58 2. 05 283.04 BLF;CTRIC LIGHT FUhD. Alameda Daily Aryns Printing 28.00 Associated Oil Co Fuel Oil 515.09 FT II II 320.86 IT IT I/ ¶1 512.65 f $1 511.86 II 11 TI 1 311.55 TI TI 315.85 Issociated Supply Co 320.17 Board of Electricity Incidentals 8.75 Crane Co. Boiler 50.02 Deane Stean fluar Co Repairs 1.e0 Dunhan-jarrigan P ha.-yden Co Supplies 5.10 Ernst,Vin Sutplies 3.25 FiscLer ilunLing L E Lase Cv.e Co. .2G 'T TI rf Supplies 10.46 TI General Electrical Co TT 5.00 Gorham Rubl)er Co T 2.30 Gutta Bercha RuVer P II-4.g Co. II 25.50 Zellogg Exrress Co Drayage 5.75 Zoerer,A.F.W. Feed 27.55 L:arshall 7ewe1l ;:11-i-p17, co Supplies 4.84 If Il TI TI 6.03 IT 11 TI II 5.10 ,acliic states niectric Co. TT Ty Ii U IT- Pacific Tel & Tel Co. TT Ti Electric Supplies 58.90 5.00 ” 6.75 VT II 25.00 6.09 .60 Telerhone Service 13.75 Parres Bolt Works Supplies 28.'72 Ex-prossace .25 ater 1.99 Laterials 72.35 Feed 30.05 Sundries 2.65 Surrlies 8.90 SulTlies 149.05 TT Tr 460.25 Standard Oil Co. Oil 13.69 Toye,A.C. Pairtin Varnis'hinL; 16.50 Tsc-hich,J. Lochsmith work. 1.50 Voshmrsh Co.,J.B. Surrlies 10.80 TT IT TT 1.35 Peorles Express Co PeorAes 'ater Co. Powell Eros Construction Ehodes-Jamieson E Co. Rickerson,Al. Risdon Iron E Loconotive Works Eoeblings Cons Co.,John A. Western Electric Co :Electrical Sul:Tlies 2.20 Viestinshonse B.. ;.Cu. 1 Sad Irons 61.20 TT 11 surlics 64.80 Western Leav Hdwe.E Iron Horsesoeing 3.70 Total '3440.51 LIBRARY FUND. Alameda Puhlic Library PettB Expense VT TV Eastern Clain Cunninsham,Curtiss Welch Books & Suvrlies Fie1dng, 3. T)ai177 Uesparers :Eoerber,A.H.11. Fuel Lachen,R.J. Books Oakland Tyrev7riter Co Overhauli n-; TTfewriter Peonies hater Co. hater Ellodes-jamieson E: Co. Fuel Strom,0arl E. Eepairs The Evenins Tines Star Print in Volherg:1.C. Pent 23.27 13.67 04.66 6.00 31.00 69.94 6.50 12.70 45.00 3.05 7.00 25.00 Total 328.67 .42x.em, 1:1r .Christensen moved that tIle claims as he paid, seconded by -.r.hammond and car- ried bp the follov:in vote. Bullock, (6). Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Ualker:1:rumb,hamnond,Ells and Noes:None. A',:sert:Cour:cilmn Cros.b:y,Fisher and Erobst,(3). A communication :as received from the Southern Pacific Co.,acknowledOnc receipt of communication recruestin the removal of the alarm bell maintained i the said compan at the corner of Sherman Street and 'Central Avenue. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Alameda Improvement Club, complaininp of a bill- board at the north-west corner of Buena Vista. Avenue and V:ebster Street. Er .Ells moved that the lor-: e directeC to address a communication to the -Varney 6 reen Advertisin Co.,requestin:-, then to move the same hach: from the proert,v line 80 as to lessen the (Inn- UU C71ristensen and carried. A communication was received from the Alameda Chaffher of Commerce invitini: or and Council to attend a Civic Convention to he held in the old 1,ethodist Church on Tursda:- eveninp: ::arch 3rd. li.liannord moved that it he accerted,seconded r :r.Krumb and carried. A communication vas received from Auditor F.J.Croll,requesting rermission to pur- chase a irotectogrerl at a cost of ,:,LO .Or for Use in his office. lx.Lammond moved that the same he referred to the Finance Committee with r,ower,seconded by -zer and rind by the following vote. and Bullock, (6) 1:!'oes:None. A:yes:Councilmen Christensen,,:a1:=,17rumh,Hannond,Ells Absent :Councilmen Crosb7,Fisher and Pro-bst, () A corunication was received from Geo H.:!lastick,Iii)rary Trustee,requestinc a leave of ace-nce for rinet:: days. Er.ammond moved that it he F;ranted,seconded 1-)7 and carried. A communication was received from the Board of E]ectricity in which it stated that that it was contemrlatinc,: takina out accident insurance for the employees of the i'dunici- ral electric Lin;ht Plant. :]r .Christensen moved that the matter he referred to the Fi- nance Committee,seconded 'fly tr.::rumh and carried. John ::ogers presented a petition for a gratuitous license to peddle fruit of his own raising. Cu motion of Fr .Hammond the safie was referred to the License Comi-ittee. A contract was received from the Evening Tines-Star for the annual city job print- ing for the year ending the 16th day of February, 1911. Ordered filed. Contracts were received from the Eureka Fire Hose Lanufacturing Company and the Gorham Pmbber Company for the hose recently purchased from the said companies. Ordered filed. A petition was received from F. Boehmer to make repairs at 1401 Park Street, also from A. Culures to make repairs at 1:.11 Park Street, both place being within the fire limits and under the provision of the Building Ordinance needing the consent of the Council. Ur. Christensen moved that the same Be referred to the Fire, V:ater and Police Committee and the Building Inspector with power, seconded by Er. Valker and carried. A petition was received from J. F. Turner to move a two-story frame Building from 1404 Eighth Street to the south side of Taylor Avenue, about 75 feet east of Eighth Street. Fritten consent to the moving accompanied the same. Mr. Hrumb moved that the request be granted, seconded by Er. Hsmmond and carried. Er. Crosby arrived and was noted present. Fr. Christensen moved that the Council now proceed to canvass tie votes cast at the special election held in said City, February 19th, 1910, at which was submitted the following propositions :- Proposition One. To incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Alameda to the amount of One Hundred Thousand (100,000) Dollars for the purpose of the erection and equipment of a new elementary public school building in place of the Haight School building. Bonds issued for such purpose shall bear interest at the rate of 4- per centum per annum, pay- able semi-annually. Proposition Two. To incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Alameda to the amount of Fifty Thousand (50,000) Dollars for the purpose of the completion and equip- ment of a new elementary school building about to Be erected at the south-east corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Eighth Street, and the completion and equipment of an addi- tion to the Wilson School Building. Bonds issued for such purpose shall bear interest at the rate of 4;, per centum per annum, payable semi-annually. Proposition Three. To incur a bonded indebtedness by the City of Alameda to the amount of Thirty Thousand (30,000) Dollars for the purpose of the construction and in- stallation of an intercepting sewer along the south shore. Bonds issued for such pur- pose shall bear interest at the rate of 4 per cent= per annum, payable semi-annually. The motion was seconded by Yr. Hammond and carried, V emeupoYl the Council proceed- ed to canvass the said returns and to estimate the vote of each precinct for and against each of said propositions, from which it arrears that Proposition No. 1 above mentioned, received total of 1443 affirmative votes and 342 negative votes; that Proposition No. 2 above mentioned, received a total of 1527 affirmative-votes and 245 negative votes; that Proposition No. 3 above mentioned, received a total of 1393 ffirmative votes and 371 negative votes, and that the total number of voters voting at, and ballots cast at said election were 1827; that no votes were cast thereat, which by reason of non-com- pliance with the Election laws were not counted. Yr. Bullock offered the following Resolution an moved its adoption: HT:SOLVED, that it be declared from the canvass of the votes cast at the special election held February 19th, 1910, that each of the three propositions submitted had re- ceived an affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of all the voters voting at said special election and that each of said three propositions be declared to have carried, and that the Clerk be directed to enter upon the minutes of the Council the following statement of the result of said canvass in accordance with the provisions of Section 1282 of the Political Code of the State of California. Proposition Proposition Proposition Totals No. Ole. No. Two. No. Three. . s . no . Yes No Yes . No 1 44 7 49 4 44 6 2 95 5 96 5 94 9 3 47 31 50 27 - 58 19 4 110 28 120 16 121 17 5 93 38 97 33 96 28 6 62 29 64 27 63 26 7 156 24 153 24 131 40 8 95 15 14 93 16 9 86 11 87 9 86 12 10 110 10 108 11 98 20 11 74 44 94 21 60, 37 12 99 29 115 15 108 21 13 91 4 83 6 79 11 14 95 33 107 19 85 43 15 87 17 99 6 74 24 16 99 17 110 8 83 34 Totals 1443 342 127 245 1393 371 ' 103 79, 139 136 93 183 110 101 122 121 130 95 131 109 122 1027 hr. Christensen seconded the Resolution and at was passed and adopted by the fol- lowing vote : Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and Billlock, (7). Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2). V Dir. Bullock then introduced a Bill entitled. "A Bill for Ordinance N Determining and Declaring that the Special Dunicipal Election held in the City of Alameda California, on the 19th day of February, 1910, pursuant to the Provisions of Ordinance No. 538 of said City, was duly and regularly called, held and conducted, that Notice Thereof was duly given, that the Returns thereof have been duly Canvassed and to Deter- mine and Declare and Result of said Election and Canvass; Providing for the Incurring of a Bonded Indebtedness by said City in the sum of One Hundred and Eighty Thousand (0100,000) Dollars in Lawful Money of the United States, Payable in Forty (40) year in Equal, Annual Installments, with Interest at Four and one-half (4 ) per cent per annum, Payable Semi-annually, to Provide for the Issuance of Bonds of said city, Evi- dencing said Indebtedness, and Providing for the Payment of said Indebtedness; and Fixing Dates of Execution, for Payment of Semi-annual Interest, Annual Installments of Principal, and. Relating to the Execution of Coupons of said Bonds," which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Hr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved: That hereafter before the permission of this Council shall be accorded for the performance of any street work by private contract, the contractor applying for such permission shall file with the Council a copy of his contract with the property owners affected by the work or improvement, which contract shall be so worded and conditioned that the price to be paid by the property owner shall be stated therein at a unit price per front foot for the work or improvement to be done in front of his property and a unit price per front foot for the work or improvement to be done on any crossing for which his property, or any part thereof is liable; and that said unit price per front foot shall include all the expense incidental or otherwise for which said property shall be liable under said contract; and that together with said eery of said contract there shall be filed with this Council a statement in writing signed by the property owners concerned in said work to the effect that said property owners have agreed to pay for the work covered by said contract the unit price per front foot agreed upon for the work in front of their property and the price per front foot for work done upon any crossing for which their property is liable and stating the amount of frontage liable in each case and that said unit price per front foot includes all the expense for which the said property owners are liable. The Resolution was seconded by Hr. Walker and passed and adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Erumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Absent: Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2). The Street Committee presented a report in the matter of the request of the Hutch- inson Company for the improvement of Pare Street recommending that they be granted per- mission to make the said improvement provided they put in a 12 inch drain from Taylor Avenue to the beach through said Page Street. Mr. Hernnond moved the report be adopt- ed., seconded by Hr. Crosby and carried. The Street Committee presented plans and specifications for an-artificial stone sidewalk along the west line of Eighth Street, adjoining Washington Park, and accompany- ing the same was a communication recommending that they be adopted and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids in compliance with the Same. Mr. Hammond moved that the said plans and specifications be adopted and the recommendations of the Street Com- mittee be adopted, seconded by Hr. Ells and carried by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen, Christensen, Walker, Hrumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock (7). Noes: None. Absent : Councilmen Fisher and robst,(2). A communication was received from the Street Superintendent recommending action concerning gutters and Flutter bridges, curbings, etc., be taken by the Council compell- ing contractors to first obtain permission from the Street Superintendent or the Coun- oil before being allowed to do said work. hr. Hammond moved that the matter be re- ferred to the City Attorney, seconded by Yr. Walker and carried. A petition was received from hrs. Harriet Louis and others to have the grade at the north end of Jay Street fixed at three feet instead of four feet,above city base. hr. Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee with power, seconded by iIr . Walker and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing Officiel Grade of the Southern Extremity of Cedar Street, introduced February 15th, 1910 by hr. Yrumb, came up for passage and was read. by the Clerk. hr. Krumb moved its adoption, second- ed by hr. Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Xrumb, Hemmond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent:Council- men Fisher and Probot,(2). hr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of illameda to order the following street work to be done in said city namely: That Cedar Street from a right line 520 feet right angular measurement southerlT from and parallel with the southern line of Clinton Ave- nue to the concrete bulkhead in the southern 'extremity of said street be improved as follows That the entire width of said street between said limits, from property line to property line, be graded to the official grade; that concrete curbing, eight inches by twelve inches in cross section dimension, combined with concrete gutters, three feet wide by six inches thick, be constructed along both edges of the roadway of said street between said limits; and that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street, be- tween said limits, be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock six inches in thick- ness. The Alemeda Daily Argus is Lereb , designated as the daily newsparer published and circulated in this City in which this Resolution, and the Street Superintendent's Notice of the passage thereof, shall be published. The Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Resolntion by two sncceceive insertions in said newspaper, and post the same for two d ys conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council. Idr, Hammond seconded -the Resolution ildL it was passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes : Councilmen, Christensen, Wa-eker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock, (7). Noes: None. Absent: Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2). A peition was received from J. G. Spence and others requesting that cement curbings and gutters be placed the whole length of Cedar Street and a protest was received from Edward A. Allen and others objecting to any such improvement. hr. 1:rumb moved, that they be filed, seconded by hr. Hammond and carried. hr. Krumb introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption: WHEREAS: In the matter of the proceedings to open a street under Resolu- tion of Intention No. 731, no objections have been presented or received to the report and plat of the Commissioners heretofor filed, and said. report and plat now coming on for consideration; R}k.OLVED: That said report and plat and the assessment therein contained le a the same are hereby confirmed and approved. 1,x. Hammond seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Councilmen Shrieteeeen, Walker, Erunb, Harriond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock, (7). Noes: -Aone. Absent : Councilmen Fisher and Probst , (2). A Map entitled "hap of Bay Park Tract, Airuceda, Property of South Shore Land Company was presented and thereupon Mr. Walker offered the following Yle elution and moved its adoption. Resolved by the Council of the City of Alameda that the street and avenue designated as Burbank Street and Portola Avenue as shown upon that certain nap entitled "Map of Bay Park Tract, Alameda, Property of South Shore Land Company" which nap was presented to the Council on the 1st day of March, 1910 are hereby accepted on behalf of the public and the City Clerk of the City of Alameda is hereby authorized and directed to endorse upon said map the fact of such acceptance. Er. Crosby seconded the Resolution and it wae adopted by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krunb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Abeent: Councilmen Firher and Probst, (2). A communication WaS received from the City Attorney, to which attached was a report from the Stocker & Holland Abstract Company,in which he stated that after careful examina- tion he was unable to find any authority to the effect that any streets or avenues are open and dedicated. in the property commonly called the Cohen Property, east of Versailles Avenue and north of Central Avenue, other than the streets and avenues now in use as such. On motion of Br. Hammond the same was ordered filed. The Street Superintendent presented a report that the work of grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise improving Santa Clara Avenue, fron Third to Fourth Street and Taylor Avenue, fron Third. to Fourth Street had been done by Hutchinson Company under pri- vate contract, under his direction and to his satisfaction. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission recommending that a Pope-Hartford automobile be purchased for a police patrol and ambulance at a cost of 4000.00. Ordered filed. And thereupon Br. Walker offered the following:: Resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved, That the recommendations of the Police and Fire Commission to purchase the Pope-Hartford Automobile for a Police Patrol and Ambulance, be adopted, and that the natter of a contract for the said purchase be referred to the Finance Committee in conjunc- tion with the City Attorney. Mr. Hammond seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and :aseed by the following vote. Ayes:Coencilnen Christensen, Walker, 1:rumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells and Bullock, (7) Noes :None. Abeent:Councilmen Fisher and Probst, (2). Mr. Yialker moved that the certified checks accompanying unsuccessful bids be return- ed to said bidders, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. A report was received from the City AtIorney regarding the complalnt by the Alameda Imrrove:eent Club of excess charges by the Telegraph Company and the hells Forgo A Con 7,xprees in which he stated that in his opinion the said companies were within their rights in ma]cin the chares comrlained of. :r. Hammond moved that the report be filed and that the Clerk he directed to send the Alameda ILTroveYent Club a cow; of the latter part of the report secorded .r.dBristensee end carried. A comrmnication was received from 'che ,tmeet ;,11rerintendent recommending that certain streets Aen satisfactoril7 ininroved that they he accepted. :ri:runh moved that it be filed, so ordered end thereupon he introduced entitled' A Dill for Ordinance Uo Accepting Certain 3treets and Avenues",which was laid over under the 7rovisions of the Charter. Br .Balker introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Ho. Amend Section Ta of Ordinance Tio.4H Relating to the Closing of Fool,illiard and Card Rooms. whic7f, :: .dalkor 1)rouht up the natter of necessary reairs to the steam fire enF:;ine and moved that tTle natter he referred to the Fire, hater and Police Committee and the Finance committee with power to act,seconded by :11.•.Er1Lmb and carried the following vote. Ayes: Ocrucilnen Christenser,alker,hammond,Croshy,Elle and hoes :Pone Knsent:Courcilnen 'Fisher and Prollst,( ) . :r .Walker brought up the natter of laundries in certain districts and moved that the natter he referred to the City A-ttorney and the Board of health, seconded by .1.r.Yrumh and carried. Lir.Krunb reported that Be had paid a visit to the incineralor plant at an Jose and that while it was not working at the time he was very favoraly impressed with it and would advocate its nse. A aommun ation was received from the ::layor in 1,,Jlich Be appointed,sulject to the ap- roval of the Council,Dr.William Tappan an to serve as a member of the Board of Education for the unexpired tern of Joseph H::;illiarseceased. Mr.Crochy is a few words of eulo- y roved that the app intment 're confirmed by the Council,seconded by Lir.hammond and car- ried b,y the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,aner,YrunID,Hannond,Crosy, Ells,and Bullock:, (7). hoes:Zone. Absent :Councilmen Fisher and robst, (2). Mere 7einc.; no further 'Insiness to transact the Council ad:';ourned u-ntil the next regular noettng,Tnesday-,:iarch 15th 1510, at (.,1(4 Cierk ://