1910-04-05 Regular CC Minutes:FT= T7:FTI7G OF "2= C1',UU0ii, OF TEE CITY OF AIA:710A, TU7S7)A,2.7RIT, 5th 1910, The meeting convened with IJayor '1.71-i.Uoy presiding. The roll was called and Councilmen Yalker,7rumb,Crosby,Fals,Probst and Bullock were n,fited present and Councilmen Christensen, :lamond and. Fisher ahsont. The minutes the meeting of Ihrch 15th 1010, 'ero read and ordered aprroved. 7:r. Fisher arrived durins the readin of the minutes and was not present. Claims a:,ainst the General Fund amounting to ':;645.30;against the Do lice Fund arount- in to 22.65;ag:ainst the Street Fund anownting to X7)95,12;w.::‘ainst the ":aectric Liht Puna amounting to h5852.71;aainst the Pitrary Fund anountin to :461.76;against the Parh and Playground Fund anounting to :240 .69 and Ewainst the Thlice :ension Fund amounting to 270.00 havin eo approved and audited 'oy the ..(roper officials were read the Cler as follol7s:- GETZERAL =D. ervices in Assessor's office Advertisinp; Ader,- . 2 68.50 Alameda Daily Arus 3.50 .45 .35 .56 Alameda Inprovenent Cluh, Dent of T'ollinz yluce 6.00 Bannister, Alfred Assisting City idruineer 47.50 TI 30.50 et If VT I I p,-vne m ''' Rent Polling Tlace 6.00 Dcrer,7.E. Protectoraph 30 -CC Boegle,F. Tranccript for :arch 3,00 California Oil ,c: Burner Co Oil for heater 27.60 U TV TV 20.00 lapxnar , Edwin Assisting City I:']ngineer 6.00 Evonirvj 7ineE-tar,7-L0 Yminting TV : T TV TT TV TV Pt * 2.25 21.00 19.00 Fischer Plur:h.,' hdwe Co.,.F. ::aterial ,C, Inlior 1.50 Ledge t,."7. L;m-dust 1.25 L ubbock, Oswald Incidentals Lc .75 1.:azzini,2. Dent of 2i'ollin Flace 6.00 :0,7 71.11. Account of ila7or's, allowance 07 0.1::1and, as Tt.0 ifeat Co T6.7 ,,,„ 1.80 Pacific Tuhricatinc; Oil ,c Paint Co. Floor Oil .50 P eoples 'Cater Company hater for Pound 1.00 City Hall 5.09 Perata,Teter Temoving garharTe 1.02 Teterson,,I.K. Services in Assessor's office 68.50 Recorder Printg. C,, Puh.Co.,The Suhscriptions 3.0C ' hnoider,;:enry 3tationery 2.45 *1 3.45 :;imrson,71.":. Court Costs advanced. 10.00 Underwood c":pewriter Co. Rey-airing 7yyewriter City Clerh, .50 Total 640.50 ?V •t .1101,11 Conrad, John Incidental expenses STRT-.ET Fund Teaming Clark ,F.2 Sons, Sewer ripe Lc Pvenino Ties-ar,The rrinting Surplies Supplies Assisting City Enineer Fairbanhs,Liorse Co. Fischer iii nhins liardware Tt TI 22.65 91.00 2.00 29.25 Fure7,F.r. TT 1.00 TT 2.10 Peonies Pater 55.00 Peters,T.L. iec.m:u:L; 94.50 Son,Geo.Fi. LumPer 2.80 Gerralun3a, G. Labor 110.00 Henshaw,Bulhley Co. Little 2epairs 4.15 Total '7()" o. o . 1-7-1777 • Associated Oil Co. Fuel Oil TT '7 '7 tt TT TI 1, 77 T rt. rt it TI TI If Board of 7,1ect.rici,v alifornia Thijineer's Supply Crane Co-anY ocher 11.) . Dunh.am,Carrigan & Hayden Co.,- 1 TT 7,1ecific Apniianoe . Fischer rlurbins P Hwe Co.,.F. Gamewell Fire Alarm P Tel Co. Gorham Frnhher Co. Hoffman,Alice C. joost Ke1lo,o 7xrress Go, Kin,A Lomax,P.. 11,arshall-7ewell -;;unp177- Co IT TI TI 1I II II II 71 .7 17 '7 II I TT TI It 47 Incidentals Boiler CON,-)Y1C1. Supplies Stencils Suilies TT It it 77 Valves Blue Prints merchandise Drayage Horse-shoeinc Sulmlies 11 r771ITT; 10 294.12 292.22 297 .28 296.S1 26C.95 207.76 ncy7 205.57 504.48 201.62 26.00 102.57 1.17 1.70 8.04 3.70 .75 5.00 56.00 2.25 2.70 5.50 5.00 6.75 14.54 5.25 Li. snr-ply uo lies ; 9.00 TI T TT 8.00 iacific Otates Tanctric Co 61.40 24.75 14-.55 FT II 7T TT 40.75 61.40 acific Tel Tr,1 Co 7-1one `Jervos 19.40 11.70 Peoples ',,aler Co. “al;er 1.00 't 1.00 3on,,T:eo E. Lurler FT FT 1.00 IT 77 Ft 1:2.50 IT 61.25 -Dowell :Bros Cons Co 1a1or 2 -alerials 20.00 LLaterial 20.50 Surplice 111tza7 2 Hoffi,w.n "..erchandise 2o 4.00 2itchie,T.7. Ioiiu on 7.o-n6 11.25 7:noaes-JaHieson c", co. 7eed 55.20 oeh1ins Sons Co., 2.A. Suprlies FT Ft 167.90 TT Tt FT IT ft •? TT FT sci,.neluer,flenfi, 51„ationery 5.35 Southern rt-cific Co. 7'..xrer.ditures 425.44 Tau- Co., 4-10 1. Zu]ilien .18 ,1 2.34 Ta-lor 2 Co. Electric Dis21a7 lost 6.00 estal],Tha,s Plate 7-lass 51jn 5.75 iestinhouse Supflies 61.00 115.80 504.35 52.65 177.70 ij 64.40 IF 71 11 5C,474 255.60 51.25 'aittier Coburn Co. Oils 15.52 't 20.60 45.55 7:ortIlinL:ton,T:enr7. E. 2e pairs 58.00 Young Suppl- Co. 3up1ies Total ,.71 Alaneda Free LiT-Tary Ounninghan,Curtiss 17elch LIMAR7 IT= Printing :Exrenses Eastern Ilains Dooks 0.50 22.22 15.00 204 .57 Ve11111;,; 1.1.Uc50-6cLl Fielding,. Daily faPers 6.00 Hiller E: Ramsey Rlectrical Supplies 56.25 le Count ,Clar: C, Orflond Supplies 2 .00 luiThen Dros Fuel 16.05 Peoples .ater Co Mater 5.97 2hode3-Jamieflon ,r', Co Coal 45.00 Tripp Co.,J.B. Yooks. 20.00 Volber.O. Rent 25.00 a n5,.1... Fuel . .90 celer & " — Total 461.76 Betten,H.L. Eurner iJartin Fuller ppju p7-Av!-D FT571) Supplies lazing not ioilso elloa 71xPress Co Drayage Oahland Art Pottery & Terra Cotta Co. Sum-lies Pacific Coast T=1)or & Mill Co Construction Peoples Cater Co. ater Supplies floc1es-Jmi1eson :Co. Total 35..20 21.52 110.00 61.00 6.00 r OA° =sinr FT= Lam'ence,Joseph fension 1155.0e Welch, Dennis rension 135.00 Total 270.00 Lr.Rulloch moved that the clais as read he paid,seconded hy and carried by the following vote . Ares :Councilmen 'iialher,T7.runl),Croshy,Ells,Fisher,frol)st and Dulloch, t). Noes:one. Ahsent:Councilren Christensen a-,d Hammond,(2) A report was received from uhe Auditor showing the alances in tLe treasury on Larch 01st 110. Ordered filed. .A. report was received from the Daniciral ::lectric Light '.']ant for the month oS Februar7,110. Ordered filed. The natter of the report of the :oint comnittee rocomrelending that the raTuIrt Ordinance fixin. Fire Limits ITo.4 be not repealed was tahen up. Y.r.rumh moved that the report he adopted seconded hr.2ro'hst and carried. The following named persons made application for gratuitous licenses:- Isaac Yowalsky, to peddle fruit; D. J. McQuarrie, to deal in junk; G. Staricco, to peddle fish; A. F. Valencia, to peddle fruit and Vegetables; C. E. Foster, to peddle fruit; Eduard Barisi..7e, to sell peanuts, candy, etc; Mrs. Minnie Deems, to practice the profession of sympathetic telepathist and psychomcrist; Albert Wellnitz, to peddle notions; and Chas. Deane to peddle brooms, notions, etc. Mr. Probst moved that the application be granted, provided that where wagons are to be used they. be subject to the wagon license, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commissioners complaining that a political banner hung across Park Street interfered with the police red light signal on said street and requesting that the said banner be removed to some other locality. A communication was also received from the Department of Electridit- 'equesting that an ordinance be passed Ta-ohibiting the stringing of banners across the streets attached to either electric light or telephone poles. Mr. Bullock moved that the two communication be referred to the public Utilities Committee and City Attorney with power, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. A report was received signed by the Mayor, Auditor and City Clerk certifying that they had counted the money in the City Treasury and found the sum of ll5,83.l2, and said amount agreed with the balance as shown on the Treasurer books. That they had also counted the unapportioned money in the Treasurer's possession and found the sun' of 1.0,387.61 and that the same agreed with the balance as shown by his. books. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Electrieity reuesing that en or- dinance be adorted prohibiting the hitching of horses to electroliers. Mr. Bullock moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare and present an ordinance in compliance with the said request, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. A communication was received from the Department of Electricity stating that the petition of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, which had been referred to their commission was being considered by them, and that they would make a final report within thirty days. Ordered filed. Mr. Probst offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas, the enumeration of inhabitants of the City of Alameda for the Unit- ed States Census commences on the 15th day of April next, Resolved; That the public and all citizens within this city be requested to cheerfully impart to the Census Enumerators all information requested and to facili- tate the work of said. Enunerators as far as possible. Mr. lialher seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes; Councilmen, Walker, -Krumb, Crosby, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, ( ) . Noes: None. Absent:Councilmen, Christensen ana hanond, (2). A petition was received from S. 3. Morton requosting that he be allowed. to make additions to his residence at 1236 Park Street. The petition was ap:proved by the Fire, Water and a20110t,, Committee of the Council and Er. Probst moved that the request be grant- d, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried. Mr. Walker offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:- Resolved : That whenever the 2ermi-e4on of this Council is required for the alteration or repair of any building within the fire limits of this cit the Police and Fire Commission is hereby invested with power to act and pass upon the application for such permiesion where in any such case such alteration or repair is not to exceed Five Hundred Dollars in cost. Mr. Probst seconded the reaolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Conncilmen Walker, Krumb, Crosby, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, ('7). Noes :None. Abeent7! Councilmen Christensen and Hammond., (2). A dommunication was received from the Police and Fire Commissioners requesting that they he granted authority to give members of the police department, when sick or disabled full pay, during such sickness or disability. Also, that they be authorized to employ ial policemen at regular pay to serve during the sickness or disability of any regu- lar officer. Ordered filed. Thereupon Mr. Walker offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Resolved: That the Police and Fire Commission is hereby authorized and empower- ed to employ substitutes for such police officers as may be incapacitated from illness to perform their duties and during such incapacity to ray such substitutes at the rate of pay of rer-;ular police officers and also to pay such police officers during the ',pried of their incapacity as aforesaid. Mr. K:unh, econded the resolution and it was adopted By the following vote. /1:-e Councilmen Walker, Kriurib, Crosby, Ells, Fishier, Probst and. Bullock, (7). lloes:None. Absent :Councilmen Christenson and Hammond, (2). A petition was received from Gus Eappler for permission to move a two-story fram Building from the corner of San Antonio Avenue and Union Street to the southwest corner of i:iebeter Street and Eagle Avenue. Lir. Fisher moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the whole, seconded by Mr. Crosby and carries A petition was received re(luostinc, that a dairy maintained at the corner of Eagle Avenue and. Bay Street be condemned and removed, on the grounds that it was a puVlic nuisance, unsanitary and a menace to health. Mr. Krumb moved that the matter be referr- ed to the Board of Health.,- seconded by Mr Bullock and carried. A petition was received fon Edward 2ohan and about one hundred others, complain- ing of the action of tho Southern Pacific Company making Pacific Avenue station a flag sta,tior. Mr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to reeuest the said railroad to stop at said sta' ion as formerly, seconded by hr. Bullock and carried. A coirlmunication was received from B. Verge, re(,.nostin: that the liquor license now stand inc. : his name to conduct a saloon on the west side of Par:: Street end the solithwest corner of Lincoln Avenue, Be !crrnsferred to the firm of Verges and Braemer. Accompanying the name was an application and bond presented by the said Verges & Braemer. Glie sane Being approved_ o,y the City Attorney Er. Prob t,moved that the re- quest he granted, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried By the following' vote. Ayes: Councilmen, 'Talker, Krumb, Croshnr, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (7). Koes:Eone. Absent:-Councilmen Christensen and Hammond, (2). rerort,estinate of c,,st,r-d slecifications and. -1'sn of r wharf to 'o constrnet- od at the north end of drand et-reet was presented By the City hnineer and arCered rlaced on filo. An estimate of the arpro7inate cost of repairing the concrete revellent on the west side, of the '7ohstor Street :oadwe7 with standard asphalt was presented 1-,y the *"!it7 7,nineer and ordered r:laced on file. A communication was received from tam 'Guy 7.covault,aont for the Uisoam ravement requesting perr:ission to repair at their exTonce the west side of the 7Tehster 'dtroot 7.oadTqy. 1:r.7.r-rinh flayed that the request be Exanted,secondeC "7 :.",r.ThaUoc77 and carried. A 7rotest was received from the 'inch ester -state r7onrany,rrotestine aiTainst any improvement of the roadway of Lincoln Avenue letween First and 7ourth 'treets. Order- ed filed. A comnnnicatian was received from le o .7=lons requestin -2erinission to improve the sonth end of Grand ',",treot at his own e-Irense. Ordered filed. The 7ity Attorney afdressed the Council stating that the f-crac of sad street at said locrtion had not Teen established and thereu-ron 1::2-..rumb introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance TTo 7stabl4shing the C-urb Grade of the Txtrenity of Grand Street" ,which was laid over under the ovtclors of the Charter. A petition was received from the Central Pacific flor]:any regnestinE'; that steps be taken to grant the said Company a railroad francnise for a double track railway from its roadway near the north erd of sere near the larrison Street 14‘id,::e thence running north- erly and westerly and crossin tie 'Oehster Street Foadw'a7 into end connectng with the roa.OLT' of the South Tacific least ailway track. Ordered filed and therevTon Pr .Probst offciocl the followirrc resolution ana moved its adop a: WhE=AS the CEUTRAI TACIFIC ::PP Y CO1=,a corporation,oranized cm1 existing under the laws of tbe State of Utah,and doing lousiness in the State or California ,has made application to the Council or the Oity of Ja red for a ,rant to it, its successors and assigns of tho riht,priviloge and franchise for a reriod of fifty years, to construct, T:aintain end operate a double-track rail-read of standard e,together with all neces- sary switches,crossings,s. " p;s,sidetracThs,connections,poles,wires an0, after necessary appliances,apperaapes and ad:,uncts,saia railroad to be operated by electricity- Or such other improved 1-:lethod of operation as a e he authorized by law, over and across C:ebster Street and Certain private ways in the City of Alameda,3tate of California,to wit: 00h1=7.1G et a point on the center line between the douhle tracks of the South Pacific Coast Railway, said point heing of private right of way 000 feet,nore or less, westerly from the westerly line of Webster Street ;said point also Peing a 7Srgincer Station 0+00 (located line ) which is equal to 52+74.64 (constrnoted line Sonth Pacific boost 7:;ailway) ;thence crossing private property end curvinp to the right and enterirp: 7e1)ster Street intersecting the westerly lino of Wester Street at a. point Pb foot northerly f':ron the 4.ntersoctlon of tic so thole ly line of lands of t a Central Pacific Connan7 with said wester1,7 lino of 7iebster Street ;thence southeasterly or a o curve to the right across said Webster Street 122 fe t,rore or less,to a p int on the easterly lino of said Pc' star Street,sad point heirs: POP feet southerly fro r the ersection of the northerly line of lands of the Central Tacific Railway ,ornany wit's said easterly line of said 7:obster Street;tonce in a southerly direction coati said curve to the riFht and entering private property to a connection rith the existin don hle track Central Pacific 1,ailway,saia coin of connectioc being at iSrsincer Station 164-61.55 (located lire) v:hicii equals T p:ineer Station 26+29.68 (constructed line) as shown on Drawing ,.A. - 61, dated July Zlst 1900, and revised January lth,1010;provid- ea,that upon such parts of said route whore a single railroad track is now laid,only a single additi nal track shall be laid, AT7) 7=AS - 1e Cornci] of the Citv of Alameda deems it for the hest interests of said City ci Planeda that the franchise so applied for be sold in the s]anner rrovid- ea 'LT/ law: N(n,T:=7017',E,T. TT ""..T.SCAVED,that the fact of said application,top;ether with a staterent that it is proposed to grant the sane,77,a end the sane is herehy ordered adv- ert7ised in th.e Ala-media Daily Argns,a newsparer Printed and published in 'Ed flip of A7areaa,Connty of Alaneaa,State of CaTifornia,and that said advertisonent M;ca Tula- lished in said newspar:or daily for ten successive da7s. TTSOLVT,FITTHE,tbat said advertisement contain all of the matters and thinp:s reouired by an Act of the legislature of tie State of California, entitled "An Act pro- viding for the sale of street railroad, and other franchises iri counties and nnnicipal- ities,aad troviding conditions for the grantinc of such franchises bv lecislati7ve or other governing Ladies, cud repealing conflicting acts",approved :Tarch 22,1905,as here- in,: ter fully set forth. 1=01=,FU171=,that said advertisement be ir the foil owing form: 7OTTCE OP ic77LICY\TIOTI IF 77) A IT; APD T',37.177T POI: 73:EDS 771:17,1410T, NOT 7; 15 HEY= GI7EH TEAT On the .5th day of Ap-il,1910,an application in l'17i irg was made 'by the Central Pacific I'Lailway Copan:, a corporation,oranized and exist- Ag under the Inns of the State of Utah, to the Council of the City of illanedia,Courty of AJameda,State of California,for the riht,privilege,and franchise ,for the period to and until July 26th,1949,to corstruct,raintain and nrerate a double-track railroad o:r standara ts.aute,tocether with all necessary switcbos,crossinFs,sidira:c,sidetrachs,con- nections,poles,wires ard other necessary appliances,apyordaes,and adiuncts,snia rail- road to 'e operated hy electricity or such �b or irroved nethod of operation as na:: be authorised law, over and across ;& se Street and certain private ways in the CitY of Alaneda,County of Alaneda,State of California,to wit: 00:=In at a point or the center line hetween the double tracks of the South :Pacific Coast yoirt keing or private rifTht of way 900 feet,nore or less, westerly froD tthe 1;:esterlTi line of 7:ebster Street ;said point also oin at 7,nineer Sta- tion 04-0C (located wbicb i2 equal to 32+74.64 (constructed line South Pacific Coast .7ailwav);thence crossina: private property and curving to the riht and onterinc: Mbstor Street intersectir the westerlu line of 7:ebster Street a a point 21.3 feet north- erly fran the intersection of the southerly line of 7ands of the Central Pacific way Conpany witb oster1:: line of 71 hater Street ;thence southeasterly on a curve to tbe ri,aTht across said Viester treet 122 feet,more or less,to a point on the east- erly lino of said Webster Street,said point bei: 808 feet southerly fro n the intersec- tion of the northerly :line :Jf lands of the Central Pacific Railway Conpany wit aid line of snid `ebs!..er Stroet;thence in a southerly direction continuing said curve, to the rd.[:bt ard entering:; rrivato property to a connection with the existing: double trach Central Pacific Railway,said point of connection Toirn at Engineer 3tation 16+67.55 (located line) nTh!:.311 equals 7,:tireer C;tatior 26+29.68 (constructed lire) as shown on "::._1.2-61,date(7; July 31st 1909,apd revised January 19th,1910:provided,tha''. upon such carts of said route whore a sale railroad track is row laia,orlu a sinle addi- tional track shal l. be l 7M':,hT:C7 -77:7L7: G177:7 that said Council o f t he C..' 7 o± Alareda yroroses to tbe sane nros t tors an conditions an2 nn(:sr -no restrictions islrosed or re- cinirecl 77: 7a7,n,-tc1 tie alit on7 tc2=,co:litions a:1 restrictions 7se 4na:c'tc7° set fort,and tIlat " !.ds will "e recciveCfcr saiC1 frccckiso o1 tka it W-7 o an't to the hiabost 'idder. 2= FRY:Ch= or yrivilne to 'e rated is for the construction,lf.airtena, e 01.eration of a do' o track railroad of standard .oaurTe,top:ether with all necessary switches,crossirs,sidinc;s,sidetra cloo,co rrections,poleswires,and other necessary ary.li- ances,'Appcndaos asd aanncts,said railroad to 7e operated by electricity or such other iLproved nothod of operation as Imy o a.ntorized by 1.aw,over and across "ehster Street and certain private ways in the said Cit7_,/ Alameda,bereinbefore set forth. TH-2, TE21. for which said franchiso is to Po granted is to and until July and the route to be traversed by said railroad is hereinbe!o-re setforth and par- ticularly described. iTOTTCE 7?) FI127FEE GI-7= that sealed bids for said franchise will be received up to the hour of :12 o'clock ii.of 7-aesday,the 17th day of Lay,1910,and nust be filed with tbe Clerk of said Councile the City of Alaneda at Ms office in the City of Alaneda, and that upon Tuesday, the r7th day of :fay,1910,nt the hour of 7.50 o'cloc]l -.5,se sa.a Council of the City of Alanedn will meet at its chamber ir the said city, in reular and open session, acid will ther cod there °Pen ad read said 'aids, and that thereupon said franchise will be struck 04-P sold and awarded to the person firn or corporation,who shall wake the hintest cosh bid therefor;pYovided,only,that at the time of the openinc of said bids,any responsible person,firn or coryoration,present or represon 1,,may bid for said franchise or privilece a sur not less than 10 per cent above the hipchest sealed bid tborefor,and said bid so made nay be raised not less than 10 percent by any other res- ponsible bidder,and said Tmidding ray so continue until finally said franchise shall be struch off,sold,and awarded 77,7- said Council to the hiCnest bidder ihei'efor n Gold Coin of the United States. 7ach sealed bid shall he accomraried by cash or a certified check,rayable to the treasurer of said City of Alareda,for the full anount of said hid, and no sled hid shall be considered unlese said cash or check is ocloscC therewith; and the successful bidder shall deresit at least 10 rer cent of the anenrt of his bid with the 01 'k of said Council hefone the franchise shall he struck off to him. And if he shall fail to make such der,osit inredately,ther and in that case his 14d iThr1.11 not he received,and shall he considered as void,and the said franchise shall then and there he again offered for sale to the bidder who shall make the highest cash bid t'ore- for,suhect to the sane conditions as to deTesit as above rentioned. Said proceedure shall he had until said franchise is etruch off,seld,end awarded to the hidder who shall make the necessary de-fosit f at least 10 per cent of the amount of his bid therefer,as herein provided. Said successful bidder shall deposit with the Clerk of said Council, within twenty four hours after the accertance of his hid, the rerainin,c- 90 -per cent of t-e amount thereof and in case he or it shall fail to do so,ther the said sit theretofore rade shall he ferfeited,and the said award of said franchise shall be void, and the said franchiseehall then and there, by said Council, he again offered for sale to the hia.hest bidder therefor,ir the sane manner and under the sane restrictions as hereinbefore rrovided,end in case said hider shall 'ail to derosi with the Clerk of said Council the reL']aininn 90 ercent of his hid,within twenty-four hours after its aceentance,the award to him of said franchise shall he net aside, and the deposit there- tofors n- - ue - • e M. shall be forfeited, and no further proceedings for a sale of said fran- ,iseshall he had unless the same shell he readvertiee' and again offered for sale,in the manner heroinheforo provided. 7E7 ST=7151: T=i= and his assir.ns ff.ust,durine: the life of said franchise,ray to the City of Alameda 2 rer cent of the cross annual recelef,ts of the person,partnershin or corporation to when the franchise is awarded,arisin from its use,oeration or roes- ession. -frercerta, shall 'o pad for the first five years succeddinE; the date of the franchise,hut thereafter such horeontae eh-11 Ic naveble annually. TE7 3UC=7:TUL 3'7= for said franchise shall file a bond running to said City of Alameda with at least two Good and sufficient suretie he ariroved by said Council in the renal sum of :.:500.00,conditioned that such kidder shall well and truly observe, fulfill and perforn each and every tern and condition of such frarchise,and that in case of an7 breach of condition of such bond the whole amount of the said nenal sun therein named shall be taken and deemed to be liquidate, dara7es,and shall he recover- able fren the rrinciral and sureties urea said bond. :;aid "end shall 'e filed with said Council within five 75 after such franchise is awarded,ard upon the filing and approval of such bond the said franchise shall,h7 said. Council,be granted by ordinance to the pereen,firm or corporation to whom it has boon struck off, sold or awarded, and in cane said bond shall net be so filed,the award of suck franchise shall he set asideand any money raid therefor shall he forfeited ,and said franchise shall, in. the discretion of said Courcil,be rep and again offered for sale in the scene renner and under the sane restrictions as hereinhefore Trovided. 1TOTTC7 is 777Y GT77,7 that said franchise will be granted upon the following terms, conditions and restrictions, in addition to the torus, conditions and restrictions required or imposed by lay.:,to wit: 1 - Said. railroad shall he constructed ard Naintaired no as to conform as nearly as rossible to the official anode of said holster '::.:treet,and in case such grade shala he at e.ny tine changed ,the grade of said railroad shall he ehanc;ed to conform as near17 as possible to such changed grade. 2 - r,aia grantee,ard the successors and assigns of said grantee,shall plaek or replank,rave or repave,nacadaize or remacadamize,the en ire length of the portions of said streets or avenues used hy said railroad trach or tracks,between the rails and for two feet on each side thereof, ?u hotween the trachs,if there he more than one,and shall keeT: the salee constantly in repair and with rood crossinss,and shall construct and naintain under said tracks, at each street crossing on the route of said railroad all necessary culverts for the rassae of surface waters. Street work required to he done by said grantee,its successors and assins,shall he done with the sane kind of ma- terial as is used on the remainis e. width of the street or avenue and shall he perforn- ed to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Streets of the City of Alameda. S - The tracl:s of said railroad shall he of standard P;auge,shall he laid down and constructed in a goed nod suhstantial nanner,shall have sufficient space between then to allow cars to riaos each other freely,and shall be so laid as to cause the least -.12os- iile ohotruction to travel. 4 - All wires used in connection with the e7ercise of said franchise shall be plac- ed at a sufficient he41-It aove the ground to avoid otstruction to the ordinary use of street, and avenues. All roles and wires shall be erected to the satisfaction of the rtreet Superintendent of the City of Ala:e:eda. - of constructing said railroad comrenced in good faith within four months fron the taking effect of this ordinance ,and 11-t In completed within three -years thereafter nnleso the tine for such completion be extended by the Council of the City- of Alameda in the narner provided ty law. If said work he not connenced and conplet- ed as herein provided,oaid franchise shall he forfeited. - 7irenen while in uriforc,,firener while in uniforn or not when aoime to and from fires,rolicenen in uniforn,electriciano while on duty is the enploy of the City of ILlaneda,with badges or documents sowinp their official character,ard all nail car- riers in the employ • the United States of America, at all tines while ent::aecl, in the actual char,:,:e of their duty, shall be allowed to ride frer of charge on said railwa7 within the Oity of Alameda, aF,D= of the Courcil of the City of Alameda,Count .Alaneda,State of Calif- 7.E.rowning DatedAlameda,Cal.,April 5th,lnC. Clerk of the Council of the City of 2,1a cua .:-:,-,3J1J1M,that the ClerTh of the c•Juncil of the City of Alameda he and he hereh7 j5 authoried and directed to cause acid aelverticenent to he rilh112hed rn 7ere- irlbef'..)re provided . ljr.Ells seconded the resolution ,nd it was passed and ado? ted by the following vote Llres:Oouncilneo, 77aner,:fa=h,Orosh,-7,112 sher,'Probst a7f- Absent:Councilmen Christensen and iiamnord,(2). 1.1r.Xrumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolved, that the City Engineer be and herety is directed to mal:e plans and :3-fecifications for the following Street work to he done in said City,namely: That Teach Street fron the southern line of IJadison Street to the northern line of HashinE.ton Streetand including the crossinc7s of San Jose Avenue and Adams Street with Peach Street be in-nroved as follows: That the entire width of said street between said linits be graded to the offi- cial Erade;that concrete curting,eight inches 'by fourteen inches in cross section dinen- sion,be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the crossings hetween said linits,that cement grouted roch, gutters three feet in width and or tne tiat rattern, he constructed along the roadway of said street hotwoen said limits, contiguous to snid curbing and to said curved corners ;ta two gutter hridos, each five feet is width and n o lumber,be constructed in ouch of the four corners of the cross- ings of each Street with are Street and an Jose Avenue;that two cast-iron culverts, imbedded in concrete,he constructed in each f aid last mentioned crossings along the use of perCh Street ,one on the eastern arid one on the western side of said street at each of said crossingT,;that the roadway' of said street between said limits and including said crossings,but excepting tat portion of said roadway occur gui,uers,ne macad- armed with a layer of h oken trap rock eight inches in thickness, as per Resolution of -In- tention No.746,Adonted by this Council :February 7r-,1010. And that the Clerk he instruct- -3 to notify the City Thginecr of the aaortion of this Resolution. Ur.alker seconded tie resolution -nd it WR8 passed and adopted hy the following 2Toes: vote. Thlker,h7runh,Crosby,I] lls ,7isher,Probst and 7!.31111 'k,(7). Yone. Absent:Councilmen Christersen,and Eammond.(2). The City Enineer presented rlans and specifications for the ahove mentioned work and 1.1r.Krumh offered tie following resolution and moved its adortion: Resolved, That the plans and specifications furnished hy the City :--ngineer of the City of Alameda,to this Council for tie follo7ing street 70-fl.: to he done in said City,name- 1-7: That ?each Street froL the southern line of 'radison Street to the northern lire of Thshington Street and including the crossings of San dose Avenue and Adams Street with J each Street be improved as follows: That the entire width of said street 'between said lim- its he graded to the official grade ;that concrete cuThing, ight inches hy fourteen inches in cross section dimension,be constructed on the curh lines of said street and on the curv- ed corners of the crossings hetween said limits, that cement grouted rock gutters, three feet in width and of the flat pattern, be constructed along, the roadway of said street be- tween saia limits, contiguous to said curhing and to said curved corners ;that two gutter bridges,each five feet in width and of pine lumber,he constructed in each of the four corners of the cross i f Peach Street with Adams Street and San dose Avenue;that two cast-iron culver6s imbedded in concrete, he constructed in each of said last mentioned crossings abet the line of Peach Street, one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each of said crossings ;that the roadway of said street between said limits and including said. CrOSP1n8,11Ut CYCept irig that portion of said roadway occupied P:utters,be macadamized with a layer of hrokon tyar rock eight inches in thickness, under Resolution of Intention Po.746,adoyted hy the Council of said City,,hruary 15th 7910 e and the same are he:rely adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same. ldr,s_oshy seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted by the following vote. AYes:Councilmen ':ialker,7rumh,Crosby, _s,Pishey,Probst and Pu ck,(7). hoes Jone. Absont:Councilmen Christensen and Hammond,(2).' offered the following: Resolution and moved its adoption: sheers, It appears to the satisfaction Of is Council,that Resolution of Intention 7o.746 for the work of gradi urh ,guttering,macadan zing and otherwise improving Peach Street from the southern line of 1,iadison Street to the northern line of Washington Street in the ,7. 1144- ty of 1,1amedanc rted hY this CouncilFebruary loth 1910,has been posted arid puhlished according to law,ana that no legal objection to the doing of said work has Icon filed with the City Clerk of said city. Resolved that th..e public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City of Alameda herehy orders the following dencnih street work to he done in said City,ac- cording to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,nar.ely: That reach street TOi T ne soutnorn line ol oaalson ot,vee vo t,oc o- "Joshincton 5treet and including tLe crossings of Zan Jose aans J-t-reet witL 'leach Street he Lwroved as follows: That the entire width of said street hetweer saiJ he oradod tho official rrade;tha concrete cro-nhin,eiLt inches hy fonrteon ches iw cross se tion dintension, o constructed on the cu: h line of said street F,nd on the curved corners of the orossinzs 'etwee said 1-1.1:ito,that cement rrerczted rock gutters, three feet in width ni of the fla,z, -1-:attern,be constructed alono the roadway of said street hetween said lini s contigueras to said carhing and to said curved cornors;that two gutter hrides,each five _,:oot in width and of rine lun1er,7Do constructed in each of the four corners of the cressins of reach Street with Adans ;:;troet am7 Zan Jose Ave-nue;that two cast-iron culverts,inhodded in concrete :he constructc d in each ef ortd last nentioned crossinos aIr on the Tine of Teach Street, one on the eastern and one on the western side s.aid street at each of oniC crosstns;that the roadway of said street hetween said unto and includ na; said cross-Ins,hut e7cepting that rortion of said roadway occupied by gutters,he n',acadanized with s layer of 'broken trar rock eiE;ht inches in thicnens. The C1er7o of this City is here' y directed to yuLlich this resolution for two days in the Alaeda 7)aily Arcus,a daily newspaper pudhlished and circulated in this e ty, and which is herehy desio:nated for that VCIT':'00. he is also dIrected to root conoricuolon- ly for five days near the Chanher Thor of the said. Council,notice of said work with spec- ifications invitinc sealed prorosals or 7-1S for doing the vorh ordered,ond to Tnlhlich notice of said worh invitin reeled. frorosals or Tyids for doino; the work' and refernina to ul,e specifications posted or on file, also for two days in the said Alarneda Daily Ar- F;us,the newspaper here' y desinated for that rurpose. Toth of the said :notices sha71 require a certified chec:: or a hond,eithor as preocried hy law and for an anount not less thou tea non cent the a:c7area;ate of the proposal,and shall nae Tuesday, the 1N:h of Arril,T9:10,as tho day hero :r Josis:nated on T7.:liCIL Ttr to the hour of 0 oiclock,p., the said Trorosals or 'ids shall he received. he followina I h:r.':-:alker seconded the resolution and it was passed and adep h or vote. Ayes:Councilner M17,:er,7runh,Crosh7,1T711s,Fisher,rrohot and 'u lQcTh, (7). hoes: A' seat Christensen and i:annond,(:".). r'etitioo of F,'emonstrance was received fron. 70w.A.Allen aaainst the i-fipa.ovel.:ort of the southerly end of Cedar ;:treet,under oesolution of Irtontion ho .747 Ordered filed and thereuron ::;r.77ruh offered t'e follosra resolution and neved it adoption: Thereas 7.dw..A711en has filed oh:e-tions to proceodinE: with the work proposed Ty 2esolution of Intention ho .747. Therefore resolved that T o'cloch: 7,'.k.on the 19th of .April,110,and the Council- noon of this Council he and are herehy fired no the nod place of heani:in said OT:103t- ions, snd the City Clerk is herohy directed to E:;ive -.notice thereof to the eleector in -ne prescrihed hy law. 1,:r.Trohst seconded the resolution and it wno passed and adoted ty the t7o7 owin vote. Aves:Councilr:en Talker,7ruln'b,croshy T:112,7ishor,:dro'osi and Bullock .d Christensen and hannoad,(2). The :.treet Curorintendent -resented ific Averse does: resort oc-;7+4.4-' - of C.4 otTel=ie Jay ::,trect nro- to -nortlierr lino of Lac- - point 7C2 .C,6 feet north of tho northern line of Trans 7-11.:!ct f,ve-tyre f-7(1(7 eY,cert t77.e eroostra of Mena irista Avenue with Jay itroet done T:y Ililtchinson Conrany under private contract had 'eon faithful7y finished under his direction and to 77._E; sat- isfaction. rT(7,01.0071 f41CCI. A co-f,:- of a contract fen the oradino,curhinnacad=i,7:in and otherwise iinrrovin tne nor-,Jaere haLl' of rertral Ave= hetwosn the eastern lino of Oth Ctreot rnd the wes ern 7ine of ,trent hy te n'orrty ownsrs with 77utchinson Canmaley was rresented anJ ordered filed. A retit4on was received fron to ovo ros a nsisi.o.culon Ootmanr for remission to rrade,crrh,racadamiwe snd otherwise inrove that rortion of Taylor Ave rue whicL runs "no Lundred and TTerty Five fret easterly from the easterly line of 1ehst.. i jtreet . eonT'anyin the uotition was e Cory of a contract tit the rrorerty owners. htr.—ru:n :7::oved that the request he T;ranted seconded Ly ::-.Bnalloch-. and carried. Brorerly recorded deeds were received fron ::artha Linderman and J.C.T„4ndernn: Tiattie Ti.h-earhey;7.=aror C.Cohen:ane renry aimons to rronerty located in the eastern on of the City to the City of Alaneda for a riht of way for the electric railroad heir constructed LT, the ;:,outhern 1-tacific Torpary. Ordered filed. deed was received fro Geo.B.Lilton,et aland a quit slain deed fron 11.P.7'radhoff to nrorerty located, in the eastern Tart of t,te Ci e the City of Alanoda for a ri52ht v:ay for the electric railroad I elan constructed ":7 the ::outherr Ccmrany. iloed that the city Attorney he directed to record the sano,seconded 1ny :=r.-crobst end carried. A communication v-as received from the Finance onnitten reco=erd,nn- the rates to he charn:ed for 'water for the ensuin year. Attached to sane was a connunication fron the reorles aer Connnny satin f- That it would do rerard inn he installation of addition- c,1 water :aim' nod fire hydrants. Ordered filed and thereupon ::r.Bullock introduced. A Bill entitled "A hill for C1rdinance 70. DotornininE: 'Cater 7ates and fixinP: t'e co- yensation for -.Jater furnished for ri.vate and pnidic 1:urroses in tlie City of Alameda dur- in3 the year o� oee inn July lot 1010, and ondiaf dune 0tL 11M.1",which van laid over 1-,21- jor the inrovi2ions of the Charter. A hill entitled "A 73ill for Ordinance :To. EstaLli-hin the drade of Jay 'Street "Jorth of Buena Vista Avenue ,introduced Ly hr.Kruin:.arch 1.th cane ur, for final fassao and was read tlIc Clerk. moved that the sane he adotted,secondod L.r.1:roLst and carried e the followirw vote, :douci] 00 Thlker,Ic.rumh,CrosLy, 7112,7isher,7roLst and ,och-, :oes::Tone. A' sent:Couscilren Thriniensen and iammond,(2) A Bill entitled "A 7,1.21 'or Ordinance 1:o. 7.o Anend „,ection Oh of Ordinance ho. 016 :olatint2: to the constr-oction of .Mil,neys and 721uos in Bitildirs ,introdi.ced alker,h,arch 16th 1010 cane un, for final ressan,o was void iv' the clerk. 1.r.Thlker novo(' its admtion,seconjed '7 7:r.1;'4-PI'er and carried 17 the followirn voue. Ayes: Council, on —alker,Lram,Crosy,7111s,Fisher,LroLet and B1Illock,(7). 'does:]Tone. Casont: Coilncil:'nn hristens'en and Han:lond,(2). "ill entitled "A Bill for Ordnance Lo. _2o A"nend Crdinance ho .200 Luh]io "eland tad :rescrihina: 'loners and "Mites of the Lelnd. stor 7y -,rescr4hinc r License 17ax for Dads and lrovidin for the 7e2truction of 'Tic loas 7:oc-s",introduced In hr Oroi: Larch _0,- tqn for masss-c and was read 1v the addressed '11 council on the sane z-ria reorted that the 'ill as road as a cuhstittte for t'e oriL; nal and noved that *:0 acted. on, there was no 1N-203 1C to the notion and therenron 112-.Lr ,st Loved that tho :er'stitute Ordinance 'o raced "c fore the Council for action, reconded hy hr.Crosh7 and carr4e0 1 the follov-in vote. .Ayes: Cor,ncilnen Thlker,:irunl,CrosL,L.11s,Fisher,Yrobst and 12r1lock,(7). Aheent: Council1 en Christensen and "Cannond,(2). ix..Proh;s3t roved that the Ordinance Le adoLted on read accorded 1— Tiv.Croslcy and carried 7')77- the followin vote !.7o0 :Councilnen c:aner,11,rumL,CrosL77:111s,Tlisher,rrobst and Bulloch, . hoes:1:one. Ahset:Councilmon Christenson and ifanmond, A Bill ontit led "A Bill for Ordinance Amend Crdinance ..;0.4bUei oJan o Lunicipal Licenses",i_ luced :Tarch 1F,th inc: aY ur for final and was read hi' the "ler. Lr.Probst loved its adoption seconded bv and rassed and adopted lo":7 the followin vote. Ayes:7onrci1nen ',7alker,7runh,Crosby,:TIls, "?sher,Prohst ard 7nalloo_ (7). Boos :Bone. Absent:ouncilmen Cbristenseri and ITarnond,(2). A no of the surveTT for establishin curb lines in Pacific Avenue fro 7n First ;Aro:et easterly to the eastern lift' of Fourth direct and filed BB the Clerk or the 4th d,ay of ZTril 1910 ,was presented and thereuon Er.Yrunb introduced A Bill entitled "A 73111 for Ordinance :To. Estahlishins the Roadway of Pacific Avenue fran First 6treet to !Fourth 3treet and fixirql. the Curb ",rade thereof",wh ,A was laid over under t' :e ovisions of the Oharter. 1::r.7.7,runb introduced A Ei:11 entitled Y. i_171 for Ordinance Fo. To Dosic;na,,e and Tiara a certain new Boulevard and Avenue," which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. l'ir.Thrumb hrouL;ht uT the natter of the conplaint acainst the hill-hoard nainta4n- ad by Verney Orreen Si the north-west corner of Buena 'lista Avenue and Bolster direct and stated that he had invostio.s: ed the same ane found tha:, it was very strorely 1)7,i1c-,t and thin, there 'en no ordinance that ioC d con e1 its ice oval and noved that te Clerk Be directed to so noiifn the 1,1aedle IlaroveHent Cluh,seconded '7 ::r.iThlloch- and carried . Br,ThlTi oak roved that the Toments Leaue of Alaneda,he ,7:ranted permission to :4se the 7oliee Cou-rt :":oon once in two weeks for a short time,scconded by r.":,',11s and carried. Br ,bullock moved that the Finoance Oon]nittee be authorized to ore? op the firm of Croodfellow and 'Eels to look over end examinc the proceedins for the issue of hones, seconded .7Trumb end carried By the followin vete. Ayes:Douncilmen Cr sby,Pals,7isher and 73ulloc::,(6). Koos:Council-man -2ro-hst,(1). i',bsent:Councilnen Christensen and 1Tannond,(2). Er. Croshy broucht up the matter of an alleed shortace in the funds of the !2reasur- s office and roved that the matter be referred to a special committee of three, to Be appointed By La par :op, and to report back at the next r:ieetina of the Council, end suu- Gested that Councilman 'Bullock be one of the ie Committee, seconded By Lr. ]Trun7) carrie d, and tbereupon the 1:a-or aproiuted on the said Thi.Q(;-it l'onneilmen Bullock, la'.1her and There heinc': no further business to transact ti-re Council ad:ourned until the next re,-ular meet imp, Alril 19th, 1910, ,=it p. E. / City Clerk of the City. ofA1ameda.