1910-04-19 Regular CC MinutesME=IEQ OP THE COUITOIT OF ThE ;;;ITY OF AIALEDA, TU=AY, APRIL 2.th, 110. The a%e'z.tin,i.-: convened with Layer I h. Fey presidinL:. The roll Was called and Councilen Th r, T:rumb, Hammenc', Ells and Bullock were noted rresent, trid Cbristensen, Crosby, Fisher and Probst, aLsent. The nmutes of the meotin 5th, 1:310, were read and ordered approved. Fisher arrived and was noted present. Clains acsainst the Jeneral Fund amounting to 3202.75; as.inst the Police Fund amount- 1w, to 322.17; ainst the Fire Fund axrountinc to 31643.50; and aLminst the Street Fund havin been approved and audited ,y the proper officials wore read by the Clerk as follows:- GEZTERAL Fun. Alameda Daily p, ". AdvertisinE; ,.) .85 TI It 1.00 It 4: 1.10 TI II .50 Alameda dteaN Laund v Towel '',ervice 8.00 :::'oyd, Jrnes I,-4. Extra Iork on ebl, Ave. Fire House 65.00 The Jutta J'orcha L 2(11)her Ef. Co . RubT)er .C'0, joy, vi. H. Layer's Allowance 100.00 The Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. L. D. Switches 1.50 Pacific Lithricatin Oil A Paint Co. Floor drossins 3.00 Polk-Rusted Directory Co. Directories 12.00 11 'I TI I/ TI It Schneider, Henry Ti Ti Vialtz Safe A Loch Co., Stationery .85 Ti 3.75 4.50 Total - 9 202.75 Services in Treasurer's Office POLICE FUdD, Dr.rand, I. J. Iiotor Cycle Ferairs .75 Printinc 11.75 TT TI TI Ti II 27.50 Goldstone, John Gasoline 1.00 Rusted s 7)irector:T Co. Directory 6.00 Ca4-nand Gas Liht A Heat 'Co., Gas 1.00 Pacific Tel A Tel. Co., Telephone L Switches 3.40 Putzm-ln A Hoffman Bicycle F.erairs 5.10 Schneider, Henry :License Tass 126.50 Stationery EJ Stamus 13.05 hoepf, T. Services 58.07 Unna, Hermann, heals furnished prisoners 55.75 Vosl)ur:11, J. E., Co., Hardware 2.50 The Eveni.n Times-Star cz= Ti Ti FIRE Alameda Steam Laundry Association American-La France Fire Enin Constier A Sons, Furey, F. P. Gorham :74nineorin Co. ta-1 Linen Service Boiler 'Shell Ropai-rs ii Ferairs Ensine Forward - 2Y2.17 15.00 487.50 7.75 4,95 26.85 542 ;7. Forward Gorham Ru"Woer Co., Line Cinfl s Hay a: Baird Horseshoei, Joons E, Gorrest Joen-,enson, P. it and Rer,,irs Lewis, Frank - Services 7,endered 15.00 Lomax, TZ. R. Horseshoein 5.00 IT II IT IT 5.00 Oakland Gas 11;2;ht E, Heat Co., Jas 15.66 Pacific States 'Refiner' . Gasoline 31,ufl)lies 16.50 reo:01 s liater Co., _Hydrants and 7/ater 276.36 Phoenix Runer Co., Hose 240.00 Polk-Husted Directory Co., Directory 6.00 Powell Bros., Construction Co. Cenent Floor 246.55 Rosso E Co., C-. - hauling 7.70 :nodes-Janisoon 6 Co., Feed etc. 12.75 Schneider, Henry Supplies 2.05 Scott, L'ac3ner I Miller Feed 67.26 IT II TT II tI Sellers L Madison Co. 7.erairs 27.50 Gul'Ilios 11.60 ',7a4Jner, Oliver -) . 1 Hauling 1.00 -1-z,lies 7.00 IT A- rn 3.00 11.25 5.00 14. Vos'eurc:h, J. B. Co., Vest 11, Chas. !V Total STREET FUND. tten, Y. T. Curl-lies 4.35 aI)man, B. . Assisting City Engineor 4.00 Emmons, G Bulkhead Imirovements 450.00 rrintin 4.00 Surrlies 4.87 Su:fines 10.55 2/1.15 Gorheln 7n3lneerinc,. Co., 17 7.60 ello Express Co., Exrressae .25 Pacific Tel. (":: Tel. Co., P lummer Sons., Geo. E. 1643.30 Evonim' Tines-Star Frirhanks-Merse 6 Co., Goldstone, John Mental s.,0 0r Ducinher 3.55 P olk-Kusted Director:: Co., Directory 6.00 Bicycle 7crairs 6.00 riaterial 67.70 47.60 Su:1,7ies 5.75 Lunhor 63.67 7.60 7 - or : Co., Iur,l)er 4.10 Total - 724.04 Mr. Bullock moved that the claims as read he raid, seconded By Mr. Bile and carried By to followin7 vote:- AYes:- Cormcilmen Calker, rmB HarronCi, 711s, Fisher and Put =an & Hoffman Rhodes-Jamieson ('',; Co., IT IT Schneider, Henry Sunset Ium-her Co., IT Bulloek, (6). 7oes:1:one. Abseut:Councilpien Christenen,Crobsy, and Probst, (3). A coilleencation wen Te,ceoel :'eee2. the 7ncina Oiaptcr of the Al.oricar ;/emon's Teaeue theel:.ine the Council for the use or the court roar, for their meetlngs. Ordered file A communcation was received from the .Southern Pa- fic Company stating that the matteec of the complaint againet the stopping of trains at Pacific Avenue Station woul7d be taken nr by their Superintendent in the near future. Ordered 7i1ed. The Clerk re- norted that he bad received telephonic communication from the Divieione 1:aster of the railroad regarding the matter, and that he stated that in the future they would to the trains at the said station as formerly. : cemmunieeThn was received from the City Clerk of Oakland reciuesting that the Council oppoint a Committee for the prurose of meeting with like Committees from the legislative hodies of the Cities of Perkeley and Oakland, for the purrose of neting with repreeentetives from the various reilroad eompanies, to have demonstrat 1 for the safety of tbe lives of the people the different stjled fenders. Er. Hammon:. 'moved that the matter 1u referred to the Public Utilities Committee, seconded by Mr. Pals and carried. The applicatioel of Ers. M. J. Lauder for a gratuitous license to conduct a notion _store, etc., at the southwest corner of Van Buren and. Mad Streets was received. Mx. Krumb moved that the request be denied, seconded by Er. 11s and carried. The petition of .;11e, lapler to move a two-story frame structure ftom the northeast corner of San Antonio Avenue and Union Street, to the southwest corner of 'lebster '.3treet and Eagle Avenue laid over from the last meeting was taken upi Er. Fisher moved that the petition be denied, seconded by Er. Hammond and carried. A conmurication was received from.thePolice and Fire Commission reuuotin that the saiarr of '::. U. Oacoby, Police .31erk, he increased from ;;IPO to 100 per month. hr. Waner moved that the requeet be granted, same to tn1,:e effect and be in force from and after La 7 let, 1910, seconded by Er. Hannond_and carried by the following vote. .Yes: Councilmen, 'clalher, !erunb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (6). Uoes:None. Absent :Councilmen, Christensen, Crosby and Probst, (3). A report was received from the Printin and Advertining Committee, which was accom- panied Tw bids from various intira and lithographing companies, and in which they re- commended that the hid of the Ciaifornia Lithograph Company, to lithograph 200 bonds in three colors, of a special design, using Crane's -1;,25 bond paper at a cost of ;,241.00 be accepted, and that the contract be so awarded. Mr. Hee‘eond moved that the recommenda- tions of the report be adopted, seoonded hr .1.111lock and carried by the vote. Aces:Councilmen 7:alker, Krumb, Hammond, ails, Fisher and Bullock, (6). Hoes: Zone. Jnent Christenson, Cros1):e and Probst, A connuhioation was received Irom Goodfellow & Eells in which they stated thet they had examined the proceedings authorizing of issue of 180,000 bonds and in their opinion the said proceedings were in accordance with the Consitution and Statutes of Cal:Tfornia and the Charter of the City of Alameda and that the same were valid. On motion of Er. Hammo h ear e :aeneeeree fJ led A comunieation was received from the Mayor in which he stated that he had made arranenent8 with Poundnaster John hay for the appointment of Grant hicks as a Deputy Poundmaeter, and had agreed to pay said Nicks the sum of 75.0O per month dierin; the _illness of the Pourdmaster and recommended that his action be confirmed. Hr. Hammond :toyed that the Mayor's action in the matter be confirmed, seconded by Hr. Balloce:pd carried by the followine-, vote. Ile-es:Councilmen Krumt, Hammond, Ells, Fisher a11(7. 7ul1ock, (6) . IToes:Zone. Absent, Cristensen, Crosb and Probst, (3). A commancation was received from the hayor in which he stated that subject to the arproval of the Council he re-apointed G. Harold Ward as a menber of the Board of Edu- cation, the sane to take effect and be in force from and after April 26-th, 1:10. Mr. Talker in a few well chosen remarks eulogizing hr. Ward moved that the apfointnent be confirmed, seconded by Lr. Ells and carriod b7 the -ollowins vote. Ayes:Councilmen, Walker, Yrumb, Hammond, Ells, _Fisher and 7eallo k, (6). roes:Ilone. Absent :Councilmen Christensen, Crosby and Probst, (3). A communication was received from the Layor, in which he stated that subject to the al•proval of the Council he re-appointed Wynn heredith as a member of the Board. of Electricity, same to take effect and he in force April 26th, 1n0. hr. Hammond in a few well chosen remarks enlogiing ire. Meredith moved that the appointment be confirm- seconded 1)! Er. Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker, Krumb, IM,mmond, Ells, Fisher and 'Bullock, (6) . Foes :Zone. Absent:Oouncilenn Christ- ensen, Crosby and Probst, (3). The Clerk rresented affidavits showing due posting and puhlication of Zotice of Street Work Invitirm, Troposals Therefor, for the improvement of Peach Street from the southern line of ITadison Street to the northern line of Washinton Street, under Resolu- tion of intention ho, 746. Ordered filed. He reported in comrliance with the said notice he mac in reeeipt of one bid. hr. Hammond moved that the Clerk he directed to open the same, seconded by Idr. Yialker and carried, and thereupon the Clerk opened the bid which was from Hutchinson Company, the same heing accompanied by a bond in the DUO of '500, in the fol eing amounts:- For Filling --- For hacadamiEing 771 Gutters-- 7roken 7och serouted For etralell; Curbins- Concrete For Curved Jr' Concrete - For Gutter 7,ri, ;es - For Culverts-Cast diem d concrete - ----43 etc. Per Cubic Fard., - 7 etc. Per Square Foot. --12 Pea eus. er Square Feet. etc. lei' Linear Foot, cts. ler Lineal FoT:t. each Per Linear Foot. AA .60 The Street Superintendent rerorted that the bid was reasonable, and thereupon Er. Hrumb offered tha following :=esoletion and moved its adoItion:- Fesolved, That the Council of the City of Alameda, having in open session on the 10th day of April, 19,10, opened, examined and. publicly declared all sealed proposals and leids for the -.flowing street work in saiJ city, to wit: That Peach Street from the southern line of Liadison Street to the northern line of Washington Street and including the crossings of San, Jose Avenue and Adams Street with Teach Street be improved as follows Thet the entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official erade; that concrete curbing, eight inches by four inches in cross section dimension, be constructed on the curb lines of said street and on the curved corners of the cross- ing between said limits : that cement grouted rock gutters, three feet in width and of the flat pattern, constructed along the roadway of said street between said limits, con- tiguous to said curbing and to said curved, corners; that two gutter bridges, each five feet in width and of pine lumber, constructed in each of the four corners of the corssings of Peach Street with Adams Street and San Jose Avenue; that two cast-iron cul- verts imbedded in concrete, be constructed in each of said last martioned croseineJ3 aloaC the line of Peach Mrent, one on the eastern and one on the western side of said street at each seid c oe :.q:; that the roadway of said street between said linits and including said crossinE:s, but eceptirri_: that portion of said roadway occupied ty eutters, he macadnnized with a layer of broken trap rock eii;ht inches in thickness, hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein mentioned and hereby aw.erds the contract for sold work to Hutobinson ConIeny, it T)eing. the lowest responsible bidd- er therefor, at the prices specified in its bid therefor on file to wit: For Fillin 45 cents per Cubic Yard For 1-aeadaniY,inc: cents per Square Poet For ,--etters 12 cents per Square Foot For 2trai. ght Curing, concrete 37 cents per Linear Joel. For Curved Thring, concrete 57 cents :Ler Linear Foot For ',;-utter 7drik'es A.00 each For Culverte, ce,st iron en,' co:loretx, or Linear 2oet The City °ler]: is hore'cO7 directed to post Pot ice of this A-eend cons five days near the Cflw-Tler door of this Council an& to publish said notice -Per tuo days in the Alaleda Thi ily .)r' us, ne-espaj,er. Er. Walhei seconded the resolution and it was -,„Clo teC 1,y the fol]ov'ing vote. Ayes: Ce-eeilned alhey, Kriall1), Hz LI-ona, Ms, Fisher and Bullock, Pees:Zone. Abeent: circiinon Chiirteaeen, Creaky and Frost, (3). A co,,=io tier, was foce-5.ved ncoLl the Street ',';o1.11ittee .:,cirnen(-7,in,l.: that :200.00 be allowed on the -eroosed repairs and inrrovement of the bulkhead at the south end of Street. Yr. Hi.lr=onJ r:eve;f1 that the reco-Lierdotio-la be _,I,eloptecT, seconded b7 Er. Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen, Vialker, Krunb, Hannond, 12.411b, Fisher and Bullock, (3). Probst, ( 6 ) ]ioes :Tone Abeent:Couneilmen Christensen, Cronle and A connun ation was received fron the property ovners oweime property fronting on On. at Street, between Broadway end ::,eL2ent Street, conplainin8' that an obstruction in the form of a house and fence projected on said Crist Street at 17Zegent Street, and requesting that the Council take action to have the alloyed obstriletion removed. Er. Felker moved that the matter be referred to the Street Comnittee and City Attorney, seconded lip Er. Hammond and carried. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Po. to Desinate and Pane a Certain Peer Boulevard and Avenue" introduced by Er. TT.r111:1 on April 5th, 1910, cane up for pass- age and woo read 1)7 the Clerk. MT. Krumb novel that it be adopted, seconded by Er. Walker and carried lip the following vote. Ayes:Couneilmen, Krunb, Hanmond, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (6) . lioes:None. AT,eent:Counci en Christensen, Crosby and Probst, (5). crumb o'fored the folloleim; -esolutien and levea its adoption: 2ESOLVED, That the publio interest and convenience require and that t is the intention of the Council of the City of Alareda to order the folowiny street work to he done in said city, namely: That 71-: ,-11 Street from a nihet line eleven hundred (11 0 feet - :hit angle measurement northerly from and parallel with the northern line of Lincoln Avenue to the eepting the crossing That tbe entire southern end of the United States Tidal Canal bridge, and ex- ,2 /,101 Street with Fernside Boulevard be ml roved as follows :- width of said portion of said street from property line to property line lie graded to the official [a-ade; that concrete curbinie, eteht inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension, be constructed on the curb lines of said portion of said street; that cement grouted rock e-utters, three feet in width and of the flat pattern, be constructed along the roadway of said portion of said street contiguous to said curling; that the revaininig portion of the roadway of said per- tion of said street he macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eis,ht inches in thickness. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby designated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this City in which this resolution, and the Street Superintendent re fotice of the passage thereof, shall be published. The Clerk is hereby directed to publish this 1Resolution by two successive insertions in said newspaper, and test the same for two days conspicuously near the Chamber Door of this Council. Er. 7al:eer seconded the Resolution and it was ado-nted e the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Krumb, Hammond, ';ialker, Ells Fisher and Bullock, (6) . Noes :None . Absent : Christensen, Crosby and Probst, (3). Er. }rule offered the following Resolutiomand moved its adoption :- RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention of the Council of the City of Alameda to order the following street work to be done in said city, namely: That a salt-glazed vitrified ironstone sewer, 6 inches in inside diameter with A inch "Y" branches and without house connections be conctruct- ed in an Antonio Avenue in a rilit line from the existin manhole at the crossing of San Antonio Avenue and Ninth Street alon the center line of San Antonio Avenue_ Two Hundred and Sixteen (216) feet westerly from said above mentioned manhole to a point where a new manhole shall be conetructed hereunder of brier:: masonry vfitb cast iron top anC. cover and S inch walls an bottom, in accordance 7:ith "Plan of Bricb: Masonry", ado ted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda, January 11th, 1097, and on file in th.e office of the City Clerk of said City, which Plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. The Alameda Daily Argus is hereby de ignated as the daily newspaper published and circulated in this City in which this resolution, and the Street Superintendent's fotice of the passage thereof, shall be published. The Clerk is hereby directed to publish this Resolution by two seceessive insertione in said newsral—, and post the same for two days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council. Ir. ':ialker seconded the Resolution end it was adopted by the followin vote. Ayes: Councilmen VIalher, 7rrumb, Hammond, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (6). Nees: fone. Absent: Councilmen Chrieteneen, Crosby and Probst, (7). \/- A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance fo. Establishing the Curb ride of the Southern Extremity of Grand Street" introduced by LT. Krumb on April 5th, 1910, came up for paesae'e end was read by the Clerk. hr. Krumb moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Bus, Fisher and Bullock, (6). foee:fone. Abeent:Councilmen Christensen, Croeby and Probst, (3). A petition presented. by J. W. Emmons at the neetinL; of April 5th, 1910, for Der- Mission to do the work of grading at his own exrense that portion of C'crand Street at the southern extremity thereof, in feont of lands owned by him, wae taken up. Mr. .Nammond moved that it be referred to the Street Committee with power to act, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. A Bill entitled, "A Dill for Ordinance Ho. Establishing the -loadway of Pacific Avenue from First Street to Fourth Street and Fixing the Curb Grade Thereof" introduced by hr. hrumb on April 5th, 1910, came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. lir. Yrumb moved its adoption, seconded by hr. Malker and it was passed and adopted by the following vote. Ayes eLmeilmen Walker, Krerfb,, Hammond, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (6) . foes :None. Absent:Coencilmen Christensen, Corsby and Probst, (3). A Bill entitled, "A Bill for Ordinance No. Determining Water atos and Fix- ing the Compensation for Water Furnished for Private and Public Purposes in the City of Alameda during the year mmeneing July 1st, 1910 and ending June 30, 1.9:11" intro duced by. Er. Bullock on April 5th, 1910, came ur for 'passage and was read lye the Clerk. Kr. Bullock moved its a.doptior, saceded by IdTe Ells and carried lry the followinE, vote. Ayes:Councilmen 71a1 Hammond., Ells, Fisher arid Bullock (6). Noes :None. Absent :Concilmen Christensen, Crosby and Probst, (3). Councilman Christenser arrived and was noted present. Er. Hammond introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Prohi- bit the Use of Electrolliers for Hitching Purposes" which was laid over under the pro- visiens of the Charter. Er. Hammond introdced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance 110. Pr bihiting the Hanging of Banners Over or Across Street or Avenues" which was laid over under the provisions of the charter. A rerert was received from the secial investigating committee appointed f't the meeting of April 5th, 1910, to investigate an alleged shortage of funds in the Treasur- er's office, stating that they had been unable to discover the responsibility for the reported shortage and condemning the practice that had prevailed in the Treasurer's office in the matter of handlinp: mone, in his posseseion. 1/.. Hammond moved that the report DO accepted and filed and the Comnittee discharged, seconded. 1)77 Er. 7alker end carried. rn e e er-2: presented an affidavit showing due mailing of notice of hearing, of petition of renonstrance for the iNprovement of the south end of Cedar Street as pro- -,eosed under Besolution of Intention No. '747, to the protestant Edward A. Allen. Order- ed filed. Er. Allen's son Edward addressed the Conn:oil in surr et of the nroteet. Councilman Yrumb spoke in favor of the proposed work and thereupon offered the follow- ing Resolution and moved its adoption. WHEREAS hr. Edw. A. Allen has filed oh jectioea te the gradein and ineroveleent of the eouth end of Cedar Street under Resolution of Intention No. 747 and after due notion and hearing at the time aprointed said objeetione have been conoidered. RESOLVED, That said objections havin been in the opinion of this Council not well taen be and the same are hereby overruled. Er. 7Ia1her seconded the 7.esolution and it was adolted by the following vote; Ayes:Concilmen Christensen, Wan-or, Krumb, Hammond, Ells, 1 shr and Bullock, (7). Noes :None. Abseet:Couneilmen Crosby and Probst, (2). Christensen moved that Janitor Ward be granted the first two weeks ie Eay as a vacation seeonded by h:ammond and carried. A communication was received from the Board of Education reauesting that steps be tal:en whereby they niftht arrange for the sale of the present haieht School building. Ordered filed, and thereupon Er. Cristeneen introduced a Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Uo. Authorizin and Consenting to the Sale and Disposition of the 773, ,*13.t School huilding by the Board of Edneation" which vies liad over under the yro- visions of the Charter. Plans and specifications were presented for the paving of Webster Street, Alameda, between the northern line of Santa Clara Avenue and the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue by the City Enineer Er Erumb moved that they be adopted and filed, second- ed hy Er. Ells and carried, and thereupon Er. Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bide for the said imrrovement in cempliance ei.th said rlans and s-eecifica- tions, seconded by Er. Walker and carried. A. tion w ceived fron 71iss H. Harrison for a jratuitous license to sell ice -eam and corucoDias, etc. IS:r. Hammond moved that the request be granted, seconded by Vialher and carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned until the next regular meet- a, ll0, at 7:30 D. m. City Clerk. `7.