1910-06-21 Regular CC MinutesJUNE 21st 1910.
The meeting convened with I;layor H. Noy, presiding.
The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Vialker,ilriunb,ITammon
Probst and Pullock,(6),were noted present and Councilman Fisher,r1),absent.
The minutes of t,'Ie meeting of June 7th were read and ordered approved.
Claims against the General Fund amountin6. to l75.20;against the Street Fund amount-
ing to 11006.55;egainst the Police Fund amounting to (i70.20 and against the Fire Fund am
amounting to 780.91 having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read
by the Clerk as follows:
Alameda Daily Argus
71 TT
Evening Times Star,The
TV rt
Incandescent lamp
ardner, U. S.
Hodghead,Beverly L.
Plummer & Con, Ceo 7.
recorder Becorder Frintg & Pub. Co
Associated Oi
Plummer & Son,Geo L.
Putzman Hoffman
Schneider, Henry
Smith Bros
United Engineering 7:orks
Bertin's Cleaning & Dyeing
Evening Times Star, The
Globe Consolidated Suppl7 Co.
Oakland Gas Lt .&: Heat Co
Pacific Tel & Tel Co
Fevalk & Co.,B.E.
Schneider, Henry
Taylor & Co.
Unna, Herman
Von Ah,Th
Glass & Glazing
Special services
Repairing Seal
Road Oil
If It
Street Work
Bicycle Pepairs
Rentals &c
Typewriter repairs
Stationery &c
Teals for prisoners
Hauling in:ured woman
Vosburgh Co.,J.. Supplies
Hauling 1.00
Total q' 70.20
Alameda Steam Laundry Linen Service :'$ ' 15.60
Barton,P.r. Corrugated Rubber 2:.atting 3.15
TT ft Supplies 3.60
Binder,F. Medicine 3.75
Board of Police & Fire Commissioners Supplies 8. Freight 10.90
If TY Carfare 2.50
Burrows,Fred. J. Sick substitute 24.25
Coustier 8 Sons repairs 3.00
Crescent Supply House Supplies 9.00
Hauge,Olaf Shades 13.25
Hay 8. Baird Horse-shoeing 5.00
Higby,Wm Painting and repairs 80.00
TT 7T Supplies Lc 1.75
Jones L Forrest Horse-shoeing 6.50
Ying,A.7. 'T 10.00
Lomax,r.r. It 5.00
Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat Co Gas 12.96
Pacific Tel & Tel Co Services .40
Peoples Water Oo Hydrants 8. Water 277.79
resso & Co.,G. Hauling 7.70
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co Coal 8:,c 2.20
Scott,iagner FQ Miller Feed 26.60
It TT 71 •I 210.56
Schneider,Eenry Stationery 1.25
Sutherlands Pharnacy Medicine 3.20
United Iron Works Repairs 30.00
Vosburgh Co.,J.B. Supplies 4.80
Westall,Chas TT 6.00
Total ci; 780.91
Mr.Bullock rpoved that the claims as read be paid,seconded by Mr.Christensen and
carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Ch istensen,Thlker,Y.rumb,Ilarrond,
0rosby,Ells,2rol'oi :and Eullock,(8). N'oes:Uone. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1).
An affidavit was presented showing the publication of the report of the experts
on the examination of the books of the various departxnents of the City. Ordered
A communication from the Alameda Improvement Club addressed to the Mayor was
presented,requesting the Mayor to appoint a special committee on amendments to the
Charter. Ordered filed.
A comrunication was received from Lrs. harles A.Allardyce,recording Secretary
of the Alameda District of the Federated Vomen's Olubs,requesting that the City of
Alameda endorse the proposition of holding tl'e biennial convention of the above Feder-
ated Clubs in an Francisco in 1912. :Jr.Probst moved that the Mayor be requested
to answer the sane endorsing the matter,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
A communication was received from Police 8,, Fire Cornnissioner I.7.7ard,requesting
a leave of absense from the Oity during the months of July and Aggust 1910. :Jr.Krumb
moved that the request be granted granted,seconded by ::r.ilannond and carried.
A cornrnunication was received from W.M.Bowers,in which he tendered his resignation
as a renber of tl'e Board of Free Library Trustees for the reason that he had accepted a
position in the City of Sacranento which would necessitate his leaving Alareda. Mr.7rumb
moved that the same he accepted,seconded by Llr.Probst end carried.
A report was received from the Mayor and Public Utilities Committee as to the qual-
ity,quantity,approximate cost of installing and agreement which the Bay Cities Water Com-
pany had to offer Alameda in the way of a water supply,and recommending that the Council
approve and lend its support to the project. Mr.Bullock moved that the report he ap-
proved and placed on file,aeconded b Mr .Ella and carried.
Applications for gratuitous licenses to oreddle notions were received from Alfred
Nelson and Charles Sandquist. Mr.Walker moved that they be granted,seconded by Mr.
Hammond and carried.
Nineteen applications for saloon licenses were received from the following:
George Otzen,northwest corner of IigJi Street and 11ncinal Avenue:Hotel Crescent Co.,
1300 Park Street; Henry F.Rrink,southeast corner of Park Street and Lincoln Auenne;
Vergez & Braemer,1545 Park Street; Nicholas Rienecker,1535 Park Street; Vim.C.Kochendor-
fer,152 Park Street; Minnie Borrnann as Executrix of the Estate of Marie Louis,deceased
1525 Park Street; A.Akesson & Co.,1429 Park Street; R.V-.A.Poste1,1413 Park Street;
E.Spies,1313 Park Street; Martin Joost & Sons,2170 Encinal Avenue; J.N.Beckmann,1917 Pac-
ific Avenue; Mrs.Jacob H.Sommer,1226 Lincoln Avenue; Muller Bros.,1445 Bay Street; Koster-
ing and Campe,846 Santa Clara Avenue; J.G.Cr011,7,ncinal Hotel,northeast corner Vebster
Street and Central Avenue;Geo.N. & Sue Seebeck,1517 V:ebster Street; F.V.Brandt,1601 Vieb-
ster Street and G.W. A.II.Johnston,1629 7:ebster Street. A cornrnunication was received
from the City Attorney stating that he had examined the sane and that they were all in
proper form,ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Trobst moved that they be granted seconded by
Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Thlker,Icrumb,
11amnond,Crosby,711s,Probst and Bullock, (8).
Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Fisher,(1).
A communication was received from the Oakland Traction Company replying to a commun-
ication from the Clerk written at the direction of the Council,stating that cars would be
held at transfer points a reasonaThle time to afford the traveling public opportunity to
make 1)etter connections at such transfer points. Ordered filed.
A communication was received fro n the Oakland Traction Company replying to a commun-
ication fron the Clerk written at the direction of the Council,stating that owing to the
cost of maintaining their branch line on San Jose Avenue east from "'ark Street and the
small revenue obtained that they could not make repairs to their roadbed and equipment as
requested. ::r.7rumb moved that the communication be filed and the Clerk be directed
to address another communication to the said Company laying particular stress on the road-
bed where the rails are joined and request that the trouble be renedied,eeconded by Mr.
Christensen and carrled.
A communication was received from the Police & Fire Committee of the Council,recom-
mending that the salaries of members of the Police Tepartment be increased. 1: .Nammond
moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee,seconded by Mr.Probst and car-
Affidavits were presented showing due publication and posting of Notices of Street
7:0 a* inviting proposals therefor in the natter of constructing a sewer in San Antonio Ave.
west from 7inth Street under Resolution of Intention No.749. grdered filed. The Clerk
rerorted that in response to said notices he had received one bid. M .7rumh moved that
the sane be received and opened seconded by Ir.Crosly and carried and thereupon the sane
was opened and read as follows:
Iron 7.7.7isc'r'er accompanied by a certified check for Q12.00
For Six-inch Y Branches 55 cents each extra
For flanholes,complete -'735.00 per ::anhole
The Street Superintendent reported that the bid vra s a reasonable one thereupon 1],r.
rub offered the followin resolution an ioved its adortion:
17.esolved,That the Council of the City of Alameda,having in open session on the
21st day of June,1910,opened examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and
bids for the following street work in said city,to wit: That a salt glazed vitrified ±
ironstone sewer, 6 inches in inside diameter with 4 inch "Y" branches and without house
connections be constructed in an Antonio Avenue in a right line from the existing man-
hole at the crossing of an Antonio Avenue and Ninth Street along the center lino of
Antonio Avenue Two Hundred and. Sixteen (216) feet westerly from said above mention-
ed manhole to a point where a new manhole shall be constructed hereunder of brick ma-
sonry with cast iron top and cover and 0 inch walls and bottom, in accordance with
"Plan of Brick :::asonry," adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of Alameda,January
llth,1807,and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said Cit ,which plan is hereby
referred to and made a part hereof,hereby rejects al' of said bids excert that next here-
in mentioned and hereby awards the contract for said work to 7.7.Fischer he being the
lowest responsible bidder therefor,at the prices specified in his hid therefor on file
to wit:
For Six-inch Pipe- 46 cents per linear foot
For Six-inch Y Branches 55 cents each extra
For Manholes,complete 035.00 per manhole
The City ClerI: is hereby directed to post notice of this award conspicuously for
five days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said notice for two days
in the Alameda Daily Argus,newspa-per.
hristensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed ley the fo],low-
ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,7alker,7rumb,Eammond,0rosby,711s,rtobst and
Bullock, (8).
Noes None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1).
Mr.Hammond moved that Geo E.Plummer be appointed to the vacancy on the Board of
Free Library Trustees cause
the resignation of 71.31.Bowers,seconded by Idr.Crosby
carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,7rumb,Hammond,
0rosby,711s,Probst and. Bullock, (8). 7oes:None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1).
Affidavits were presented showing due 1-.ost d publ:cation of Notices of Street
Viork and inviting proposals therefor,fer, the work of improving Bacific Avenue between
1st and 4th Streets under resolution of Intention No.750. Crdered filed. The Clerk
reported that no bids liad been received. M .Christensen moved that all action in this
matter be rescinded,seconded hy 1:r.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes
Councilmen Christensen,V:alker,7ru1b,1ianmond,Cros1yals,7robst and -iillock,(0). Noes
None. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1).
A petition was received from Hutchinson Company requesting permission to do the
work of grading,curbing,guttering and macadamizing T'acific Avenue,between 1s1 and 4th
streets under private contract. Accompanying the same was a copy of contract with the
owners of all the property on said street between said limits. Mr .Walker moved that
they be filed and permission be granted as asked for,seconded iny :r.Hanmond and carried.
A petition was received from Hutchinson Company requesting sixty days extension of
time on their contract to complete the improvement of reach Street under I'.esolution of
Intention No.746. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.I".alker offered the following reso-
lution and moved its adoption: Thereas request has been Lade and good cause there-
fore aprearing,
uenuern oe ana ne is nereoy autnorized and, directed
to grant sixty days exyension of time on contract for the performance of Street Vork to
Hutchinson Company on its contract to improve l'each Street from the southern line of
:adison Street to the northern line of 7:ashington Street under Resolution of Intention
No.746 provided that in no event shall any liability accrue by reason thereof against
said city or officials.
Y.r.7rumb seconded the resolution and it was passed and adopted T)7 the following x
vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Talker,7rumb,Hammond, oshy,Ells,rrobst and Bul-
lock, (8) . Noes :None .
Absent:Councilman Fisher, (1)
A petition was received from T.r.Speddy,et al requesting that the Council take ac-
tion to improving the south end of Cedar btreet. Ordered filed,and thereupon Er.Krumb
offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the in-
tention of the Council of the City of flareda to order the following street work to be
done in said city,namely: That Cedar Street from a right line 520 feet right angular
measurement southerly along the center line of Cedar Streek, fror the right line above
mentioned,be improved as follows: That a concrete retaining wall be constructed along
tIle easterly property line of said Cedar 3treet between said concrete bulkhead and the
edge of the bluff of the high land, he top of said retaining wall to be 4 inches above
the official curb grade;that the entire width of said street between said limits,from
property line to property line,be graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,
eight inches by twelve inches in cross section dimension,combined with concrete gutters,
three feet wide by six inches thick,be constructed along both edges of the roadway of said
streetbetween said linits;and that the remaning portion of the roadway of said street,
between said limits,be macadamized with a 'layer of broken trap rock six inches in thick-
The Alameda Daily Argus is herelly designated as the daily newspaper published and
circulated in this City in which this resolution,and the Street 3u erintendent's Notice
of the passage thereof,shall be published. The Clerk is hereby directed to publish
this Resolution by Imo successive insertions in said newspaper,and post the same for two
days conspicuously near the Chamber door of this Council.
Tdr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes:Councilnen Christensen,Walker,:ramb,hammond,Crosby,E11-,Probst and
Bullock, (8).
Noes :one. Absent :Councilman Fisher, (1)
A petition of remonstrance was received from J.K.Hjul,of 701 Grand Street to the
work of improving the southern end of Grand Street under the provisions of Resolution
Intention No.751. Idr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street Com-
mittee,Etreet Superintendent and City Attorney to investigate the natter and report hack
to the Council,seconded by r.Crosby and carried.
Plans and Specifications were submitted for the construction of a South Side Sewer,
the paynent for the construction of which was provided for by the recent bond election.
LIr.Yrumb moved that the sane be adopted and filed and the Olerk be directed to advertise
for bids for its construction in accordance therewith,seconded by 1.a..Ells and carried by
the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,7alker,Xrumb,llammond,Crosby,Ells,
Probst and Bullock, (8).
Noes:None. Absent:Councilman Fisher,(1).
The natter of the proposed Ordinance to Regulate the Operation of VAndnills was
taken up. Y,r.Hammond moved that the matter be laid on the table,seconded hy lir.Valker
and carried.
nr.Hammond introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Arnend Section
3 of Ordinance Uo.197 Regulating the Erection of Poles and the lianging or faectric ire.
which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Yr.7alher moved that the Public Buildings Committee be authorized to plank the floor
of the temporary garage recently constructed in the rear of the City Hall to house the
Police _ratrol and Ambulance,seconded by Llr.Probst and carried.
1:1r.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the Oak-
1,,.nd. Traction Company and the Southern Pacific Company and request them to give the
Street Superintendent three days notice before they did any more street oiling in the
City,seconded by 1r.7alker and carried.
La".Probst moved that 7f.A.Bansbach who was granted a gratuitous license to peddle
fruit,at the meeting of June 7th,be also granted a gratuitous wagon license to be used
in such occupation,seconded by :dr.Walker and carried.
Idr.Probst moved that the Clerkhe directed to notify the Peoples 7:ater Company
to lay mains in Page Street between Santa Clara Avenue and Central Avenue,in Taylor
Avenue between Eighth and :::ebster Street and to comply with their promise made in :Larch
of 1910 to lay mains in various streets throughout the City,seconded by :./..Hammond and
Y-r.I'robst moved that the Clerk be directed to reques, the Southern 2acific Com-
pany to stop their late trains at night to stop long enough at the stations to allow
passengers to alight,seconded by Y .Vialker and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Ooiirjcil adjourned until the next
regular meetin ,Tuesday,July 5th 1910,at 7.30