1910-06-24 Regular CC MinutesT=R2DAY,JUTTE 24th 1910.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor
The roll was called and Councilmen Thristensen,alker,T:rumb,Hammond,f7rosby,711s,
'Probst and Fisher,(9).were noted present and none absent.
The Clerk read the call for the meeting which Ilad been made by the Mayor and which
was for the purpose of considering and acting on the contracts for public school build-
lir.Probst offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Whereas the Board. of Education of the City of Alameda,did on the 12th day of May,
1910,after due and legal notice as required by law adopt and accept certain plans and
specifications for an addition to the i1son School Building in said city which plans
and specifications were submitted by Messrs Cunningham & Politeo architects in accordance
with said noticewhich invited the submission of the same and which was published, as re-
quired by law;
And whereas thereafter on the 10th day of June,1910,said Board of Education after
due and legal publication of a notice inviting sealed proposals for the work of con-
strncting and completing 'said addition in accordance with said plans and specifications
awarded the contract therefor to V.E.Roeder and thereafter onthe 21st day of June,1910,
entered into a supplementary contract with said Roeder for said work for the price of
And whereas said Board of Education after due and legal notice had been published
according to law accepted and adopted the plans and specifications of LTessrs. Cunningham
2oliteo Architects for the construction and completion of a new Haight School Building;
7ow therefore be it resolved by the Council of the City of Alameda that the action
of said Board of Education in accepting and adopting the. plans and specifications herein-
before referred. to and in awarding the contract and supplementary contract hereinbefore
referred to be and the same are hereby ratified and confirmed and adopted as the act of
this Connell with like effect and force as if said acts were originally the acts of this
Council and the action of said Board of Education in the premises be and the same is here-
by fully ratified and approved.
1,r.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following
vote. Ayes :Councilmen hristenser,7alker,7rumb,ammond,Cro oy,Ells,7isher,2'robst and
Bullock, (9)
Noes :ono. Absent :None.
There being no further business to transact the Connell.
duly adjourned
City Clerk.