1910-07-19 Regular CC MinutesTUESDAY,JULY 19th 1910. Tbe meeting convened with Idayor 7.H.Noy,presiding. The roll •as celled end Councilmen Christensen,V:alker,Krumb,Eannond and Bullock were noted Present 9 d Councilmen Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Probst absent. The minuteR of the meeting of July 5th 1910,were read and orcered approved. Durir g). the reading of the minutes Councilmen rals and Fisher arrived nrd were no- ted present. ]/..1"dillock offered the following resolution nr(9 roved it 2doption: T'.esolved,hy the Council that the sum of One Thousand ($1000) Dollars he,and the same is hereby transferred frori the General Fund to the Park and Playground Fund,and the Au- ditor end Treasurer are hereby directed to effect such transfer upon their respective books. Mr.Eammond seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Co-urn-Liner Christensen,alker,Krumb,Hamnond,Ells,Fisher and T3131-Lock, (7). Toes :Tone. Absent:Councilren Crosby and. Probst, (2) Mr-Bullock offered the following resolution end moved its adoption: Resolved:1,y the Council that the sum of ,80.00,be and the sane is hereby trans- ferred from the Police Pension Fund to the General Fund and that the sum of 475.6 be and the same is hereby transferred from the Fire Pension Fund to the General Fund,and the Auditor and the Treasurer are hereby directed to effect such transfer upon their respective books. r.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the fol- lowing vote. Ayes :C)ounc linen Christense-n,,alker,Krumb,Hammoncl,R11s,Fisher and Bul- lock, (7). 'Noes :None. A'osent :Councilren roshy and Probst, (2) . 1.1r.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Eesolved,hy the Council that the SLIM of Two Hundred and Thirty (230.00) dollars be,and the sane is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Police Pension Fund and the Auditor and the Treasurer arc ceiy directed to effect such transfer upon their respective books. Lr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and paeoed by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilnen Christensen,Y:alker,Krumb,Hannond,Ells,Fisher and Bullock, (7) . Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and Probst, (2). Claims against the General Fund amounting to 122.20;against the Police Fund amounting to 39.55:againet the Fire Fund amounting to 451.35;against the Street Fund amounting to 1526.33;against the Police Pension Fund amounting to q;270.00;Against Mun- icipal Improvement Fund 70.9, (School) amounting to 2064.00 and against Municipal Im- provement Fund No.9,(Sewer) amounting to 2.00 havinf Leen approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as followe: G777PAT FUND Alameda Daily Angus Advertising 1.60 Tf !I T1 TV' TT 11 Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Densenen, Geo Ells,7.R. Evening Times Star, The Hendricksen,.J. IT 11 TT T1 Towel Service Carpenter work Stepladder Printing Ideat for Pound .35 .85 8.00 4.25 1.80 8.00 6.30 3.25 1.1etzger,0.L. Grass 4.75 acifio Tel & Tel Co.,The Rentals &c 2.60 Peterson,j.E. Services as Deputy- Assessor 42.50 Plunner & Son,Ceo 7. Lumber 7.60 Polh-Husted 7irectory Co -"irectory for Assessor 6.00 Schneidr,TI. Stationery for Janitor .75 TT or " Auditor 1.60 TT IT " City Clerk 5.75 TT Treasurer 4.95 rt TV Auditor 2.80 Zellerbach rarer Durand,J.J. 7.7.Ells 7vening Tines :Thhar,The Tt tf If akland G Tt.E: Feet Coppany Penific Tel Tel Co.,The Putman Hoffman chneider,Henry rurgner & ijartin. Toilet Paper Total gar.* 't? 7.50 122.20 r0LIT.47 FT= icycle repairs )`' 3.00 Hauling inured ran 2.00 rirting 7.50 Printing 15.25 Gas .40 Rentals 3.65 Bicycle repairs 3.50 fltationery 4.25 Total FT77 =JD Surrlies 711s,7.7. Repairs Furey Hyman, A. Jones & Forrest Jorgenson, P. Ionax,R.R. 1,;Ietzger,C.T. Cakland aas Lt. L H.Co Peorles T3azaar,Inc. PeorTes V:ater Co. Fhi]:pott, Resso & Co.,G. Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Scott,Haner & =or 2teinnet7.,Th F. Sutherland's Pharracy TV 'sr 39.55 7.50 1.25 3.05 3.50 Horse-shoeing 5.00 TV 16.50 TV 5.00 TV !T 10.00 Re-pairs .75 Gas 10.89 Supplies 6.00 later 279.49 _erairs 24.60 Hauling 7.70 2upplies, 5.00 }lay 1epairs 3.50 2.50 Hauling 6.00 Total 41' 551.35 ST:REET FUTID Associated Oil Go Road 011 TT TV Durein,John aoldstone,J. Hay & Baird 'T TT :3/applies TV Blacksmithing 319.62 311.25 14.00 20.35 8.00 Henshaw,Bulkley J:, Co., Supplies 5.51 Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Telephones 2.40 Plummer (7,2 Son,Geo E. Lumber 11.00 Putzman ,°: Hoffman epairs 1.75 Fhodes-Jamieson ,c7 Co Liaterial 196.50 tt IT 't TT 171.80 ,. tt TT TI 174.55 tt IT tt 187.25 ,, IT IT tt 99.00 Schneider, Henry Supplies 2.10 Lawrence, J. 'elch,D. Blacksmithing 1.25 Total - 1526.33 POLICE PETNSTON FUND, Pension 135.00 IT Total 135.00 3 270.(1(5- EUNICI7AI I:.-2?P,O=ENT FUND No.9,(School) Cunningham P. Politeo Plans 353.00 7,1.7roep.erT).. Salary 85.00 Foeder,7.E. On acct of contract 1626.00 Total 2064.00 1:UNICIPAL ILLPROV1.8=TT FUND No.9, (8e wer ) Electric Blue Print Co flue Prints 2.00 Er .Bullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by 1r.Christensen and carried 7yy the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,Krumb,Hammotd, Ells,Fisher and Bu1look,(7). Toes :Tore Absent :Councilmen Cros1T and Probst, (2). A rerort rooeived from the auditor showing the arrortionment of the money received to date. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Assessor showing the assessed valuation of the City for the year :MO. Ordered filed. :,:r.Hammond offered the following: resolution and moved its adortion: VIHE=2,in all m(1.tters R110 tbin...s connected with the disbursement of silch por- tion of 21uniciral Imrrovement Fund Uo.9,as is available for the erection and reconstruc- tion of Tu"hlin 2nbools as limited and described in the Ordinances relating to the is- suance of bonds by the City of Alanedaand creating said fund,the Board of Fducation of the City of Alameda is better informed than this council touching the needs of the school department of said Oity,and the economical administration of said fund in the particulars heroin mentioned, THE2EFO:E,be it resolved by nn Conrcil,that,under and by virtue of the au- thority conferred ilron this counoil by the Charter of the City of Alameda,the Board of Education of the City of Alameda,be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to pub- lish any and all notices inviting proposals to award,carri out and perform an:- and all contracts,to engage the services of any and all arcbitects and persons whatsoever as may be necessary to carry out and and accomplish to o,iects and purposes heretofor de- clared in connection with the erection and reconstruction of said school buildings and improvements,and which are more particularly described as follows: For the erection and equipment of a new elementary public school building in place of th e Haight 3chool building,for the sum of ::100,000.00 is alloted:for the completion and equipment of a new elementary school building at the south-east corner of ianta Clara Avenue and Eighth .treet,and the completion and equipment of an addition to the cx.nool "railing TOT 7fl1 .. C5r1 Tne S1 OT OU,UUU.UU 13 allotea out OI idunicipal Im- provement Fund No.9,and for the completion of which new elementary school building the s sum of •29,892.71 remains available out of lunicipal Inprovement Fund No.8. And subject to the Trovisions of the Oharter of the City of Alameda full power is hereby delegated to the said Board of 7ducation to do all things hereinbefore mentioned with like power and effect as thoupqi the same were had and done by this Council,including the power to pass upon demands in payment for any and all of said work and to order the payment of said demands. .::rumb seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Thlker,17,runb,Hammond,711s,Fisher and Bullock, (7). 7oes,7one. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and.Probst,(2). A communication was received from A.F.St Sure,Attorney,stating that ::.r.Alfred Ban- nister had placed his claim for :500.00 for services rendered in the matter of the offer of the Bay Cities Water Company to sell water to the City of A]aned ,further stating that prompt payment would avoid litigation. 1,r.7.7runb moved that the matter be referred to the Finance Committee and the City Attorney,seconded Thy :::r.Hammond and carried. Councilman Probst arrived and was noted rresent. A communication vas received from the East 17.nd Improvement Club s,ating that the oak tree located in the roadway of High Street opposite an Buren :Areet was a dangerous obstruction 1./1(1 nuisance to the people living ir the im!l!ediate vicinity. Idr.Krumb moved that t,he Clerk be directed to notify the property owner in front of whose property the said tree was growing,to have the same removed within five days and that in case it was not removed within such time that the Street 311..erintendent he directed to remove it seconded by ir.Hamnond and carried. by the following vote, Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, alker,:Trumb,Hammond,Ells,Fisher and 71.11.1oclr,(7). Noes :Councilman Probst, (1). Al")sent: Councilman Crosby, (1). A petition WRP received from residents of the neighborhood of Ijadison and ilarket Streets to install an arc light at said corner. On motion of Er.Krunb the sane was re- gerred to the Board of Electricity. The Oaths of 0N'iee o? Brainard 7!.711-own Rs P member of the Board of Free Library Trustees and o± (leo '::.Christensen as Deputy City Clerk were Tresented and ordered filed. A petition was received from the Child's Vjelfare League,requecting permission to use the Council Oharnler in which to hold a mass meeting in the interests of said league, on the evening of August 1st 197.0, T7,r,Yrnmb moved that permission be granted,seconded by Lr.Ells and carried. The Oakland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals rent. request for a gratuitous license to exhibit under its auspices a tratted horse. Tr.Probst moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. The Board of Free _Library Trustees presented. its Thirty-First nnua1. Feport,for the year ending June 30th 1910. Ordered filed. The Police & Fire Commission presented the semi-annual report of the Police Depart- ment for the six months ending June 30th 1910. Ordered filed. The Police & Fire Commission presented the annual report of the Fire Department for the year ending June 30th 1910. Ordered filed, A petition was presented by 2.-'.7appan,7'olice Judge,requesting leave of absence from the county fr and including the 30th day of July up to and including the 1st day of 2eptember 1910. TTr.Flis moved that the request be granted,seconded hr 1,7.1-.7i her fIr(9 r!n.rvied, A communication was received from tl-P Police Fire Commission requesting ermis- sion to purchase two horses fro the use of the Fire 7)epartment at a cost not to Pxceed the sun of NOO.00. 1:127.Hannond moved that the request be granted,seconded by Ir. 1Trumb and carried by ti fellowino! vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,raiTher,Tcrumb, liammond,Fals,Fisher,Prohst and Bullock, (8). Noes:Fone. Absent :Councilman Crosby, (1). 1.,Ir.7eullocir moved that the rernission granted the Police Fire Commission,on 1.7,ay 3rd 1910,to purchase two horses at a cost of 1300.00 be rescinded,seconded by Iiir.Tals and carried. Councilman Crosby arrived and was noted rresent. A nommnnication wf-s received from the Police & Fire Commission recommending that the Councjl arroint from various organizations Pr4 official five censors for the-moving rieture shows in the City of Alameda. After some discussion on motion of 11-.Christensen seconded by M.1-79u1.71.oelr . the matter was laid over until the next neeting. A communication was received from the Pore I[Lanufacturing Conrany advocating one of their combination auto chemical and hose wagons. Y .7rumb moved that the snrne T■A ref- erred to the Police and Fire Commission,secondd by 7.r.Hammond and carried. A communication was received from the Park & Playground Commission request :g aut- hority to increase the salary. of Superintendent of Parks Dunn from '90.00 to ,,100.00 or month,the same to take effect from and after July 1st 1910. :r.lTrumb noved that such authority ge given but that said increase be in force on and after August 1st 1910, seconded by 1:r.1Iammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilnen Christensen, -'9,1er,Yrumb,Uammond,Crosby,71.1s, isher,Probst and 75o11on7,-,(9). Tone. Noes:7one, Absert7 17.r.CrosIT moved that the application of S.A.Fletchnr,for a gratuitous license to solicit for the sale of flavoring extracts and perf,ires,which T7'PF: presented at the meet- ing of j'uly 5th 191nbe denied,seconded ly :r.Lammond and carried. A perort was received from 7r.7.Carrerter,Threrintendent of the bound of the cam- rlaint filed against Poundmaster John J.7'97. nrd.r,,d filed. connanicatiori wan received from the .,;outhern Pacific Comranv stating that in the future it would notif7 the ,2:+reet Surerintendent before doing any street oiling. Or- dered filed. A cormurination was received from the Oak]and Tractior ComrPryrelying to the comrl int made nf cars passing rrosrective rassengers when stsrdinz or 'norners,without disrlavirg the "Take Next Car" sign. Ordered filed. The Street Committee presented two bids which the:: had received for the wind-mil] erd connections former17 loceted at tle south end of 71ark Avenue. One from Joserh T.azzini for ;i1100.00 and one from 1,...,!..-Bangs for ?;90.00. :r.Christenser moved that they be reflected,seconded by Lir.ilammond and carried. 77/..7rumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: P.esolved,That the ruhlic interest and convenience require and tbat it is the in- tention of the Council of the City of Alaneda to order the following street work to be done in said city,namely: That a salt-glazed,vitrified,iron-stone seWer,six irches in in- Fe diemPter,with 4-inch "Y" branches and without house connectipns,be constructed in Pearl Street in e. right line ron the elristing manhole at the crossing of 'agle Avenue and 7earl Street,along the center line of Pearl ,treet,northerly to the roint of inter- section of said line of Marl .:treet with the center line of Harrison AvPrue;that nanh'le shall be constructed hereunder on the line of said sewer at the intersection thereof with the center line of Clement Avenue rrod.uced in a right line easterly,a7so at the intersection thereof with the center line o ;Blanding Avenue produced in P right line ensterlv,and 91 SO at the intersection the,reof with the center line of Harrison Avonue;that said manho]es shall he of brick masonry with cast-iron tops 9-') sand Pight-inch rails and bottoms,and shall be constructed in accordance with "Plan of Brick Uec, V LL1 UJ Alameaa,..lanuary A.113nlow7,ana on file in the office of the City Clerk of said r‘fty,wMC plan is herelT referred to and made a part hereof. The Alameda Tai1r Argus TLs herehy designated as the daily newspaper puhlished and circulated in this city t7 7Thil7 this resolution,and the _itreet Superintennert's uotiee of the rasnae thereof,shall he published. The Clerk is hereby direeted to publish ,this 7esolution 1)y two successive tnsertiors ir sFid newsparer,and rost the sane for two das conspicuously recar the Ch0mher door of this Council. 2r.FJker seconded the resolution Fnd it was adopted and passed by the following Vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,7rumb,Hannor9 ,.CrosIT,711s,Fisher,Probst and Bi 113 och, (9 ) . Noes :11-one Ab ent:Uone. A retition was receivPd fro 07'07/7. 7ros.0onstruction Company,requestirR pernis- Qinr to r-rade,cur',1-,acadanize and otherwise ii,prove college Averue from the southerly lire of an .'ose Avenue to the nortlerly 1 Inc of Cal hour ,:treet,urdier rrivate contract. Accorpam-in.g the PvT'F, V9 a copy of ihe contract signed by the interested rrerert;,- own_ .Yrunb moved that the request M)F4 r?ranted,seeorded hy 7(r.E11s and carried. A petition was received from the Hutchinson Company requesting an extension of thirty (30) dF7s on their contract for tho improvement of :adison Street under resolu- tion 7o.744. Ordered filed and thereupon offered the forlowino: reno]ution and moved its adoption: ThereFs request has been made and good cause therefore arpearing, 7esolved that the Street :mperintendent be and he is hereby authoriged ard direct- ed to grant 50 days extension of tine on contract for the perfornance of Street V,c)rk to Hutchinson Company on its'contrFet to cprpde,nrrh,rivicadanize and otherwise improve 2adi- son Street under esolution of Intention ':To.744 provided. that in no event shall any lia- bility accrue Ty reason thereof against said city or officials. Lr.7rumb seconded the resolution and. it WRP adopted and passed hy t1i» folToTirg vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christenser,alker,7rr b,TIammord,Crosley,711s,Fis1er,:proLst and Bullock,(9). 7oes:Hore. Ahsent:None. . communication was received from T..Charnan,City 7ngineer,in which subject to the approval of the Council,he appointed Irs.J.C.Lawten as reputy City 7 nineer . Yrumb moved that the appointnent he arproved,seconded Ty I:.r.Probst and carried. A report InnR received from the treet Committee recommending that no action be taken at the present tine to construct a sewer in Harrison Avenue as petitioned for :Lr.Schunacher. On notion of :r.Fisher the report was ordered filed. A contract and bond was received from the 7aneome-Crunney Company for the bitum- inizing of '':ebster .3treet between Santa Clara and Puena Vista Avenues, in accordance with award made to then at the neetirg of July 5th 1910. Ordered filed. A report was received from the ::'!treet Superintendent that the work of grading,curb- ing,macadamizing and otherwise improving the north half of Central Avenue from 8th to 9th Street had heer completed by Hutchinson Company under private contract to his satisfac- tior pod in accordance with the plans and specification therefor. Ordcrmd A report was received from the Street Superintendent that the work of construct- ing a sewer in ?an Antonio Avenue fro r the eyistirp- nerhoie at the crossing of 9th Street and an Antonio to a point 216 feet vicstorly therefrom had been completed by C.F.Fieclier order 7es01.ution of Intention n 7o.749 to his satisfaction and in accordance with the rlans and speeifications and contract therefor. Ordered filed. The Auditor presented his estimate for the year 1910-1911 of the amounts reeessary to carry on the business of the City. Ordered filed. 1.7.11J. t7Whi(j,eu J)-1—LJ J.u.k J&CLiL. Treasurer and ex-officio Tax Collector",introdaced by Councilman Ells on. July 5th 1910, cane ur for passage ,and was read 17 the Clerk. ir.E11s moved its adortion,seconded by Mr.7runb and adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Coancilmer Christensen, Talher,Hrumb,Hannond oci:y,Flis,Fisher,Probst and Bulloch,(9). Noes :None. sent :None. Yir.7:rum1 reported that the bid of Hutchinson f,7ompanv rresented at the meeting of July 5th 1910,for the construction of a sidealk or the north end of 71 shinp:ton '?ark and at the earner of 7ighth Street," the lowest and moved that the constact he awarded to the said Corrary,seconded. by Lr.7isher ana carried by the following vote. Co:nos: - ctlren Christensen,7alker,Nrunb,llanmond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probct and Bullock7 e None. Absent :None.. Mr.Probst rerorted that complaint had been made to hin that the laborers enTioyed by the Southern IT'acifle Corrnry at the end of the ATamean Mole on quitting work took posse sion of the seats of the trains Before the boat arrived thus causing a large num- ber of the commuters to stand,anCi moved that the Clerk be directed to addres a communica- tion to the Company requesting then to remedy the came of the complaint,seconded by lir. Yalker and carried. John H.Bruns addressed the Council and advocated that the approaches to the Tebster Street Bridge be widened and that is such action were taken it would heir to do away with the dela:7 to street cars. The matter vas referred to the Street Committee. There being no further 1Yusiness to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meetin-,Tuesaav, Anpliet 2nd 1910,at 7.30 P.M.