1910-08-02 Regular CC MinutesTUF,S-)AY,2.11117S7 2-ral 1930. The meeting convened :.ayor The roll. ,rf-s called and Councilmen Christensen,".:alkor,77:rumb,Eammond,Crosby and -7uiloch,(6),v-ore noted present and Councilmen 711s,Fisher and Probst,(3),absent. 7,e minutes of the mooting of Jul y 19th were rend and ordered aTproved. Courcilran Fisher arrived and vas 1,nt d rresent. lains against the .Jenerel Fund amounting to ,261.52;against the Police Fund amount- ing to "29.55:PF-ainst the Fire Fund amountirc. to :1;] 59.00;aainst the .,treet Fund amount- ing to 1149.07;against the Electric Light Fund anountinc. to :6566.50;against the 1-Ahrary Fund amounting to '81.50;against Limnicipal Irprovement Fund 7o.9,(Sewer) amounting to 2.25 and against Tjunicipal 11provenent Fund 7o.$, (School) amounting to :,4577.50 •aving been arrroved and nu1 4ted 7)77 the rroper officials vere read by the Olerk an follows: GENERAL FUITD Ader,Leon H. Services 63.00 A..dtTeexttai-txg .7(X 2oegle,Y. Transcript 3.00 *:Irening Tinos star Printing 12.00 11 62.10 37.50 fp ff '7 T1 Tr 1 77 If If fir TT TT 10.00 TT 17.00 4.50 Fields, L. Exporting Books 15.00 Gee,R. 1.11nute Book 16.50 Oakland as Lt Heat Co. Gas .30 'Peoples ':fater Company Water for City 1a11 1.4.57 7? 1.00 1.00 1.40 Perata,!.. Schneider, Henry (Jonrad,John Burrows,7.J. Lewis:Prank Removing Carhaa:e Stationery for .a.77or 17 ' Auditor 1.25 TT IT Tax Collector .40 Ru'ner Stamp for City Clerk .30 Total- - - - 260.82 .T'OTTCE FUUD Incidental expenses 29.55 FIRE FU1TD Services 69.00 TT Total 90.00 759.00 STREET FIT= Alameda T'aper Co. Street :rooms 7.00 Associated 011 Co Road Oil 310.00 Britt,. Teaming. 87.50 Jamison,J.. 1 122.50 TT reterS,TeLo 223.75 Serralunga,3. Labor 110.00 Thurston, 0.E. Teaming 85.00 United. Engineering Works Repairs 104.07 l! TY 71 TY 15.50 Wood Lumber Co.,E.Y. Lumber Total 83.75 U1149.07 Alameda Daily Argus !_ythur,7".C. Associated Oil Co 11 1? TT It 1? It Board of Electri Burgner :„Iartir Coustier Sons Crane Company- Ty IT LL.Lj .1J1l7.C1j_ Advertising .70 Sign Painting 7.50 Oil 296.43 296.43 296.43 Incidentals 7.60 Ha7.dwvre 3.25 Supplies 16.00 TT 128.98 TT 1.80 1.50 11 27.50 1)e.c-en Pelting Co.,L.P. Belt Proesing .50 Evening Tires Star Printing 2.25 7e'Yete,. Suprlies 4.50 Fischer Plum1).(c'.: Hdwe Co.,C.F. lids° 3.10 Garnewell 7ire Alarm Tel Co.,The Supplies 65.40 If 11 T1 11 IT 11 29•16 11 'T if St Tv *t 9.90 Gorham Tlubl)er Co.,The 90.70 Hauge,Olaf Furniture 6.50 1:unt,Eirk L Co. Supplies 316.62 It 11 I! Thermometer 3.85 Kidwar,J.A. .Tore 223.60 King,A.:. Horse- hoeing 5.00 Koerber,A.K.W. Feed 39.80 Tomax,B.?.. Horf-le-shoeinp; 5.25 I:iarshall 'Jewell supply Co Supplies 4.00 *I IT 11 t! 5.20 5.00 ty 11 Cap Screws 1.73 Supplies 200.54 ific States Electric Co u 48.60 TT It *1 It 95.27 11 11 11 'T 75.75 *y .f It TT 286.61 Tf T1 ft ty 17127 11.47 vt 1 TT 154.16 11 11 94.50 IT '1 1? 182.75 Pacific Tel F: Tel Co.,The Rental 12.25 1 TV t! 16.97 It TT TV s1 16.74 l'eoyles ":ater Co. 1:;ater 2.74 Plummer & Son,Geo -1-,. Ium-her 124.65 vt TT IT 58.70 "owell P1-0,F- OorPtrliCt-ton Co. Teaming &c 36.00 Maxwell Hardware Co. Fovefl Eros Constrnction Co., Teaming &c 221.55 Putznan F: Hoffman Repairs 6.00 Rickerson,Al. 3.50 Risdon Iron Locomotive or Boller Tithes 162.52 Roeblings Sons Co.,J.A. Supplies 273.30 Tr 14.0E) TT IT 80.35 Schneider,Henry Supplieo 10.05 Southern Pacific Co. Pearl Street Transmission Line 37.35 Standard Oil Go Oil 17.50 United Iron Works On Contract 1953.75 Von4h,Th Norse-hire 6.00 Vosburg J.q3. Supplies 19.11 7:estin-house Transformers 52.63 TT Meters 243.25 Cartage 1.00 TT TT Supplies .93 Ex-nressap:e .50 Leters 71.36 We tinghouse achine Go. Insrectinf,: Tilr"hine 29.25 'hittier Coburn Co. Supplies 5.10 I? c 2.70 Total ',;6566.30 Alameda Daily Argus LIBRARY FUND. Papers 4.80 IT Free Tilirnry Petty Expenses 17.58 IT Eastern Clalrns 3.75 Bechtle ,Otto 71entrical Supplies 9.00 n 'nghan,Curtiss Welch Supplies 1.13 Evening Tines-Star Newspapers 2.80 Fielding,G. 6.00 Globe Consolith,ted Supply Co. Supplies 9.00 Peoples V;ater Go Pater 2.44 Volberg,C.C. Rent -Jest End Reading :oom 25.00 Total 81.50 Ell_713.017E1,77.7T FUND 70.9, (Sewer) Alameda Daily ems Advertising IdUNICIPAL TROVEL7T7T FUND N0.9, (School) Superintendent of Construction ° 70.00 On account of contract 4507.50 Total 44577.50 Damkroeger,7).A. Roeder,":.E. 2.25 Nr.Bulloc':: moved that the claims be paid as read,seconded by Lir,Ghristensen and carried hy the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,V:slker,Krunb,Hammond, Crosby, Fisher and Bu1lock,(7). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Ells and Probst, (2). A comrunication was received from the outhern Pacific Conpany acknowledging re- ceipt of complaint of the laborers ricin2: on trains to the discomfiture of the regulor patrons and stating that the matter d beon referred to the .2urerintendent at the Oakland Pier. Ordered file tition containing several hundred names was presented requesting the support of the Council against the removal of the west end branch of the Free Library from its present location at 1517 Webster Street. Er.Christensen moved that it 1e the sense of the Council that the said branch lthrary h retained at it present location and that the Clerk be directed to so notify the Board of Library Trustees,seconded by ::r.Krumb and carried. Two petitions were presented, one containing two hundred ana tventy names request- ing that the oak tree located in the roadway on the east side of High Street oprosite Van Buren Street be removed, the other containing three hundred and thirty-nine names requesting that the said tree be not removed. Mr. Krurnb moved that the petitions he filed and that the motion of the Council passed at the last meeting ordering the re- moval of the said tree be rescinded, seconded by Mr. Fisher and carried by the follow- ing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Fisher and Bullock. (7), Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Probst, (2). Yr. Crosby moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee,to report back at the next meeting of the Council, seconded by Mr. Bullock and carried. An affidavit was presented showing due publication of "Notice Inviting Prorosals for the Construction of the South Side Intercepting Sewer West of Bay Street". Ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in reply to said invitation he was in receirt of six bids. Mr. Krumb moved that the Clerk be direeted to open the bids and read the same, seconded by Mr. Walker and (tarried. Thereupon the bids were opened ana read as follows:- Fro W. J. Schmidt, 2121 Shattuck avenue, Berkeley, aceompanied by a certified check for 1727.00, as follows:- 14 inch rire, 2.15 per lineal foot. 12 IT " IT • 10 IT It 1.93 " TT 8 I? 1.78 " Ty 6 TT 1.721L' " TV Per Cubic Yard of Concrete Wall 12.00 "Y" Branches, each extra 1.50 Manholes, each complete 57.50 From Michael Murphy, aceoari1e by a certified check in the sum of 02500, as follows:- 14 inch Dire 2.98 rrlr lineal. foot 10 8 6 " t7 14 inch Y branches 12 " If 10 " 11 8 TI ft 6 " ?I IT 4_98 " 2.00 " 1.00 " 1.00 " It 11 11 TT 11 11 71 .50 Each Extra .40 .30 .25 .25 Manholes, Complete 70.00 per manhole Concrete 9.00 " ctbio yard From F. H. Dahnke, accompanied by a certified ebeck for 2000.00, as follows:- 14 inch pipe 12 10 8 6 3.00 rer linear foot 2.80 IT IT 11 1.40 1.00 .60 If IT 11 Concrete 4 inch 4 inch 4 4 " 4 Pro n Hutchinson IT TT TV Tryrt TT It TV branches, 14 inch ripe 8.00 1.00 branches 12 inch pi,c .75 It TV TT 10 8 6 rV TV TT It IT TI .60 .40 per cubic yard Company, accomranied 1)7 .9, bond in the each extra. It TT IT TV IT TV Tr IT sum of $2600, as follows:- 8 inch sewer pipe 2.95 rer 6 inch ty TV 8 inch "Y" branches, 4 inch ore= 6 i TV Manholes, complete JO inch sewer 12 14 it IT TT TV TV Concrete wall TT TT TV 10 inch "Y" branch 4 inc7.7, opening 12 14 TV It TV Tr TV TV IT 1? TV 11 IV 1.50 1.00 1.00 TT linear foot TT tt each extra If 87.50rer narihole. 3.10 per linear foot. 3.70 " 3.90 TT TV Tr TV TV 10.00 per cubic yard 1.00 each extra 1.00 From Healy-Tibbitts Constructicr CorTlp.ny, anconanied sum of 3000, as follows:- 14 inch sewer 12 10 6 TT fl TV TV DiPe TT TT TV TT IT TV Concrete 4 inc17 "Y" branches Manholes complete From C. D. Vincent, accompanied by a certified check follows:- 14 inch pipe TV VV TV TV )y a certified check in the 5.07 per linear foot 5.07 1.52 1.4 .54 6.50 ft culAc yar 1.50 64.80 per n-nhole the rnn of $2200.00, as IT TV IT IT If TV TV TV TV TV 10 10 6 TV ft TV ft rt TT TV 7T 4 inch "Y" branches co-rletc, Concrete Wall Councilman Ells arrived during the n 2.9 per inear foot 2.80 2.33 1.50 .90 I? tf 11 IT TV TV TT It It IT IT IT .90 each omtra. 51.00 per manhole 12.00 " cubic yard reading of the bid:, and was not present. Ir. Hammond moved. that the bids be referred to the •eet Committee with power to act, seconded by M. Wail= and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christense , Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (8). Noes None. Abnont:Councilman Probst, (1). An z-..ffiAalrit pree'ented shoring due publication for Block 'Book for the Street Departrent. Ordered filed. answer to said Notice that he was in receipt of three bids. of Notice invitin3 Proposals The 01er7r reported that in Mr. Yrumb moved that the Clerk be directed to open and read the sane, seconded by Mr. Ells md carried, there- upon the following bide, were opened and read:- Eugene Purgan J. E. Sutter end Len Mayrisch Poers 8 Cram 400.00. 290.00 2A.5.00. T:Yr. 'Bullock roved that the bid of Rogers and Oran, being the lowest, be accepted and the work awarded to them, seconded by Mr. Krumb and carried by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen, Walleer, Trrum,-2, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher and Bullock (8). Noes :Tone. Absent:Covncilmen Probst, (1). An application was received from Hens r. Yieleon for a gratuitous lioense to do an automobile and machinery repairing business. Mr. Crosby moved that the same be referred,to the License Conmittee, seconded by Mr. Ells and carried. A petition was presented from Hazel Dudgeon, Stenographer to the Mayor requesting a leave of allserce for one week, from August 8th to 15th. Mr. Krurb roved that it be granted, seconded by Mr. Hammond and carried. A petition was received from Charles C. Poynton requeeting that the Ordinance fixing the lines of Fire Limits No. 1 be amended so as to allow hin to rake certain improverents at the southwest corner of Encinal and ark Averuc.s. Mr. Hanrond moved that the matter be referred to the Fire, Wter end Police Committee of the Council and the Chief of the Fire Departnent, seconded by Er. Ells and carried. The special Connittee, consisting of the Public Utilties Committee and the Mayor aprointed in Committee Session to investigate the proposition of the Bay Cities Water Company to surly the Oity of Alameda with water from the neighborhood of 1.1r. Hamilton presented a report recommending that the Council givn,, to the said Water Company their support to the end that an abundant and excellent supply of water be distributed through- out the City. Er. Christensen moved that the report be filed and the recommendations be adopted, seconded by Ex. Crosby and carried. A corniinmication was received from the Park and Playground Commission requesting that they be allowed. authority to expend the sum of $250 for brick work construction in the boy's lavatories and toilets in Lincoln Park, also, the sum of #375 for the same proposition in Washington Zark, Mr. Krumb moved that the request be granted, sec- onded by Yr. Elle end carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher and Bullock, (8). Noes:Uone. Absent: Councilman Probst, (1). The natter of the recommendation of the Poilce and Fire Commission to have a Board of five censors appointed to supervise the moving picture shows was taken ur. Mr. Chrietensen moved that the same be filed, seconded by Mr. Elle and carried. A petition was received from residents of the nelghhorhood of the south end of Union Street requesting that cement steps be constructed at the end of said street from the bulkheed leading dorm to the beach. Er. Crosby moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, seconded hy Mr. Hammond and carried. The oati of office of Mrs. J. C. Lawton as Deputy City Engineer was presented. Ordered filed. The annual stateinent of the Street Department for the year ending June SOth, 1910, was rresented. Ordered filed. Councilman Probst arrived and was noted present. Library Truetee L. C. Brow addressed the Council and stated that It was the intention of the rajority of the Board of Library Trustees to allow the branch reading room on Webster Street to remain where it is now located. "r. Crosby roved that in view of tlie remarks made 1)y Library Trustee Brown, that the motion passei. early in the evening, requesting the Clerk to notify the Board of Library Trustees of the sense of the Council be rescinded, seconde byLr. Fisher end earried. Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk be directed to address a communication to the rresi- dent of the Peoples Water Company inviting him to the next meeting of the Council Commit- tee ses ion for the purpose of dic.cusing various water questions,seconded by ilr.Hamnond and carried. Rir.Krumb brought up the matter of the payment of sick firemen as presented at the Committee session of the Council 1-,y President Latham of the Police and Fire Commission and moved that the natter be referred to the Firej(ater and Police Committee of the Council and the Police and Fire Comnission,seconded by Yr.Bullock and carried. 1r.Probst moved that the Police & Fire Commission be granted authority to have a cement manure box constructed at the Webster Street Engine House,seconded by r.Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,Exumb,hammond,Cros- by,Ells,Fisher,Probst nnd Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. Yir.Krumb brought up the matter of several pieces of property sold to the City and on which the City was paying taxes,being property thus sold for delinquent taxes and mov- ed that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee and the City Attorney with the object in view of the City obtaining quit-claim deeds to the same,seconded by ijr.Crosby and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,August 16th 1910,at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk.