1910-09-20 Regular CC MinutesUUWA;i1J OY T.LE UITY ALATEDA, TU7S7AY,SEPT=ER 20th 1910 . Tho meeting was called to order I;y Mayor 7i.H.Noy. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,I7rumb,Hammond and Fisher, (5) were noted presort and Thilncilmen Crosby,Ells,Probst and Tlullock,(4),O)sent. The minutes of the meetin of September 6th were read and ordered. approved. Councilmen Ells and Bullock arrived during the reading of the and were no- ted present. Claims against the General Fund amounting to :27.40;aP:ainst the Po:lice Fund amount- o 090.20;against the Fire Fund amourting to N700.80;against the Street Fund amount- ing to 8426.28;against Municipal Improvement Fund No.9, (School) amounting to 162.90 and against Municipal Improvement Fund No.9,(Sewer) having been approved and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows; GENTMAT, FUND. pacific Tel Tel. Co. 'Rentals &c 9 1.70 A SUrrlieS City Clerk 3.05 TT TT Treasurer TV 20.00 1.05 Schneider,Fienry 'FY TT It et Stationery Supplies,Building Inspector TV ,Janitor Total- POLICE POLIOE FUND. Durant,I.J. Bicycle Casing Eveninp Times Star,The Printing TT TT Tr Goldstone, John Higby,Wm Koer1ier,A.11..V. Pacific Tel c'c Tel Go Putman Hoffman Roberts, S. Schneider,Eenry Turkey Yline Unna,Herman Vosburgh,J.B. IT Coal Oil Supplies Wood & Coal Rentals &:c Bicycle Tire Labor & Material Stamps & Stationery Police Star Meals Supplies FIRE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Advertising TT !T TT IT TV Total .25 27.40 4.50 4.50 5.00 1.25 22.30 .95 4.20 4.00 6.00 5.95 4.50 26.25 .80 90.20 .45 ,, .70 Hardware Co. Supplies 5.00 Parer Co. TT 6.00 Steam Laundry Linen & Towels 15.00 Coustier,Louis Painting 1.75 D ow Pumping Engine Torks,Geo E. Repairs 200.00 E vening Times 3tar Printing 2.50 Furey,F.P. Pepairs 3.90 Higby,-;m Supplies 5.25 Jones & Forrest Horse-shoeing 5.00 ,T Jorgensen,P. TT 12.50 King,A.P. 5.00 ,, 111,10,, Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. Gas 29.34 Peoples Water Co Hydrants & Water 282.48 Resso & Go., 0. Hauling Manure 7.70 Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Coal & Feed 9.25 Rickerson,A1 Supplies 3.00 Schneider,Henry 9 2.00 Scott,Magner & Milier Feed 87.43 Sutherland's Pharmacy Supplies 3.75 Westall,C. 7.00 Total- 700.80 STREET PUNT). Associated Oil Co. Road Oil 297.56 11 11 1T 40.14 Pritt,W. Teaming 91.00 Gorham Engineering Go. Repairs 2.00 Kay & Baird Blacksmithing 6.85 Jorgensen,r. 1/ 7.00 Oakland Traction Co. Rock 141.50 Pacif Tel & Tel Co. Rentals &c 2.25 Ransome Crunney Co. 3u plies 51.50 '1 fT 11 Webster St.inprovement 6583.20 Rhodes-Jamieson t Co. Mater al 81.00 /I IT ft TT 143.80 9 u 'I 1T 197.00 11 /I ff 174.05 9 199.10 9 9 '1 11 152.65 u 9 tf 192.95 Schneider,Henry Supplies 8.90 Stackler,Jos.J. Blacksnithing 13.40 Vosburgh Co.,J.r, Supplies 16.70 Western Heavy Ildwo.Co. 9 23.73 Total- - - _ -0426.28 T7U1 IC TPAL lir .0V7S7,717,TT 7717, 7° .9, (3Coo1) nameda Daily Argus Advertising Q 6.40 TV tt ft II 1.50 Damkroeger,',.A. Services as Su e intendent 55.00 Total-------- ev 62.90 MITTICIPAT ITPRO=F:7T FU7TD No.9,(Sewer) Dahrke,F.h. Sewer construction (contract) 1,:ayrisch,len,assie Jas Sutton Inspector fees Total- ;.,1509.39 '76.00 -1585.39 Tr,r.Bullock moved that the claims as read be ra d,seconded by r.Christ en and carrie d )y the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,7rumb,Hannond, Ells,Fisher end Pullock,(7). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen Crosby and Probst, (2). A bond in the sum of '')1000.00 with the United States Fidelity and (Juarant: uon- aptoao4 ;r'ts; WAUrCtW 1;, received from Tilliam C.Fratt a clerk in the service of the Board of Plectricity. Ordered filed. A rerort was received from the 7.ayor,kuditor, and City Clerk stating that they had counted the cash in the custody of the City Treasurer on September 15th 1910 and yliC‘u 011V OCO;R:1 WiUtl shown by the Auditor's books. Ordered filed. A petition was received from Will c.Wood,Secretary of the Board of Education request- ing that a leave of absence for sixty days be granted to tir.D.L.Randolph,president of tho said Board. nr.Kammond moved that the request be grate d,seconded by Er.7.11s and carried. A communication was received from City Auditor F.J.Croll requesting that he to enr- owerod to employ clerical assistance to extend the taxes in the assessment rolls. Or - dered filed. The Finance Committee presented a comtunicatiofl recommending that such authority be given to employ two clerks at a compensation of per day snob assistance Itinue until tbe rolls were connleted. 1,2-..7rumb moved that the reeonmendation be approved, seconded by ::r.1-:ammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen bristensen,7:alker,7rumb,Eammond,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(7). Noes :None . Ahsent: Councilmen Crosby and Fro1st,(2). A conmu ioation was received from C.77.Cramer,requesting employment as a steward in the emersency hospital. 1r.Hammond moved that; it "'e referred to the Board of Health, ed by 7Tr.Ells and carried. A communication was received from lhe Alaneda Improvement Club requesting that toilet conveniences 1,e constructed in V'ashingtor rark. 7,1r.7ialker. moved that the matter be rererred to the Park 8,, Playground Conmission,seconded Ty 17.r.-Bullook and carried. Afl'idavits were presented showing due posting end puhlication of Notice of Street Invittng froosa1s therefor under 'llesolution of Intention No .753 and the Clerk re- ported that in answer to same two bids had been received. T,:r.7rumb moved that the sane be opened,secended by ::r.7,alker and carried nnd thereupon the Clerk opened and read the sore as follows: From Hutchinson Company, accompanied by a bond in the sum of 200 .00 For Six-Inch 7 ipe 42 cents per :Linear Toot or Six-inch v Branches- - 40 cents Extra For Lianholes,complete- - -.7.9.7)0 per ',:anhole. 'rom Powell Pros .Construction Co. ,accompanied b7 a certified check in the sum "70.00. For Six-inch Pipe- - 40 cents per Linear Foot For Six-inch Y Branches- 48 cents Each Extra For Manholes,complete- $40.00 per Manhole The Street Suerintendent reported that the bid of Powell Bros Construction Co., was the lowest ma and thereupon 1.:r.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption. Resolved,,hat the Council of the City of Alaneda,having in open session on the 20th day of 0.-tenber,1970,opened examined and publicly declared all sealed proposals and bids for th llowing street work in said eity,to wit 1 a t a salt glazed vitrified iran- stone sewer, six inches in inside diameter With four inch "Y' branches and without house connections,be constructed in 7enr1 Street in a right line from the existing nanhole at the crossing of Eagle Avenue and Pearl Street,along the center line of Pearl Street north- ly to the Point of intersection of said line of Pearl Street with the center line of Harrison Avenue ;that a manhole shall /le constructed hereunder on the line of said sewer at the intersection thereof with t1e center line of Clement Avenue produced in a right line easterly, also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Blanding Avenue prodncecl in a right line easterly and also at the intersection thereof with the center line of Earrison Avenue ;that said manholes shall be of brick masonry with cast iron tops and cov- ers and eight incl, walls and bottolns,and shall, 1'e constructed in accordance with "Plan nriuK klunlio.tv Zi.LIU it ! U. I .1 U LC', JJUCI.L lu. JL 4.1 t- i.,C-77.7 -4.. -a- u c, L&VAr.1 •1 1897 and on file in the office of the City Clerk of said City which plan is herely re- ferred to and made a part hereof,herehy rejects all of said bids except that next here- in mentioned and hereby awards the contracti for said worh to Powell Bros .Construction Co.it being tie lowest responsible bidder therefor at the prices specified, in its bid therefor on file to wit: For Six-inch ripe 40 cents ner _Linear Foot For Six-inch Y Branches 48 cents Tlach :Extra For Manholes,complete Q40.00 per 7,anhole The City Clerk is hereby directed tn post notice of this artard conspicuously for five days near the chamber door of the Iow,e.-1. :end to publish said notice for two days in the Alameda Daily Argiis ,newspaper. Mr.Hammond seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krunb,Hannond,Fals,Fisher,Prohst and 13111- Tock,(S). Toes :None. Absent :Councilman Crosby, (1). Councilman Probst arrived during the readin g. nf the bide ana was noted present. A comnunication was received fron the Park (9 P1argroun d Connission recorrending that the salary of John 3.0ufleben be ra4.sed from '65.00 to "9;80.00 ner -month and the salary of Vita 0.71eT,c,irls play instructor be raised fron ',30.00 to 40 .00 per nonth. 'Mr .Probst moved that the matter be referred to tbe Committee of the "Thole, seconded by iir.Fisher and carried. A communication was received from 7:rs Iarie Dillman requesting a gratuitous dog. license until October 1st. Kr.Hammond moved that the sane be referred to ter the Tunerintendent of the yound,seeonded ly Tr.F,11e and carried. A conmunioation was received from Len Mayrisch requesting that the contract to ma:le a block book for the office of the 2treet ..=',uferintendent,awarded to 7.ogers Cram on August 2nd 1970,be assigned to hir. and Tas T. Sutton. Accompanying the request was a signed assignment from ; gers ('z,; Cram to said :layrisch and ,;utton. moved that the matter te referred to the ,treet Committee,seconded by :a...Hammond and carried. The Finance Connitte presented a report of their findings of the estinates of the various departments of the City 3overnment for tie fiscal year of 110-1911. Yr.Eammond moved that the report he adopted and filed,seconded by IfT.r.Christensen and carried, and thereupon ::r.PulToch- offered the following resolution and roved its adop- tion. RESOLVED, That tho taxes for the City of Alameda,be a-nd are hereby levied for the current fiscal year as follows:- On each Q100.00 of the Assessed Valuation of all property both real and personal, in the City of Alaneda,and all property assessed on the assessment roll of said city for the current fisoal year a tax of ::;1.20 whioh is hereby apportioned as follows Lteneral Frond Street Fund School Ceneral Fund- and separately tere shall be levied for Library Health Fund e ,14 .39774 .21473 .14497 following Tarroses Electric Tight Fund Park k Playground Interest and 7edemption- .04944 .02394 .05960 .00057 .22095 Mr .Christensen seconded the 7esolution and it was adopted_ by the fo1iowin vote. Ayes:uouncitnen ristensen,ailzer,z.rumb,ilammond,711s,Fisher,Probst and Bulloch,(8). Woes :None. Absent :Councilman Crosby, (1) A report vas presented hy City 7.nineer I.7.Chapnan as to th approximate cost of constructing concrete tops and cement steps to the bulkheads at the south ends of tafay- e and Chestnut Street stating that t hey would cost about -000.00 each and that on their completion the adjacent property owners woulft complete the grading,cnrhinR,ut- tering and macadanizing the saiJ streets to the wall. 1r.Hanmond noved that the nat- ter Le referred to the Street Committee with power to act,seconded by :1-..Bullock and carried by the followine: vote. Ayes :Councilen Christensen,7alker,7ranb,liarenond,Ells, Fioher,Probst and BulTock,(8). Nees:None. Absent :Coucilnan Crosby, (1). A communication was received from SBrons requesting that the City en, neer he directed to issne to him City Engineer's Certificate for the worh perforned in the filling in the south end of Grand ":'treet as per acreenent entered into on T: ar 26th, 1910. Owing to the sic',Tness of City .cineer Chapran the matte was laid over until the next meeting. Street Superintendent 7rodden presented a report to the effect that the wor7: of bituminizing 'e,hster Ctreet between Santa Clara Avenue and 'ezena. Vista Avenue done by the Sansone Crunne7 Co,in contract with the Cityhad Leen done to his satisfaction and in accordance with t'ie contract therefor. Lir.Lannond moved that the report be ac- cepted and filed,seconded by I.:r.7rumb and carried. A connunicati.on was reeeived from the Peoples Veater t/IPt it would at i., earliest convenience carry out the promises r-ade to instal_ hydronns flee rains. Crdered filed. _A Bill entitled"A Pill for Ordinance 'Jo. Fixing the salaries of the Chief of lo1iee snd T.Tembers of the Police Thrertment",introduced :epterher 6th 1910 hr care up for rc;sse,ee ard reed bv tbe Oleri. Mr.Walker moved its adoption, seconded by Er.Dullock and carried by tho fo71owing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christencen,Walker, Trum1 ,Namnond,711s,Fisher,rrol-st and l'11.11ock,(8). Woes:I'Tene. Absent:Councilxan Crosby, (1). .A Dill entitled "A PM for Ordinance 7o. Approving and 7atifying the Action of the Board of Electricity of the said City in the natter of obtaining a supply of ctricity for the said City of Alameda,an6 Authorizing and Directin, a Contract there- for to he 7ntere1 into between the said City of Alameda end the Great Western rower Com- pany (a corporation)",introdueed September 6th 1910, by 1,-.11annond,calle up for passage and was rend hy the Clerk. 1.:r.Hammond moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Pullock and carried hy the following vote. JIyes:Counci .en Christensen,Walker,Yrumb,Hammond,Ells, 71shere2ro1st and Bullock, (8). 7oes:None. Absent:Courcilman Crosby,( A petition was reeeived from the Cou.thern Pacific Company requocting the right, 1,rIvi1ece and franehise to erect and leiirtain line of poles sod to attach to,and main tein end o-flerate upon said poles for the trnnsrission of electric power aleeg a. route conliencing at the intersection of Harrison A-venuerand the richt of way of the Central ractfie Railway Conran.,/ on private property:thence along and upon the private richt of wey of tUe Central Peeific Railv,ay Coppaey to a Toilet where sere iE interseetej by cle- ment Avenue;thonee north-westerly along ,IACi upon Clement Avenue crossing all inte.riec‘ street e Mid averraPr, to the vesterly end of Clerert Aveeue;thence westerly throubh private property to the richt of way of the Central Pacific Railway Company, moved, that it be filed, seconded by :.:2-.V:alleer and carried. Thereunon .17.r.I-,7rumh introduced A Bill entitled "A Dill for Ordinance Wo. Granting.- to th 2,ontern Pacific 11 ny,a Railroad Corporation,and to its 2uceeseore and Assi‘rs,for the :Period ending on tie 26th any of Ju1y,1949, Eight,_crivilego and Eranchise to erect and maintain a lire of Poles,becAnning at the Intersection of Harrison Avenue and theEight of Way of the Central Pacific Eailway Company on Private Property ;thence along and upon the private Eight of Way of the Central Pacific Railway Corianr to a point where same is inter- sected hy Clement Avenue :thence north-westerly along and or Clement Avenue crossing Rll intervening streets and avenues to the westerly end of Clement Avenue ;thence wester- ly through Private Property to the Eight of 77ay of the Central Pacific Railway Company, and to Attach to,and 7-:aintain and Crerate upon, .id poles Wires for the Transmission of El ctric Power,and to connect such wires with Electric Power ire of the Central Pacific Eailway Company on its Private Right of Way at or near its intersection with . Harrison Avenue ,and with Electric Tower '7ires of said Company on its Private Eight of 7Tay between. Eighth and Webster Streets",which was laid over under the provisions of the ,haruer . moved that the matter of the construction of concrete steps at the south end of Union treet be laid over for the present,secondod by :,:r ..1rot and carried. Tr,ayor Noy brought u the matter of the 1-rakes used Or the cars of the Oakland Traction Co,running throuh A]iueda, stating that the» wore hand 1ra]7es and in his opin- ion should 1)e air brakes. Yx.7Jalker roved that the matter be referred to the Pub7ic Utilities Comnittee to report at the next meeting,seconeed by ::Ir.flullock and carried. ivrought ur the ratter of the lack of means for properly caring for ured persons in the Emergency Fosyltal located ir the basenent of the City Hall and moved that the :Public iiiidin and Grounds Committee he requested to nah-e an estinate of the cost of enlaring the said hospital and report at the next meeting of the Council, seconded by Th-.1-ullock and carried. There being no further 1.usinoss the Council ad:ourned until the next regular meet- i,g Tuesday,October 4th 1910,at