1910-11-01 Regular CC MinutesP.EGULAR MEETIWG OF r_71, COU'rCIL OF TrE CITY OF ATAMEDA, TU'r7,37-)AY,OV=R I t 1910. In the absence of the Eayor the Clerk called the meeting to order and Council- man Hammond was duly elected, Chairman. The roll vas called and Councilmen "hristensen,Xrumb,Hammond,Crosby ana Ells, (5), were noted rresent an Councilmen Ualker,Fisher,-Zrobst and Bullock,(4),absent. Er.Thlker moved that J.VI.Byrne 1e appointed acting janitor of the City Hall dur- ing the sickness of Janitor Thrd,said anpointrent to be in affect on and after October 4th 1910,and that the compensation for such service be at the rate of 3.00 per day, seconded by I!r.Orosby and carried 'by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christen- sen,rumb,Kammond,Crosby,and rals,(5). Woes :None. Msent:Councilmen Walker,Fish- ertProbst and Bullock, 14). A report was received from the ity 7,ngineer,certifying that F.H.Dahnke,Con- tractor for the 3outh Side Intercepting 3ewer had completed enough more work on the contract to entitle him to a further payment of 0.336.88. Ordered filed. Councilman Probst arrived and was noted present. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 4226.70;Rgainst the Police Fund amounting to :23.40;against the Street Fund amounting to :1085.11;against the Electric Light Fund anonnting to 0546.50:against the Library Fund amounting to '1;233.97;against the Park Playground Fund amounting to :455.69:against LIunicipaJ. Improvement Fund No.9,(Sewer) amounting to 1456.88;against ;:unicipal Improvement Fund No.9, (School) amounting to ::,60.00 and against Mnnicipal Improvement Fund No.8, (Bay Farm Island Poadway) amounting to '2;1170.r0 having been approved and audited by the prorer offi- cials were read by the Clerk as follows: GENERAL FUND. 3ervices Treas.Office 85.00 Advertising .40 Transcript 3.00 Acting Janitor 72.00 Evening-Tines-tar, 3.75 Times-3tarThe Printing Keys 2.40 Supplies for Janitor 16.25 Oakland Gas Lt P heat Co. Gas Pacific Tel 6'. Tel Co Rentals cF: Tolls Berata,A. Removing Garbage Recorder Printing 82 Pub.Co. Subscription Schneide ,Henry :,uplies for Assessor Ader,Leon H. Alameda Daily Argus Boegle,F. Byrne,J.W. Fekete,A.K. Furey, F.P. •I II TT IT IT If II IT rt TT IT 1.-Ayor " City Clerk IT .90 1.30 1.00 3.00 .50 1.20 7.20 Tax Collector 3. " Building Inspector .60 Vosburgh,Co.,J.B. Merchandise 4.95 Total- 226.70 POLICE FUND. Conrad, John Incidental expenses STREET FUND Arada,J.K. Driving Sprinkler 89.00 Associated Oil Co Road Oil 78.61 Bacon.L.G. Teamintr 12.50 :I? 23.40 6 november 1st 1910. Hudson,W. Labor 62.50 Jamison,J.S. Teaming 125.00 Johnson,O. Labor 45.00 Peters,T.I. Teaming 260.00 Reichard,T. Supplies 2.50 Serralunga,L. Labor 135.00 Stevens,A.7. TT 62.50 Thurston,C.E. Teaming 125.00 Total- Electric Light Fund. Associated Oil Co. Fuel Oil 294.29 TT IT 292.22 II TV 295.95 IT II 303.57 Board of Electricity Incidentals 18.15 ''-ur(zner F: Martin Supplies 6.00 Caire Co.,Justinian IT 24.80 Central Motor Car Co Repairs 17.40 Coustier 8' Son Blacksmithing 8.00 Crane Oo Supplies 210.26 IT 12.08 IT TT TV 22.55 Printing 74.75 TT 'y IT 38.25 Gorham Englnoering Co. Repatrs 2.40 Ladder 3.00 HIgby Labor 8: Material 36.05 Supplies 7.05 Horse-shoeing 3.75 TV 6.50 Horse-hire 1.50 Maxwell Hardware Co. Screws .53 Hardware 59.21 Pacific Coast Auto Top Co. Auto Top 40.00 Pacific States Electric Co Supplies 68.00 TV 61.40 TV If 3.75 TV 51.89 TV 11.31 TV 70.80 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Phone service 14.95 Pa3rnes Bolt Vorks Supplies 27.22 TV 7.74 Poories Express Co. Expressage 1.50 Peoples Water Co Water 3.65 Plummer F: Son,Geo E. Lumber 213.95 TT T1 TV TT 89.45 Rhodes-Jamieson 8: Co. Straw 3.20 TT TT TV T1 TT TV . Evening Times-Star,The TV 1 Henderson Mfg .Co. Wm Joost &. Sons King,A.R. Lornax,P. Lubben Bros. TT TT P11 TV TT If TT TV TT TT TV TT TV TT TV IT TT TT YT PinIrtarenyl A1 _ Sivrlarin November lst 1910. Risdon Iron & Locomotive Works Repairs on B6iler Rissman,E. Searchlight 10.00 Roberts .,Fredik 0. Final .Payment on Contract 3496.00 Copper VAre 87.45 TT TT 38.75 Standard Oil Co Lubricating Oil 10.09 United Iron Ior s Repairs 13.25 Vosburgh,J.B. Supplies 7.65 6.80 72.75 174.70 TT TT TT 276.70 17 60.62 TV 99.60 77 7 3b5 .35 TT TT TT 10.60 laittier-Coburn 00. Paint 8.50 TV 43.22 tl rr 28.60 Worthington,E.R. Repairs 19.90 ,1[1 265.00 Roeblings Sons 00.,J.A. I;estern Electric Co Westinghouse E.& M. Co., Supplies 11 Surp:lies TT Young Suprly Co.,R.S. Supplies Total- 6.75 77546.5(7 LIBRARY FUND. Alameda Free Library Thetty expenses 24.00 Eastern Claims 27.88 Collier & Son,P.F. Books 8.80 Cunningham,Curtis & Welch Books 5.95 De Witt & Snelling 11 27.50 Even1ng Times'Star,The Printing &c 9.80 Fielding,(. Daily Newspaper 6.00 Lubben Bros Fnol 12.00 Mazzini,I. Plumbing & snrplies 6.70 Peoples Water Co. Water 2.64 3chneider,henry Stationery & Supplies 13.70 Volberg, C .0 Rent 25.00 1:Jieeler Publishing Co Books 64.00 Total- 0 233.97 Alameda Hardware Co. Goldberg E Bowen TT 11.00 7.enney,Frank Shingling in :Lincoln Park 12.27 Pacific Tel & Tel Co Telephone rental 2.25 il T, u u 77 u 2.25 Plummer F: Son,Geo E. Lumber 62.19 IT II IT 21.78 TT TT ty Ti 5.00 Short,.J. Galvanized Iron Viork 11.00 PARY'k PIAYGROUN-D 1U7D. Supplies 7,35 Siemsen,John Labor 12.2 'T 3.75 November 1st 1910. =IC IPAL IMPROVE:,,31NT FUND No .9, (Sewer) Da.hrike On contract ',1336.88 Sutton, a E. Sewer insrector 120.00 Total- - - - -;-1456.88 LIUNICIPAL E1PROVEMENT FUND 7o .9, (School) Damkroeger , D.A. Supt.of construction ;;; 60.00 MUNICIPAL MPROVE=NT FUND No.8,(Bay Farm Island. P.oadj County of Alameda,The Bridge work A170.00 1177.Christensen moved that: te claims as read be paid,seconded by r.Crosby and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Kyumb,Eammond,Croshy, 711s and Probst,(6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker,Fisher and Bulloch,(7 1:eports were received from te Department of Electricity for the :runicipal Electric Light Plant for the months of ,uly,Augnst and September, 1910. Ordered filed. A contract was presented. from Scott,Magner E —iller for furnishing the Fire 7epartnent with feed for the fire horses for the ensuing year. Ordered filed. The matter of the communication from William Horst recommending that signs of warning be placed in the public parks and on the streets calling attention to the renalty for destroying prftlic property and the excessive speeding of vehicles,was taken up. Mr.Krumb moved that the matter be referred to the Fire,ater and Police Committee of the Council in conjunction with the Police Fire Commission and Park PlaygrounD Comnission,seconded by :jr.ilammond and carried. A communication was received from the Peoples Viater Company in which it stated that it would be unable to comply with the request to install larger mains in cer- tain streets as requested. Er.Probst moved that the natter Be referred to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by i.r.Christensen and carried. A communication was received from the California State Board of health invit- the City of Alameda to rarticirate in a conference on health administration to be ,held in San Diego on November 16th to 19th 1910. Ordered filed. A communication was received. from 7ynn Meredith, Electric Light Commissioner, requesting an extension of sixty days to his leave of ahsense. Mr.Hammond roared that the request be granted,seconded by Er.Probst and carried. Communications were received from Mayor Hodgehead of Berkeley respoctin g the matter of the Retch Tetchy Valley water supply and recommending that the cities on the east side of the an Francisco :Say employ an engineer to assist in prepari' report tha* the United States Oovernment required. Mr .Ells moved that the natter The referred to the Public Utilities Committee,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. .A report was received from the National Board of Underwriters on the water and fire protection conditions of the City same embodying certain recommendations to better the conditions. Mr-Probst moved that the same be referred. to the Fire, Water and Police Committee,seconded by Mr.Ells and carried. A resolution of the Board of Education was received in which the said Board re- commended that the Council purchase a certain lot or parcel of land on the north side and adjoining the Porter Schoo of Encinal Avenue4having a frontage of 100 feot with a depth of 150 feet which could be bought for '4500.00. On motion of Y .Yrumb it was ordered filed. and thereupon Mr.flamnond introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Provide for the Consent to the Purchase of a Certain Lot of Land for the use of the Porter School",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A rInmmlillinni7inri WPP rnnpivAfi from 1sr17 PlrliTrrrnima normission rRouRstincr November 1st 1910. authority to expend the following sums of money for the following purposes For Iavatories,TJrinais and Toilets in the boys building in Lincoln Park- For Lavatories,Urinals and Toilets fr the Boys build' Washington Park For Lavatories and Toiiets in the Girls building in Washington Park - 275.00 275.00 - 0 250.00 Y4r.Ells moved that the request be granted, econded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Xrumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and P obst,(6). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Walker,Fisher and Bullock, (z) A petition of Remonstrance was received from 7,dw.A.Al1en to the work of im- proving the southerly end of Cedar Street as described in Resolution of Intention No.754. Ordered filed and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption: Whereas,Edw.A.Allen,has filed objections to proceeding with the work pro *o ed hy Resolution of Intention No.754 for improving the south end of Cedar Street. Therefore resolved that 8 o'clock P.M.on the 15th day of November,1910,and the Councilroom of this Council be and are hereby fixed as the time and place of hearing said ohjections,and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice thereof to all ob- jectors in the manner prescribed by law. Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Yrumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells and Probst, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen 'alker,Fisher and Bullock,(3). A rerort was presented by the Street Committee to whom had been referred the ver- bal complaint to the 1ayor of small boats anchoring at the wharf of the Hunter Ian- her Company at the north end of Webster Street,stating that they could not find just cause for the complaint. Ordered filed. The Street Committee presented a report,estimate and rrofile for the construction of a 10-inch receiving sewer in the east side of Fernside Boulevard as the estimate placed the sum necessary for stah work at 5789.00 and such sun not being available at the present time the rapers were ordered filed. The matter of the Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Regulate the Traffic at Retail of Milk and Milk Products", introduced October 4th 1910 by ijr.Ham- mond came up for action. Mr.-Probst moved that it be laid on the table,secorded by Idr.ilammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb, ilammond,Crosby,Ells and Probst,(6). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Vialker,Fisher and Bullock, (3) The matter c,f the Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance io. Cnoernin the Connection of the Plumbing of Buildings wit} the I. Sewer in the Streets",intro- duced by Idr.Probst or October 4th 1910,was taken up. Mr.Christensen moved that it be referred back to the Board of Health, seconded by irlr.hammond and carried. Er.Yrumb reported that the Street Committee had granted permission to J.V;.Tur- ner to moo the frame huliding from 909 San Antonio Avenue to Taylor Avenue about 200 feet east of 5th Street as petitioned for at the meeting of October 18th 1910. Br.Christensen reported for the Public Buildings Committee that they had de- cided to allow the Emergency Hospital to remain in its present quarters on the ground floor of the (ity Hall for the present. Mr.Hammond reported for the Pithlie UtilitiAR nernmit1:pg, fl)n÷ ±Hg nnielnnA November lst 1910. branch line on High Street from Santa Clara Avenue to Encinal Avenue. The following claim was rresented against MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FUND No.8,(Park & rlayground) Nevada fichinery & 2111T v Co Punring plant in Uashington Park 850.00 Mr.Hammond moved that the claim be rejected,seconded by :r.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,and Probst, (6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Walker,Fisher and Bullock,( ). Mr.Probst moved that the 'lerk be directed to publish in the official city paper the report of the Park F,7 Playground donmission which was presented and filed on October 4th 1910,seconded hy Mr.Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Krunb,Eammond,Orosby,Ells and Probst, (6). Noes :None. Absent :Councilmen 77alker,Fisher and Bullock, (3). The Mayor brought to the attention of the Council the matter of numerous com- plaints as to the location and conditions of the public pound and thereupon Mr.Probst moved that the natter be referred to the Public Utilities Committee to take up with Dr.Torn Carpenter the Pound Surerintendent,seconded by Mr.E110 and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next regular meeting,Tuesday,Lovember 15,h 1910,at 7.30 r.1:1. City Clerk.