TUESDAY,NUE:= 15th 1910.
The meetingAwitn ayor 'H.Tloy,presiding.
The Roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Xrumb,Ms,Fisher and Bullock,
(5),were noted present and Councilmen Walker,ilanmond,Crosby and Probst, (4),a'sent.
The minutes of the meeting of NovemberAwere read and ordered approved.
Councilmen Walker and Probst arrived and were noted present.
Claims against the General Fund amounting to 84.01;against the Street Fund
amounting to 2871.60;against the Fire Fund amounting to *646.43;against the Police
Fund amounting to :,;214.21;against the Park & Playground Fund amounting to 669.21;
against Zunicipal Improvement Fund. No.9,(School) amounting to 3604.39 and against
!Itnicipal Improvement Fund No.9, (Sewer) amounting to i:53.50 having )een approved and
audited by the proper officials we,:e read hy the Clerk as follows:
Alameda .j)aily Argus Advertising
Alameda Steam Laundry Towel service 6.00
Bussenius,A.G. 1]edicine for City Pound 2.25
Byrne,J.W. Acting Janitor 33.00
California Oil E Burner Co Oil for heater 26.60
Crocker Langley Directory 20, S.F.Directory 6.00
7,vening Tines--,tar,The Printing 3.50
Furey,F.F. Plumbing 2.75
:7efund of Taxes 6.00
,:ayrisch,len Assessor's Bloch Books 175.00
McCormick,W.H. Refund of Taxes 1.25
Balance of :.a.yor lowance 500,00
Pacific Tel .f? Switches 1.45
Feoples Water Co. 'Iater,City Hall 9.36
rt City Pound 1.00
United ;tates Fidelity E Guar.2o.- Premium on Bond
Associated Oil Co.
vy St
Burgner & Martin
tt IT
Fischer Plumb .& Hdwe Co.
Hutchinson Co
Jorgensen, P.
Road Oil 622.50
hardware 17.90
Supplies 5.50
Assisting City Engr. 12.00
Supplies 5.70
Assisting City Engr 20.00
Supplies 188.10
Street Uork 15.15
Supplies 26.90
Street Work 10.35
Blacksmithing 40.25
Photographs 20.00
:Tovenber 15th 1910.
Peoples Water Co. ',:ater 154.52
IT II IT 35.00
Peters,T.L. Horse-hire 25.00
Plummer & Son,aeo E. Lumber 10.90
Putzrnan F._ Hoffman :repairs .75
Rhodes-Jamieson (c, 00. I0aterial 129.30
IT IT 'T 77 173.05
IT TT TT IT 113.85
VI 'I TV TT 166.95
TT 77 IT If 174.60
71 VT TT TT 195.00
17 IT TT TT 176.05
I/ TT t/ TV 128.75
Schneider,Henry :;upplie .60
Stackler,J.J. Blacksmithi ,. 9.00
Taylor & Co. Lumber 19.65
United E ,ineering 00. Supplies 8.10
Vvood Lumber Co.,7..::. Lumber 11.76
Total- _ _ _ _ 2871.80
Alameda Steam Laundry Assn. Linen E Towel 3ervice 15,80
Board of Police & Fire Commissioners Repairs 6.43.
Coustier (?,; Sons IT 10.00
Furey,F.P. 11 5.05
Hay & liaird Horse-shoeing 10.00
Industrial Home for the Blind Suyillies 10.00
Yoerber,A.2.. Coal 5.00
Lomax,R.R. Horse-shoeing 15.00
iJazzini,L. Supplies 2.65
Oakland Oas Light & 'Heat Co. Gas 20.61
Peorles ',:ater Co. Hydrants E V:ator 292.37
Rosso ,7, Co., G. Hauling 7.70
Rhodes-Jamieson (22 Co.
Arthur, F.C.
Consolidated ::otor Car Co.
Direet.17-7 co
Evening Tines-tar, Me-
Pacific Tel E Tel Co.
Putznan & Hoffman
Carrots & Lime
Fe pairs 2.50
Feed 217.57
Coal 3.25
Supplies 8.00
Total- 646.43
Tire cover
Eaterial 3urplies
Photos Ec
Telephones &c
Bicycle Repairs 2.85
Shreve -barber (-%o
Taylor Lumber
lievember lbth 1910.
.,ervices 56.35
Cartridges 76.41
Lumber 7.25
Meals for prisoners 13.00
Total- 214.21
Alameda Dal Printing report
Alameda Parer Co '6urrlies
Bach c", Hanson Laying hrick
Burgner Hardware
-elanoy If .00 Electroliers
T.oewe Viilkins Merchandise
Nathan-Dohrrnann Co. ardware
Pacific Coast Lumber & Mill
Peo-rles rater Co Water for parks
Damkroegcr, D.A.
Garhare removed 12.00
Total- 82-.77-6
MUNIC ,AL IM:ROVM= FUUD No.9,(School).
6upt.Construction haight School
Powell Bros.Construction Co. On Contract Haight School 3494.39
1/ tY Corner Stone, " fl 50.00
Total- - -3604.39
:TUICIPAL IM9ROVE:7h= FUND No.9,(2ewer).
on,Jas.E. 'Sewer Inspector
Mr .Bullock moved that the Claims RS read 1-)e 1,.,-Ltdseeorded by Mr.E1:1s and
ried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christersen,alher,runb,Ells,Fish-
er,robst and Bullock,(7).
Noes:Uone. Absent :Councilmen hanmond and. Crosby,
A report Was received from the Auditor as to the amount on hand in the various
funds on October
st 1910. Ordered filed.
A report was received from the Auditor as to the apportionment of Taxes made
November 1st 1910. Ordered filed.
An affidavit was presented showin g due pub7ication.of the report of the rark
and layground Commission as ordered by the Council. Ordered filed.
A statement was received fron the Peoples ':later Comioany showing amount of
Capital e,toch,Bonded indebtedness,1:eceipts & Disbursements Le. Ordered filed.
A communication addressed to the Mayor was received from Sumner Crosby,
in which he tendered his resignation as a member of the Council,the sane to take
effect, January lst 1911. Mr.Krumb moved that it be accepted, seconded by
Probst and carried.
A communication addressed to the Mayor was received from F.N.-Oelanoy,in
which he declined to accent of a re-appointment as a member of the Pal-17 and rlay-
-,;round COMEiSSiOrt. 'n notion of Mr.Probst it was ordered. filed.
A communication was received from Hazel Duobreon,tenographer to the Mayor,
requesting a vacation of one week commencing jovenber 2ist 1910. Mr .',:rumb moved
that the sane be granted, seconded by Mr.Irobst and carried.
A communication was received from F. K. Krauth, Jr., Fire Marshall of the
City protesting against the granting of a permit to repair the frame barn on the
north line of Webb Avenue about 100 feet east or Parl- Street, as in his opinion it
was structurally weak and dangerous. Mr. ':ialker moved that the Council take action
November l5th, 1910.
of the proposed action of the Council and inviting them to be present, seconded by Er.
Krumb and carried.
A communication was received from the Police and Fire Commission rocomrending
passage of an ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles and motorcycles and
compelling all motor-driven vehicles to exhibit a headlight from sunset to sunrise.
Mr. Walker moved that the City Attorney prepare such an Ordinance, seconded by Mr.
Pro'ost and carried. Embodied in the same communication was a recommendation that
warninc, signs be placed at the various approaches of the City designating the apeed
limit of motor driven vehicles. Er. Walker moved that the Police and Fire Committee
be authorized to have such signs made and erected at the necessary places, seconded
by Yr. Probst and carried. by the followina. vote. Ayes:Counoilmen Christensen,
Walker, Krumb, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes:None. Absent u
men Hammond and Crosby, (2).
A communication was received from the Board of Health petitioning the Council
to take immediate sters for a more sanitary disposal of the city garbage. Yr. 7rumb
moved that the matter be referred to the Public Utilities Commit ee, seconded by Er.
Probst and carried.
The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due mailing of Notice of Hearing of the
Petition of emonstrance to the work of grading, curbing, macadamizing and otherwise
improving the south end of Cedar Street under Resolution of Intention No. 754. Order-
ed filed. A communication from Edward A. Allen, the protestant in this matter was
read by. the Clerk. Hr. Speddy, one of the owners of prorerty which*would be affect-
ed by this improvement, addressed the Council urging that said improvement be made.
Mr. Allen, son of Edward. A. Allen, the protestant, also addressed. the Council object-
in, to the proposed improvement.
During the discussion Councilmen Hammond. and Crosby arrived and were noted
Er. Christensen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
WHEREAS Er, Edw. A. Allen, has filed objections to the work of gracling, curb-
ing, macadamizing and otherwise improving the southerly end of Cedar Street under
Resolution of Intention No. 754 and after due notice and.hearing at the time appoint-
ed said objections having been considered.
RESOLVED, That said objectionsehaving been in the opinion of this Council
not well taken, be and the same are hereby overruled.
The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Krumb and adorted and passed by the followint
vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher,
Probot and Bullock, (9). Noes:None.
Absent :None.
Er. Engs of the Oakland Traction Company addressed the Council regarding com-
plaints of the service of said Company, and after a discueeion, on motion of Er.
Walker, second by Er. Probst and carriedthe natter was referred back to the Public
Utilities Committee,
A Communication was received from the Police and. Fire Commission recommending
that the Ordinance fixing Fire Limits No. 4 be repealed. Hr. Walker moved that the
City Attorney be directed to amend the said Ordinance so as to allow the construction
of wooden buildings in said district, seconded by Mr. Probst and carried by the
following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krunh, Hammond, Crosby, Ells,
Fieher. Probst and Bullock. (9). Noes :None. Absent None.
November 15th,1910.
HT. Walker moved that the Building Inspector be authorized to issue a permit
for the erection of a wooden building within Fire Limits No. 4, seconded by
mr. Hammond and carried.
The Street Commissioners appointed to open up a new street leading off the
Webster Street Roadway near it northern extrehity under Resolution of Intention
No. 731, presented their final report. Ordered
Mr. Krumb offered the—following Resolution and moved its adoption.
RESOLVED,that the City Engineer be and hereby ia directed to make Plans
and ,Specifications for the following Street worh to be done in said City, namely:
That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, 6 inches in inside diameter,
with 4-inch Y' branches, and without house connections, be constructed in Grand
Street in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing crossirig ef Grand Street
and Clinton Avenue along the center line of Grand Street to the existing manhole
at the croesing of Grand Street and Dajton Avenue, as per Resolution of Intention
No. 755, Adopted by this Council, October 18, 1910. And that the Clerk be
instructed to notify the City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution.
The Resolution was seconded by Yalker and carried b7 the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher, Probst
and Bullock (9). hoe :None. Absent:None.
The City Engineer presented Plans and Specifications for the said work and
thereupon Mr. Krumb offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
RESOLVED, That the Plans and Specifications furnished by the City Engineer of
the City of Alameda, to this Council for the following Street work to be done in
said City, namely:
That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, 6 inches in inside diameter,
with 4 inch Y branches, and without house connections, be constructed in Grand
Street in a right line from the existing manhole at the crossing of Grand Street
and Clinton Avenue along the center line of Grand Street:to the existing manhole
at the crossing of Grand Street and. Dayton Avenue, under Resolution of Intention
No. 755, adopted by the Council of said City October 18th, 1910, be and the same
are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same.
The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Christensen and carried by the followin
vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher,
Probst and Bullock, (9).
Mr. Krunh offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.
WHEREAS, It appears to the satisfaction of this Council that Resolution
of Intention No. 755 for the work, of constructing a sewer in Grand Street from
Clinton Avenue to Dayton Avenue in the City of Alameda, adopted by this Council,
October 18th, 1910, has been posted and published according to law, and that no
legal objection to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of
said city.
RESOLVED, That the public interest and convenience require and the Council
of the City of Alameda hereb7 orders the following described street wotk to be
done in said City, according to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,
That a salt-glazed, vitrified, iron-stone sewer, 6 inches in inside diameter,
with 4 inch Y branches and without house nmillpntinnp nnylmi—..11o+m,1
November 15, 1910.
Street and Clinton Avenue along the center line of Grand Street to the existing
manhole at the crossing of Grand Street and Dayton Avenue.
The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two
days in the A1arnea Daily Argus, a daily newspaper published and circulated in this
City, and which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post
conspicuously for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council, notice of
said work with sriecifications inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work
ordered, and to publish notice of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for
doing the work and referring to the specifications posted or on file, also for
two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus, the newspaier hereby designated for that
purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a certified check or a bond,
either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten per cent of the
gregate of the proposal, and shall name Tuesday, the 6th day of December, 1910,
as the day hereby designated on which up to the hour of 8 o'clock, r. m., the said
proposals or bids shell be received.
The Resolution was seconded by Mr. Walker and adopted and passed by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, lirumb, Hammond, Cros1y, Ells,
Fisher, Irobst and Bullock, (9). Noos:None. Absent :None.
The Street Superintendent ixesented a report certifying that the work of
constructing a sewer in Pearl Street, from the center line of Eagle Avenue to the
center line of Harrison Avenue had been done by Powell Bros. Construction Co.,
Contractors, under Resolution of Intention No. 753, under his direction and to his
satisfaction. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from T. Wiesendanger of Los Angeles petitioning
the Council to pass an Ordinance which he claimed would reduce all city taxes
twenty per cent. Ordered filed.
A communication was receive from Mrs. Alexander Innes protesting against
the passage of an Ordinance which calls for the delivery of milk in single service
packages exclusively. Yr. Vialker moved that the matter be referred to the Committee
of the whole, seconded by Mr. Crosby and carried.
A 13111 entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Concerning the Connection
of the Plumbing of Buildings rith the Pain ewer in the treets," introduced by
Mr. Probst on October 4th, 1910, cane up for action and was read by the Clerk.
Mr. Probst moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond and adopted and passed by
the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond, Crosby,
Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None, Absent :None.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. to Provide for and Consent
to the Purchase of a Certain Lot of Land for the use of the Porter School" intro-
duced November 1st, 1910 by Er. Hammond carne up for passage and was read by the
lerk. Mr. Hammond moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Probst and it was adopt-
ed and passed by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb,
Hanmond, Crosby, Ells, Fisher, P obst and Bullock, (9). Noe :None. Absent:
Mr.-Fisher introduced a bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No.
Relating to the Plumbing and J)rainage of BuiluIng and Repealing Certain Sections
of Ordinance No. 522" which was laid over-under the provisions of the Charter.
mr_ vrilynh brnilph t to the attention of the Council the claim of a Mr. Kearney
November 15th, 1910,
to a certain strip of land in Fernside Boulevard near its southern end. Street
Superintendent Frodden also spoke on the matter, whereupon on motion of Mr. Hammond
seconded by Jr. Christensen the natter was referred to the Street Committee.
Mr. Ells moved that when a bill of R. Anderson,for the rent of a lot on the
corner of egent Street and Encinal Avenue, used by the Street Department, in the
amount of 15.00 was presented that it be paid, seconded by M-s.Krumb and carried,
by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen, Walker, Krumb, Hammond,
Crosby, Ells, Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes:None. Absent:None.
Mr. Krunb moved that when a bill was presented for buggy hire, used by the
City Engineer, was presented that it be allowed, seconded by Er. Probst and carried.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until
the next regular meeting Tuesday, December 6th, 1910, at 7:30 p. n.
City Clerk.