The meeting convened with Mayor W.H.Noy,presiding.
The roll was called and. Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,liarond,Crosby,
and. Bullock were noted present and. Councilmen Ells,Fisher and Probst,absent.
The minutes of the meeting of December 6th 1910,were read and ordered ap-
Mr.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,that the sum of One Thousand (1000) dollars be and the same is here-
by transferred from the General Fund to the Police Fund,and the Auditor and Treas-
urer be and they are hereby directed to affect the said transfer upon their respec-
tive books.
Mr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed hy the
following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Eammond,Crosby and.
Ballock,(6). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Ells,Fisher and Probst,(3).
Er.Bullock offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,that the sum of Seven hundred and twelve (712) dollars,be and the
same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to the Police Pension Fund,and the
Auditor and. Treasurer be and they are hereby directed to affect the said transfer
upon their respective books.
Mt.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the
following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Orosby and
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells,Fisher and Probst,(.).
Claims against the General Fund amounting to ;'j,232.85;against the Police Fund
amounting to '1097.15;against the Fire Fund amounting to
;990.05;against the Street
Fund amounting to 490.85;against the Park & Playground. Fund amounting to 0109.68;
against lirnicipai Improvement Fund No.9,(Sewer) amounting to $52.00 and against
Municipal Improvement Fund No.9,(School) amounting to 05811.70 havinf been approved
and audited by the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows:
Alameda Daily Argus Advertising .50
Bussenius,A.G. Medicine
Evening Times'Star Printing
fl IT 6,75
Fischer Plumbing & Hdwe.Co.,C.F. Supplies 218.70
Konigschofer,J.J. Supplies for ,Janitor 1.00
Municipal Publishing Co. Subscription 2.00
Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Rentals .15
Alameda Daily Argus
Alameda Hardware Co.,
Evening Times-Star,The
Gorham Rubber Co.,
Higb ,Wm
Pacific States Refineries
Pacific Tel R. Tel Co.
Total- -4 232.65
Platform Scales
Labor & Material
2nd Tayment on Ambulance
December 20th 1910.
Plummer & Son, o E. Lumber 7.25
Rickerson,Al. Supplies 2.50
Schneider,Henry Stationery 4.45
Unna,Herman Meals 10.25
Total- - -41097.15
Alameda Daily Argus Advertising * .35
Alameda Steam Laundry Assn Linen & Towels 15.80
Ells,E.R. Rug 8.00
Furey,II.P. Repairs 12.50
Gutta Percha & Rubber Mfg.Co Hose 450.00
Higby,Wn. Repairs 2.50
Jones,R. Horse-shoeing 5.00
Jorgenson,P. TV TV 22.00
King,A.R. ,, 5.00
Lomax,R.7. It IT 4.00
Oakland Gas Lt.& Heat Co. Gas 28.17
Peoples Bazaar Supplies .90
Peoples Water Co. Hydrants & Water 301.25
Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 1.05
Resso & Co.,G. Hauling manure 7.70
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co. Fuel 4.00
Schwartze,K.G. Repairs 2.00
Scott,Magner & Miller Feed 89.83
Strunz,A. Coal 14.75
Sutherland's Pharmacy Medicine 2.25
Westall,Chas Coal Oil 4.00
Total- -
Alameda Hardware Co. Supplies ,)
tt, 1.30
Bennett,J. Labor 27.50
Betten,H.L. Supplies 23.05
Evening Times-Star, The Printing 10.50
Hasselgren,A. Labor 21.50
Hay & laird Blacksmithing 11.50
Hudson,Wm Labor 28.75
Jamison,J.S. Teaming 47.50
Lubben Bros Horse-hire 14.50
McGah,J. Labor 27.50
May,J.J. TV 25.00
Nickels,H. II 30.00
Pacific Tel & Tel Co Supplies 2.25
Fingree, . . Labor 20.00
Material 81.75
TT TT fT TT 29.35
Rhodes-Jamieson & Co.
Sanday, W.
Schneider, Henry
Labor 20.00
Supplies 1.05
December 20th 1910.
Stevens,S. Labor $ 30.00
Taylor & Co. Lumber 1.60
Van Tress,W.E, Labor 26.25
Total - 490.65
Plummer & Son,Geo E. Lumber 109.66
Sutton,Jas.E. Inspector's Fees 52.00
Damkroeger,D.A. Supt.of Construction 0 70.00
Powell Bros.Construction Co. On Contract 3423.00
Roeder,W. Addition on Vilson School 2217.75
Extra Work on Wilson School 100.95
Total -------- 5811.70
Mr.Bullock moved that the claims as read he paid,seconded by Mr.Christensen
art by the following vote. Aye-:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,:Erumb,
Hammond,Cro("by and Bullock,(6). Noes:None. Absent :Councilmen Fisher and.
A report of the apportionment of Taxes was received from the Auditor and
on motion ordered. filed.
Frank Close and Charles Hess presented an application for a free license to
sell Christmas greens. Mr.Krumb moved that it be granted,seconded by Er.Walker
and carried.
Mr.Walker moved, that the application of Mrs.Susan Drew for a free license to
sell notions &c,which was presented at the meeting of December 6th 1910,be denied,
seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried.
A communication was received from the Secretary of the Fire Commission of
Los Angeles requesting the Council to lend its aid toward securing the convention
of the International Association of Fire Engineers for the Oity of Los Angeles in
the year 1915. ldr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Police and
Fire Commission in conjunction with the Fire,Water and Police Committee of the
Council,seconded by :dr.Crosby and carried.
A communication was received from F.P.McLennan,stating that he had been
elected President of the Park & Playground Comnission,vice F.N.Delanoy whose term
of office,as a member of the said. Commission,had expired. Ordered filed.
A communication was received fron Mayor Frank K.Mott of Oakland suggesting
that protests he submitted to the Government against the-leasing of frontage on
the south side of the Canal west of the Park Street Bridge. Mr.Hammond moved
that it be filed and that the Clerk be directed to notify the Government that the
Council favored the granting of leases to the said property,seconded Ly :r.Walker
and carried.
A communication was received from the Municipal Electric Light Plant stating
that no practical rlan had been thought of that will relieve and satisfy the com-
plainants against the unloading of fuel oil for the Electric Light Plant at Enci-
nal Avenue and Park Avenue,that a concrete tank and pipe line had been installed
at the said location for handling the said oil at a cost of 83500.00,that the
method was effecting a saving to the city of about 0000.00 ayear and that they
had recently entered into a contract with the Standard Oil Co.,for a period of
December 20th 1910.
Council suggest some plan to relieve the situation. Mr.Walker moved that the mat-
ter be referred to the Public Utilities Commit
ee,seconded by Mr-Bullock and carried.
A communication was received from the Mayor in which he stated that by the pow-
ers conferred upon him by the provisions of the Charter he appointed Clark Spence
a member of the Council from the Sixth Ward in the place and stead of Sumner Crosby,
resigned. Mr.Hammond moved that the appointment he confirmed,seconded by Mr.
Christensen and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,
Krumb,Hammond,Crosby and Bullock,(6). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells,Fish-
er and Prohst,(3).
v Councilman Probst arrived and was noted present.
A communication was received from the Mayor in which he stated that by the
powers conferred upon him by the provisions of the Charter he appointed VIillsie E.
Yartin a member of the Park & Playground Commission in the place and stead, of F.N.
Delanoy,wbose term of office on the said Commission had expired. IJr.hammond mov-
ed that the appointment be confirmed,seconded by Mr.Croshy. Mr.Walker addredded
the Council in opposition to the appointment. Mr.Hammond addressed the Council
in support of the appointment,whereupon on roll call the appointment was confirmed
by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst
and Bullock,(6). Noes :Councilman Walker, (1). Absent :Councilmen Ells and
Fisher,(2). The Mayor in a few remarks thanked the Council for its action in
approving his two appointments.
A protest was received against the granting of a permission to Seebeck Eros,
to transfer their liquor license from 1513 Webster Street to the north-east corner
of Viebster Street and Santa Clara Avenue. H.D.Terry and Mrs.Annie Theobold ad-
dressed the Council in support of the protest. George Seebeck and George T.
Wright addressed the Council in support of the transfer,rhereuron Mr.Krumb moved
that the protest be overruled,seconded by miond and 1: .Yalker and carried by
the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen 7hristensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosb3
Probst and Bullock,(7). Uoes:None.
Absent:Counciamen Ells and Fisher,(2).
An affidavit was presented showing due rnblication of Notice to Garage-nen
requesting bids for removing manure and garbage from the five fire stations for
one year. ordered filed. The Clerk reported that in answer to the sane one bid
had been received.. 1,r-Ilammond moved that the bid be opened seconded by ''r.Probst
and carried and thereupon The Clerk opened and read the bid of G.Resso & Co.,which
was for 7.45 per month. Kr.hammond moved.that the contract be awarded to the
said G.Resso & Co.,seconded by Mr.2robst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,Walker,z,rumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst and Bullock,-(7). Noes:
None. Absent :Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
Specifications were presented for an Automobile for the Street Department,
Mr.Krumb moved that they be adopted 'and that the Clerk be directed to advertise for
bids for same,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen. Chri tensen,Walker,Krumb,Nammond,Crosb:i,Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes:
None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
and posting
Affidavits were presented showing due publicationAof Notice of Street Work
Inviting Proposal ther,forA, ich were ordered filedi, The Clerk reported that
in answer to same one bid had been presented. Mr.Krumb moved that the same be
received and opened,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried and thereupon The Clerk
n-nnInni! .371A rn,,A +1.1c.
From Powell Bros.Construction Co.,accompanied by a certified check in the
sum of $70.00.
For Excavating--
For Filling------
For Macadamizing--
For Gutters,Concrete---------
For Curbing,Concrete----
1.* cents per Square Foot
if cent per Square Foot
8 cents per Square Foot
20 cents per Square Foot
40 cents per Linear Foot
The Street Superintendent recommended that the contract be awarded. Mr.
Allen entered a verbal protest to the award. and thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,That the Council of the City of Alameda,having in open session .on
the 20th day of December,1910,opened,examined and publicly declared all sealed pro-
posals and,bids for the following street work in said city,to wit:That Cedar
Street from .a right line 520 feet right angular measurement southerly from and
parallel with the southern line of Clinton Avenue to the concrete bulkhead,which
is didtant 121 feet southerly along the center line of Cedar Street from the right
line above mentioned,be improved as follows:
That the entire width of said street between' said limits from property line
to property line,be graded to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight iri-
ches by fourteen inches'in cross section dimension,combined with concrete gutters
throe feet wide by six inches thick,be constructed along both edges of the'roadway
of said street between said limits;and that the remaining portion of the roadway
of said street,between said limits,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock
six inches in thickness,hereby rejects all of said bids except that next herein men-
tioned and hereby awards the contract for said work to Powell Bros.Construction Co.,
it being the lowest responsible bidder therefor,at the prices specified in its bid
therefor on file to wit:
For Excavating----
For Filling----
For Macadanizing--------
For Guttersi,Concrete-----------
For Straight Curbing-,Concrete--
The City Clerk is hereby directed. to po
1.1- cents per
cent per
8 cents per
20 cents per
40 cents per
Square Foot
Square Foot
Square Foot
Square Foot
Linear Foot
t Notice of this Award conspicn-
ously for five days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said
notice for two days in the Alameda Daily Argus,newsparer.
Mr.Christensen seconded the Resolution and it was adopted and
ed by the
following vote. Ayes:CoUncilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst
and Bullock, (7). Noes;None.
Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
The Street Committee presented a report to the effect that the roadway on
Bryant Street from Pacific Avenue to the Borax V:orks was being put in condition
the Pacific Borax Co., furnishing the rock and the Street Department doing the
work. Ordered filed.
The Street Committee presented a report that the Street Superintendent had
entered into an agreement with ir.Guppy the Southern Pacific Cos.,engineer and
with the Hutchinson Company toward putting the roadway of High Street between Fern-
side Boulevard and the High Street Bridge in passable condition the City to con-
tribute $75.00 for the purpose. Er.Krumb moved it be filed. So Ordered,and
thereupon Mr.Krumb offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
Resolved,that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby empowered to
contract for work and material in the amount of 75.00 for the improvement of the
northern end of High Street.
December 20th 1910.
lowing vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst and
Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
A communication was received from the City Attorney in which he rendered and
opinion that the money,still remaining in Municipal Improvement Fund No.8 for the
improvement of the Bay Farm Island Roadway,coula be used for the improvement of the
street on Bay Farm Island known as Kilkenny Street,said street connecting with the
main Bay Farm Island Road. Accompanyin g the opinion was a report of the City En-
gineer as to the method and approximate cost of the proposed improvement. Oraered
filed and thereupon Mr.Hammond moved that the matter be referred to the Street COPIT9-
ittee with power to make as much improvement on the said street as was possible with
the amount of money available for such purpose,seconded by Er.Krumb and carried by
the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker Yrumb,liammond,Crosby,
Probst and Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
A Bill entitled"A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing the curb grade of
Pearl Street between Blanding Avenue extended and Harrison Avenue",introduced Decem-
ber 6th 1910,by Mr.Krumb,came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.
Krumb moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried bv the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst and Bullock,(7).
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,( ).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Ordinance No.516 of the
City of Alameda Prescribing Building Regulations",introduced December 6th 1910,by
Mr.Christensen,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Christensen nor-
ed its adoption,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen hristensen,Walker,1:rumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst and Bullock, (7). Noes:
None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Relating o the Salaries in the
Police Department and Fixing the Same on the Basis of Longevity of Service",intro-
duced by Mr.Walker on December 6th 1910,came up for passage and was read by the Clerk.
Mr.Walker moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Krumb and carried by the following vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker, Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Probst and Bullock,(7).
Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and Fisher,(2).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Require the Use of Lights on
Motor Vehicles at Ni ht",introduced by ,Ir.Krumb,December 6th 1910,came np for pas-
sage and was read by thc Clerk. Er.Krumb roved its adoption,seconded by Mr.11an-
mond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Ualker,Krumb,
Hammond,Crosby,Probc.t Bullock,(7). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen Ells and
On the written request of the Police & Fire Commission,Mr.Walker introduced
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Regulating the Construction,Erection,
Alteration,Maintenance and Use of Places of Amusement wherein Moving Pictures are
Exhibited for Public Entertainment and to which an Admission Fee is Charged",which
was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Mr.Yrumb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Establishing
the Curb Grade of Chestnut Street south of Clinton Avenue",which was laid over under
the provisions of the °barter.
Mr.Walker brought up the matter of the delegation that had waited on the coun-
cil at its committee meeting and moved that the matter pertaining to the delivery
411,- r441.nrwles
_December 20th 1310.
ruled that the motion was out of order on the ground that at a previous meeting the
same natter had been laid on the table.
Mr.Krumb brought up the matter of the controversy regarding the construction
of steps at the south end of Union Street and moved that the matter be referred
back to the Street Committee,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried.
Councilman Sumner Crosby addressed the Council,stating that as it was the
last meeting that he would attend in such capacity he desired to express his thanks
to the Mayor,Members of the Council and City Officials for the courteous treatment
that had been tendered him while acting as Councilman and promising to do all in
his power while in the State Legislature to advance the interests of Alameda.
Thereheing no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next
regular meeting,Tuesday,January 3rd 1911,at 7.30 P.M.
Ci>"1 147z-e
City Clerk of Alamed