1909-01-18 Regular CC Minutes(jJ Oif TLE CITY 09
AL_PaJATJA.RY lUth 1909 .
T1e neetin§): was called to order by the I,:ayor.
The roll was called and Coy Brown,Laf2;agnos,Bullock,Gee,Fisher and Loo, (6)
were notea present and Councilnen 00r1sense n,l1Toy and Probs1 ,(3),absent.
The minutes of the Ineeting of January 4th were read and ordered arTroved.
Clains aainst the General Fund amo701 inr: to :23C.85;aainst the 7ire Puna nnoniu
to ::2008.7 ;aainst the Felice Fund a=ntinc; to 269.01;a2:ainst the Street FAJnd anount-
and a:,--ainst the Tnectric Ji00i. Fund anountin. to 1620.75 having been
proved and audited by the Irorer officials were reaa 'Hy the Clerk as follows:
G=ERAI 7=0.
Llamoda Stean Laundry Towel Jcrvice -Por 8.00
Ar,,oms IuM)Tishins Co AdvertisinL; 7.70
Oalifornia Oil 0 Burner Co Oil for Eeater 20.00
Iineoleun Iolice office
Table for Police Office 2.75
Dori ty "Iounanaster 10.00
Surrlies for Janitor 3.00
Oil for Floor 3.00
1,1.ar5s 59.00
Co.,J.D. SuTTlies for Iound 2.40
Ewing,P.h.,ass Geo Harcourt
ail, T.
Stachler,Jos J.
Coustier Sons
Iercha J Rubber
hay Haird
::onisiio:er, j
0 01I &2c on contract
Shoes Jo
Inhhe Su'Ilies
0 Co., ,.L.
Oakland ,c1.8 It 0, 90 J-as
%eolee ,ter Jo. H;dras 9. ,ater
Ioterson,Lreter -orvices
0o. Feed
Rhoades-Jaliosoll 9 Co. 20e0
Anount for',7ara-
17 .D5
-Y 090 .85
PO4. ,
Amount forward- - - -1959.4")
PThiaoacr ed.icine 10.65
Thrston,C.E. I:auling 6.75
Vosbnrh 00., J.. Sup-rlies 11.50
iestall,Chas Coal Oil 7.00
If 7.00
niftier, Colrn Co Oil
roLic2 FU=.
Alarr:.ecia Steam Laur7 Cleanin Elanitets y 5.00
icr,7ms Publishin Co Printing 1.50
Pnr-ner L Eartin ha-r.dware 12.10
Crocke-c!-LanL;ley Director7 Co. Director:: 6.00
OaTaand Ccas Lt 0 }.Co Gas .20
Pacific Tel 0 Tel Co. Tele-fhones 4.90
It ri ff 4.00
Screiaer,Lenry Stationery 0 rintin 13,45
20ivelz7 Eros 0Ac:,,c1e .7.epairs .35
Stein1.-.7.,T. Lattresses 52.00
Stackler,Jos J. Jail bunks 110.00
Taylor 0 ' .,tmv--ar Lumber 15.71
Unna,Horman Eeals 16.75
7; If 39.75
Voslxar Ilaruwu,le
,,.,_Lari... (:. Sons,.-. 5(:=':.01 iL.0 ';': .60
:Cogan Lnner Co. .1_,o.muer 26.66
EcConnell,, Labor 14.00
2.eichard,I. ,.:.,(:reou sin.s 24.00
noades-Jal:lieson 0 Co. Roc:: 0 Cenent 87.75
slAvely Eros Eic:cle F.er,airs .40
Vosi.nar:.:h .0. hardware 3:3.50
lowell Dros. Ori Contract
Lir noved that t'ho claias as read be Daid,seconded 1 1.1r.E.rown and carried L72-
the follewin vote.
Ayes:Counciler Th.cown, -IsaF,;nos,ThIllock,qee,7isher a0 Looy,.(6).
iToes:fone. 2,.sent;Council3 Christensen,:jo and Probst,().
.0 connunication was receited fron the Alaieda IL.-provel'ent •TJ1nb,oallin tha attention
to the roor conCition of the roadway of tie west side of :e7,ster itreet 1)etwee central
,ianta Clara Avees. The sae was referred to tho ',.;tree t 3urerinten5ent.
A -petition was received frol:, Louis Lenewer Tr rector askiiis for a te7-1 da:s :leave
of at'sence. yoved it 7,e hv - ad carried.
An arrlication was received fron Chas .:-Foster for a F;ratuito-ns license to peddle
fruit (''; veetahles 13.sini: a wao-n therefore. I.:r.:Jac;asnos noved it Le F,Tanted,seconded
alad carried.
0 bond in t:,e sta:, of 5200 .00 was received fron the Towers 0ubiie ';:orl:.-s with the Dai-
ted ,:=tates Fidelity Maranty o ac 5tire0:7 ..71-ven for the faith:fug perfc3rnmice of tJ.eir
cort-oact fc,r hose purchased. :Jane orered filed.
A certificate was received from J.Eugene Freeman,the Architect for tie new brick
Fire Louse on Webb Avenue to the affect that the second payment of al76.25 was due under
the terms of the contract. Ordered file'd.
A copy of the semi-annual report of the Chief of te ire Department was received
from the lolice and Fire Connissioners and ordered filed.
A copy of the semi-annual report of the Chief of Police was received from the Po-
lice Fire Commissioners and ordered filed.
lo City .aylineer presented plans and specifications for Combination Concrete and
Wooden Culverts which may he used in Street Crossings ir the City of Alameda, hr .Loei.
moved that they he adopte , recorded by 1,:lr.Gee
hr.Magagnes moved that the Police and Fire Commission be authorized, to purchase a
bicycle for the use of the Chief of t e Fire Department the cost not to exceed 'i,;60 .0o,
seconded hy hr .Fisher and carried hy tho following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Brown:Lag-
agnos,Eullock,Gee,Fisher and Loop.(6)
'does:None. Absent:Courculmon Christensen,
-Joy and Prohst,(3).
Mr.Loop roved that the -duilding Committee be granted permission to cut o hole in
the wall in the gymnasium in the City hall to allow Jr f the imsialline of a shower hath,
seconded by 1..r.MagaFnos and carried.
A bill entitled "A Mill for Ordinance Yo. To further reulate the Traffic in
Liquors and Wines by Amending Section 1 of Ordinance "o,167 so as to :Prohibit the ho-11v-
cry of the dame in the City of Alameda without License",introduced December 7th 1C00,
Mr Fisher came up for passage and was read by- the Clerk. 14r.Fisher moved its adoption,
seconded by Dr .Bullock and car d hy the following vote.
anos,Bullock,Gee,Fisher and Loop, (o).
Noy and Probst, (o).
Lr.Bullock introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance ho.
Ayes :Councilmen Brown„
hoes:Uone. Absent:Councilmen Christensen,
for tie Purchase of a certain Piece of Land, on :11ht.. Street in the
t7.7 of fle,--da for
School Purposes and Appropriating 1:,eney for such Yur-nose ,which was laid over under the
provisions of the Charter.
1:ir.3ulloch introduced the following resolution:
nereas,The City and County of San Francisco is endeavoring to obtain from the
Congress of the United States a confirmation of certain rights granted by the 'Score-
tary of the interior in. and to certain reservoir cites in H tch Hetchy Valley and at
Lake 71eanor,as a further source of water suprly,
HEOLVED,By the Council of the City of Alamoda,that we endorse the efforts of the
City and County of ';'3an Francisco tO obtain the desired le, aislation from Congress, and we
reo,uest our representative in Congress,Hon.J.R.Knowland,to aid in this matter, end that
he present this memorial to the :Public Lands Con ii of the House.
r.Bullock moved its adol)tion,soconded I y hr .Brown and carried.
Councilmen Christonsen,Noy and Probst arrived .. and wore noted present.
petition of Fenoastrance vies received from G.W.Emmons,et n1 .to the work f in-
jai Dayton Avenue as described in Hesolution of Intention Co .?2O of the Council and
thereupon Iiir.Christenser offered the followiad resolution and moved its adoption,
'homers Cr.W.Emmons et al.havo filed oWections to proceeding with. the work proros-
ed by DIsolution of Intention 1'o ,?L9
Therefore resolved that eipTht o clech r.L.on the let day of Fel-ruary,1Nand the
Councilroon of tbis Council be and are hereby fixed as tbe time and place of hearin said
objections, and the City Clerk in hereby directed to aive notice thereof to all objectors
in the manner -prescribed Thy law.
The resolution as seconded .y 1.ir.eo and carried by the fo110vTi;z vote. Ayes:
Councilmen :Drown,Christensen,aasnos,DullocNoy,IJ-, ,Probst,Fisher and iloop,(9). Noes:
None. Ahsent:one
Idr.Dullock offered the followins resolution:
;:OHEP.R2.h,t2 e Electors of the City Of Alameda, in special Referendum Electi ex-
pressed their rreforence for to Naymire Place as one site f r 1:ar and Plavround,and
Thereas,the Hibernia Savins and Loan Society, owners o said land have offered said
land for the sun of :24000.00:
ESOLVRL that the City of Alameda purchase from said Dank that land in said City
known as the "Uay,Are Place" of about 3 1/2 acres,bounded on the east hy Ualnut Street,
on the South 'ay Dona Vista Avenue, on the north by Clement Avenue and on the west 7
line about 220 or more feet west of Thlnut Street, for the price of ,24000.00,and that
warrant in that amount be drawn or the Troa ury,payable to said Dank, and delivered upon
receipt of deed of conveyance and aprroval of said deed ard title hy the City Attorney,
abstract of title to he furnished by said bank.
hr.Bulloch moved its adoption, seconded by 1r 10 and carried by the followinc vote.
es :Councilmen l'rown,Christensen,Lasanos,Dullock 7,,and Fisher, (6). No .:0ouncil-
men Gee,a!robst and Loop, (3). Absent :Zone.
The Police and. Fire Com]vission stated that they had investiated the worh of . ` . ' : ; d jc. paintirs of stations 2,4 and 5 ard recoordod that 75'/. of tho char:,:oos for the
work be allowed tord therouor 42e followin,-o claims were presorted and read by the Clerk
D:ernard,Joseph On Contract 468.
Risley :1; Atwood
1:fr.Duljoc1: moved tbat the claims be -raid as read ,seconded 1)7 1:Lr.Noy and carried
by the followini: vote. Aves:Councilyen Drown,Christensen,Llasanos,Dullock,Noy,:jeo,2x
lrobst,Fisher and Loop.((:)).
Noes:None. Absent::fone.
1r .2102. was excused from further attendance at the n004i and rotired
A communication was received from' the La; or with reference to the encroachment of
the Dow Steam ruyrn V;orhs on the north end of Oak Street. moved that the i
natter be referred to the Layor,r,
Attorney Street 3u4orintendent with over to
protect the City's interests,seconded by Er.Fisber s ilc, carried.
A coyinrication was rNfa=d received from the Layor with reference to certain
huildi 4Sat t2e Dow Steam 2un y V:or'ks were crectins on their property. on the line of
Dlandin Avenue and recommendin that steps be taken to condemn land fo r tho western
extension o:0 Elardinio Avenue. Lir.Christenser moved that the matter 7e referred to
the Layor,City Attorney and 'Street Ouperintendent to look after th e City's interest and
if necessary to call a s.oecial neetin=-c of the Council to 4n :o action, seconded by
Fisher and carried.
I.F.Uavanaush addressed the Courcil requestin that a bill now before the State
-.2.eislature exe-mTtirs families with twelve or aore children from taxation be endorsed by
the Council. Lr.Ioop moved that the natter be referred to the Colittee of the "nolo
seconed 1.r.0u12 ock and carried.
Lr.Fisher introduced a Dill entitled "A Lill for Ordinance No. -frescribins 11-
nits Sor Public Laurdries",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
The 122 erh was directed ta recluest the memhers of the Department of Riectricity to
be Present at the next noetins of the Comloittoo of the Mole.
There 2aeiny: no further business to transact tho Council adjourned until the next
roFczjar meetins,1onday.,7obruary 1st 1.04 ,at 7.30 Y.L.