1909-02-01 Regular CC Minuteso..ff.Y OF
laiL=.;FET.TOA-'2.1 1st 1909.
fettT tS called to o6er tEo or
The roll V;r::!,8 oalle0 an Co-nnoilnen iOSe1 , Ii1: OC:T ee l'rod:st and Fisher r:ere
notefri present and Th7nnoil2,lon 5rown,Laanos,7,Toy ana C_,BeTlt„
-Ilntes of tte meetin of 8:=ry 1(..52,1nere road L.nd ordel.ed 5.pyn.oved.
anat tne ,::,enerial Fund to ;;;,76.72;aains5 t-he T-".und
in- to :15.:10;oa[jains8 tne '-=;treot a:.ouantlo-, to „660.20:0c:ainst the Electric 4 7and
000ntin to :)8186.09;a:-.. ios t5a Lr. :Fund. amoirntin:,,: to :9502.0;aainst Ilr.,-
-Froveent Fund ido.,(Pire);aaist II:Lprovemert Fucl larE. anci 'Play'Lxoand)
and aainst :15Trovor:ont
rroor oficia.:Is were o5 to; the O'er]: as follows:
GI2,1=A1, 2 IE5D.
5'O Advertisi-n '3.10
11 1 t
California nil 9 Eurner Co Oil for heater 25.00
!1 1 11
nristensen,eo 1. ':.'ork on indexes 01.00
Dey:nty 2o1:,.nar,-Iaster 5 1,
Fischer 511015±L1 5 Eidwe E1 nnd5in 24.CC
if 1 T Eol..;nd 2.00
5luff1-)in ; olice 0t:iori 8.25
aarTlies -Poi' Janitor 1.00
Leaue of Cala.:..naicialitles 2res 40.90
9 as Lt 9. Heat o. as 1.0.10
Pacific Tel 9 Tel -;'(,) 2witches .o
'1 - ,-Y'r I
Servioes in f_asessorlf).. Office
reorles a er 9 ater i'or Eonnd
0orra9, 010
Johns a
Oity Loll
Hernov Carba,c':e
5u1aies for Janitor
Total- -
PO998 =2.
'o1 ioo
Uayriseh,Len labor 75.00
:.'.00onne1 l,. Ertineer on :eller 7.45
Olsen ..1.-2 J. 8Gr,"31: 24r.00
Ee es -:ater So, ';:tor 102.59 .
?,71,1i1, 6CC
Teval"i: 5 0o.,5.E:. P.0-116 of Tyewriter .'3.0,0
Ilhodes-jaaAeson F,. So. E:ocE scroenins 5.75
1,.:,:onn1 l'orward- - - .,-, 195 ,.00
Taylor Co.,
Amount forward- 590.55
ToalLinp; 20.0C
7otal _ 660.20
ELT-7,0=IC 71JUD.
.As Yu'olishi-n Co. PAvertisins 15.45
Ilssocirtted Oil 702.00
T( g g 1510.24
I / I/ I( 20.44
'I I I " 652.42
g g: g g 1250.01
g g 20.93
Laho-,Otto horse-shoeirz 5.50
Loa-,-d of E ect-ricity Incidentals 252.45
Constier 0 2ons 3.00
FiscTier i1i-:. 0 haw° Co.,': ],'. YlucIllAnr . L., 5
5ox,',7-i.eo h. rreminu: 66.00
Garlooh: -.11)fackin Co dra,,hets 47.50
hall j: Co. Promiu1,1 65.00
Joos Sons,:,lartin 0rt./27,1ies („...)5
,:. ;,:
Ke11oL Eress Co. Expressae 5.90
horse-shoeinL; 0.50
Lewis 0 Shaw YreFily,,) 65.00
Le n 'hros horse-hire 26.00
g 3np-j-lie ,5:c
Liarshe,11-7.Teel1 tnr,1-v 00 3u:1ies 5.80
IT If ,, U 5.7C
71 ,, 11 16.71
'-a/risch,Y,enard Assistin,::: 011y 7-.nr,-r 1.50
]?acific lel Oo :entalL> 0c 12.0
1a7ne's Lolt 'Thrs ':or: Le 14.05
'1 1 7 . 'durlies 8.16
I,:oolec, ,ater Co V;ater 1.0C
11 71 1 77 1.0C
L1711:11::er sons Extensions 10.75
Dlocles-liarieson 0: Co Feed 50.55
hicherson,Al. Snrylies So 7.-0
ILIsdon iron 0 Ioco.':,:h:s Tiles 4s.24
hix, 0o ,Air 0: -LI:ill Co. Conrressor 150.00
1::oel)lin.F-:s Sons Co.,J.. Core: ire / ; 2; 64.50
g g g IT 91.20
g 77 1 g ',,a1v.,:;trand 00.05
7 g 00.95
Sterlin ETec So SiTplies ,,Y: 17.50
g 21.09
g. 71 g 6.05
If 77 IT 11.37
g :, 1? g 64.86
,:;-..,,:: 777
Anount fopwar4 y55,5.5"
Sterling Electric Co
Amount forward -
Sum 01S
VosburE;h Supplies
Westinghouse Lamp Co Lamps
'':esti-n house R.& Li, Co 1-3 Wotor
?I ft
It I/
fT IT fT
fT it
fT If
fT ;t ft
Vil,ittier,do'ourn Co.
Woodin y Little
Watt--mete s
Alamedv,Public Lirary Petty Expenses
Eastern Claims
Cunnin lam,Curtiss & We leD Doos
Fielding, S. Daily Zewsrapers
Historic Record Con: any Books
Joimson , IC IC. Sibscriftions
Baseini, I. Plumbing Be
Pacific Rural Press Book
Peoples Later Co Water
Lio'hertson,IA-L. Book
San Francisco News Co. Periodicals
Strom, Carl E. Electric Supplies
VolberF,C.2. Rent
VoshurFh .,J.E. Supplies
Commission 148.97
=CT= IlIDROULE7iT FLUB 110.8,Park B Playground)
Rhodes, L.A. asog C.1:.Greene
Total- -
1=ICIPAL IlirRo71= Fun ITo.8,(Librar-,d
Bechtle, Otto .Larips
Foster A Labor
Jorgenson, B. Blacksmithi,
Library Bureau, Inc Chairs
Amount forward- -
--an Dohrmann Co
Eue-ke Co
L.' .1-
Croc :er7 22.1e
Lr .-un1:LocF roved that the claims as road he -paid,seconded hy :ax.e:see and carried
ILG follo vote.
Ayes:Conncilmen Christensen,Eull ,irohst and Fisher,
Eoes:1Tone. Absent :Concilmen Brown,:aanos,T,To: and Loop, (4).
A compunication was received from J.Enenne Freeman the Architect for the Fire
house in course of construction on 'Jebb enne Oe ween 2ark and Everett Ltreets stat
that the third paTnent of .5000 .00 would he One and raya],1 to James 1L. Boyd the
contractor ahout the 5th or 61h of Fehruary and requestin that the Council tame action
so as not dela, te said payment. Ordered filed
LUUICIfAL ThIEOVE:E:7 wUFD Uo.6,(Fir,' was rresented as
claim e..,ainst
On Oontract
1:..r.ulloch moved tha,t tho sara he no roved and aid on tho film' with the Citan
lerL of the Architect's Certificate iv comnliance with the terms of no contract,se-
condod hy 10 .Gee and carried hn the followin vote. Ayes:Concillnen Christensen,Eul-
locee-Irobst and Fisher,(0). 'does:Uone, m:Iuc.
and LocJI,,(4)
A reyort was received from the Lunlicipal Electric -,_nu Tlant for the month of
Ordered fileC.
1.r.Iatham of the T'olice Fire Commission requested -laiermission for said Con-
uission to anrchase certain articles for tho new switch Foard for the Fire House; on
-::ebh Avenue amonntinr: to :,;250.00,for furniture for the same amonntinL; to :::,660.00 and
for additiOnal worh on the Innildin amonctin
:;132. .04, L.r.,Prohst moved that the
Tolice 4 Fire Commission he ranted authority to create such indel)tedness,soconCed 1)7
and carried IF the follo7in vote. AYes:ColJneilmen Christenson,Lullockee,
ol,St and gisher,M.
E.oes::Jone. Ahsent:Councilmen ..Pnrown,'-aanos,fl'ov and Loo AA
titian was 'received fron tle Larh and 21around do-mmission roc: estin nermis-
sion to purchase various s-a;=astic. and other arnaarates for Lincoln -Lan,: and the J.ayler
Tract amonntir to .2:,0214.0. Fr.Bulloch n-vea that they :--:rauted antlori'tn to cre-
ate such indehtedness,seconde Ur .Christensen and carried hy the followin vote,
A:,es:Councilmen, Christensen:B-1130k The,.Probst an6 2isher,(5), .sone.
Couneilnon 'T,rown,TOa,aEnos,o and load, (4),
The Clerk presente6 affidavits showin due 1uT)1eati3n and. tsi1i of 1:k)tio0 of
Eearins of CaDtition of Fleltonstrance in the matter of the improvement of 1):t on Avenue
under 1-,.esolut4 on of Intention ITo.729and thereuron the Connell was addressed hy
Emmons one of the nrotostants requestic for further time in matter and thereuDon
hr.,Thristenson roved that further hearin I e laid over until the next rea:aar meotin,se-
eonded hy a.nd carried.
A co:,: nication was received from jal:,es 102 n1, callinL; attention to tho washi a-
55V7 of the Ennanhment at the sonth end of (ranC ,Areet, . ----moos aueressod the
'Douneil on the matter and thereuron roved that the matter he laid over until
the next rca,aular meetin7,seconded by- "1:.Cristensen and carried.
Council:an hrow' arrived rod was noted yresent.
A cocnmanication was reeolveC from F.C.Joslyn,;--ecordlr[- ::,ecretary or the -'entral
Id or Council ef Alameda County,retestin:y 2nst the award in of the lerintin contract
to any ht local Onion IF'inI;i: Offices, 'The sa,me 1:,55 ordered referred to the Committee
of the -hole,
Ille olerK presenzeo an ar-frdavit showing due publication of krotice to rinters ve
cinesting lAds for to prng of hlani:B and books for tbe various departments of 1:1e,,
for tho year 1000-1910
City Covernment and repbrted that three bids had been received,from the Alameda Lally Ar
l,'.'r1.11ilnes,.Eanaer;fron Henry Schneider and from! J.S.LeDowell proprietor of the
7veninc; Times 2-Str. Er .Gee moved that the same be opened and referred to the Printing
Oomnittee to report at the next meeting of the Corneiloseconded by lir.7dullock and carried.
The ClerL presented an. affidavit showin due publication of 7otice to Yuhlishers of
Uewspapers roues tin bids for doincs the pchlio advertisin for the City for the year l(DC'D-
1910 and reported that two bids had been received fro the Alameda Lai1I Arus and fron the
A, 00) r0
1-1 C
Lr.doe moved that the same Pe referred Co the Printing Oommittee
aOft of itf Attorney,seconded by lir.Faillock and carried.
A communication was received from the Tax Collector static that was a deficiency a
83.29 in the personal property taxes collected , the Assessor and that the expense of
collectinc the amount would ho reater than the amacnt to be collected and requested relief
from the resuonsihility of collecting the same and thereupon Mr.Thallock offered the follow-
inc Tesolution and moved its adoption:
Uhereas,there renains to be collected as taxes on personal prorerty the sun of ::)83.0
which represents the excess in tax rate for the year 1(d02-190 over the year -.107-1,and
"Shereas,the cost of the collection of said taxes will exceed the anount thereof,
5nesolved,That the Tax Collector be and is hereby authorized to emit Said collection
and the Auditor is here ty- directed to disre§zard said. taxes in his settlement with said fax
1.1r.Brown seconded the resolution and it was adopted and passed by the followinc), vote.
Ayes:Councilmen Thrown,Christenson,Bullook,GecProhst and Fisher, (6). Noes:Tione. Al sent;
Councilmen liaia;aL:,:nos,ey and Ioop,(3)
A report was received from the hepartment of 7Slectricity reardins the conditior of
the .14Unicipal. Flectrie hi gft hiant the nethod of keepinF its accounts do and requestinr
that action be taken to correct the abuses of such method and that 00 action be taken
reaardinpj the reduction of rates. 7he sane was referred to the Committee of the i:hole.
The Clerk brouisht up the natter of the General nie ral Election which would he
held on the 12th of A' '1 lcdC0 ,rd in connection therewith the fold owinz action was taken
hr.Christenser moved that the Clerk he authorized Co employ the necessary help and
to purchase the necessary supplies to carry Co the so: e, d r.Geo and carried by
the followin vote. CS :Go; l'irown,Ohristensen,Thullockee:Prohst and. Fisher,(6).
Noes :No)1e. Ahsent:Conncilmen :d.amanosjey and Loop,
in' .1 noved that a place he estahlished in each of t] ]o sixteen precincts
of the City as designated by the Board of Supervisors of Alameda County,secionded by Tir.Gee
and carried by the followine vote. A: cc 73rown,ullook,Gee,Probst and Fisher,
7es:C-uncilnan Christensen,(1).
.musens.sosaelpien non, do' and Loop, (Z,).
The City Attorney stated that the election heina; a general 000 that each pollin place
must have ei Thct: officers, rd thereupon idr.Fisher moved that the ray of such officers he
fixed at ::A.00,seconded hy kr.Probst and carried 1 the followin,s vote. A, en
Erown,hristensen,Ballock,Prohst and Fisher,(C). 70es:Councilman Gee,(1 ) , Absent;
Councilmen Te.flagnos,:Toy and Loop, (3).
idr.Fisher moved that where stores or offices were rented for pol inf.:: places the
amount allowed be fired. at '26,00,seconded hy lir.Prohst and carried by the followinE vote.
Ayes :Councilmen .7drown,nristensen,Bullock,Goe,Yr bst and Fisher,(6). roes; .de
Absent:Councilmen 1::,a,E,:anos,Joy 'nod Loop,(3).
petition was received fron the Southern hacific Company for the riht nrivilee and
f p 0
beginning at the intersection of the riFht of way of the CentraD Pacific Eailway
Company and 2earl ;13treet an rurni 2 thence southerly along the easterly side of rear
tree; to Encinal Avenue ana to attach to and. maintain and operate upon said poles wires
for the Iransmissior of electric power. A protest was received from Emily ijk)rgan and
others against the ranti such rit and franchise. I:Ir.:Probst moved that the mat-
ter be referrea hack to the Committee of the Mole,seconded by D--..Pisher carried.
A petition was received from hutchinson Joany re.octiim ermission to ;rade ,curb
gutter and macadamize Hibbard Street etwee the southern _Thane of .7.-uena Vista Avenue and
the nottherr line of Lincoln Avenue under private contract, said +ition was accompanied
by a eoo oj contract entered into by the property owners on said street. h:r.Probst
moved that the request be granted, seconded by Llr.Christenson 0 carried by the following xx
vote. Ayes:Councilhmen Brown,Christensen,Billioch,G
Absent:CounciTimen Eraf-:agr
J Hoy and Loor,(3).
Prol ' and 7isher,(6). Hoes:None.
A com:srunicatior was received., from the Layor recommending that proceedings be insti-
tuted for the condemnation of a roadway forty feet wide extending from the Tebster :ditreet
Eoadway easterly to the property of te United Engineering Ierhs. Lr.Christersen moved
that the matter be referred to the City Attorney and the ait: Enineer to prepare the nec
essary resolutions to open the said road, seconea by Lr.Probst and carried.
The Mayor excused himself from to meeting. and Lr.ullock took the chair presid-
ing officer.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for ordinailee uo. Erescribing Limits for, Public Lau
dries",introduced January :18th 1909, by 1r .Fisher ca: o for passage ara was read hy the
hir.Probst moved its adoption,seconded by 1,:r.rown and carried bY the following.
vote. Ayes :Councilmen 1:rown,Christerser,73ullock,ace,Probst and Eisher,(6). 'Toes:Nore.
Absent:Councilmen 1:,agagnos,Noy and Too, (3)
A.Bi:11 entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Ho. rcvir e. for the hurchase of a
certain riece of Land or 7ighth itreet in the it of Alameda for School Purposes and
Approrriating Eoney for such Purposintroduced January. lOth :1902,by Er.Bullock came up
for passage and was read by the Clerk. Yr.Cce noved its adoption,seconded hy Er.rrohot
and carried by the fel:lowing vote. Ayes.ceanok non Brown,Thristerser,Piullock,ec,
rrobst and Fisher, (6), Noes :Hone. 12 sont lor:ciiac 1 aaros, Hey and Loop,
IC.r.Fisher introduced A Biilfea,titied "A Bill.for Ordinance No.
ulations for Electric wiring and Apparsuus in huildings,in tho Oi „ of Alaneaa,ropeadling
Ordinance 1o.424,of said City, and Providing a Penalty for Violation",which was :laid over
under the provisions of the Charter.
The annual statement of th e "'copies 'Aater Company was presented and ordered filed
and thereuron 1::r.6uTlock introduced .Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Ho. Deter-
mining 'Tater "Rates and Fixing the Oompersation„ for 'dater Furnished for rrivate and Pub-
liC Purroses in the 7ity of Alameda during the year commencing July 1,16C9and ending June
1,1 was la-id over under the rrovisions of the Charter.
Four orders for additions to the brilding in course of construction for the use of
Fire .)ar..tmort or 'Son Avenue between Park and hVerett Streets,nade out hy the Arch-
itect and accerted by the Contractor ard approved by the 1.:ayor were presented and ordered
placed onl file.
Er .Probst moved that an additional „t.O.00 be allowed the loTice and Fire Commission
for the rurchase of n bicycle for the Ohief of the Tire Pnepartment,seconded by 1:r.ee and
carried he following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Hrown,Christensen,Bullock,Joe 1.-robst
ard 7isber,(6). Hoes:Hore, Absent:Councilmen Lagagros,Hoy and 6002,(3).
The matter of the request of 101 .Cavara11121 for the Council to endorse a bill now be-
children,was refo.roC1 't; e cr:. ittoo of t.]lo
Christensen reported that the Ctreet -juperintendent had secured a engineer to
run tIle Foad Feller Cr d, noved that he lue authorized to entzae his services at a nonth77s
salary af :„:86.co,seconded Icy Er.rown and carried hy the followina, vote. Ayes:Counc11-
no 7rownChristensen,Bullook,GeeIrohst aud Fisher, (6) 7ces:70ne. Ahsent:Council
ne-n hiayi:.--[nos,:dov and 600r.(6).
There 0i CC further jp,ssi7uess to transact the Cou_ncil adjourned until the next
- ,
neetinf; 1Sonday,Februar 190,D,t 7.0
City CTor.