1909-02-15 Regular CC MinutesLoop,
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8a721..afl.d C,as l 2
Towel oervice 8.00
73ohs for Assessor 200.00
Trasscrit fey' (7!=rary 5.0C
Oil for lleator 20.00
70-eairs to jutter
5:ent of 815ce 6.00
55-y, I ccieiosso 9.00
F-uol i2o-nd
(ja,*1-]:.PrIter 012 16.75
Aatiollery fc:r 1.5"ai1or
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fer Auditer 26.255
lies for Oito,,, 4.85
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aa:'ner :2-.'os hli.s, "::.(2,fl
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7ytras 071 er 'ire Loase
leaved C.00 tae clai?.':s as read "oe ordeed seootpded "e:y aed car-
ried ',7/ tT:e followis, r
' vote. Ave2:Coaeo'..11:lea a-flr2
Thes:Uone. .Asent:doecilet; Crews,
rated a il to co-adnet :Cc.' a 171-aitej: foriod of tiae
a seotiati ie a teat t't,at -eroesed te erec:t or! a
Aaffda Cai "es",ei1din-d Dee.-- a rectioc.
1Licease fiTetyd at ox .:osta,seeended r."Pisaer
nad earrie,d.
A writea e'r sio-a was reoe75.ved Cc Attoiwee-: to t-r,e effectt C;-y" to Alaweda
-was tae a' c: wii riteilts ....-ec:.1tred to Co tl,e r.1eit:a's
advert;Ii-sE:y. 1.os."2:,11oc crad Ca-' :1satatin.s for t7se ;c 'c of -.1.(:,(T
aed alo'asa,1,ed to 'no; CC C, _7apeda erriad
Thos :.Hoe. hset:ono,cll,'en Tdrown,,oe and litrost,(C).
The 'Dity Attorne:. also rendered an .r-,:inien that tbe Oity iriat a wenid bnve to
awarded to the bidder whose a . -to hid was tLe lowest and tberenipon Hr.r2,ponlos -moved
that the A7,aneda :DP1
the lowest bidder that the contract for ne anrnal
Trintine, for the ensbinin .year of and H(.-1C he z.:',WPrC.06. to Alameda AP,
seconded hy eh and carried tbe follow vote. A-yes:ouncilen Ohritenson,
id Fiser,(). 7oes:2:o-ao. 2t:Connoll:en TT:rowa,ee and
7ot 7otisre ,Th,nncilman ).
colciomnication wae: received fro the '.i.oard o ustees of the
3lhrar7 requestinL that the 'Donnell -j-,ase a resoliltion consent1 nL. to a canL:e in tl,e steel
staeT.los and shelvin as contracted for
3 the Toi.inrar;, :,-,urean,Inc,froL
,,-,a.r! to 16 c.-.10ho
and tbe strain:ht thereof to a flanals) c I,..r.LOO n -moved that 2":10:h rernission he
civen the sanc.. to t uane effect wh.en 3 0i40 -dreLles on the bond of ties contractors vas filed
v1331 3'o lit' DlerTh,secondod aod carried h:,:r the folile7ine- vote.
Councilmen 73ristehsen,h': ac:nos,7dnllocl:-,7.Toy 7l0her nt'd Io (13). Hoes::oro. .Ahsent:
Couneilmen .3rown,deo and Trobst..
A colninnication I:as received fron 1i moo -alt,statin,':,: that he bad. nr:ointed
Tnttle end I.'C.AdorDernety I...ssecsors for no Assessr,ent season of 190:3,suh:Ject to the arnrc
val of the Ma-nen and ealsted that tho salar:t o each e _nined a, yiu.00 r02- oionua.
:r.Dn7iloc7 :moved that the aii:ointnents Te ar--a?soved and the salaries fixsed es snc:„eesteol
cene hy asd earr-lod by the follow4,n,e vete. Ayesnou..ncilnen D'SriWonno
ao:noc,'..dullochr,7o:.Fisher and Ico-f, 3oes:U0ne. A-Lsent:Thnrci:nen 7rown,d,ree and
A colo-iann-leation was reoeived froo:: the Doard of H.leetricity reardiao the -foots
on Yark it-root in front of tbe 33a. e3a ardware Jo., '3 instrnetion as to
what the Connell desired done with them. 1::eferrod to the Com,nittee of the hhole.
Ca.nnolieations were received fro n En.....iTaaw,st an ;:rotestisc a;:ainst the TntacisL:
nin-Cmt .:oles on drandi. itreet. .':01.70f:'; that the Clerk a0.dress a
con:munication to the 73oar4 of Haectricity rc'qrcs'f ia. that tgace tese -itoles to the
roar of residences where i,ossib:In,seconded hy Lr.:Sio:: and carried.
• • „ „„ •1- !,a:,'or /1 ea 4, 0, C, 0110 fl■at.-L '00 r
re-nresentie the h'arden-hee-kor the a.' af and o1 strnetion. at te north end
Oak ,Jtrent. The sane was referred to the Co,vc!rittoe :af the thole,
C. comInniontion was received too: b.ld..E.ohinson,re th,e stor water on Cen tral
Avenue between 'Tehster aid ftth '..;treets and the lro inao of same throne' a riy.o line =der
-.covz-nd throned the Hays Tract, and relnestin that act-ion he tab:en to the renovnT
-1 7
71 e otter was referred to the Ctreet Cny,orintesCoot,
A commnr-icatien was received fro C.A.H.00rer and Lrs.0e7nnbus 3artlett reeinestia that
the constr.-set concrete retainina walls across the sonth ends of Hawthorne and it
Charles ,,.treets, Itr.:Toy moved that the n.atter ho referred to the etreet donnittee
and tbe :Driineer with rower to construct sane Ini.ovided the cost did not exceed
seconded by :Si..r.Fishor and carried i:t o follcwinf,; voto
Laa-nos To Tisher and ITO 31) , .1.TOCs :Uone
t ,--: 1
0 ri S , k ,;)
A-yes:Conncilmon ChristensEa],_
LJSC 00 :'3ooi-cifl 100 -..olaa,orse and
(Jonneilnaa christensen offered the followinc resolution and Loved its adetion:
.11er0 a0 reonest has h3en m:.Ie: and ::30,(1 cause tharefore at2earin,
7..d:CCJ.N.FS: that the itreot C1 erintendent he and he is hereb-y antherized and
Co CC Ll.":'S exension of Croc on contract for the rerfornaece of .3treet ';;ork to
....�v +.+ vv.ay.s. u.v v vv vv11O U1 LLV U OU vvtdr 1!1 ni voura i t .
between Lincoln Ave.and Eagle Ave.,under Resolution of Intention No.727 provided that in
no event shall any liability accrue by reason thereof against said city'or officials.
The Resolution was seconded by Mr.Noy and carried by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen ,I1agagnos,Bullock,Noy,Fisher and Loop,(6). Noes:None. Absent:
Councilmen Brown,Gee and Probst,(3).
Mr.Christensen offered the following resolution:
Resolved that the City .Engineer be and hereby is directed to make Plans and Speci-
fications for the following Street work to be done in said City,namely:
That the northern half of Fountain Street from the northeastern line of Santa Clara
Avenue to a right line 120 feet right- angular measurement easterly from and parallel with
said line of Santa Clara avenue,be improved as follows: That the northern half of said a
street between said limits be graded to the official grade;that concrete eurbing,eight in-
ches by fourteen inches,in cross section dimension,be constructed two inches above the of-
ficial curb grade on the curb line of said street between said limita;that a cement grout-
ed rock gutter,three feet in width,of the flat pattern,be constructed in the roadway of
said street between said limits,contiguous to said curbing;that the remaining portion of
said roadway in the northern half of said street,between said limits,be macadamized with
a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness,as per Resolution of Intention No.
730,Adopted by this Counoil,January 4th 1909. And the Clerk be instructed to notify the
City Engineer of the adoption of this Resolution.
Mr.Christensen moved the adoption of the resolution,seconded by Mr.Noy and adopted
by the Council of the City of Alameda,February 15th 1909,by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen ,Magagnos,Bullock,Noy,Fisher and Loop.(6). Noes :None. Absent:
Councilmen Brown,Gee and Probst,(3)
The City Engineer presented plans,specifications and quantity estimate for the pro-
posed work and Mr.Christensen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
RESOLVED,That the Plans,Specifications and Quantity Estimates furnished by the City
Engineer of the City of Alameda,to this Couneil,for the following Street work to be done
in said City,namely: That the northern half of Fountain Street from the northeastern line
of Santa Clara Avenue to a right line 120 feet right - angular measurement easterly from
and parallel with said line of Santa Clara avenue be improved as follows: That the north-
ern half of said street between said limits be graded to the official grade;that concrte
curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches,in cross section dimension,be constructed two in-
ches above the official curb grade on the curb line of said street between said limits;
that a cement grouted rock gutter,three feet in width,of the flat pattern,be constructed
in the roadway of said street between said limits,contiguous to said curbing;that the re-
maining portion of said roadway in the northern half of said street,between said limits,
be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight inches in thickness,under Resolu-
tion of Intention No.730,adopted by the Council of said city January 4th 1909,be and the
same are hereby adopted and approved. And the Clerk is directed to file the same.
Mr.Noy seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen ,Magagnos,Bullock,Noy,Fisher and Loop,(6). Noes:None. Absent:
Councilmen Brown,Gee and Loop.(3)
ILIr.Christensen offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:
WHEREAS,It appears to the satisfaction of this Council that Resolution of Intention
No.730 for the work of grading,curbing,guttering and otherwise improveing the northern
half of Fountain Street from the northeastern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a right line
120 feet right angular measurement easterly in the City of Alameda,adopted by this Council
oanuury -run .1.-7 uv,./lars uvull pyouvw.
to the doing of said work has been filed with the City Clerk of said city.
RESOLVED,That the public interest and convenience require and the Council of the City
of Alameda hereby orders the following described street work to be done in said. City,accor-
ding to the plans and specifications adopted therefor,namely: That the northern half of
Fountain Street from the northeastern line of Santa Clara Avenue to a right line 120 feet
right-angular measurement easterly from and parallel with said line of Santa Clara Avenue,
be improved as follows: That the northern half of said street between said limits be grad-
ed to the official grade;that concrete curbing,eight inches by fourteen inches,in cross
section dimension,be constructed two inches above the official curb grade on the curb line
of said street between said limits;that a cement grouted rock gutter,three feet in width
of the flat pattern,be constructed in the roadway of said street between said limits,con-
tiguous to said curbing;that the remaining portion of said roadway in the northern half
of said street,between said limits,be macadamized with a layer of broken trap rock eight
inches in thickness.
The Clerk of this City is hereby directed to publish this Resolution for two days
in the Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper published and circulated in this City,and
which is hereby designated for that purpose. He is also directed to post conspicuously
for five days near the Chamber Door of the said Council notice of said work with specifica-
tions inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work ordered,and to publish notice
of said work inviting sealed proposals or bids for doing the work and referring to the
specifications posted or on file,also for two days in the said Alameda Daily Argus,the news-
paper hereby designated for that purpose. Both of the said notices shall require a cert-
ified check or a bond,either as prescribed by law and for an amount not less than ten per
cent of the aggregate of the proposal,and shall name Monday,the 1st day of March,1909,as
the day hereby designated on which up th the hour of 8 o'clock,p.m.,the said proposals or
bids shall be received.
Mr.Noy seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Bullock,Noy,Fisher and Loop,(6). Noes:None. Absent:
Councilmen Brown,Gee and Probst,(3).
Er.Christensen offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED:that the public interest and convenience require and that it is the
intention,now declared,of the Council of the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of 2
California,to order the opening of a certain street and highway,forty (40) feet in width,
in said city,to be hereafter named,and extending easterly from the eastern line of Webster
Street at a point apposite Tract 35 as shown on the map hereinafter described,to the west-
ern boundary line of Tract No.29,as shown on said map,and to condemn and acquire for pub-
lic use for the purposes of a public street and highway the lands included in said street
and highway,which lands are next hereinafter particularly described..
AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED: That the land deemed necessary and convenient to be taken
for said opening of said street and highway comprises all that certain parcel of land sit-
uate,lying and being in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of California and
bounded and described as follows,to-wit: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of
Webster Street (as now existing 80 feet wide) distant thereon 850.02 feet southerly from
an angle point,which angle point is 260.38 feet S.26° 15 W.from the intersection of the
east line of Webster Street with the Peralta Grant line,and running thence S. 0°5w E.
along the easterly line of Webster Street 40 feet;thence at right angles easterly (true
course) N.89' 10' E.124.30 feet to the west line of the right of way of the S.P.R.R.Co.;
thence crossing the said right of way on a course N.71°30' E.102 feet;thence northerly fol-
wuwey .A.WyV,VA1W.140.0,4 c".., fl
crossing the R.R.Company s right of way to the westerly line thereof,and thence S.89°101
W.124 feet,or to the easterly line of Webster Street and place of beginning.
Being a strip of land 40 feet wide for public use as a street and highway across
Tracts 31 and 32 of Marsh lands as said tracts are shown and delineated on a certain map
entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh land as partitioned among the owners thereof in the suit
numbered 8923 and entitled. Pacific Improvement Company,Plaintiff,vs.James A.Waymire et al
Defendants,Superior Court of Alameda County,State of California,1900" now on file in the
office of the County Recorder of said. County of Alameda.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Council deems the said work and improvement,
to-wit: the opening os said street and highway as aforesaid,and the acquisition of said
land for said public purposes aforesaid,to be required for the public interest and con-
venience,and that it is the intention of this Council to order all the above described t
land and property to be condemned,acquired and taken for public use for the opening and
establishment of said street and highway as a public street and highway.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the exterior boundaries of the district of lands
to be affected or benefited by said work and improvement,and to be assessed to pay the
damages,costs and expenses thereof are as follows,to-wit: beginning at the northeast cor-
ner of Tract 35,as shown on the map hereinafter referred to,on the westerly of Webster
Street,thence N.78° 522 W.120 feet;thence S.0° 50' E.850 feet;thence .78° 52-12-1 E.120
feet;thence in a right line to a point on the easterly line of Webster Street 1190.02
feet southerly thereon from an angle point,which angle point is 260.38 feet 3.26° 15' W.
from the intersection of the east line of Webster Street with the Peralta Grant line,
thence at right angles to Webster Street N.89° 10' E.to the easterly line of the right of
way of the S.P.R.R.Co's land,and thence along the easterly line of said right of way S.
5° 56' E.to the southwest corner of Tract 29,as shown on the map hereinafter referred to;
thence easterly along the south boundary of Tract 29,N.89° 10' E.260.09 feet to the
southeasterly corner of said. Tract 29;thence N.0° 50' W.1359.14 feet to a point on Feral-
ta Grant line;thence N.40° 52' W.along said grant line 250 feet;thence following the east-
erly line of right of way of S.P.Co's land to a point where the northerly line of said.
Tract 35 would intersect if produced easterly;thence N.78° 52P W.to the northeasterly
corner of said Tract 35 and place of beginning on west line of Webster Street.
The tracts of land referred to in the foregoing description are as shown upon that
certain map entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Land as partitioned among the owners thereof
in the suit numbered 8923 and entitled Pacific Improvement Company,Plaintiff,vs James A.
Waymire et al.Defendants,Superior Court of Alameda County,State of California,1900" now
on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Alameda.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVIO: That the proceedings for the opening and establishment
of said street and highway as aforesaid,and to condemn and acquire the land necessary and
convenient therefor are commenced and the same shall be conducted under the provisions of
an Actof the Legislature of the State of California entitled "An Act to provide for lay-
ing out,opening,extending,widening,straightening,or closing up in whole or in part any
street,square,lane,alley,court,or place within municipalities,and to condemn and acquire
any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose," approved. March
The Alameda Daily Argus,a daily newspaper,published and circulated in said City of
Alameda,is hereby designated as the newspaper published and circulated in said city in
which shall be published the notices and advertisements required by law to he published
by the Street Superintendent of said city,or other officer,in relation to the work and im-
provement as above described. All persons objecting to said work or improvement or to
the extent of the district of lands to be affected or benefited by said work or improve-
ment,and to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof,are required to file their
written objections in the office of the city clerk of said city as required by law.
Mr.Noy seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes:
Councilmen Christensen,Magagnos,Bullock,Doy,Fisher and Loop,(6). Noes:None. Absent:
Councilmen Brown,Gee and Probst,(3).
A map of the above roadway,tracts and proposed roadway was presented and ordered
placed on file.
Councilman Christensen was excused from further attendance at the meeting and re-
The matter of the protest of residents on Pearl Street to the placing of the Feed
Wire of the Southern Pacific Company along and upon said street. Mr.F.W.Hoover of the
Company,and various residents addressed the meeting on the matter. Mr.Loop moved that
the Company be granted permission to string their wires on the City's Electric Light
en said street
Poles nat new poles be erected the City to be responsible for one-half of the cost,se-
conded by Mr.Magagnos and carried. The City Attorney was directed to draw up the pro-
per agreements. IvIr.Hoover agreeing to withdraw the application for the franchise as
now laid out.
A communication was received from the Board of Education requesting that the Coun-
cil include in the call for the coming election the matter of the referendary vote upon
the teacher's annuity fund. The matter was referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Mr.Bullock presented a resolution fixing the rates to be charged trx for Electric
Light and Power by the Department of Electricity,seconded by Mr.Fisher. After discussion
Mr.Loop moved that the matter be reffered to the Committee of the Whole,seconded by Mr.
Noy and carried.
A petition signed by Wm.A.Groatt and 683 others was presented requesting that an
Ordinance be submitted to the electors of the City at the next general municipal elec-
tion concerning the granting of Liquor Licenses and providing that the voters in each
ward shall decide by popular vote whether or not Liquor Licenses shall be granted in
their particular wards. Also a petition was presented requesting the Council to sub-
mit the proposition of granting liquor licenses by wards at the next general municipal
election,signed by Leo.S.Robinson and 39 others. Mr.Robinson addressed the Council in
regard to the same and the matter of arrangeing the precinct lines to conform to the Ward
lines was discussed. Mr.Loop moved that the metter be referred to the Committee of the
Whole at a meeting to be held Friday evening,February 19th 1909,seconded by Mr.Fisher and
President F.N.Delanoy of the Park and. Playground Commission addressed the Council
on the proposition of turning the sidewalks between the curb and property line to their
care so as to allow of the b4;utifying of the streets by planting of trees. Er.1"agag-
nos moved that the City Attorney be directed to frame an Ordinance to comply with the
request,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried.
The matter of the Petition of Remonstrance in the matter of the improvement of
Dayton Avenue under resolution of intention No.729,was taken up and. Mr.G.W.Emmons ad-
ddressed the Council stating that he withdrew hisobjections to the proposed work and
thereupon Mr.Noy offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Whereas Mr.G.W.Emmons et al.have filed objections to the work of constructing a sew-
er in and the grading,curbing,guttering,macadamizing and otherwise improveing Dayton Ave-
nue from the eastern line of Paru Street easterly to a line 273 feet east of Grand
appointed and laid over until February 15,1909,said objections having been considered.
Resolved,That said objections having been in the opinion of this Council not well
taken,be and the same are hereby overruled.
Mr.Bullock. seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes:
Uolmcilmen Magagnos,Bullock,Noy,Fisher and Loop,(5). Noes:None. Absent:Councilmen
Brown,Christensen,Gee and Probst,(4).
The matter of the construction of a bulkhead at the south end of Grand Street was
taken up and IIr.G.W.Emmons addressed the Council stating that action was being taken
looking to the improvement of the said locality and requesting that action be indefinite-
ly posponed. So ordered.
A bond in the sum of 0200.00 was presented by the Phoenix Rubber Co.,to cover the
provisions of the contract entered into for Fire hose purchased. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the Mayor requesting that an Ordinance be passed
by the Council fixing the salary or fee system for the payment for the services of the
poundman. Thereupon Mr.Bullock introduced A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the
Salary of the Poundmaster ",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
Mr.Fisher introduced A Bill entitled !'A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing the
Salary of the City Clerk ",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter.
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Providing regulations for Electric
wiring and Apparatus in Buildings,ir_ the City of Alamed.a,repealing Ordinance No.424,of
said City,and Providing a Penalty for Violation ",introduced February 1st 1909,by Mr.Fisher
came up for final passage and was read by the Clerk. Mr.Fisher moved its adoption,se-
conded by I,r. &agagnos and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Magagnos,Bul-
lock,Noy,Fisher and Loop,(5). Noes :None. Absent:Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Gee
and Probst,(4).
A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Prescribing Building Regulations"
introduced June 15th 1908,by Mr.Christensen,came up for final passage and was read by the
Clerk. Mr.Fisher moved its adoption,seconded by Mr.Bullock and carried by the follow-
ing vote. Ayes :Councilmen Magagnos,Bullock,Noy,Fisher and Loop,(5). Noes:None.
Absent:Councilmen Brown,Christensen,Gee and Probst,(4).
A communication was received from the Mayor stating that there were no monuments
indicating the patent line on the south or east shores of Alameda and recommending that
said line be surveyed and established under the direction of the City Engineer. Mr.Loop
moved that the matter be referred to the City Engineer to report,seconded by Ivlr.Noy and
Mr.Magagnos moved that in case concrete steps be constructed with bulkheads in the
ends of streets on the south side that such steps be constructed at the bth.lkhead at the
south end of Caroline Street,seconded by Mr.Noy and carried.
The City Attorney was directed to draw up an Ordinance looking to prevent and abolish
certain kinds of signs on the public streets.
There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next
regualr meeting Monday,Iarch 1st 1909,at 7.30 P.M.
City Clerk.