1909-05-03 Regular CC MinutesAlameda,Eonday,1:,ay 3rd 1909. The Feting was called to order by Fayor Noy. The roll was called and Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Trumb,Crosby,Flls,Probst and Bullock,(7)twere noted present and Councilmen Hammond and Fisher, (2) were noted absent. The minutes of the meeting of April 19th were read and ordered approved. Councilmen Hammond and Fisher arrived and were noted present. Claims against the General Fund amounting to 529.23;against the Police Fund amount- ing to 25.60;against the Street Fund amounting to ;825.32;against the Electric Light Fund amounting to 1536.43;against the library Fund amounting to 869.36;ag•inst Municipal Im- provement Fund No.8,(Library) amounting to 494.00 and against Luni ipal Improvement Fund. No.8, (Park P Playground)amounting to 1422. 5b having bee. approved, and audited by the pro- per officials were read by the Clerk as follows GEZEP.AL FUND. Clerical assistance Auditor Printing for Assessor Supplies City Hall Transcript for April rlisle Blanks for Clerk (election) Cohen,G. Pent of 'Polling place Evening Times-Star, 1 Books for Treasurer Services as accountant Ader,I.E. Alameda Daily A/tus Binder, Boegle,F. Fields, J.L. Furey,P.P. Ha3T,S.A. • Oakland Gas Lt P Heat Co Pacific Tel P Tel Co Palmer, Linwood Peoples ':Jater Co. 'I TI TI Tuttle,E.O. Vosburgh Oo.,J.B. t1 Conrad, John Bannister, Alfred Britt,W. Bruns,J.H. Chapman, Clark (F.: Sons,N. Degan Belting Co.,T.P. Elec.Blue Print Co. Goldstone, John Henshaw,Bulkley P Co. Jamison,J.S. Mt TI TI It Pacific Tel & Tel Co Peters, 7.1. Plumbing City Jail Dog Beat for Pound 75.00 62.50 1.50 3. 2.68 6.00 12.00 175.00 4.50 10.60 Gas 6.00 L.D.Switches .45 Clerical assistance Assessor dc 75.00 Dater for Pound 1.35 TI IT City hall . 10.60 Clerical Assistance Assessor 75.00 4.65 Supplies for City Fall IT used in staking channel Total 3.20 q 529.23 POLICE FUND. Incidental e)noenses ,t,, 25.60 STREET FM. ,,,, Assisting Engr 55.00 Teaming 91.00 TT Assisting City Engr Sewer Pipe Supplies Blueprinting Supplies Bach 27.50 .60 4.02 2.05 21.70 39.50 Blacksmith's outfit 125.00 Teaming 10.00 Driving Sprinkler 120.00 Gong 7.00 Teaming 152.00 Amount forward 657.67 Peters, T. Stevey,A. Vosburgh Alameda Daily Arcus Associated Oil Co IT 71 Bahr, Otto Board of Electricity Dudgeon, Hazel Burrell,E.I. Fryer, Fred Gorham Engineering Co Hunt-Mirk & Co. Joost & Sons,h. Kellogg Express Yoerber,A.H.. YeGuire,M. McIntyre,A.G. Mac P.ae,Chas W. Ylarshall-Hewell Supply Co. ilord, Alex Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Paynes Bolt 'Corks Plummer c Son,Geo b. Peeves,1:.J. Ilhodes-Jamieson J.: Co. FAckerson,A1 hneider,Henry Shively Bros Sproule , F. Sterling Elect Co Weinberger,J.C. Thittier,Coburn (cl, Co IT IT Alameda Diblic Library fl TT TT Blake Moffitt (c Towne Cunningham, Curtiss Be Fitt & Snelling Fielding,G. hicks,Judd & Co. Koerber,A.E.. LuiThen :Bros Machen,F:.J. MoNutt,l7ahn & Co. Nlch LA %I J. NJ V Driving Sprinkler Labor Hardware Total ELECTRIC LIGET FUND. -Printing Oil It Horse-shoei Incidentals Typewriting Lineman TY Supplies &c Planimeter Supplies Expressage Supplies Time as helper Labor as splicer Supplies IT Time as helper Phone Pontal unp lies Lumber helper Fire Brick Harness repairs Stationery &o Bicpoie F.epairs Time as Lineman Supplies Fuses Time as Helper Paint Oil Total LIBRARY FUND. Petty Expenses Eastern Claims Supplies Books & Supplies BOOkS Daily Newspapers Binding Fuel 1t Books Eebindinp: Books Amount forward `I? I 120.00 16.25 31.20 625.32 60.75 315.13 316.00 9.25 10.25 7.70 104.00 68.00 6.70 29.00 3.00 1.75 73.25 65.00 4.25 15.80 28.06 68.75 28.87 9.50 23.00 42,50 22.50 4.00 10.90 .90 104.00 3.40 3.37 67.50 1.90 29.43 :l538 .43 24.15 292.75 17.65 164.20 36.16 6.00 46, 23.00 47.10 136.20 49.20 843.- Peoples Dater Co. Tater 1.00 Volhers,C.C. Rent :est End Heading Hoom Total Foster E So ,C.N. Library Bureau, Inc 25.00 869.36 MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT FU1D No .8, (Library) Iron Posts 250.00 Furniture Lens Reading Hoorn 144.00 Total - --;;1 394.00 MUNICIPAL ILIPROVE=T FUND No .6, (Park E Playground ) . Alameda Hardware Co Supplies Lincoln Park r,i; 7.80 Alameda National Bank.,Assg Geo 'Mite Labor 18.00 Betten,H.L. Supplies 12.15 Pursner & Martin Hardware 17.50 Chapman,.N. Assisting City Engineer 2.50 Crane Co. Framework etc 042.92 Donovan,Jerry Labor 24.90 Dunn,M.E. Salary 90.00 Fletcher,I.D. Labor 18.90 Gutleben,John S. 65.00 Eackett,7.H. Plumbing 50.24 Hammond,c.J. Cement Pork 159.52 Bendy Mach Ijlorks,Jobhua "3enches 108.97 Kellogg Express Co. Freig-ht & Cartage on benches 5.78 King,Zanuel Labor 18.90 Garden Tools 5.70 Morse & Co,,' .- . Flower seeds 5.50 •T 20.48 Grass seed Nicolson,Peter Labor 69.20 Norton,G. u 46.20 O'Keefe,M. 65.00 Pacific Coast Lumber Lill Co. Lumber 37.49 Patrick E Co. Police Stars 8.00 Peoples Mater Co. Mater 21.15 7osmarin,Geo Plants &c 112.25 f1 Seeds 3.40 Siemsen,John Labor 76.55 rston,.E. Teaming 3.00 1Josburgh Co.,J.. Supplies 3.55 Total- A- 7,1422.55 Mr.'ullock moved that the claims as read be paid, seconded by ::.r.Thlker and carried by the fol1owinc: vote. Councilmen Christensen,Walker,rumb,Bannond,Crosby,E1] Fisher, Probst and Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A deed was presented by the Hibernia avings and Loa]] Society to the Paymire Prop- erty located on the West side of Walnut Street between Buena Vista and Clement Avenues and a claim for the sane was read TYy the Clerk as follows Municipal Improvement Fund 7 .8, (Park E Playground) Hibernia Savings & Loan Society Purchase -price of Llymire prorerty 24,000.00 Yr.Dullock moved that the deed be received and recorded and that the demand as read be paid, seconded by 1.1r.Prob t and carried by the following' vote. Ayes:Councilmen Chris- tensen,Vjalker,Krumb,Hamnond,Cros'oyElls ,r2-01;st and Bullock, (8) Noes:None. Absent: Councilman Fisher, (1) f.:1,17U Guaranty Company as surety. 1.1.Noy as hayor in the sum of 35000.00. Fr..Browning as City Clerk—in the sun of c,;2500 .00 Fred J.Croll as Auditor and Assessor in the sum of 35000.00 V.I.:..Frodden as Street Superintendent-- in the sum of 32500.00 I.N.Chapman as City Engineer in the SUN of 32600.00 the sae having duly alDproved hy the City Attorney were ordered filed. An invitation was received from the 1.eaue of American 1::unicipalities to join the lea:fue and to send d leP:ates to the 10th Annual Convention to be held. in 1.Tontreal on Au- gust 25th, 26th and 27th 1909. Ordered filed. A communication was received, from the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition stating that September 10th had been set aside as 'A1aneda Day" and asking' if the sane would meet with the approval of the Council. Lir.liammond moved that the said, date be atTroved and that the Clerk be directed to acknowlede the receipt of the communication to that effect,se- lded by Yir.i) obst and carried. A communication was received from the Chamber of Commerce requestin that the Coun- cil purchase festoons of lights to he hung across lark Otreet from kacifrc to 'San Jose Avenues sane to cost about 31C00.00. :11-.11ammond moved that the matter he eforred to the rublic Utilities Committee, seconded by hr.Ells and carried. A petition was received from the United Iron Corks for permission to inst1l electrol- ie e along 3anta Clara AVOTMO or other streets at no cost to the City,but providing that when so installed that the City would light and maintain them. 1,:r.rumb moved that the matter be referred to the 'Street Committee, seconded by 1.:.r.lialker and carried. communication was received from ".:..Layrisch tendering his resignation as City Hall Deputy. lir.Probst moved that it be accel)ted,seconded by 'e:r.Nannond and carried. A communication was received from the :::ayor in which he appointed :eorge II.Christen- sen,City Hall Deputy vice 7.Layrisch,resigned same to be subject to the approval of the Council. 1Jr.liammond moved that the apnointnent be approved, seconded by Ir.7C,1.1s and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Thristonsen, 'Calker,Hrumb, Hammond, Cros- by, Ells, ?isher,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent:None. A communication was received from the i:ayor in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed John Davies,Euildina Inspector. :r.';Talker moved that the appoint- ment he anroved,seconded by ::.r.I'robst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Council- Cheistensen,alker,7:rumb,Eammond,Crosby,'Ells,Fisher,-1.1robst,Bullock,(9). Noes ::;one. Absent :None A communication was received from the :,:ayor in whch subject to the approval or the Council he appointed A.F.St Sure a member of the Police & Fire Commission,vice h.P. 0hirman whose tern of office would expire Llay 20th 1909. Lr.Bulloch: moved that the appoint- ment be arrroved,seconded by ICr. -;°ro°:,st and carried by the following voLe. 11;,-es:Council- nen "hristensen,Yalker,hTrunb,Eannond,:',roshy,Ells,Yisher,Trobst,and Noes: None, Absent :None. A communication was received from the 1,-.ayor in which subject to the approval of the Council he appointed havin Aitchison a member of the -Board of 7.ducation,vice .A.J.Burz,ner whose term of office expired April 26th 1909. ijr.Fisher moved that the appointment le approved, seconded my ::Ir.Bullock and carried by the followim.: vote. Al-es:CounciAmen Christensen:::alker,Yrumb,hamnond,nrosby,Ells,7isher,i'robst and Imllock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A communication was received from the Ilayor in which subject to te approval of the Council he appointea unaries a aams a memoer el Lae zeealal el Ei.L.CQUI1Q1U,V/■ic whose term of office expired April 26th 1909. Lir.Christensen moved that the appointment be approved,seconded bi Ir.Bullock and carried by the following vote. Ayes: ouncilmen Christensen,Walker,Z:rumb,Hamnond,Cros1y,11s,Fisher,Probst and Lullock,(9). Noes :one Absent :None. A communication was received from Auditor Croll requesting a list of the officials drawing salaries through the General Fund as City Hall officials and insisting that the pro- visions of Article ",Section 14 of the Charter be observed in the natter of contracts be- ing let. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the Hogan Lumber o.,notifflng the Council of a claim amounting to !110.71 which they had against Joseph Bernard and which had been used by him in repairs to the Chestnut St Fire house and requesting that said amount be with- held from payment to said Bernard. Ordered filed. A communication was received from the East End Improvement Club,submitting for con- sideration the rroposition of purchasing the Hirshfeld Property adjoining the Lincoln Park on the north side and. also the extending and boalevarding Harrison Avenue from the north end of Park Street along the north,east and south shores to the south end of Park Street. Mr .Probst moved that the matter be referred to the Committee ef the Whole,seconded by TIr. Ells and carried. A communication was received from Geo L.Dillman with referrence to the water sul)ply and the method of obtaining same for the City.Lr.Fisher moved that the same he referred to the Board of Health, seconded by Er.Crosby and carried. The communication presented at the last meeting from the Police and Fire Commission requesting that all applications for gratuitous licenses he referred to them before action by the Council was ordered filed. The applications of S.Handelsman to sell a piano and Furniture polish;Nathan Vine- burg to sell icecream on the streets from a waon;Agnes Porter to conduct a public bath at 44e Central Avenue;H.VI.Thomas to peddle hull corn,hominy etc.;TP:rs Florence Crau to conduct a notion store at 1541 Park Street and 1:,rs.Francis prandli to conduct a grocery store at 1C17 Park Street for e--;ratuitous licenses,were denied. Applications for gratuitous licenses were received from h. .Ballheimer to conduct a notion store at the N.7.corner of 6th Street and Central Avenue and from :2-s‘ LO.Peems to p:ive p sychic readings &c.,and on motions being duly put and carried were granted. An application og C. Starrico for a gratuitous license to peddle fish was tranted,but subject to the wagon license. Applications for gratgitous licenses were received from Iorenxo Batto and Lorenz Zunino to peddle fruit and veFetables. 1„-r..Kriuni) moved, that gratuitous licenses be grant- ed to both applicants to peddle vegetables of their own raising but that if fruit was also peddled that full amount of license be charged and that both licenses he subject to the waon license,seconded by Dr.Bulloch and carried. The annual report of the Police S Fire Commission presented. April 5th 1909,was on mo- tion of Mr.Probst,seconded by Mr.W Iker referred to the Fire,Water and Police Committee. A communication was received from Samuel Robbins and others requesting that no ac- tion be taken looking to the improvement of Jay Street between Buena Vista Avenue and gle Avenue for one year. Lr.Thlker moved that not further action in the matter be taken for six months,seconaed by :Jr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,Xrumb,Kammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock, (9). Hoes:None. Absent :None. petition was received from Jas Hennings,requesting that he be granted a license instead of the yearly tax of conded by hr .Probst and carried. A petition was received from the ui q.L.uu Yr.Bullock moved that the request be granted,se- Jersey Creamery requesting permission to a six horse rower boiler from 1413 Park Street across the street to 1414 Park -)treet. hr. Probst moved that the request be aranted,seconded by Ir.Walker and carried. A petition was received, from the C.F.Fiscber Plumbing & Hardware Co.,reque ting per- mission to construct a sewer in Santa Clara Avenue between Fountain and High Streets. Mr. Krum'o moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr ,Ells and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Ohristensen,Ba1ker,hrUmhJiammOfld,Cr0shY,E11S,F1Sher,PT0TSt and Bullock,(9). Noes :None. Absent :None. A communication was presented by the Street Committee recommending that the east side of Yjebster Street P.oadway he improved by grading,guttering,macadamizing ,cre,and that the City Engineer be directed to prepare plans,rofile and specifications for the said improvement. 11-.11arlmond moved that the recommendations he adonted,seconded by loch- and carried by the following vote . Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,V:alker,Krumb,ilam- mond, ros'ey,711s,Fisher,Probst and. Bullock, (9). Noes :None. Absent:None. The matter of the Communication from Ir,ieut.Col.:Tohn Biddle rec;ardiri, the leesinE: of water front priviled[-es on the canal came up and on motion of Er.Fisher seconded by Mr. Nrumh the sane was referred to the Street Committee. Commnnnications were received from Eind,P.olph & Co.,and the San Francisco Bridge Co., petitioning that Blanding Avenue be opened fro. Oak Street westerly to Willow Street. Yr.Nrumh moved that the matter be referred to the Street Committee, seconded T,7 Sir .Calker and carried. 127.17:rumb offered the following Be solution of Intention and moved its adoption: BE 17 RF,OIVED: That the public interest and convenience require and that it is the intention,now declared, of the Council of the City of Alameda, County of Alameda,State of California, to order the opening of a certain Street, avenue and highway, one hundred (100) feet in width,in said city,to he hereafter named,and extending westerly from the western line of Grand Street atClement Avenue to the reralta Grant Line at the western end of said. city, and generally following the line of the NORTH SIDE IUTKECEPTITIG SEWER, as map hereinafter referred to,and to condemn and acquire for public use for the a public street,avenue and highway the lands included in said street,avenue which lands are next hereinafter particularly described. AND IT IS FUETKEE RESOLVED: That the land deemed necessary and convenient to be taken for said opening of said street,avenue and highway comprises all that certain strip or par- cel of land situate,lying and being in the City of Alameda,Countv of Alameda:State of Cal- ifornia,and bounded and particularly described as follows,to-wit : Commencing at a point in the Peralta Grant Line at the western end of the City of Alameda,which point is fifteen (15) feet right angular measurement southerly from the line of the North Side Intercepting Sewer,produoed in a right line westerly,as said line is shown and delineated on the mar, hereinafter referred to,and running thence in a right line easterly fifteen (15) feet right ang7e measurement southerly from and parallel with the line of the North Side Intercepting -':ewer,as said line is shown and delineated upon the map hereinafter referred to to the cen- ter line of Bay Street :running thence in a right line easterly in the course last thention- ed to the center line or4 ;Merman Street produced in a right line northerly;runeing thence in a right line easterly 'to a point where the western line of 1iibbard Street intersects the southern line of clement Avenue produced in a right line westerly;runninp thence easterly along said southern line of Clement Avenue so produced, to the western line of Grand Street; shown on the purposes of d highway, runni1 iluiluu u 1.6110 cult, _Lo .4.1V-1. 144.1.G.L. ALA v. J. lb 11 J. .6/ ••• line of Clement Avenue;running thence westerly along said northern line of Clement Avenue and the same produced in a right line westerly,to its intersection with a right line one hundred (100) feet right angular measurement northerly from and parallel with the south- ern boundary line of said strip or parcel of land hereinbefore deacribed;and running thence westerly in a right line or lines so as to form a northern boundary line of said strip or parcel of land,always one hundred (100) feet right angular measurement northerly from and parallel with the southern boundary line of said strip or parcel of land herein- before described,to said Peralta Grant Line;and running thence southerly along said Pe- ralta Grant Line to the point of commencement. Said strip or parcel of land and said line of the North Side Intercepting Sewer shall be as shown and delineated on that certain map entitled "Alameda Proposed Street on North Water Front,"and filed on the 3rd day of May,1909,in Book 24 of maps,at page No.66,in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Alameda. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That this Council deems the said work and improvement, to-wit: the opening of said street,avenue and highway as aforesaid,and the acquisition of said land for said public purposes as aforesaid,to be required for the public interest and convenience,and that it is the inter 1nterion of this Council to order all the above described land and property to be condemned,acquired and taken for public use and for the opening and establishment of said street,avenue and highway as a public street,avenue and highway. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVLD: That the exterior boundaries of the district of lands to be affected or benefited by said work and improvement,and to be assessed to pay the damages,costs and expenses thereof are as follows,to-wit: Beginning at the northwest cor- ner of Grand Street and Clement Avenue,in the City of Alameda,County of Alameda,State of California,and running thence northerly along the western line of Grand Street to the line dividing Tracts 9 and 10,as shown on the map hereinafter referred to,and running thence westerly along said line dividing said. Tracts 9 and 10 and the same produced in a right line westerly to its intersection with the Peralta Grant Line near Oakland Harbor;running thence westerly along and following said. Peralta Grant Line in all its courses to the in- tersection of said Peralta Grant Line with the western line of Tract 23,as shown on said map hereinafter referred to;running thence in a right line due west to an intersection with said Peralta Grant Line at the Bay of San Francisco;running thence southerly along and following said Peralta Grant Line to the point where the northern line of Pacific Ave- nue intersects said Peralta Grant Line;running thence easterly along said northern line of Pacific Avenue to its intersection with the western line of Grand Street;and running thence northerly along said western line og Grand Street to the point of beginning. The Tracts of land referred to in this description are as shown and delineated upon that certain map entitled "Map of Alameda Marsh Land as partitioned among the owners there- of in the Suit numbered 8923 and entitled Pacific Improvement Company,Plaintiff,vs. James A.Waymire et al. Defendants,Superior Court of Alameda County,State of California,1900."on file in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Alameda. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the proceedings for the opening and establishment of said street,avenue and highway as aforesaid,and to condemn and acquire the land nec- essary and convenient therefor are commenced and the same shall be conducted under the provisions of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled "An Act to provide for laying out,opening,extending,widening,straightening,or closing up in whole or in part any street,square,lane,alley,court,or place within municipalities,and to con- demn and acquire any and all land and property necessary or convenient for that purpose", approved. March 6,1889. —„ 43J wuyvQvci„pvuu_i_LizIlcu twit UIEUILIU-U ea in sala ulty or Alameda,is hereby designated as the newspaper published and circulated in said city in which shall be published the notices and advertisements required by law to be published by the Street Superintendent of said city,or other officer,in relation to the work and improve- ment as above described. All persons objecting to said work or improvement or to the ex- tent of the district of lands to be affected or benefited by said work or irnprovement,and to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses thereof,are required to file their written ob- jections in the office of the City Clerk of said city as required by law. Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. A map in three sections covering the district as laid out in the above matter was pre- sented. Mr.Christensen moved that it be filed,seconded by Mr.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher, Probst and Bullock.(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. A report addressed to the Mayor was presented by City Engineer Chapman regarding the fill made by the San Francisco Bridge Co of the City's property on the marsh east of the United Engineering Torks,accompanying the same was a map of the said property. Mr.Fish- er moved that the matter be referred to the old committee which had the matter in charge to report back to the Council,seconded by Ir.Ells and carried. A Bill entltled"A Bill for Ordinance No. To Repeal Section 85 of Ordinance No. 484 Relating to License Tax upon Wagons and Vehicles",introduced by Mr.Fisher,on April 5th 1909,came up. Er.Fisher requested permission to withdraw the same. Er.Bullock moved that the request be granted,seconded by Mr.Crosby and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr.ftammond introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Fixing time of Regular Meetings of the Council.",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Mr.Crosby introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. To Amend Sec- tions 35 and 62 of Ordinance No.484 Relating to the License Tax upon Dogs and upon Ped- dlers",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. Iffr.Krurnb introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Ordering the Open- ing of a certain Unnamed Street in the City of Alameda,Forty feet in width and extending Easterly from the Eastern line of Webster Street at a point opposite Tract 35,as shown on Mao of Alameda Marsh Land hereinafter mentioned,to the Western Boundary line of Tract No. 29,as shown on said map,and appointing Commissioners to open said street",which was laid over under the provisions of the Charter. A communication was received from A.A.Barateau a property owner on Hibbard Street requesting that said street be improved from the northern line of Buena Vista Avenue northerly to the Marsh line and including the crossing at Eagle Avenue. Mr.Fisher moved that the matter be referred to the Committee of the V:hole,seconded by Mr.Probst and carried. A report addressed to the Finance Committee was received from J.L.Fields expert ac- countant as to the condition of the books of the Treasurer,Auditor and the Electric Light Plant and making suggestions as to certain changes,which was at the request of Mr.Bullock read by the Clerk in full. Mr. Bullock moved that the same be filed,seconded by Mr.Xrumb and carried. Mr.Krumb,Chairman of the Street Committee reported progress on the matter of the im- provement of the Bay Farm island Roadway. Mr.Hammond moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary papers 1V041145 4V I., UtI vpula-1_14e5 — vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Zrumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr.Russe11,Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce addressed the Council and requested that the Chamber of Gommerce be granted the exclusive privilege of selling refreshments on the Playgrounds on May 15th and. July 5th 1909. Mr.Hammond moved that the request be granted,seeonded by Mr.Probst and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. W.F.Chipman,President of the Police & Fire Commission addressed the Council and re- quested that they be authorized to contract for extra work found necessary in the finish- ing of the Webb Avenue Fire House. Mr.Probst moved that the Police and. Fire Commission be authorized to contract for extra hardware at a cost of 422.60;Horse Catches at a cost of 4415.40 and the putting in of a coating of concrete to stop seepage and the making of the building water-tight the cost to amount to $65.00,seconded by Mr.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells, Fisher,Probst and Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Mr.':ialker moved that the building constructed on '::ebb Avenue for the use of the Fire Department by James M.Boyd,be accepted,seconded by Mr.Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christensen,Walker:Krumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher, Probst and. Bullock,(9). Noes:None. Absent:None. Judge Waymire addressed the Council with reference to the strip of land ten feet wide west of the property purchased from the Hibernia Savings and Lai Society claiming that he was the owner of it and offering to sell it to the City. Mr.Bullock moved that the matter be referred to the Public Buildings and Grounds Committee,seconded by Mr.Christensen and carried. There being no further business to transact the Council adjourned until Friday, May 7th 1909 at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk.