1909-06-15 Regular CC MinutesREGULAR MEETIG OF THE COUJOIL OF TLE CITY CF AIA-EDA, TUEUDAY,jUl!R 15th 1909. The meeting was called to order hy iiavor Noy. The Roll was called and Councilmen Onristenseri ,Y.alkor,1:rumb,llaMmond,Ells,and Bullock were noted present and Councilmen Crosby:Fisher and Probst,ahsent. The minutes of the meeting of June let were read and ordered approved. A certificate was received from J.E.Freercian,the Architect for the new Fire House on '::ebb Avenue,certifing that the Fifth and final pay/gent of 3719.75 was due for the construction of the said buildiTig. Ordered filed. A communication was received from j.E.Freoman,the Architect for the Few Fire house on ':iebb Avenue attached to which was a guarantee of the National Plastic Roofing Company guarantee the roofing placed on the said buildin,;-, and also a certificate from the Plumb- ing Inspector certifying that the plunl)ing Lad hoes done in accordance with the ordinances rules and regulations of the City. Ordered filed. laims against the General and amounting 274.60 ;against the Police Fund amount- ing to 09.80;against the Fire Fund amounting to 1509.13;against the Street Fund amount- ing to 1234.00 ;against Liunicipal Improvement Fund No.6,(Fire) amounting to 3719.7t5 and a.ainst i:lunicipal Improvement Fund N0 .8,(rark and _Playground) having boon approved and audited 1)y the proper officials were read by the Clerk as follows GENERAL FUND. Alameda Dail:, Argus Advertising 13.45 If TIT TI TI If if It TI Tr TI Book for Building inspector Index Book for Council _T:ecords Printing for City Justice II If TI " Auditor Book for Auditor Advertising TI Alameda Steam Laundry Towel service for Lay Eramman,74.2. Me TI Crawford & Co.,J.2. t "It r Pound Supplies for Janit Edlin,Edw M. Services as acting Foundmaster Ewing, Fred Furey:7.P. 7istA. Konigshofer,J.J. Library Bureau, Inc Schneider ,Henry Voshurg- C. N? DO uty Foundmaster Pound Expense :Plumbing City Hall Transom covers City Supplies for Janitor Desk for City Clerk Supplies for Janitor TI Tf Total- - Office 6.70 1.75 25.00 3.60 12.50 21.00 9, 16.43 6.00 0.40 8.95 4.05 29.17 2.00 6.00 7.00 9.05 1.00 55.00 0.25 274.60 POLICE FUND. Alameda Daily Argus Printing 1.00 Ti IT TI 77 30.00 American Fuel Com-:any Coal 6.00 Oakland Gas It.S.; Heat Co Gas Total- .10 37.10 ...'acific Tel & Tel Zeterson,j.A. 7eneider,Henry Unna,llorman Alareda .3team Laundry Bernard,Jos Olnapman,H.. Coustier Cons Fre:y7.2. Camewell Hire Alarp.-, Co. CorLa:n;inoerin Co. '1 11 -nay Baird ;Torgenson,J,-2. 7ist,21. Hoer"oer,A.H.v;. Krauth,7.7.,Jr 71 Telephone,,, 3.90 Bicycle Hepairs 7.70 ,auionery Le (-00 7F 1:,eals for Prisoners FIE: FUZD, Laundry Supplies airs 7.egister Repairs Horse-shoeing Furniture atrraw Cash Advanced for Hats Dozen Bits Horse -shoeing HiIICrV, .L. hay Onkland :Jas Lt.(7. Heat Co facific .:;tatos Ceflneries racific Tel B Tel Co, Peop7les Cater Co. rhoenix JilingCo. Feed 2eesi,Domingo Hauling Hevere ,:m1)ber Co. Thurston,7.E. hauling Vosinari,th Co.,j.3. 3%applies ,.7estall,Thas Oil. Supplies .3witchinP: Hydrants B Cater Total- - - 27.75 99.00 15.00 156.25 6.45 20.63 128.00 3.50 8.36 11.25 14.00 170.00 20.40 24.00 12.00 10.50 5.00 402.14 4.30 15. 274 .05 71.03 10.00 49.90 17.25 19.05 7.00 40,.17; ST=7T BULB). Better C. C, Hardware 14.15 Buri-nor B Hart r 13.10 Tischer liw1,T Hdwe 7:,eroHardise 1.00 JarisonJ,C. Driving Sprinklel- 130.00 731acksrithing 4. flrient Insurance 60. Insurance 2remiuill 62.50 racific Tel B Tel Co "?.ental 2.00 7eorles Cater Co. Cater 667.60 Horse hire 24.00 ” t1 rrivino .4rinI7ler 130.00 Liaterial 34.90 Driving .4rinkler 130000. 'Rhodes Jamieson & Co. .7.ose,Toney C. nively Dros Bicycle Repairs Thurston Thurston,5.Ii, Tearing 7.50 Vosburgh Co.C.E. ilardware " ti 8.30 •,;;,;1234.80 Boyd, James P. Hackett , Frank H. TI TI IT Final :Payment on Contract MUHICIPAL IL7T.OV=EiTT FUTD 7O.8,(Park & Playground) Flag Lincoln Park Plumbing ::.c7inley Park TI various parks Hammond,C.J. :::aterials Lincoln Park Johnson, C. A . Lee,AJi. Teonles ':rater Co., Labor various parks Furniture PcKinle Labor Mc7inley Park Park ‘Vater Mc-Kinley lark Total- - d3719 .75 2.74 30.11 7.00 239.71 29.50 52.50 11.00 9.70 - 410.26 Mr.7isher arrived and was noted present. Mr .Bullock moved that the claims as read he paid,seconded by Er -Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christersen,Walker,Yramb,P;ammond,Plls,Fisher and Bullock,(7). nes:None. Absent:Councilme Crosby and Probst,(2). A communication was recc4Ived A in whAch after June 7thl00O3he appointed John J.Pay poundrasterAsape subject t the approval of the Council. Mr.Bullock moved that the ap- rointpent be approved,seconded by Pr .Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Christensen,Walker,-Krum12,,Hammond,Ells,Fisher and Bullock, ( ). nes:Hone. Absent:Councilmen Crosby and Probst, (°). A bond in the sum of :100.00 was presented by John J.May as provided for in Ordinance To .233 rroviding regulations for conducting the Public Pound. The same was approved by the City Attorney and on motion of Pr.Bullock,seconded by Mr Hammond ordered filed. A communication was received from the Board of Health in which in compliance with the request of the Council on June lst,they submitted the name of C.P.Pond,M.D.as a member of the Board of ealth. Ordered filed. A communication was received from C.P.Pond,M.D.in which he declined to accept the appointment as a member of the Board of Health for lack of Time. Ordered filed. y' Mr.Eammond moved that 'jle..T.Lum,i.:.D.be appointed to fill the vacancy in the Board of Flealth caused by tile resignation of j.Emmet Clark,.D.,seconded by Mr,Bullock and carried by the followin vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,alker,7rumh,E ls,Hannond,and Bullock, (6) . nes:Councilman Fisher,(1). Absent ;Councilmen Crosby and Probst, (2). V Councilman Crosby arrived and vas noted present. The Clerk presented en affidavit showiu due mailir, of ntice to :Protestants in the matter of the ore ning of a new street and avenue 100 feet wide and extendin ifesterly from C7,rand '.'.;treet at Clement Avenue as provided for under P.esolution of intention Po.737. 1:essrs. li.Driest,H.A.LAwlor and '::.F.Schulte addressed Council on behalf of the protestants Mayo-e ny address the lebhy to the effect that the Council did not desire to worle any hardship on any of the property owners who would he affected by the assessment for the proposed open- ing and thereupon 'Mr.11:rumb offered the following Pesolution and moved its adoption: T=OLVED,That the further hearing of the objections to the opening of a street and avenue under ',‘:esolutien of Intention n.737,he and the same is herehy continued and pospon- ed to Tuesday,July 6th 1909,at 3 o'clock P.M. V :EEL;OLNBI) F=LEP',,that the 3treet Committee of the Council he and the same re uest- ed to investigate the matter of said opening and the objections thereto and to report thereon at the above mentioned time. Mr.alher seconded the resolution and it was adolted by the followin.;1, vote. Apes: Councilmen Chriclensen:::alker,KruL,b,HalT,ond,Crosby,P11 :Fisher r.--rd Bull ,k,(0). 17002 Pone. Zesent:Coun.cilman rrobst,(1). V Tie Clerk presented an Affidavit showing due publication of Notice of hearing peal on treet 17ork,aainst certain assessments by a property owner for work done under Eesolution of Intention Co 73. Ordered filed an thereupon 1-:ir.Park representing the Pacific Land Investment Company addressed the Council in sujort of the appeal. On the request of Lr.hammond the City Attorney stated that he had gone into the matter and did not think that there was any merit in the appeal and thereupon Lr.Krumb introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: nereas tho Pacific and Investment Co., b,' its President, Clias Schlessinger has filed an appeal from certain assessments for the work of constructing a sewer in 7ncinal ilvenue under :esolution of Intention No .728 and after due notice and hearing at the time appointed said objectione having been considered . Resolved,That said objections having Been in the opinion of this Council not well taken,he and the same are hereby overruled. Lr.alker seconded the Resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,alker,Krumb,hammond, CrosBy None. Absent :Councilman 2robst,(1). ls,Fisher and Bullock, (C) Noes: The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due Teahlication of H -Me of Hearing Ap peal from the warrant for street work under Eeso ltion of Intention No.730. Ordered filed and thereupon Louis Ferrari,representing Frederick Ii.and John D.Cosgrove the pro- testants in the matter,addressed the Council in support of the appeal. The City fittor- ney stated that he had investigated the matter and did not think that there was any merit in the appeal and thereupon Yr.Hrumb introduced the foil owing resolution and moved its ption: nee' Frederick E.and John P.Cosgrove have filed an appeal from the warrent from street work under Resolution of Intention Po '730 and after due notice and hearing at the time appointed said o,hections having been COTIsider6(1. Resolved,--hat said objections having heen in the opinion of this Council not well taken,be and the same are hereby overruled . lOr.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christensen,alker,7rumb,hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(8). Noes: None. Absent :Councilman Prohot,(1. Lx.Ferrari made exception to the adoption of the resolution and the Clerk was di- rected to note the same. The followincz named persons and firms presented applications accompanied by the re- quired bonds for liquor licenses for the ensuing year,the same being approved by the City Attorney; George Otzen,North-west corner of Eicinal Avenue and High Street;R.B.L et,Park tel,North-east corner of Encinal Avenue and Park 6treet;Eenry Brink, South-east corner of Lincoln Avenue and Park Ctreet ;IhA.Koi er, COUtJI-WnSt corner of Lincoln Avenue and "'ark -S'treet;Nicholas Rienecker,153b rark Street;Wm.C.Kochendorfer,15,27 Park Street;Eary Louis, 1525 Pan: Street;JI..Akesson Co.,14 .) Park 6treet;R.W.A.rostc1,1413 Park St et;I:.Spies, 1313 Park Street;Iiiartin Joost P Sons, 2170 Encinal Avenue;J.U.Beckmann,1917 Pacific Avenue; Jacob E.Sommer,1226 Lincoln Avenue;Euller Pros,1445 Bay Street;I:ostering P Campe,846 San- ta Clara Avenue;J.C.Croll,Encinal Hotel,Forth-east corner of Encinal Avenue and. Webster '.3treet;Seeheck Bras, 1517 Webster Street;F.W.Brandt,1601 Webster Street and Johnston Bros, 16.29 7icbster Street, The Clerk reported that these applications were at present held in the names of the applicants and thereupon ier.Fisher moved that they Be granted licenses as requested ,seconded By 1::r .Hammond and carried by the fol lowing vote. Aye s :C o 'one I 1 men Christensen,Walker,hrumb,Hammond,Croshy,Ells,Fisher and Bullock, (8) . Noes :None Absent :Councilman Probst, (1). Thefollowing named persons presented applications for gratuitous licenses:Chlef Gallardo,to peddle notiens;D.O.Stewart and E.Idadeen to sell produce of their own raising same to except the wagon licenses. 1.:r.:Krumb moved that they be granted, seconded by Lir.Fisher and carried. A communication was received from the Board of Education requesting that the Build- ing Inspector be direc issue permits to allow certain alterations to certain. school buildings without the payment of the fees for same. Etr.11-rumb moved that the Building Inspector be so directed, seconded by Er Ells and carried. A comniunication was received from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that it be fur- nished with an official analysis of the water now supplied Alameda. Er .Walker moved that the Finance Committee be authorized and directed to employ e chemist to make such an analys s,the cost of which to carried by the following vote. Ell-,Fisher and Bullock,(8). Eoes:Lone. not exceed the sum of 1C0.00,seconded by ia'.Krumb and Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Vialker,Krumb,liammond,Crosby, Absent :Councilman Probst, (1). A communication was received from Jesse L.Greenbaum of 1252 Regent Street requesting the Council to take some action toward beautifyie g the Alameda :;:ole the planting of trees a shrubs. Er ,Fisher moved that the matter be referred to the Park F.: Playground Commission,seconded by Y .Fisher and carried. Communications were received rom the Alameda Improvement Club,the nets+ End Improv- ement Club and the Yorth Side Improvement Club requesting that the Council take step $. to provide the Dark B Playground Commission with funds necessary to plant shade tree along the streets of the City. Er .Hammond moved that the matter lie referred to the Finance Committee to make arrangements to comply with the requests, seconded by Er ,Fisher and car- ried. A uniform letter was received from W.W.Cooley urging the Council to take steps to have not only the trees along the streets but the houses also of a uniform style. Order- ed filed. A communication was received from the Berkeley Chamber of Commerce containing a set of resolutions favoring the beautifying of the islands of the hay by the government by the rlartin ' trees &c,and requesting that the Council take action by advocating the sane Ordered filed. A communication was received from John F.Knapp,bridp:e tender at the Bay .arm Island Bridge,conplaing'ng of the dumping of refuse from the Alameda Rug Viorks at the northern ap- proach to the said bridge. lir.Bullock moved that the same be referred to the Board of Health, seconded by T':7r.Hammond and carried. The Clerk presented an affidavit showing due publication of rotice of Street Work Inviting Proposals therefor, in the matter of the work of grading,madadamizing and other wise improving Stanton Street between Pacific Avenue and Buena Vista Avenue under Reso- e/t/ luti IA.Zo.756. Ordered filed and thereupon the Clerk reported that three hids had been presented. Yx.73ullock moved that they be received, opened and read, seconded by ifir.hammond and carried and thereupon the Clerk opened the same and they were read From C.j.Hammond,aceompanied by a bond in the sum of ::=.200.00 as follows: For Excavating 8 15 cents per cubic yard For Filling- - - - - - 'Zone. For Lacadamizing- (7) cents per square foot For Gutters - - - - ... ... - .... ... C cents per square foot For Straia'ht Cnrbing- - ... .... - 35 cents per linear foot From A.Schnmacher,accompanied For Excavating - For -1:-.acadamizins-:- For Gutters For Curbing - 1.-,17 certified check in the sum' of f;;2: 65 cents per cubic yard 6 3/4 cents per square foot 11 cents per square foot - 36 cents per linear foot For gradn- - - For 1Jacadandsing For autter s- - - For CurirP:- - -s Y.. - - -50 cents oev cubic yard - 7 cents per square foot -11 cents per square foot - -30 cents per linear foot Er.Krumb offered the followin .esolution and moved its adoption: l'.esolved,That the Council of to City of AlamedahavimT in open session on the 15-th day of :ryIu [55 opened,examined and -onblicly declared all sealed proposals aciL is for tLc following street work in said city,- wit: That Stanton Street from the northern line of facific Avenue to the southern line of Buena Vista Avenue be improved as follows: That tbe entire width of said street between said limits be graded to the official grade ;that concrete curbing,eiht inches by fourteen inches in cross section dimension,be constructed on tbe curb lines of said street between said limits;that cement grouted rock gutters ,three feet in width of the "flat" pattern, he constructed alor the roadway of said street between said limits contiguous to said cnrbing;that the remaining portion of the roadway of said street between said limits be macadamized with a layer of broken trar rock eiht inches in thickness,rereby rejects all of said hide except that neyt herein mentioned and hereby awards the contract for said work to 0.0.1iammond,he being the lowest responsible bidder therefor, at the prices specified in his bid t}ierefor or file to nit For 'Excavating- For Filling - - For Lacadamizing- For Gutters - - - - - - - For Straight Curbing,Concrete - 1) cents per none - cents per cents per - 55 cents per The City Clerk is hereby directed to cubic yard square foot square foot linear foot -Lost notice of this award conspicuons%, or five days near the Chamber door of this Council,and to publish said notice for two days in the AlaPeda Daily Arzus,newspaper. Lr.Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the followinL vote. A;veo:Conneilmen Christensen,Walker,Krumb,Hammond .oeby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(8). Noes: None. Absent:Councilman Probst.(1). The City Attorney reported that through en oversight the provisions of the Charter with regards to asking for bids for the improvement of the Fast side of the Mbster Street :oadway had not been complied with and advised that all bids received for the said improve- ment be rejected and new bids called for. Er.Hammond moved thet all the bids received for the Said improvement,on June let be rejected the Clerk directed to return all checks, and that the bonds be released and that the matter he referred to the Street Committee to draw up new plans and specifications, seconded by 7:i.r.Fisher and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Thlker,Trrnmb,Eammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Fullock, ioes:None. Absent:Councilman Probst,(1). A communication was received from the Street Committee recomending tbat the contract for the improvement of the hay Farm island 1-:oadway be awarded to E.'Schumacher,he 10 lag lowest responsible bidder tie Ordered filed and thereupon 1.:r.Krumb offered the foil owing 72esolution and moved its adoption: Resolved that all bids for the work of improving the Bay Farm drawbridge to the highland at the southerly edge of the salt marsh Island Roadway from the distance of 4500 feet, excepting the bid of E.Schnnacher,be and the same are hereby ro jected. V 1Zesolved further that the tract for said improveirent be and the same is hereby awarded to said F..Schumacher to he performed under the specifications for said work and now on file in tie office of the City Clerk and in accordance with the notice to Street Contractors heretofore pnblished l said Clerk in the matter of said improvement, ieeolved further, that the City Clerk is hereby directed to return all checks present- e' by unsuccessful bidders and all bonds presented by unsuccessful bidders are hereby re- leased, Mr.Walker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes Councilmen Christensen,Walker,Xrumb,Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock,(0). Noes :None. Absent :Coun lman Probst, (1). V 1:n-.Krumb offered the folio lug resolution and moved its adoption: 1-lesolved,that the 12:ayor be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute on be- half of the ity of Alameda, quit claim deeds for a parcel of land sixty (60) feet in width by seventy-five (75) feet in lengtl, being that portion of the so called Dunn Tract which is or would be if said avenue were extended the westerly terrinus of Centennial Avenue and also a parcel of land having the same dimensions and Doing that portion of the so called Dunn Tract which is or would be if said avenue were extended the westerly terminus of San Antonio (formerly Kings) Avenue. Tlesolved further,that said deeds shall be delivered to the owners of sold Dunn Tract upon performance of the following conditions V let - The corisumation of the dedication of a street and boulevard V 3 shown upon a cer- tam n mar entitled "Flat of Day lark Tract,Alameda,Californ ", filed in the office of the City ClerkiFriday,June 11th 1909. 2nd - Upon the dedication of a strip of land along the northern boundary of said Tract sufficient in width to give Avenue a uniform width of 80 feet where said Dunn Tract abuts thereon. V 3rd - The construction to the satisfaction and uncle_ the direction of the Street Sup- erintendent of a concrete bulkhead along the southern line of said boulevard and opposite said Dunn Tract, sufficient in size to retain said boulevard when filled and improved and to protect the some fro lli tide water. Er .Christensen seconded the resolution and it was adopted 1)y the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christersen,7ialker,7rumb,Eammond,t,rosby,Ells,Fisher and Billlock,(0). Does: None Absent:Conncilman Probst,( ). The Clerk presented the iap of the above Bay lark Tract which had Leon filed with him on June llth 199,and it was ordered placed with the Council records. A petition was received from Powell Bro6 'Jonstruetion Couupany requestinFr permission to.grade,macadanize end otherwise improve Fountain Street between 7ncinal Avenue and San Jose Avenue and also 1,:adison Street between Court and High Streets, the work to be done in . accordance with plans and specifications furnished bY the City 7,ngineer and to the satis- faction of the Street Superintendent. Accompanying the petition was a copy of contracts with the various propertowning 'property fronting on too proposed improvement. mond moved that the request be granted, seconded by :::r.Walker and carried by the following vote. Ayes:Councilnen Christensen,Thlker,7rumb,liammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock, (8) V No e:None. Absent :Councilman Probst, (1). A communication was received from 2.3.Lott protesting against certain assessments for worD of constructing a se,,:er on 7ncinal Avenne betTeen Dark Avenue and Broadway under Resolution of Intention Do .728 . Ordered filed and thereupon ;:.r.]:rumb offered the follow- ing Faesolution and moved its adoption: V aiereas l'..-1).'Llott has filed an arreal from certain assessments for the work of constr- ucting a sewer in 7-neinal Avenue ,under -2.esolut'on of Intention :To.728. Therefore resolved that 8 o'clock on the 0th dcc, of July, 1909, and the Conncilroom of this Council be and are hereby fixed as the time and place of hearing said protest ,and the City Clerk is hereby directed to give notice thereof in the manner prescribed by law. ::r.alker seconded the resolution and it was adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Councilmen Christenserialer,:rumbHalenond,Crosby,Ells,Ficher and. Bullock,(8). Does: None. Absent:Councilman I'robst,(1). A report was received from the Street Superintendent statin g. hat the work of grad- ing,curbing,macadaNizing and otherwise improving Court Stree from the southern lire of Central Avenue to the not em line of San Jose Avenue haa been done by Pore Bros.Con- truction Co. ,under Resolution of Intention 70.708 to his his satisfaction . and in accordance with the plans and . ecificei,ions for the said work. Ordered filed. A report was received from the Street Superintendent stating that the work of grad- ing,curbing,macadamizing and otherwise "efi-roving Johnson Avenue between the westerly line Court Street and the westerly termination thereof had been one by Hutchinson Company under Private Contract,ender his direction and to his satisfaction and in accordance with the plans and st)ocifications for the said work. Ordered filed. A retort was received from the Street Superintendent st ting that CO work of grad- ing,curbing and otherwise improving Blanding Avenue between the western line of Park '-13. and the eastern line of Oak Street haa been done by Hutchinson Company by-private con- tract under Lis Iireci on and to Ti s satisfaction and in accordance with the plans and specifications for the said work. Ordered filed. A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance No. Doterxxinii g Water Rates and Fixing the Compensation for Water Furnished for Private and Public Purposes in the City- of Alameda during the year cornronCin July 1,1909,ard ending June 30,1910," introduced by :.r .Bullock on the 1st day of Februery,1909,came up for rassaP.e and was read by the '.i.lerk. Mr .Bullock moved its adoption, seconded by Lir.Christensen and passed and adopted. hy the following vote. Ayes:Councilmen Christonser ,71alker,Krumb,hammond,Crosby,Ells,Figher and Bullock,(8). Noes: ilone. Absent :Councilman Prohet, (1). A commnnication was received from the Street Superintendent Call-1g attention to the carve in the tracks rounding the southwest corner of Sherman Street and Central Avenue and sugesting that a committee he appointed to interview the property owners and the Rail- road officials. Wir.Fisher moved. that the natter be referred. to the Street Superintendent end Street Committee, seconded by Wx.liammond and carried. An arplication for a franchise to maintain and operate wharves and docks and chase tolls thereonfor a term of twenty-five years on property situated on the tidal canal and extending easterly from the northerly extension of the eastern line of Oak Street two hun- dred (200) feet,by the Worden Leeker do., Inc. Ifir.hammond moved that the matter be.re- ferred to the City Attorney to report back to the Council seconded by 1r .Krumb and aarried. Mr.Krumb moved that the Clerk he directed to communicate with the Board of Supervi- sors and request them to put concrete bulkheads at each end of the Pay Farm island Draw- bridge,soconded by 1Tir.Bullock and carried. hr. Bert Powell of the Powell Bros Construction Co.,address -;ne Council statine that he was obtaining the names of property owners whose property fronted on Encinel Avenue be- tween Park and Sherman t oe. and requested ):' t t the Mayor be author' -ed to sign up for , the Oity1s property fronting on the said avenue. hr .Fisher moved that the Ylayor be at- thorized to enter Into such a contract with Powell 'Bros Construction Co,seconded by Yr. Hammond and carried by the following vote. Ayes :Councilmen Christensen,Welker,Krumb, Hammond,Crosby,Ells,Fisher and Bullock.(0). Noes :None. Absent:Councilnan Prob ITT.Walker moved that the petition of Jeah L.Candalot presented at the meeting on June 1st to install a boiler in the rear of 1526 .1)9 k St-rect,be denied,Secondea by Wir.Krumb and carried. Councilman Ella stated that •E.Pollard had requested that he bring up the matter of having the license of W.h.hicGlaughlin who was moving away from Alaneda,trensfored to him. hr .Walker moved that the matter be referred to the License Committee, seconded by hr.Bul- lock and carried. 1:1r.John H.-Bruns addressed the Council covTlaining of the Ordinance reuiatin ii- cenes where the sane affected the wabon license. Councilman Vialker answered statin that the natter was then under discussion hiy the License Connittee and that he thought that the natter would soon he adjrsted. to the satisfaction of all concerned. ThoiebeinL,, no further business to transact the Council adjourned until the next re.p- ular neetinE,Tuesday,July Gth 1909.,at 7.30 72.. City Clerk.