1909-07-20 Regular CC MinutesTOLal.)21df,JCLY Ch 1909.
The mectin was called_ to order hy Flayor U.L.Tor.
The roll wn,s called nrd %nncilmen Moristencon,Walker,HaniLond,Fils nnd 1E:il11och wore
noted ',resent and Clonnoilnen Krunl,Crosby,2isher and ITobst were IIC/00. oh2ent.
roftes of 1-nootinL: of d'utiNi 6th 1909,were read hy the CloL.
CouncilE,en Crosby,F.ruin and 2rost arrived mod were -tc6 yrosent.
hr.aullock 'LTIeved nut tl,e Irfinutes of the nee:or : of July 3th 190c.), he corrected cc
follows- That the coolenditu2e. cot of Dorpicillf irny'reveent Fund iTc. c= =flr-e--,, on coo
tract with the Lihrary E1.73owe3 and .1-)aid for :1900 00 inBtead of '.7i19'..)0.00
and that the rCl.r.1: td authorized and directed to fT.7,-no an aprroFriate notation on Line de-
aoT therefor,seconded hy :t-0,dhristensen ond oeed hy the follow ote. A cc
Coinocilnen Mientstensen:ler,F.ruin,lia=orld CroyElls,:i:'rect and Bullech-,
do oe
Ahsent:Connetlnn 74sher,(7).
The honr of 6" (:)(31031:: TroT r ariVCa,t0 tilrye set for hear-Inc: the p:notest anainst
tT e oyealu of a no ret on the north s-!.do of the City np-i yosroned at the neeti-rns f
.10,C71-.77rulo1 oved that to loearinc he roc:toned oni1.7 the neyt :c'U e th.e
Conneil,seconged hy nfar-od and carried.
aaalnst the Gonerl Fnnd --1,nonntinE:, to 416Z.57;aafnst the Fund anuount-
00. 3d ct t'ie= Fire Fund anountin: to f::',7(..CC:afeainst U dtrt Fund anount-
Thon co
- • , - 7.-,41 -0 F (21, y=la,,,roand) onnount-
nno .=101f, )2sAr,,,J
to =,:104.(26:: havin hoon nyyroved nnd audited hy the proIno officiaTh were 7f--ed hy the
Clerh as follows:
ADaNeda 6toan :Laundry
Eonder-Lo2,e. Co
:ay:, i,on
:Printins: I]ity
1 I
:Pcific Tal To7 Co +",-4
1.enfevinL ,d-arbao
21noyson,7„]. hoes :ndvanced
] hocorntloene 71a12
f':ohuye,].'insey 'Tutor:rotes
! I
Board 3f -J?odice j Tire 1:Poi,o,s.s.s
1.1a=011 Hardw&ere 33.
daloined Jas Li U. hoot Co
rutcan Eoffinan
ies for :0 or
n c,17
J., 0
Colneider:Senr Stationery 60 4.40
Tcohioh,j. '1'elelirinL; Lochs 1.25
Unna,Lernall :deal 33.00
Von Aln,Th liac",-. Hire 5,00
,T :t 31, j\.P:roula-noe Hire 5.00
Total- -
Alameda eaE Laundry Iaunary
Board of l'olioe Fire Colp.issionevs
7:-ar,snor I-Jartln
Couctior {S' Cons
Jore-nson,r. riorso-sTIonine-
roerl,or Straw
OC:land Lt I Hoot Co.
feolfles ',iate-e Co. llydrantrs I V:nter
Bl-nYnr I on
:luErr,er (7 Son
Besso,S. Haillinss3
nodes-Jaffieor I CO 2eed
Mckersorl,,',1 Uii1 es
Stennot2 7i F.
Sutherland c Trnoy
Vos-burz1. ij''.2„
.1:acener,O.r. D;c::1ins
Associated 017 0o -B,od Oil
ioirio TeJ I Tel Co.
Il'nodes-Oamieson I Co.
Sunset LI.ln'ner Co.
UnJerwood Tyrewitep Co
I 1C,f
=ICIBAL 11-,2B:OV.S:2BT UL Jje.C, (Tarc I Tlayrond).
Haniware So.
A CO •
• Ia.+
1;lateria1 4.70
Tools ,F:o 0.35
nOo 10.30
Ta1nts etc 12.00
Ar:ount forwri-
Dureuer Lartin
Capitol Flect.Co.
Crane Co
Crane co
Delano F.
• -, •
TCron Hdwe Co
T.x.press Co.
Pacific Irmher d. Lill Co
'Teories ',7ater Co.
Pnacker-F-ullor Desk Co.
.-unset Innhor Co.
ennis 1:ottina
C.yrcinasinn outfit
Cash Advanced
Tin 1::oof
Laterial Dehor
Theks,Howe 7.rerson Co. Halliards
Total- -
04 .00
Du 2c1: rioved that tho clais as road be paid, seconded by Lr.alkor and carried
hr the follov:in voto. Christensou7:alkier,7ruhTiarr.siondCrosbuls,
Trobst and Bulloo,(0).
Akeent:Councilnan Dien, (1)
A r: f; was received froie the Chief of Ifolice for the our ontIo end Cmlo CC Du
1909. Ordered filed.
A rorort was received frol!1 the :a)ard of Trustees and the Librarian of to Alareda
Tree Thhlic Lihrar for the year endirc,; Juno 70th lOO;d. Ordered filed.
A rerort was received frcale the Auditor showinu the receipts and exrenditures for
the Doer ondin June 30th 1909.
Ordered filed. In connection with the sa-nie the
or of the unici:r of the saa,o in the daily parers wss on iniotion of lir.Lanend,seconded
by ITT.Trobst and carried rofcrred to the 7inance Oomittee.
A rollort was received fro the Board of health for the year oudin,o June 50th 1909.
CJI.(7,cri filed.
A petition was received froln Auditor d: Assessor -1.7.J.Croll,rognestin!n a leave of ab-
sence for thirty CoC 0 .Hafainend roved that: the rocinest be srantod,seconded by hr.
::robs; and carried.
A co=unicatIon was received fro: the Hutchinson co.,lauy with reference to thn ir-
yvovement ,r 7orsailles Avenue fron Teincoln Avenue to 3noca Vista Dye nun as contracted
hy said Col,irany- by rrivate'contract-with the heirE, of tin Cohou 'Ltate,statin that the
suld work would not le allowed to he Irocooded with if the trees a-lon said street Tore
rolnoved and sinstiniu th at the sidowals on the salee be widened fro! : 12 to 14 feet. Or-
dered filed,asd theroni,on Lr.Krumh introduced A Bill entitled "A Bill for Ordinance Do.
]CoC pi1is]jjo the Tloadway of Versailles Avenue etwo a Buena Vista Avenra and Lincoln
Avenue, which was laid .0,,',' r under the yerovisions of the Oharcr,
A coneueication was received from A.A.i3arateau roquestinL that steps be taken to
oxecnte to DL' a cinit elai deed to a strir of land as shown on certain old oars of the
city, and hetween hibhard and _Trand treots north of 1.incoin Avenue. Ordered filed,
entd thereuror P:r.-S.runb offered the foil ovL e3o1utio. anJ moved its adoption:
acres thorn is shown upon certain mars cxon foot alloywaj e-.7.terdinL from' in-
coin .e..venue Lortherly parallel with Hibbar itroot and Orand Ctrot and equidistant from
said streets hut that said. alley way has never heen dedicated to ruhlic use and has never
bonn sn open hihway;
P.esolved that the iii: of lameda herehy ahandons all claim to the strip of land
horoirafter eri;oT forning part of said alleyway ard that the 1,1ayor is herohy aiT-
ected and arkthorisod to execeato and deliver to A.A.Barateau a quit claim Co: j conveyin,L,
all the interest of the City of Alameda in and to said land which is jcscril.)ed as follows;
acinE: that certain ricce of land situated in the City of Alameda,County Alaneda,
3tate of California en'l hounjod as follows:
CorrcirT at a voiat on the 7or1; horn line of Lincoln Avenue distant thereon One Lira-
dred (ICO) feet Theterly fron, the 3astorn lire of Hid;harj ..;treet and rurnina: thence Fast-
erly a13n: said lire of Tri.ncoln flvonne ;Axtenn foot;runnin thence at riaht anales
Tortherly One Hundred and Fifty (150) feet;runnin thence at i iJt T!C:2 r ';-ixtoon
(16) foot and rurnirc; thenCe at riCnt di he '6w.lthe-nly One aundred and Fifty (150) feet
to the -noirt of coramencemnf .
itar.Hammond seconded the resolution and it was adopted the followinL vote. Ayes:
Councilnen Ohristeneens:alhor,7rnnh,L_ammonj,Croshy,:dals,rrohat and -Eulloch,(C).
Eone. Ahsent:Councilnan Tisher,(1).
:70.1]-ol1,och introduced the foil owinc'j Pesoltion ard moved its ador:tion:
.Pesolved tit the suar of One Thousand and hty (.1020) Dollars he end the same is
herehy transferred from the Firemen's Peliof and 'Tension 717-ad to the Osnoral 7-and sod the
Auditor it' Treasurer are horehy directed t effect EM31:: transfer.
F.r.:Tod seconded the rssolutier enj it vo s adorted hy the fellowin; vote. .-1,;s0.
Councilnon Ohristenson,':eaTer,h7runh,Harnond,Croc"'y,Ells,:rost aid BuTlock,(P). Toes:
Lone. iThsont'70cm.n011 ran 7ishor.
roonent in 'elan:: was Tresented hy the liatchinson 7ompany for the coatruotion
of concrete huldaheads at tho south ends of 'Prospect or Cth Ctreet asd at the soot h ond
of -Linth dtroet the cos 't to he at td;e rate of 23 coats rer cuic foot, The City Atter-
nen f'..CW1'n doaaoil on the -at ter tot coo that at tho
qaoted the cost would
e-mcced. the coo' of end v,0a2aL ume,o..or nave to e auvertseo cono-arce 'n
the 1,T07i0410.112 of the dharter,aad thoroarou h:r.Prohst moved that the natter he referred
tO the City Attorney so] the City aad to report hach to the Coanci aseconded hy
TI.hamnond and carried.
A vstition was received from tho Candlard Traction Ca: rarly requestin;r the City to
accept it the surrender and aharfonnent of their ahts and rrivil ries alder the
franchises to certain vortiors of '::ohSter Etreot,t.Oharles Street,HiLh dtrest and 'Park
Street. The same was referred to the Committee of ,Lo
7The Le-0, 1)0-e-a cr-fl a'ade no to the street car ser-
vice on San dose Avenue, h:T.Hammond moved that the Olorl:: he directed to address a 33M-
ITilnico'n to the Oa7,_land 7ractior Conlany requf.sti. that a hettor service he r:airtainod
anj also invitinE; Coripany tO i:7; S=0, representative havino sone arthority ircoont
at the next Conmittee noeting,secondej hy 7.-,r.7:anor and carried-
A comrunieatien was received fret the ,outh 1oro land o ,recnostiro that the
electric wiree he placed in cot' its under ,nnenn(7 in the streets hordorinE their
rr roan', C on Oentral Loose ca . of Linth ..Arset the same to he done with the unjorstand-
lac thet they TOr6 to only 'coo excess of cost over the east of installIs cool i Tires
as uatoo- the rothod flOT in vons. -ttr,Hammend roves that the request he inrantsj,sceord-
seconded h r.',Walker and carried.
A communication Was received from Iieut.Col John Biddle,Corps of .:,,nEineers,T;.S.A.
stating that he had taken immediate action regarding the rerairint, of the High Street
Bridge and that as soon as specificatIon for said reusirs had been approved by the Coy-
ernm,ea.7t he would advertise for bids. Ordered filed.
A communication was received from the 'a,lifornia State Board of Health calling at-
tention to the danger of the the reappearance of the bubonic plague from the sale and
transportation of ground squirrels and requesting that the 7ouncil take action to sup-
press such sale and transportation. The same was ordered referred to the Board of
A communication WFS received from the California Oil & Burner C .,offering to
furnish labor and material and in
al their complete Air System for burning, fuel oil
ir the h Aer in the basement of the City hall for the sun of Two Hundred and Kinety
are, The matter was ordered referred to the 7ublic Buildings and Grounds Colr.-
A communication was received from Carrie H. Bridge by lien-! 2.Bridge,Atty in Fact,
I)lotestlrg aEainst the oil of improving Stanton Street at its northerly end at BuonL
Vista Avenue. The Street 'Superintendent and City Attorne reported that said street
an open street and had been such for a great many years and thereupon Ir.r.Hannond
moved that the protest he overruled and that the TDarty protesting be rotified,seconded
by :.2.,r.rob5t and carried .
communication was received from the Bol ice & Fire Commission requestirp. that
he Council take actIon lookingr to a better condition of the water supply for fire pro-
tection. Lr.':;alhe-r moved that the matter be referred to the 7ire,Tater and rolice
Committee of the Council,seconded by 11r.Bulloc7i: and carried.
A Dced,17:elease of 1ortgage and Abstract of Title vas received f-rom the Hibernia
Savings and "Loan Socity relating to the Waymire Tract on the west side of Walnut -Inreet
between Euena Vista Avenue and Clement. Avenne,nnd now known as 1:0Kinicy Park, the same
Vero approved hy the City Attorney and Ordered filed.
hir.Eannond moved that the request of 7..A.Hober to have the liquor 11cense granted
to transferred to Frank Lurrlty,loe granted, seconded by Yir.Irobst and carried by the fol-
ving vote, Christensou,Walke,Eruff1.1,halmondosills, it)hst and
Absert; :Councilnan Fisher (1)
Street Sueristendont rerorted that the work of gradin,curbiracadarnizin
and otherwise inuroviog Santa Clara Avenue 'between Fountaia Street and the center line
of High Street done by hute:Linson Company under r,rivate contract hod heen coesTieted to
Eis sotisfaction and in accordance with the ilans and orecificatlone for on 1. nor'...
'Me :Street Sulertiate000nt incesontod a reTort to the effect tho work of o,Tad
ina-,orrl)inP,mneadamizinn and otherwise imrovirg Court Street fro:, Lincoln to John
Avenue done hi: Hutchinson Cor:Tany under frivate contyact hod been con:pie-1-0d to his sat-
isfaction and In accordance with the -flans and srsaification for said worh. Crdered
:he Street Surerintendeat rresnrted a retort to the effect thnt the wor7::: of con-
stnetirL- a sewer -in Oah Street froz., the center I, to of Eland in Avenue 394 feet nort
c%- to the outlet t; 1)=0,1,.i,1 E, so for the inaendanisinr. of said Cah Street from the n
northerraline of Clement Aceue to the holhhead tot the sort} ,end of the street done 1:,y
Lutchinsos Thnleauy under pi to contract sW eon coleted to his at aod in
accordance with the glans and 'c:,-ectfictatinas for en IC work. Ordered, filed.
A L611 entitlod 'A Lill for Drdinance Lo, VacotinJ d Ahandonin to tka south
'Shore Lana Company ,a Corporation,that ro ion of Centennial Avenue in t"na nnk na6e Tract
1rin hotween 'Lots 14,18 a.: 16 in -.31:oo 18 and 'Lots 17,18 a 19 in Bloch 19 and that por-
tion of san Antonio Avenne,formerly Hins Avenue,lyinr hetween iftots 14,15 A 13 of Raock
19 ard Lots In n 6 of :lock- 20 in said Trqct and aloe on the same to Zublic Ta8e",in-
troduced ky 1:1-r.Rrmh on July 6th 1009,cano ur for passaoi.o and was read hy the Clerk.
Rr.Eamona nowed its adoption,seconaca hy R.r.Ells ana carried_ lry to lo71owinL; vote .
on ;ooi1o:on Christensen,WalheY,hirumk Raslmon6,ro1s,7vohs1 end 7u11 :oes:ITene.
Rot VotinL:: uncilnan drosky, 1). 2,Thsent:Counci1nan 7ishar,(1).
The -nlattey of the Ordinance renulatin Eo7inis Traffic ete.cane ran for rasss;-e and
after some aiscusaion noved that action he deferred for two weeks,soconaed hy
iir.Christerson and arriera ky the follewins vote. Ayes:Council-a:en Ckristensen
Rrumk,Hal'imond,R1ls and Bu1loc,(6). iToes:Counoilen i.tros'ay and :Crehst,(2). Ahsent:
Fisher (1).
itr.:ullock reported tkatithe natter of the koohs for the Rnditor had o n o attended to.
Ahrin re-ported that a proper siLix had 1c il nced at Cer±ral Avenue aad TinTi t,
tn une InInianne ever the canal at iatio 1 3treet,rocently destroyed
Rr.Chritenon reported tha. new keys viere hewin a ade for the doors of tke vnrious
offices and_ rooms of tine City Rail.
Rr.3ullock offered the f lTi owic resoluti - and noved its ado ion :
Resolved tkat the salary of the Clerk to tho :Street Superintendent and City 7n;-jireer
To and the secele is horehy fiyea at seventy five (:;75 ) I)ollars nor calendar month -1,,t1 ahle
in arronys.
laierond seconded the resolrtion and it was ndor ed hy the followin
Ayes:Cooncilmer Ckristonsen,Vialhor,7rn-ck,Ra=ond,Croshy,R1 c• T,
nbst and R.nlieck,
Aksent:Connoill-au 7isher,(1).
The i'.:aver Too At r in matter of the lack. of enerL,y. displa:od Ty tha Railroad in
proceodino with the work of electrifyin the railroad lines,and thereupon R.r.Jkristensen
noved that the Clerk he directed to address o comlflunication to the Railroad Co Tally re-
quostin that the woyk he proceeded with .eJore i1i0entl y,socondod icy 1;:r .ulloch and car
a.r.Croshy ashed for infer :ration reeardin a hond tkat had 'can filed uith iko Police
Court TI Charles Case crested on a charL,e of hattory. diud,L;e A.:, lain: addressed the
Covcicilctin±nn that said ptorty kad dissa-aeared and that the City could collect on the
ko-nd. The Cit y Attorney. stated that it was tRe first that in: had inn d of the ratt.tor
hnt that Ac -would invest in. it and if conditions were cml m n stated that ke would
snit to colleet.
President Delano: of the 'Stark: 1. lilayrouadt Conissien addressed the Council request-
tkat the coneesstors ';),:ranted at the pay.i:s and play,ryornas he aillowed to an,ianct
their various elY6er5 rises free of a license tay. Rr.Hala.nond -moved thin the regLeat he
eranted,oeconded hy Rr.R1ls ana carried IA the foliowin vote. ALec ;Conn 'linen Christ-
orson,alher,:xuah Hannoud,Croshy,R11s,Arost ad L'ulicek,M, R'oes:Dre. Aksent:
Councnitinas isher.
There hein.t no further -013Sirke2 to transact the Council feaionrned rti tIe con!:
Inecti ;,Tnuesday,AuEust Zrd 10in
City CTIor7z.